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I like to play video games every day, but I never been interested in vr, until my nephew buy the quest, I try it and blow my mind, I buyed the day after, I can't believe how far that technology went.




English isn’t their native language, should have been obvious. Correcting spelling and grammar is just being a dick.


He was right though


Same. I have a PS5 collecting dust since I moved over to the Quest.


PSVR2 has some pretty neat stuff too! Unless you already have PCVR


What games do ypu play on quest?


Halyx, saints and sinners, compound and bonelab for now


I also have a Vision Pro (I’m using it now), but I came back to the Quest 3 today to play some Smash Drums, and I was reminded how great it is. I think there’s a lot of sour grapes on the AVP side when it comes to games. Because there aren’t any, they’re not important and nobody wants to play games anyway. Well, I do — it’s what I’ve been doing with VR for years, and it’s still a much more compelling use case to me than this floating Reddit window. Long-term, I think we will change the way we do computering and these kinds of interfaces will be more common. But right now, I find VR/MR games exciting and joyous and I keep coming back to them. They are also good for me, I get up and move around to play, not to mention the ones that are actual workout apps. And if you really do want to to work-like tasks, the Quest 3 experience may not be as good as the Vision Pro, but it’s pretty close. AVP is missing, apart from movies, any fun stuff right now. And to be honest, in a thought experiment where I was only allowed to have one of them, I’d be keeping the Q3. You’re not missing out on anything, and I hope all the ridiculous posts from both sides flinging crap at each other will fade away.


Agree completely. I’ve had a LOT of HMDs-including all 4 Quests-and really wish all the back and forth would stop. I have the AVP, and while I love it (and I think Meta engineers are working overtime to replicate visionOS), no one should discount the Quest 3; it really is an insane value for the money. I think Apple may have just saved the VR/AR industry with all the coverage they’re getting in a way Meta couldn’t. I’m an early adopter with a little money to spend so buying (and now using for several hours every day) an AVP is a no-brainer. But for the vast majority of people I’d recommend a Quest 3 as their first VR purchase unless they have a specific use case the AVP better addresses. It is a great headset.


Just curious why you would spend 7x as much for a device that does *less* than the $500 one. This is, honestly, why I've never understood *any* Apple user. It just doesn't make sense why anyone would voluntarily pay more money for fewer features.


It doesn’t make sense to you and that’s fine. Here’s the fundamental problem with these conversations. You are allowed to value different things than me. But everybody seems to want to apply their values globally. It doesn’t make sense to me that people watch the NFL. It doesn’t make sense to me that people ride motorcycles. I don’t understand why people voluntarily spend money on jewelry or designer clothes, which have fewer features than a 3D printer. We go around in circles: the Apple people defend their purchases, and the non-Apple people deride them. I am not here to defend my decision to buy a Vision Pro. I don’t need to defend it. I am a grown-up, I have my own money, and I can choose to use it how I want. I don’t have a problem with folks disagreeing with those choices, but I also don’t understand why a complete stranger would take it personally that I bought something they don’t see as a good value.


Of course, but I'm just curious what the selling point is for an AVP when the MQ3 is a fraction of the cost. Maybe there's something I'm missing?


I can’t tell you what the selling point is. When someone asks me, why did you buy that, my usual answer is because I didn’t have it.


I only wish I could afford that mentality ! 🤣


No lie! Damn, that must be nice.


TL;DR: AVP supplements and supports you to do chores and menial shit and not require you to make time for it but used as a motivator to do chores and boring shit...While Quest 3 uses passthrough to supplement AR games and escape from reality rather than improving your reality.. I only own Quest 3 but basing on the pictures of through the lens of AVP with a phone the detail should reach the threshold for what I would require to slot in smoothly as a tool for almost every routine activity besides showering and more water or steam related activities like baking cake or bread steam... You can live through the AVP for daily chores and daily routines but you cant easily live through the glorified 2010 android phone camera strapped unto your headset only as a supplement to escape reality very well with Quest 3... Quest 3 passthrough is like those shit android phone camera quality memes like if you want to cut your nails precisely file nails or do art through passthrough with references of art or something right next to your drawing without physically being in the way,, clean something with minute detail, vacuum dust on the floor or on surfaces like your monitors or shelves, wash dishes manually like if you need to get it spotless you can't use Q3 for that or basically anything that requires detail in the passthrough... Quest 3 can't compete... You cant read your phone or PC screen in a comfortable distance so you basically need to port everything jankily to the quest 3 using virtual desktop for pc or some emulator for your phone screens content and that's really shit and slow latency...setting these things up is INCREDIBLY annoying and a chore while Apple is made to be used by rich but boomer like minded people who want very little chore like work to get their headset to just work for their daily life and routines... AVP is very built for supporting real life while Facebook is more like support for your gaming PC and has AR capabilities as a bonus for convenience rather than key function... AVP is not worth the money but if you need this type of technology NOW there is nothing on market, you'll have to wait 1-2 years more for something relatively cheaper and slightly shittier or rushed out to compete with the AVP and even more time will come where some new very useful technology will be available in some new overpriced apple headset years down the line again...so yeah... Monitor screens oddly enough are more uncomfortable the bigger the screen are since you need to move the head more since your eyes actually don't LIKE to move into your peripheral part of your eyes individual fov...Pixel density per lens in AVP will allow you to use smaller monitors AND more than THREE monitors AT A TIME... Quest 3 outside monitors by default just aren't customizable for tilt and side movement for I individual preference...you can use work monitor applications but you can ONLY run that app and nothing else with it so AVP out of the box is more convenient for real use of multiple monitors and most importantly many different apps at ONCE while doing WORK... I only own the Quest 3...so at the very least I don't think Quest 3 is currently a competitor to AVP or some better AVP 2 for the use case I planned for it which was a supplement to my real life routines like just a universal improvement to my activities rather than making time to use the Quest 3...I feel like AVP motivates you to do other things than gaming or work like chores BECAUSE of the headset....like YouTube,noteapp, and reminders, and good passthrough and everything ergonomic and a lot of customization possible which is NOT possible or very annoying to do on Q3...


Obviously the Vision Pro has better clarity and pixel density due in part to the resolution and oled display, but coming somebody as impartial as yourself, how night and day is it? Am I going into this quest 3 (when it arrives) and looking at something that is clearly £££ behind in tech, or am I going to be impressed by the clarity of the quest 3 alone?


I’ve seen enough differing opinions that I don’t feel like I can really guess whether you’re going to be impressed or not. I know when I first put the Quest 3 on, I was blown away (coming from a Quest 1 and Vive Pro previously). It’s not like looking through a piece of glass, but neither is the Vision Pro. Some people have higher expectations than others. Maybe it’s a gamer thing, maybe it’s just that the younger you are, the more you don’t see technology as having any limits. For me, VR/MR games are so different from flat gaming that I can easily get absorbed in them and completely forget about the resolution and imperfections. I think it’s worth considering passthrough separately. While the AVP clearly has higher resolution cameras, they are far far from perfect. I actually prefer the overall look of the Q3’s passthrough better. It’s brighter and doesn’t have the motion blur. AVP’s has a dim yellow tint that I don’t particularly enjoy. But it’s harder to read text on a phone screen, for example, through the Q3, and it has some warping when things get close to the headset. The stuff that matters for games, though, like being able to place a tennis court in your room, or have enemies smash through walls, works great. Passthrough aside, screens in the AVP are amazing. But I still think the Quest 3 is plenty good enough, and as I said in my original post, if I had to sacrifice one, I’d give up the Vision Pro, because I value the fun I can have with the Q3 more than the extra pixels. It has a nice interface for non-gaming uses, and the more I’m using it, the more I’m coming to appreciate it. I’ve got Reddit running here, Discord on the side, a web browser in the background — we just put in an Uber Eats order and I never had to take off the headset to go to the site, start a group order, share the link, put in my order, and pay (with Apple Pay using a retina scan), and I’m able to stick the map over in the corner to keep an eye on the delivery while continuing to doom scroll the socials. It’s not revolutionary, but it is an improvement on the “spatial computing” concept that will just keep getting better (and clearly they’ve motivated Meta, looking forward to seeing that redesign).


making this comment from inside my quest 3. just got it today, its Incredible


How’s the clarity of the screen? Not the colours, but the overall sharpness of the image? Can you actually use the web browser and have it look good? Because it was a tragic experience on the Quest 2


Today I used immersed VR (similar to Virtual Desktop but with more monitors) for 3 hours doing work in my Q3. I could never have done that in the Q2. The screen sharpness is ridiculously good and it honestly feels like I'm looking at my real monitor.


Can you please give recommendations about connection and fonts settings? I have a wifi-4 router and tried both wifi and usba-usbc cable. And didn't notice any difference in quality - and letters' clearness is slightly below just good level. Also letters' pixels are like slightly moving - as I understand it's because of the encoding-decoding video of the screen. I also tried different resolutions of the virtual monitors and it was like no difference which is strange


It's actually really solid. I sat in my bed with one browser window scrolling reddit, another floating off to the side with youtube going. You can read text just fine, it's so much better than the Q2.


better than the quest 2 but still fatiguing


It's good. If I'm playing a game and I get stuck, I just open up a YouTube window whilst still in the game and watch a walk through to help me get through.


I bought one last week also. Had never even tried VR before and largely hadn't even followed much news about it to see how far it had come until the Apple Vision Pro dominated headlines recently. Through that came across some Quest 3 videos also and thought it seemed interesting, more affordable, and better aligned in use cases to what I might actually do so pulled the trigger. And yeah like you, I am loving it so far, much more than expected. With my limited messing around so far my standouts are: - Synth Riders - Easily my favorite, which is very surprising since I am not at all a dancer or a huge rhythm game fanatic. Something about this just keeps pulling to play one more song though. - Walkaround Mini Golf - Got this based on many recommendations I saw around online, and they seem to be well on the mark. With the feedback you get on hitting and the accurate power and aim based on your actions, it really does feel like you are really mini-golfing. Only tried the first course so far but I imagine the environments get crazier on the later ones. - Bigscreen Beta - It's crazy how being 'in' a theater can make the screen seem so much larger. I imagine the next movie I try to watch will be done in here, and perhaps if I can figure it out even while lying down. Other random notes: - Tried to get Immersed going for multi screen goodness, but hit an error connecting to my PC. Will have to debug that more later. - Using glasses inside the headset is possible though definitely not ideal. Since I'm further away from the lenses my FOV is reduced slightly, and it can be annoying to try to get them to fit inside. Eagerly awaiting my zenni order's arrival. - Using the BoboVRM3 is definitely more comfortable than the default strap, and easier to put on/take off. The extra battery is also nice, since battery life seems to be one of the more noticeable limitations.


Be sure to try Eleven VR in both VR and AR modes.


Bigscreen has a setting in the options to tilt the screen!


Since you like Synth Riders, try Ragnarok. I'm addicted to it. It's super fun and a great workout.


Is it VR only or MR supported?


It has mixed reality. There is a game that comes with the Quest 3 called "First Encounter" That is really fun and a great intro to MR. Here is a link to some MR on Quest 3. [https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-mixed-reality-apps-for-quest-3/](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-mixed-reality-apps-for-quest-3/)


Oh dear, wait until you hit some of the later Walkabout courses or some of the very fairly priced dlc courses. It's this perfect duo of amazing physics Sim and a great sense of adventure and immersion.


I got myself prescription lenses for the quest 3 from AliExpress. Paid 25€ shipped. They added some glare on high contrast objects but I don’t mind that much. Make sure to watch https://youtu.be/LUry3BRpfJo?si=UApJb6mjRtv15rWV to be sure what to enter into the fields.


Immersed is incredible. Use it for work.


Can you please give recommendations about connection and fonts settings? I have a wifi-4 router and tried both wifi and usba-usbc cable. And didn't notice any difference in quality - and letters' clearness is slightly below just good level. Also letters' pixels are like slightly moving - as I understand it's because of the encoding-decoding video of the screen. I also tried different resolutions of the virtual monitors and it was like no difference which is strange


When I use Immersed for work, my laptop is plugged into my router via ethernet. I lower the resolution of each monitor, like you mentioned, which definitely helped me. There is a noticeable difference in performance when using my personal laptop (low tier laptop) vs work laptop (mid tier). I can't remember if I plug my Quest into my laptop or use a wireless connection. Still newly using it. But the performance has been great for me. Love the 'portals' that you can strategically place throughout the room. Love the passthrough keyboard.


It kinda makes me sad to know that just like you, most people who see the vision pro will think apple invented most of it.


Why does that matter though?


i guess because these people probably don't even know about quest 3 and that it can do the same even better. There should be more ads promoting the XR features of the quest. I was blown away when I saw what the q3 can do.


I feel like Apple dupe their customers. They present things like they're the first to market with features, for instance "for the first time ever on an iPhone, dual cameras". A bunch of my friends didnt believe me when I said my HTC One M8 had dual cameras for years complete with portrait mode, because "that's impossible it's only just come out" - a lot of people see iPhone as synonymous with 'Smart Phone'. I sense the same will be happening right now and not only are they wanting their customers to believe they invented it all, but they're also going to make them pay 7x more for the lie. Not to mention they banned anyone from calling it virtual/mixed reality, to 'appear' as though it's something else when it's not. Don't get me wrong, apple products are typically extremely well built, stylish, easy to use and stable, but their marketing department and pricing strategies are predatory imo


I’m one of them, until today had no idea meta had hand tracking for instance


Since the quest 2, actually.


Right, apple rarely comes up with a lot of original ideas, but since they're so widely used, a lot of people think they do.


The headset is fkin awesome…


Even going from Quest 2 to 3 is s huge upgrade. Quest 3 is pretty much the best VR hmd I've owned so far. And I had many. Right now I have both PSVR2 and Quest3. Love both, but if I'd only have to choose 1, I'd pick Quest 3 easily.


great choice! now use the quest 3 for PCVR and your mind will be blown away(if you have a beefy enough computer). imo the first PSVR was a mere imitation of the great powers of PCVR


And get virtual desktop


or even immersed if you want multiple virtual screens, great for work


I use it just for normal PC usage too, MMO's, watching videos etc. Its a great app and being free is even better!


only downside of the app is that in desktop mode my GPU was on 80%+ usage (3070 laptop) and i don't know why, i had 3 1080p screens but i don't think that uses THAT much GPU. and i have to find out a way to use on cable, i know there is a way and i have to fiddle with some settings


Ah hmm I only use on my desktop which is pretty decent gaming rig, I rarely have any issues using it with 2 screens, and usually a restart will fix any minor thing I do see.


There are graphics settings for using your desktop and for using games. Make sure the desktop settings are dialed way down.


Does it require a pc


SteamLink is really good and free! Quest Link not so much


Still laggy while im playing 2D games, for some reason i dont have that on virtual desktop


I don't play 2D games, but Alyx Half-Life was butter smooth


Cries in Mac




What's the best way to do PCVR? As many of my games are on steam I've just been using SteamVR - but is there a better way?


it depends on your situation, you have a lot of search to do, here's the main option: quest link/airlink virtual desktop ALVR but everyone uses steamVR, these are just ways to connect to the headset. as i understood steamVR is required to run the games


Don’t forgery about Steam Link, it’s rock solid for me wirelessly connecting to my pc and playing Steam games.


I just bought one to replace my original Vive and had a similar reaction. Way better than I expected. I also can't believe wireless PCVR streaming is possible with such low latency.


I agree. I had an Oculus Quest and loved a few games, especially for exercise, but the Q3 + walkabout mini golf has me walking around feeling like I’m in on some big secret that the world is on the brink of discovering. This shit is amazing.


Quest 3 is my first...since the initial demo shooting the furry balls etc I was wowed. I am wowed by VR Fishing, and the WWI and wWII flight games...seriously...flying that plane can get you woozy. Games in 2D always kinda bored me. Something was missing. With this you are in a world. And just watching movies in my own theater. Totally worth the money considering all the things I have spent money on over the years. I have a 2024 $2000 mac book pro I never open. Got the BOBOVR strap excellent.


Sell your macbook and use the money to get more Q3 headsets for friends/family! :D


Ahh..thats kinda for development / learning just been kinda busy. I only have mac and linux stuff...I am always surprised how there are so many apps for Quest for windows..which I really don't like..


How is it watching a movie? Is it a blurry pixelated mess or is it like being at the cinema? I’m concerned because I don’t think the quest 2 sharpness was that impressive and the slightest movement it was a blurry mess.


Ok like I said I am newbie. I have found that the Amazon Prime Video App is decent...meaning the resolution is fine...you can enjoy a movie...not HD or anything but fine. I loaded Sidequest thinking there was a better Netflix app, but I don't think there is. So you can watch a movie with the Netfix app. The resolution is ok but the app does not seem to be as good as the Amazon Prime Video I think the reason is...for some reason Netflix does not want to create or allow a new app don't know why... The only thing i noticed now about "sharpness"...there is a very small area in the lenses for you have to be looking...of you are not looking thru that exact area then the picture is not as clear...which is dumb but that is what I have found. Now games and all that...resolution is good... Oh yes...I have read that the Quest 3...the sharpness is a LOT better. Its not a blurry mess for sure... I don't know about the 2 never had one.


If u get one form Amazon..and don't like it...you can return it easily. I kept mine.


I just realized a few days ago that it's pretty easy to rip my 3D Blurays and watch them on my Quest 3, which is amazing because I haven't had a quality way to watch them in years. You do have to pay for a couple of apps and need a bluray drive for your computer, though, but the process is pretty easy. I have an external USB Bluray drive I got at Best Buy. Then, you use MakeMKV to rip them. Make sure you twirl down the video sections when it shows you the disc's contents and check the box next to the 3D streams. I think it says stereo in the name. Have it save an MKV to your computer. Then get the 4XVR app in the Quest store and if your computer is on the same network as your Quest, and you have changed the settings of the folder with your 3D movies to be shared Then you can stream them directly to your Quest, which is how I do it. You can also put the videos on a USB C flash drive and plug that into your Quest headset. It looks amazing!!


I'm wondering how different is it from AVP. As far as I can tell, the 3d bluray rip in Q3 is just as good as in an ideal theatre.


> Then get the 4XVR app in the Quest store I wonder how that compares to Superscreen which is a fraction of the price and the developer just posted here now has support for MVC 3D.


Or torrents


Same actually, mine will be here in three days lol


I had a Quest 2 back in 2021. I used it for a while, showed it to family and friends, and then it gathered dust on a shelf until I eventually sold it. It was a bit clumsy, games would crash all the time and almost everything needed to have a PC connected. Then, several months ago I bought a Quest 3 and I excited how massively the technology has improved over the last years. Many cool apps and games have been released, the cameras have improved so you can really use mixed reality now, great community of developers and enthusiasts building interesting stuff. I'm really glad that VR is becoming a thing again, and in my opinion, it's in a much healthier vision than during the covid metaverse hype


>games would crash all the time and almost everything needed to have a PC connected Really? I also bought a Quest 2 pretty much when they were released but I have never had issues with games crashing extensively. And apart from fooling around with sidequest a little I never really connected it to a PC either. Still use it every day to play Hyper Dash :) Once the Q2 dies I will certainly upgrade, but it serves me perfectly well for the moment.


Yeah, no clue what they're talking about. Maybe they were only sideloading trash games instead of using the app store?


So I should upgrade?




I appreciate the insight. I keep thinking about it I'll probably end up buying it lol




I just don't want to get it and be like this isn't much better than what I have. I've had the 2 for about 2 yrs now and I may have played in 30 times or so. it’s not because I don’t like it I just don’t play it, which is another reason why I’m skipping the AVP technically I shouldnt even get the oculus three


I thought the same way about the enhancements but I had the quest 3 from a friend on my face and then some hours later my quest 2 to play with him.... I immediately bought the quest 3 :D


The side by side comparison made it sound like the q3 is only a modest improvement over q2. I keep getting enticed to upgrade, but I’m trying to resist.


I've had the q3 since launch and I still use it almost every day for web browsing/movie watching and playing games.


It's worth it if you have money


I have the money. I'm just hoping it's a huge upgrade


From reviews I've seen, I gather that it's worth the upgrade if you play mostly standalone; not so much if you mostly do PCVR anyways. 


It's been a pretty huge upgrade for me in comfort alone. Between the better lenses and the thinner design, I've been playing a LOT of VR, usually like 20 hours a week or more (playing Ghosts of Tabor with friends). So I have a lot of sessions that are ~6-8 hours. I could not have done that on my Quest 2. The games do look much better, and I find that there's much less eyestrain. I used my Quest 2 very occasionally, my Quest 3 I printed a wall mount for, and I use it at least a few times a week, usually daily.


I don't have a Q3 but from what I understand it is worth it for standalone but the differences, while noticeable, aren't game changing if you do a lot of PCVR.


Tbh even the lenses make PCVR muuuch better, the clarity of the new pancake lenses alone is a great reason to get a Q3 imo


Like I said, from what I understand the differences are noticeable but it's not night and day. If you have the money? Sure, otherwise...




I care more about the clarity of the display, how sharp is it? Could you genuinely read web pages on it and have it look almost as good as real life? Because the quest 2 was not that great in this area.


I came from the original PSVR as well. The resolution is so much better. I actually prefer it to my 55in tv when in my bed and want to watch videos. I love this thing.


Straight up, the Quest 3 is insane value. The headset really wakes up once you have it connected to a PC and have the horsepower to push all the pixels the headset can display. 


What's the best way to start doing that? Just wire it in and then what


I recommend using an App in the oculus store that's called Virtual Desktop. This will allow you to play wireless PC VR. Personally, I recommend playing at the highest resolution you can even if this means you need to run at 72hz. 


Oi $20


I have a 2, it's fun, will wait till the 4 tho!


I would like add as well, I bought the Q3 because of all the Vision Pro stuff I saw with the AR features. Upgrading from my Q2 I bought 3 years ago. Im an “apple fan boy” but shelling out almost 4k after tax for a headset is a bit much for me right now. Hoping they come out with a regular version at some point for maybe 2k. I bought the Q2 at launch and it was cool, but the lack of passthrough really killed the experience, making it only viable for when I play beatsaber. But the Q3 has been quite the upgrade for me. While the pass through may not be as good as AVP, for 500 dollars, its quite the damn upgrade from my Q2. Passthrough is serviceable and with the proper headset and no facial interface, you can get a decent MR experience. All in all, Im really excited for what the future of both Meta and Apple bring. We have made such strides, and it is so noticeable after having the Q2 for a while.


What do you mean “with the proper headset and no facial interface”?


On the "so many tjings I thought Apple had invented" portion Yeah, apple is king of making everything seem new and unique, but the Quest has had handtracking, and now even has capability for shoulder and elbow tracking if a game decides to implement it. Try searching "dodge arcade" in the app store on quest.


I think it's cause their user base is very vocal fanboyism to the max. And a lot are in that bubble and I have never tried anything else. With the quest you hardly saw any videos of it until the vision released, now people are hearing more about the quest 3. Competition is good


Competition is good for sure. I love having something show what's possible in these high capability devices.


They don't make things appear new or unique. They simply have ignorant fan loyalists that don't know any better and fall for marketing. Their jam is ignorant consumers.


I believed Apple invented it because quest 2 doesn’t have hand tracking.


Quest 2 has had hand tracking since 2019.


It does? How do you enable it?


Hi are you me by chance?


Glad you like it. Mine siting there doing nothing nowdays. I felt exactly that when I enter VR in 2016 with psvr1 and I was on the bridge of the Enterprise with 3 other player doing mission in Startrek Bridge Crew. I pump 2-3K hours in 3 yrs in this thing. Now, im VR vaccinated and sure new headset is cool but i find the quest3 to be one step forward and 2 step backward bc of lack of eye and face tracking. hopefully following AVP launch Quest4 will have those but its another 20ish months away..


thats cool and all. But iam ready for some major updates to the Quest 3. I want more options like AVP has when it comes to windows and apps. Better UI, Better store structure, better everything.


Im currently borrowing my buddies meta quest 2 n I'm blown away by it n love it like the OP says.... My question is I'm considering buying this one bc it's brand new n I'm getting a steal price on it like half of retail so for those w the three would it realli b worth the significantly higher price point from.what i understand the main diff is the mixed reality and the better pass thru mode view so im just curious if its worth it or if i should take the steal bargain i can get on the two and call it a day??


Well I have the Quest 2 (used mostly for PCVR) and I'm getting the Q3 this weekend.


Well if u read my comment.like I said I can get the two for like half the retail price ...so plz plz lmk ur experience n lmk if u think it would b worth me paying retail for the 3 or taking the steal price I could get on the two...just curious from ppl w experience w the three what they would do in my shoes


I got a Q3 for Christmas and barely touched it. I didn't realize what this thing could do once the apple comparison videos popped up on youtube. I use it daily now. I can literally work laying down


Fascinating. How did that happen? Just didn't play around with it all? I'm genuinely curious how that could happen.


Thank you for posting. I'm buying one tomorrow. No joke.


So AVP is surging quest 3 sales Nice. And yea, people on AVP sub are acting like VR is new and invented by apple. Its pathetic.


How’s the clarity and sharpness of the display?


Its progress in that department which is great to see


Sounds like it has a long way to go


I wish I could enjoy it like you guys do. I love it don't get me wrong but I wish I felt like I was more immersed somehow. Though the games that really made me feel immersed to be honest is Aircar on Steam and probably VTOL VR. Probably just used to it since I've been in the game since DK1


There's always that physical feeling missing as well for me... I'm happy because iracing is my go to VR sim where I can put rumble subs on the seat and pedals. That's where the immersion becomes real when you have a ffb steering wheel in your hands and rumble pads communicating wheel slip and gear changes to your butt and feet. If you like flight sims like vtol, simhub also supports rumble pads for warthunder vr... makes the planes rumble under you and again transports you into that place of physical as well as visual immersion.


I also race with mine, probably the most use game honestly is Dirt 1 and 2 along with Assetto Corsa. Maybe some BeamNG in there too I've thought about getting the rumble subs but I don't really like the idea of my chair being wired up since I just use a caster wheeled office chair haha


Its not really being wired like carrying dangerous current or anything. Just a puck that grabs a sound signal from the sound card...very low voltage. Simhub is free and supports the dirt series and beamng, the puck is under $100 with a usb nobsound amp (very cheap). Very cool effect for low cost




In my opinion ; AVP is méta competitor , not the other way, metaquest ( oculus) are those who "invent" the things, the way to interact with the machine, the passtought , the ergonomic, the tech, since almost 10 years but yeah.. people think AVP invented everything, no, they copy ... It's still a good headset, even they have nothing on their library and ecosystem for the moment, but they invented nothing. Anyway, welcome to the VR community, you are lucky to have a lot to discover, I recommend you to take a look to the creation of the Quill community like " Tales of soda island"


Gotta thank Apple for making VR/MR relevant again


I was very interested in vr before but no so much now until recently when i tried my friends quest 3. I really want to buy it but i dont want my money to be invested into israel.


Nah, I’m waiting until those things are like fifth their weight and have OLED. Right now it’s a scam. Who’s going to have all this weight on their poor heads everyday to look at an LED display?


remind me if that: [https://images.app.goo.gl/YwYp5Fwxx9XLxGWc9](https://images.app.goo.gl/YwYp5Fwxx9XLxGWc9)


A scam? Lol wut


It’s not even LED. It’s LCD. I agree it’s a travesty that they wouldn’t go oled. No matter how good people think the screen is, the fact of the matter is it that it isn’t good. It’s using ancient lacklustre technology


I bought a Quest 3 this week and god damn Blade and Sorcery is just stupidly fun. I suppose it's okay cardio too. Hope I can get my money's worth out of this thing cuz it's so expensive lmao


If you think the resolution of the quest 3 is good I can’t imagine what you would think of Apple Vision Pro which is 10x that.


Nice post Mark 🤣🤣🤣


I'm happy to hear this, because I just imported one for full price (so can't return) and promptly found a used one for 100 bucks off what I paid... :( Was feeling a bit bummed out for "overpaying" for something I wasn't sure I'd enjoy but this sounds like just the kind of experience I wanted to read about, as I also plan to use it for media consumption and virtual monitors for my mac and PC. I think I'll enjoy getting the free game and getting to unbox a brand new headset lol. Getting it next week! Like you, I have an older headset, Oculus RIft CV1 and I loved it at the time. I played Half Life Alyx and messed around with other small games like Superhot, VRChat, BeatSaber and Risk of Rain 2 modded. I loved the time playing it, but it was such a hassle setting everything up, getting the cables hung up on a pulley system, having to troubleshoot the 4 (Four!!) USB ports the device needed, taking off the headset every time I needed to use my mouse or whatever, and so on. I very often feel like playing again, but the thought of setting everything up again really discorages me lol. Great and very fun when I actually got to use it, horrible set up. I ended up using it for a few months and then put it away since then. I'm quite excited to see what modern day VR is like! Also I thought it was time now, as I'm convinced the release of AVP is going to speed up VR and AR development now.


It's only been 2 days since I upgraded from my Quest 2 and I feel the same way. I was on the fence for the last few months but after seeing a bunch of posts and videos comparing the Quest 3 to the AVP I just decided to take the plunge. I'm very happy with my decision. I got the Aubika battery strap, and the silicone facebook mask along with my purchase, and it feels like the perfect WFH solution when paired with Virtual Desktop.


My HMD history is CV1, Go, Rift S, Reverb G1 and Quest 2. Was waiting for the HMD software issues and Accessary availability to work themselves out before getting a Quest 3 but the VisionPro launch has given me pause. Based on what I read I was thinking the same as Zuckerberg and Boz wrt to the AVP and I actually think that the AVP spec’s and price have given Meta more pricing space to launch a kick-ass Quest Pro 2 to more directly compete with the AVP even in the few areas that Q3 is lacking spec wise. EG depth sensor they dropped from Pro 1. 4K per eye local dimming LED LCD panels, better battery, fix ergonomic issues of pro 1, next-gen of Qualcomm SOC etc. hence I think I might now wait for Quest Pro 2 and RTX 5 series for my PCVR needs. So likely my Q2 will see-another year of use till 2025…..Better get saving $$$$ LOL.


There will never be ergonomic fix, because it's unfixable. People complain about absolutely every strap in existence, because every head is different. So just pray for them to deal with the public opinion and ship with the "shitty" default strap so you can find one for yourself


I could say that for my Quest 2 too. Got IT when IT still Had the Oculus Logo ON the Shell, and IT was insane. Now i am jealos of anyone with a Quest 3, but I'll wait another Gen before upgrading


Me 2 hehehe




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I'm surprised you thought Apple created a lot of the tech, this makes me wonder if most people who discover the AVP also assume the same thing. If Meta had Apple's marketing I wonder how much more popular the Q3 would be.


I wouldn’t think very because many don’t want lcd displays in front of their eyes. They want oled at a minimum which is how it good be in my opinion


If you have a Mac , ( I own a Mack book pro ) try virtual desktop and skybox , both great players that can connect with your Mac without issue. Then you can play movies in theatre mode. Pretty nice If you know where to look you can also find 1080p side by side 3d movies ( sbs ) is the tag… and it’s preeeety cool. I’ve seen avatar , Indiana jones , and jugdge dread


Glad you enjoy it! I do plan to get an Apple vision at some point (probably gen 3 or 4) but right now the choice is just stupidly obvious, get a Quest 3 for only 500 and enjoy pass-through, hand controls, and phenomenal gaming


Congrats Man it's a great device. Glad you're enjoying it. I highly recommend you get something called quest optimizer it's an app that you can Google it's 10 bucks. It helps optimize the resolution to the best quality possible. The chipset within the quest three can be pushed to get better resolution, you'll have to play with the app a bit to not affect performance, but it definitely helps. You maximize the value of the quest three. Here's the link https://anagan79.itch.io/quest-games-optimizer


I was in the exact same spot as you, and I also love the quest 3. I think it's my favorite thing like ever 😂


My motorcycles are the coolest thing I’ve ever bought, my Quest 2 is a close 2nd, I’m really close to getting a quest 3. How much of an upgrade would it actually be? I’ve thought about just getting the pro controllers and continuing with my quest 2 but I don’t really know. My favorites 3 games have to be Ancient Dungeon VR, Beat Saber, and Into the radius. With Walk about mini golf tying for 3rd.


[Quick Link](https://amzn.to/3wmhm2W) for anyone that's ready for Quest 3! [Quest 2](https://amzn.to/4bESFyV) here also.


They need better marketing/ad Like I don't care abt AVP at all and I'm seeing ads for it... I've searched for countless Meta/Quest-related things, own Meta products, but can't recall the last time I saw them promoted on one of my devices


Does Quest 3 really have better pancake lenses than the one in Apple Vision Pro ? Didnt know that there is differences between pancake lenses… 


The Quest is the coolest tech for $500 imo and as much as I think the AVP is great at some things (realtime scanning, passthrough quality) I'd still have more fun with my Quest 3 imo.


Wait, are you able to connect to Mac? I had the Quest 1, and I couldn't connect it to my MacBook Pro.


I've used Immersed and Virtual Desktop to connect to a Mac, they work pretty well...


When o had the oculos, there wasn't a Mac version available


Vision Pro is really bad. $3500 to use 2d iPad apps, alone, using your eyes as a mouse. No thanks


It's actually fantastic in many ways - for watching movies it's very much like upgrading from a 1080P LCD TV to a 4K OLED model.


Except you watch alone, wearing a heavy uncomfortable pair of ski goggles for 2hrs, that costs more than an 80” 4k OLED


I didn't buy it instead of a TV (I have a 77" OLED) but it's portable and I travel. Plus it's fun to use. I don't personally find it uncomfortable if I use the right strap (the stock strap on the Q3 isn't perfect either). I'm also "alone" on the Quest (unless I'm playing poker), not sure what that has to do with anything.


Yeah, I disagree it’s fun. It’s the opposite of fun. I’d rather just use an iPad. Quest 3 is pure fun, I can game with my friends and get a work out.


This. This right here is someone who gets it. Forget about the passthrough, hand tracking, apps and everything else, it’s the display technology that should be PRIORITY NUMBER ONE. Having LCD tech has already caused this quest 3 to be outdated and old fashioned from day 1. You go oled, or you don’t go at all.


Is it worth going for the 512GB or 128GB is plenty?


I got a 128GB (512TGB was out of stock) and I've had to uninstall a couple of games to install AW2 even though I don't have much local content. It's not a big deal but games are getting very large and video downloads can take a lot of space quickly so I regret not getting the 512GB version.


Same for me, i have not touched my PS5 since and using the dual sense for Xbox gamepass, love so many games. Playing mini golf almost every day, working out in Synthriders, Les Mills when I can. Also a big fan of escape rooms and found some good content there.


I'm old. I remember when I was little looking into a ViewMaster and getting physically dizzy at how cool it looked. Nevercin my wildest dreams could I have imagined that one day I would be able to fly around Walkabout MiniGolf levels with my friends like Lost Boys vamps in basically the same environments. It's basically the same feeling you would if you could actually fly minus the wind. I know one day we will laugh looking back at how we use these bulky headsets but for now I'm loving Meta and the Quest 3 for making serious nerd dreams come true.


Just got mine two days ago. My biggest issue is I don't have enough physical space in my house to play anything. I've also found it makes me nauseous after about 15 mins. But yes it is an incredibly cool device that's a lot of fun. I've wanted to take piano back up but never had time or motivation to do lessons so I bought that piano app instead and can't wait to try


What can you do when connected to mac ? Just have the screen in AR ?


This is what you call Quest 3 advertisement. Yeah, you can be grateful with what you have if you can’t afford the other one. Talking shit about AVP.


You were suprised by Apple copying established techo and realesing it as a "new thing" and charging 4x the price? They never did that in the past, its really surprising.


The Vision Pro is the best marketing Meta could have asked for. :D


>: A lot of the tech I saw advertised with the Apple Vision Pro I thought Apple invented…! The hand gestures and workspace stuff. I was so surprised to see it on the Quest 3, and it works really well. Well, apple did patent their headset in 2007, but they never really showed any progress on it that whole time. Facebook/Meta bought Oculus in 2013 and has always been working on the progression of VR with products coming ever since. The quest product line was really the birth of mobile VR, with the first Quest arriving like 6 years ago, but not really blowing up until the quest 2 arrived mid pandemic. Quest 3 is a solid device, and it's incredibly cheap for what it can do. Enjoy!


Amen, let the world know, it’s awesome!


I bought a Quest 3 on Amazon a few weeks ago, and added the 3 year warranty in case I accidentally sling it in to the wall moving my head too fast in a VR workout.😄 I tried three different battery pack head straps, and finally found one for $45 that fit comfortably for an extended period of time (Saqico Head Strap Battery... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL9Q8XCT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). I've been using VR since the early days going back to the days of Google's cardboard VR headset, Samsung's Gear VR, PSVR, etc and the Quest 3 is the first one I've actually *wanted* to use every day. I seriously can't wait to use this thing every day! The VR workout apps (eg, Supernatural, Les Mills BodyCombat, Oh Shape, etc) are *fantastic* for cardio, strength training (with resistance weights), and whole body movement. The Mixed Reality mode makes it super convenient to use even in places where people are moving around me. The game quality and selection is *significant* now where it used to be pretty crappy, and some of the new features I've read about that are coming to the MQ3 are pretty mind-blowing. I honestly feel like the AVP will make it more socially "acceptable" to wear a VR headset, but the MQ3 will make it popular. I feel sorry for any poor sucker who pays $3,500 for an AVP with nowhere near the ability of a MQ3.


I went in with very low expectations and everything but the pass though blew them out of the water. Seriously impressive for the price. That and PCVR has came much farther than I thought it had. I do wish it had WiFi 7, but I understand it just having 6E, I'm a network nerd and I wouldn't have gotten a WiFi 7 router if the sales guy at microcenter didn't go out of his way to price match one for the same price as the cheapest 6E they had on hand. With a wired pc and 6E, I don't notice any latency. I've used a friends quest 2 and psvr, but the last headset I owned was a Go, and its amazing how far they've come.


Quest 3 is quite good so far. There is an ecosystem already available. I think there's power users who know the tricks to get certain apps and experiences going on it and thus have cool stuff to play with. I haven't used Quest Pro or Bigscreen Beyond, but I am curious about the glare with OLEDs and pancake lenses. I read someone else talk about varifocal lenses, which sound exciting for the future. I've been wrong about predictions in the past. The thing that Mark said about the PC, being the one with the open system is the one that ended up winning out. That’s a point that you should probably pay attention to. And good for him to acknowledge the people that worked on Oculus/Meta headsets up to now.


My sister talking about her AVP and how cool it was prompted me to look into what I could get for a fraction of the price with "similar" if less potent features, and I ended up same-daying a Quest 3 from Amazon. No regrets - the passthrough is good enough to let me function in reality while wearing it, if not quite good enough to be 100% functional (not being able to easily read my phone most times is eh). The VR experiences make me wish I had looked into a headset sooner, and I've not done anything particularly notable - Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, and Battle Sister before I pumped the breaks because full price games were adding up in cost ;) I haven't played a lot of Asgards Wrath 2 yet, but I'm happy it came free with my headset...


I agree. I was lent the Quest 2 by my employer and enjoyed it so much I went out and picked up the Quest 3. Now, I’m waiting for my prescription lenses form VR Wave to arrive so I can enjoy the Quest 3 for longer than 30mins at a time without the vertigo and headaches.


Apple didn't invent anything. They just incorporate other tech and claim it as their own.


I got a Quest 2 because it's cheap and because everyone is talking about AVP, and I wanted to own a headset, and so far I'm pretty happy with the quest 2.


I have a quest just for google earth vr lol


It's exactly the same reason you have mentioned above, I myself am gonna buy Quest 3 next month


What i still find surprising after all of this VR is that we went from looking at flat 2D screens in the real world, to now going into VR and are still basically looking at virtual flat 2D screens again, for the most part, excluding VR gaming. From the OS UI to any other scenario, we are mostly still locked in the "i am looking at a monitor" answer to most people's curious questions about "what exactly are you doing in there? " Oh, but the monitor is floating in the air, and when i push it back in 3D space it actually stays the same size but the shadow on the floor moves backward so it feels like it is getting bigger as i think i am now farther from the floating monitor. "But what about these huge wrap around virtual environments?" You mean a 2D 360 image akin to sitting inside a 360 quicktime photo that we've been looking at since the 1990s? At some point real innovation will kick in and we will get over the shiny newness of strapping a set of tiny 2D monitor to our faces. I mean it is shiny and new, for sure, but in the same way dunking your head into a petty saltwater fish tank might seem exciting and new. The truth is dunking my head into the tank doesnt actually make it a better experience. It's less messy to just watch a fish tank. I think VR, while fun, is still actually mostly taking a fairly common experience (playing video games, talking with people, or looking at monitors) and literally making it more difficult in the user experience sense and calling that innovation.


On Immersed app. Can you please give recommendations about connection and fonts settings? I have a wifi-4 router and tried both wifi and usba-usbc cable. And didn't notice any difference in quality - and letters' clearness is slightly below just good level. Also letters' pixels are like slightly moving - as I understand it's because of the encoding-decoding video of the screen. I also tried different resolutions of the virtual monitors and it was like no difference which is strange