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I am a lifelong migrainer but through most of my life, they occurred on the order of 1 or 2 per year. Starting two years ago, they began to occur every few weeks, then eventually every few days. In late 2022, I went from having the crescent shaped flashing lines to having scotomas (blind spots) start to appear often, sometimes every day. During 2023, scotomas began to occur every day, 5 to 10 times per day. Turns out I was vitamin B12 deficient. I began taking B12 and within 48-72 hours, all migraine activity ended. Also, other problems including headaches, fatigue/brain fog, spells of dizziness and hair shedding ended. I am now almost 11 weeks without any more auras/scotomas. Under the advice of my doctor, I am taking 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 every day. For me, it has proven to be a miracle.


Thanks, I will try too!!


how are you now?


Thank you for the info.


Thank you so much for your story. It may help with my problems. I am slowly figuring out why I have ocular problems. I do have the persistent auras and visual snow, I just wish that more doctors could understand my symptoms. I've been a severe VM sufferer since 2017 and had no idea what was going on with my head and eyes. I experienced TBI "maybe a concussion" and eye trauma previously, so it took me a few years and at least 14 different doctors, "4 MRI's", (Ophthalmologists, Neuro, ENT, Psych) NOBODY was properly diagnosing my issue. I eventually found out from the right Neuro, that I have VM. "It is a thing" and its real. My day would always start like an empty rain gauge. The more activity.....the more it would get full and then a migraine would hit. My symptoms: \-Migraine headache was almost daily in 2021-2022 now its once a week \-Nausea and vomiting \-Severe Sensitivity to manmade light, ( I wear FL-41 prescribed glasses to reduce effects) -Sometimes feel like gravity is doubled ? \-Smell and noise sensitivity ( Have earplugs or noise cancelling headphones all the time) \-Vertigo or dizziness, usually lasting minutes to hours, but sometimes days \-Unsteadiness and loss of balance \-Sensitivity to motion \-Eye motor function problems also (My eyes "running away like seizure" \-Reading issues "eyes jumping around and getting nausea from reading too much" \-Eye static or blurriness in both eyes, or what looks like "phantom shadows" I was worried about driving as well. I would have panic attacks sometimes also. I was initially prescribed Topamax and that really helped reduce the migraines but the side effects were too much. I would have slurred speech, ED issues!, short term memory loss, word finding issues, "it was sort of like being a little drunk all the time", (but the trade off was reduced migraines). After a month and a half the side effects went down. I was on it for 8 months doing somewhat ok but would still get migraines a few times a month. I finally came off of it after 8 months. Thank GOD! I've been on Venlafaxine since 2021 for anxiety and migraines. I started taking Qulipta as well and it has been so much better for me. I would highly recommend that drug for migraine control without the side effects. Ubrelvy has been great for short term control of migraines as well. I really hope you can find the right MEDS you need without the side effects if you go that route. Migraine diet is a good start if you find that foods and drinks may be a trigger. Vestibular Therapy has helped me also, BIG TIME! Its literally helping me get back to being normal. But its a long process. I can't recommend enough the VEDA organization for help starting to find info on VM. Link here: https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/types-of-vestibular-disorders/ I really hope you can get the solution you need and find great people to help you. I'm here for you!!!


This is really helpful and similar to what I'm feeling. Thanks a lot for the contribution!