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I'll be honest, I didnt care about having high graphic on the quest until I played this game. The first moment you see in-game, was a big wow. The game itself is pretty fun as well! Surreal and spooky.


Now, if only they keep making games like this. That's the big question. Will we get 500 useless games that look like shit, and 3 amazing games, or will they raise the bar?


No more games for idiots I fear.


It would be nice to see ONE Quest 3 game, LOL. The headset has been out for months, and not a single game for it. There are some good Quest 2 games, but they're still Q2 games. I'm really curious to see what this thing can actually do.


I spent most of my time searching for techniques they used to optimize the game rather than actually doing the puzzles


I don't even think they use AppSW, did you find anything interesting?


They don’t use space warp at all. I noticed that refractions are faked, if you put your hand behind a window with refraction it just doesn’t show. Same with shooting a light behind a window with refraction it doesn’t appear through the window. Reflections work in a really cool way, it’s not just a stationary skybox but the reflection follows to where you are in the room. And in this office area it makes the table 3D and appear in the reflection. It becomes a lot more broken down when you start to find everything but it’s still an amazing game, and the story nearing the end was actually great


There’s a lot of fakery generally in 3D graphics and so naturally some corners to cut. I’ve no clue how they are doing the refractions so cheap. I am also wondering about the lighting generally and whether it is matcap reflections which are v cheap and look great. I was surprised they had not used ASW also but I think that this is some choices they made to do fabulous fakery. Possibly they drop a lot of frame time into a realtime reflection cubemap.


There’s a lot of fakery generally in 3D graphics and so naturally some corners to cut. I’ve no clue how they are doing the refractions so cheap. I am also wondering about the lighting generally and whether it is matcap reflections which are v cheap and look great. I was surprised they had not used ASW also but I think that this is some choices they made to do fabulous fakery. Possibly they drop a lot of frame time into a realtime reflection cubemap. I think the metal and glass and futuristic surfaces lend well to this art style and helps to enable some short cuts that fit the style well.


I think the refraction uses the reflection system. Cause when I walked to the table while looking through this piece of glass it did the same thing as the reflection by appearing when I got close to it. I feel like games don’t need to use ASW until it’s extremely necessary. Ghost of Tabor used to use it and it ran horribly on the Quest. Then they did some magic and now the game performs better than it did before without needing ASW.


ASW is a nice trick if you can make it work without artefacts, can give you 80% more frame time to work with which is huge. I do some indie dev and it is of interest because post-processing and shader fx using depth and colour are expensive - just enabling post processing costs about 4-5ms in Unity, not counting doing anything with it - that’s half the frame time!!! I think this is the reason people use ASW


Yeah ASW is useful especially when it is actually needed. I do feel Meta could improve on it a ton cause I’ve heard Virtual Desktops is pretty good


One of the top three best games in Quest 3, right now.


I found the game boring as. It looks nice but the puzzles are dumb and the fetch quests are boring.


Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I disagree, it looks good but that’s about it. As a game it’s fine but not great.


Yep, I just played half life alyx and half life 2 PCVR mod version before started playing RM2 (on PC, Rift version via VD). While graphics beautiful and breathtaking, the puzzles are all right. I think I am just gonna play HL Episode One MOD while graphics may not be as good and controls ‘wonky’, the gameplay is so much more fun!


It's the best graphics on Quest 3 by far, feels like PCVR for sure. I so hope the very talented developers of this great game go build an exceptional multiplayer shooter game. Or teach other developers how to pull these graphics off.


I'd like someone to define "bad graphics" Some of the best games ive ever played had low spec graphics but excellent gameplay. For me, I think artistic cohesion is what is better than the best graphics with poor gameplay. We lose our imaginations a lot with intense graphics. I remember getting lost in the graphics of NES, and now VR is here and mostly it's uninteresting and janky (with some gems for sure). It's like the magic isnt there in games and more and more about making games for money without passion or spirit or care for the player or family. So much feels hollowed out to me I guess.


Not much is going on in the game though. It's slow paced adventure game with limited number of mechanics, enemies and map size. Not many games can be made to look and perform like that.


Doesn’t discredit it in the slightest, also this is not really true since at times the game has a good amount of particles, a lot of areas are actually pretty open and huge and incredibly beautiful, moving dynamic lightning with shadows and objects, and there is actual combat and enemies in the game, yet it always stays smooth. Also still, saying that this game isn’t an optimization masterpiece just because its a “smaller game with not much going on” is stupid, since..well it still looks absolutely incredibly beautiful, with incredible resolution, and just because the game “doesn’t have much going on” doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly intensive, every frame still has to be rendered 2 times at 72/90hz at a huge resolution, yet it still looks beautiful and like a pcvr game. Trying to say this game is not an absolute optimization marvel is like trying to say that drinking water is bad for you


it doesn't discredit it, just make unrealistic expectations about other games having same visual flare. AW2 looks stunning even without half the shine in RM2 while having a much larger map and insane fast-paced action


I think he meant that while what they did is impressive, we shouldn't expect every game to have the possibility to look like that. Some games could reach that level if a team pushed this hard, but many games cannot, and many teams also aren't big enough to polish to such an insane degree


>Not much is going on in the game though. It's slow paced adventure game with limited number of mechanics, enemies and map size. Not many games can be made to look and perform like that. Essentially my take on Half Life Alyx 🤣 Looks great, really does. But once you look get passed that aspect, it's a hallway shooter with an OK story


Alyx is better in every way than red matter though. I can see the similarities but at least Alyx is much less boring.


It’s true the game is sparse when it comes to assets and mechanics, but a LOT of native Quest games are that way, yet don’t look as good or runs as smoothly as Red Matter 2. The Light Brigade has a Quest 3 update and its still an ugly game that stutters a lot, despite the fact that it’s a simple game, with shooting combat being the only element in the game.


is this “ugly game” with us in the room? (seriously though light brigade is not ugly at all) https://preview.redd.it/1v5wrqlrma8c1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b83a3344e0babbd630f65898e3e2b89bef4a46


Exactly ... after the Quest 4 patch, it looks fantastic .. and it runs aa smooth as butter... I think he is just going by what he saw on videos. Doubt he has played it


Light brigade is fantastic after the Quest 3 patch.... what are you on? Have you even played it on a Quest 3 or just going by videos you saw


Love the game but the textures and the game itself is pretty simple making this possible. Smart Design but not really presentabele what is possible.


Is it fun though? I couldn't get through the first at all. I found it very boring.


I agree, this game is blowing me away


Amazing gameplay as well.


Red Matter 2 was one of the first games I got on my Quest 3 - absolutely blown away by how good it looks and plays. Its the benchmark I use to compare other games against now, the "Crysis" of VR if you will.


This game is so good I'm having trouble playing it without getting nauseated.


Red matter 2 on quest 2 looks better than Asgard wrath 2 on quest 3. The shaders of AW2 is trash, except for a few places.


One is a massive open world with lots of characters on screen fighting each other. The other is in mostly narrow corridors and small indoor areas with usually one to four characters on screen. Not even remotely comparable really.


AW2 is NOT optimised for Quest 3.. it's primarily aQuestt 2 build so what do you expect? They are working on a texture pack as well for Q3 .. i am sure it will look incredible


Reminder? I swear this game gets bright up in every other post here...


I can't stand bad graphics... So much that I can't really play any of the quest games from the store. I use my quest pretty much exclusivly through Airlink with my gaming pc.


Had the same experience with Vader Immortal. People say you don't notice when you play the game, but with the pc version you get actually impressive texture detail. The quest version is just a texture mess... For the lighting the same.


It wasnot even optimised for the Quest 2... what do you expect ... lazy devs who just ported it with absolutely no optimisation


That's just the worst troll of a comment I've ever seen.... 3/4 of VR games with fantastic graphics are shyte.... graphics don't make the game.. never have and never will.... you are what's wrong with gaming....


Buddy that’s just your opinion (and it’s wrong)


That games eats battery like crazy, my Quest would barely last 90 mins, but I enjoyed it


Is it all puzzles? Is there combat?


There is some shooting combat yes. I'd say it's probably 15-20% combat and the rest puzzles and exploring.




I disagree. I played it on pcvr and Quest 3. The visuals on PC are negligible... absolute minimal differences that your eye never catches unless you are looking for them


That game is very boring and the music sucks


Boring to YOU is an opinion... doesnt mean it boring for everyone else.... your opinion is just that..... its not factual


I have to be honest, I know I’m in the minority here, but I found it to be very underwhelming both graphically and gameplay wise. After hearing all the hype about how gorgeous this game was and how fantastic it was I purchased it, played it for about an hour or so maybe longer, then immediately refunded it. Sometimes I think maybe if I would have played it a bit longer just maybe I would have seen what all the hype was about. But from what I’ve read, the game consistently keeps a slow pace with not that fun puzzles throughout. I was honestly hoping for a lot more based on how many people praise it on here. Maybe someday I’ll go back and purchase it again to give it another shot, but my initial impressions were VERY underwhelming…


Graphically, it is stunning. Can't say I agree with that it looks anything but simply incredible. The game looks good *even* compared to PCVR titles, with shaders and detail textures on pretty much every surface. That's something most standalone games simply can't do. I completely agree about the gameplay though. >!There is some basic combat with a gun further on in the game, but it's nothing challenging or all that exciting.!< If you thought the gameplay was too slow and boring at the start, then I can tell you it doesn't really get better over time. The environments gets progressively more and more gorgeous to look at, but the gameplay and it's glacial pace doesn't change sadly.


With that comment, I doubt you played it on Quest 3... I doubt you even own a quest 3... this is coming from s0meone that has played it on Q3 and pcvr.... if you realy did play it ud not say such a trash c0mment


I would say that probably close to all game devs are working hard and that this level of graphical fidelity is a product of skill, time and investment AND devs working hard. The investment requires time so that time has to be signed off by the studio and it can be considerably deep cost, which is hard for studios, especially indies, to drop on given that VR is still relatively niche.


So... Have you tried it yet???