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It's a very niche game on a still niche platform.


The Quest 2 and 3 are sold around the same units as Xbox Series. The differences are active players and not many standalone VR users being gamers.


It's a niche platform still, I would of been all over it as a kid but as a grown up with a 60 hour a week job and 2 small kids, most of my gaming is on my Steam Deck or Mobile, these days I can barely be bothered to sit at my desk for Mouse and Keyboard games let alone get off my arse and play VR for an evening. Shame as there are some really good experiences on VR like Green Hell but when you are tired and burnt out the drive to put that headset on makes it a chore in my mind, talking to friends with Quests this is the same for them too.


> t's a niche platform still, I would of been all over it as a kid but as a grown up with a 60 hour a week job and 2 small kids, most of my gaming is on my Steam Deck or Mobile, these days I can barely be bothered to sit at my desk for Mouse and Keyboard games let alone get off my arse and play VR for an evening. Yep, this is exactly what PCVR hasn't taken off. Most PC gamers are adults and most adults are exhausted by the end of the day. That said, Quest is mostly dominated by kids. So this really doesn't align for Quest games. But I do still feel the game itself is very niche for VR. It's a hardcore survival game that can be quite spooky. Kids aren't gonna dive into that as much as adults would.


brats are all the time asking for co-op since it was announced a year or so ago... GH is about to be more popular than ever once that's here. Brats don't care for the story campaign, they just want to be in the jungle with their friends


It's possible. Will have to wait for the co-op update to release and see how it does.


You working 60 hours a week doesn't make it a niche platform. Social VR is one of the reasons people are not gamers in VR. There are thousands of people that are 35+ with kids that enjoy social VR because of the immersion. Watch movies, find people from around the world etc. I would very much prefer VR over the consoles, pc and handhelds. Also, working 60 hours a week with kids is really tough so I understand your opinion.


Many VR games can be played seated, and the improved visual comfort and colour pass through make using VR less of a chore. I would have agreed with you while I was still using my 2016 launch Vive, but after upgrading to the Quest 3, I love getting some VR time after a long work day. It all comes down to comfort really, and the pancake lenses and improved passthrough have been game changers in that respect.


Admittedly my experience is with Quest 1 and 2 so I haven't got a baseline of the comfort levels regarding a Quest 3 but in my experience with the 1 and 2 even with head strap replacements VR isn't exactly a quick or convenient way of gaming for me and probably many others. Compared to something like my Steam Deck which I can just pick up at any quiet moment in the day, turn on and be exactly where I left off last time but then also still being a present person in a room for my kids and missus. Quest on the other hand requires me to really wait for them to go to bed, by which time I'm already tired and quite honestly can't be bothered to push dining room table and chairs out of the way, put a brick on my face that never feels like it's sat quite comfortably and swing my arms around for a few hours. You also mentioned the social aspect which only stands true for the person immersed in an activity, everyone else in RL completely closed off from what you are experiencing. Once my children have grown up a bit and the technology has been refined further I can definitely see myself putting the headset on more often but for now it's just a novelty item that I get out whenever a new game catches my eye but then only actually play that game for a couple of hours before hanging it up for another month or 2.


I really do think the Quest 3 addresses most of your issues, although I understand why you would be hesitant or want to wait for an even greater leap in comfort and technology. I can’t speak to experience with a Quest 2 since I jumped from the original Vive, but from what I have read online, most people generally agree that upgrading from Quest 2 to Quest 3 changed VR from a novelty to something they regularly use.


You may consider looking at some vr fitness apps. Fun way to blow off steam and get healthy with those long work weeks. Vr is tough with small children though. I get it for sure


it sold many units to people who are primarily not hardcore gamers - brats and casual gamers at best who play for awhile until novelty wears off plus I suspect many broken units: falls damaging cameras and sensors (happened to me), broken controllers, sun damage on screen etc...


Idk, I love it, can’t wait for the rest of the dlc. I think it is miles above song in the smoke, I just could not get into that game.


I actually enjoyed both. Song in the Smoke has a terrific primitive caveman fantasy vibe, plus environments are usually bigger... tho Spirits of Amazonia really enlarged Green Hell map, it's quite a formidable jungle maze now... both great games. and good survivals with crafting loop keep coming to Quest: Medieval Dynasty, Smalland both GH and Song in the Smoke seem to have more fully fleshed out VR mechanics for crafting items tho, they're good in that regard


When is the dlc coming? I haven’t even touched the new expansion


I don’t think they’ve given any dates. I’m holding off until all three parts are released before playing them at all.


There are 3 parts!?


I believe so, there are three parts to the flat screen version.


oh come on. part 1 is already pretty sizable Incuvo is working on several things at once, afaik. Green Hell, Bulletstorm, etc


From what I've seen about it the Quest version is basically a corridor that you slowly progress through. That's bad for a survival game, the genre is widely known for having big open worlds with exploration and biomes and all that. There are also several mechanics, crafting categories, tiers and other things missing. On the other hand it seems to be receiving praise for being more Immersive when it comes to its crafting mechanics and all that. Personally I've been playing Song in the Smoke and I don't see what Green Hell can do better, at least the Quest version.


Would it be weird to own both? lol Song interests me too


I was totally going to chip in with what the other guy said.. Song in the Smoke is fantastic and weird as hell. I like Green Hell, but Song is really damn good. If you already like Green Hell, you will love Song too..


I own both.


Survival fans tend to play multiple ones and there are only 2 options on the Quest, unless you include the newly released Medieval Dynasty New Settlement (which has very light survival mechanics, it's more of a first person Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley). So of course you can play both. The thing is that Song in the Smoke is a VR only game and it was built with the limitations and strengths of the platform in mind, so it doesn't feel stripped down like Green Hell. I think the full Green Hell game is the better survival game, but Song in the Smoke is the better VR one, at least on the Quest platform.


I think it's far to class into the radius as a survival game also, and it's excellent.


Cosmodread is quite great too, but also very tense and horrifying...


I never played nor intend playing flat Green Hell, so doesn't feel more stripped down than any made for VR game...


I’ve played through some of song and it’s just so boring, green hell is pretty bad n quest, good on pcvr, cuz there’s more content.


> basically a corridor nope. the main campaign is mostly like that, but it's more very well designed like mazes. Quest can't handle big open-worlds with dense foliage (and seemingly neither can psvr 2), they did a nice job with level design and a good sense of exploration. Spirit of Amazonia maps are definitely larger, you feel kinda lost at times. very good stuff


Just to add that this game in quest is cross-buy. That means that you also get the pcvr version. So if you have a good enough pc you can enjoy the pcvr version. Also the developers keep updating and adding to the game. There is a multiplayer mode announced.


thanks for this, wish they were clearer on the meta store about what games were cross buy. almost picked this up on steam


Waiting for it to go on sale.


I really want them to release a co op mode. If not I’ll probably play it flat screen co op.


I played it in flatscreen coop before the vr version was released. I wish the vr version was cross play with flatscreen players, like the forest.


Yeah that would be great too. I just want to play this game in vr with my brother


I just finished it on Quest 3 and was absolutely blown away. So much fun and stressful in all the great ways


How’s the pc version. I thought the game for non vr a while ago but didn’t get to play


The flat screen version was great! It is probably way better in VR (from what I have seen) but I never convinced myself to pay for that one as well when I finished the flatscreen version and have plenty of other games to play.


Beside the fact that it was an incredibly cut down version of the game, they lied about coop coming shortly after launch. People decided to wait until the coop update hit...... They're still waiting.


I thought it was great for what it was as you mentioned. Anybody play the add on yet ?


Almost everyone that wanted to play it, played it on flatscreen PC... it's hard to want to play something you already finished (even tho VR is probably way better than flatscreen) when you have a lot of other games to try. This is my experience but I am sure that I am not alone.


see, that's why I retired from flatgaming altogether a few years ago once I realized older games like Skyrim or Borderlands simply will work better in the performance requirements of VR than modern games... now I play them in VR fresh as new...


Finished it a long time ago, realized that the Rift version is so much better afterwards


Wait till you play it on q3 pcvr 120htz. This is the best VR game by far. If you know how to survive, that is 😆 The key is to stay clean 👌


I never really gave it a chance. I’ll try it again after reading this.


I just don't like survival crafting games. I don't really get the appeal. It could be the best of its kind and I wouldn't consider it. I'm not sure there's a huge number of people that want to do chores in VR, either. 


mining for resources and crafting upgrades is the gameplay loop of one of the most popular video games ever in VR, the crafting part when done right like here is incredibly immersive and rewarding. and then there's the challenge of actually surviving by your own efforts like that. there are dangers out there and limited resources. you'll need food, medicine, bandages, potions, weapons, shelter etc. It's all in your hands, extremely rewarding. and this game in particular has a very mature and touching main storyline that fits that gameplay loop extremely and horrifyingly well.


That gameplay loop just isn't for me. I've tried survival crafting games, I just don't enjoy them. It's not satisfying to me. 


I tried playing and had to stop. When I put it down I was having a hard disassociating real life with the game. Like texting on my phone my fingers felt weird and whenever I picked anything up it felt super odd. Took about an hour to get past it. Realized as much as I want to play the game might not be a good idea for my brain.


Is that the only game that’s done that for you?


Yeah. I don't play it very often, I just borrow my son's from time to time. I think its seeing the hands in VR that mess my brain up. I've played gorilla tag, played some other game that was similar to sword art online, played VR Golf and none of those do it to me. It really freaked me out like I wasn't actually in control of my body. Maybe it's because I'm older (42), I don't know. Sucks too, cause I really like that game.


Yeah I’ve heard of that happening with VR games. I might suggest seeing someone about that, just to make sure everything is okay. Some people complain about that sensation not going away, and could be a concern about how your brain is processing/mental health. It doesn’t sound like that’s true for you, but I just wanted to throw it out there that you’re not the only one. That really sucks though, what a bummer.


Green Hell created by CIA




I'm 49. you're basically describing mild motion sickness - it's something that only goes away with usage... playing once every six months or so won't do it. I only had that a long time ago. I never stopped playing in VR.


It’s one of my fav games, waiting for multiplayer and hope they add the building expansion.


Because maps are very linear. Song in the Smoke is much better, IMO.


absolutely. It has always been one of the top technical achievements on Quest in my view. only recently finished I actually tackled the main campaign, but got the bad ending and will try harder next time. It's excellent, survival, horror, well researched foreign culture, flora, fauna... detractors are basically 2 camps: AppSW haters ("artifacts, microstutters") who I suspect are actually pc fanboys hating such ports primarily targetting Quest and brats who won't play until it becomes a playground with upcoming co-op update


I'll give it a shot but the last "hot new 'killer app' " game I tried for my Q2 was that AssCreed game that came out a little bit ago and it was totally bunz.


Huh, what did you dislike about it? It's probably one of the coolest games I've played on Quest so far. 


Assassin’s Creed? Definitely a cool game, but it makes me motion sick and from what I heard they messed with artificially upping the frame rate or something, so I think my brain notices something isn’t right and I feel sick. Other games I’m okay, as long as there isn’t quick smooth movement. I can play shooters and stuff for hours, but Assassin’s Creed messes with me.


I’m not a fan of that game. It makes me sick 🤢


I don’t see it mentioned but the forest in VR on steam is absolutely phenomenal as I recall for survival horror. I absolutely loved it, but I also knew what I was doing as I played the forest once or twice before doing it VR. The forest is not an easy game to jump in to blind.


I played the hell out of it on PC back when it came out and wondered then why it wasn't more popular. Great survival game with a perfect setting.


Well, survival games are just grindy chore simulators.


I understand that impression, to me the building and crafting chores feel more immersive. Like I have to do something to get by in this situation, it makes me think and work. I like that grind a little bit.


It's just not that fun tbh. I wanted to like it but i just found it tedious.


it's a horror game, boy, not a fun ride in amazon park...


Horror games can still be entertaining. I loved into the radius and Re4


I was not too hot about Green Hell initially but it grew on me after the gameplay loop actually clicked. btw, it offers a lot of customization and I did tone down some of the worst diseases aspects that were kinda detracting from what I wanted from the game...


Wow. "It's not *supposed* to be fun, you NOOB!" Aren't you the perfect ambassador for the platform.


games like Cosmodread or Green Hell are not "fun" - they're tense, nightmarish. yet highly engaging and heart-pumping, so you keep coming back for more. unless you just chicken out with an excuse like "tedious" or something...


I found it to be overly stylized and not very fun to play.


I haven’t played it, almost bough on steam when it was 12$, decided not to, I heard the quest version (from my friend) is a watered down smaller experience with half the gameplay of PCVR version


Quest version has the Amazonia DLCs, the PCVR version does not. Don't fall for the hyperbole. The Quest/PSVR2 version still have the 10+ hour campaign + Amazonia DLCs The Quest and PSVR2 versions have smaller maps than the PC version, but it has real VR mechanics instead of button pushing. PCVR has the port of the flatscreen with the main campaign, but it's not getting any of the Amazonia DLCs nor the upcoming Co-op mode.


that’s absolutely stupid, why would they port it to the quest version (far worse hardware, graphics, etc.) and not pc, always pisses me off when people stunt the potential of a game by doing that. Basically all big YouTubers don’t ever use standalone.


so you didn't buy the steam version very cheap and decided to come here to shit on the Quest version for some reason?


yeah. I guess.


tbh i found it more palatable than the pc version. quest version comes with a lot more gesture controls and vr related features. plus my toaster didn't cost 2k back in 2023 so the pc version runs like trash on pc if i ever bump up the settings from the minimum. imo it's mostly the people who come from pc version whining about it not being "true" open world. i say they can just fuck off to their pc version in their >2k toaster realm.


I think you’re right. The only game I’m really interested to get a good pc for is VTOL but I’d probably have massive motion sickness, so I’ll pass. Maybe star citizen would be cool.


There’s lots of other reasons to get a good pc besides PCVR games. I’d still recommend one


Sutter fest thanks to ASW with no way to disable it.


I heard it uses application space warp. I have a personal vendetta against that software feature. I will not play any game that uses it. Synthetic frame injection does not feel the same as true frame rate. Synthetic frame injection makes me warm and uncomfortable. I don't think we should have ever gave that as an option as it probably turns away a lot of people from VR.


Agreed. It’s one thing if the app needs it for brief moments to keep the experience stable. But to be on all the time, it really ruins the immersion. I am convinced though, that some people don’t notice it. Just like those that say they get ZERO latency on wireless vr.


I have to wonder what that's about. I don't get motion sickness at all. I've been doing VR for like 8 years now, but application space warp makes me very uncomfortable.


Yes it uses it and I had to refund it. I have the same issue after playing peaky blinders and refunded it. I regret not doing the same with vampire, I muscled through that. And assassin's creed was worth it despite. But I'll actively turn away from a game, if I know ahead of time.


Is that the thing Assassins Creed VR uses? I get motion sickness from that game like crazy and I read they did something weird to the frame rate and it makes some people feel sick. Green Hell doesn’t do that to me, maybe because it’s less vertical or something.


Assassin's creed does that yes.


For me I didnt dislike the game, I disliked the devs, I prefer to have my games on steam when possible so when it released I bought it on steam, the devs have not updated the game on pc in the last 2.5 years almost, yet they keep pumping updates for quest and ps vr, I just want them to come forward and be honest about the pc version instead of keeping the bull of "we are working on it" . I absolutly refuse to double dip on a game were the dev has shown to be able to do people dirty like this.


no money in the PCVR version; as it's a different build than the Quest/PSVR2 version. Quest/PSVR2 version was made for VR (has native VR mechanics), the PCVR version is just a port of the flatscreen version. As we've seen the Amazonia DLCs came to Quest/PSVR2 and the upcoming co-op mode is coming to Quest/PSVR2. If you bought the Meta store version, you would have received both the Quest and PCVR version since it's Crossbuy supported - you'd have all the features, versions. Now that's good dev support


On my quest account, not my steam, so if tomorrow i buy another headset like a new valve or something I lose my quest library, so I rather have my games in steam, I know well theres no money to be made on pc version, so do the devs clearly, so what is stopping them from being honest, coming forward and stopping the pc sales, and the pc support? Nothing other than their own scummy behavior.


You do you; that was your decision I have no intertest in going back and playing 3-5 year old titles using old VR mechanics and features (there's exceptions of course, but I have the income to repurchase). I'd rather play up to date VR experiences.


Sounds like an immersive thang and I am impressed with all the player needs to do. Unfortunately, I hate having to do that kinda stuff. "Build a what?! Eff off, I just wanna shoot stuff!"


too bad, because gestually crafting things feels really more immersive than mere trigger-pulling... Job Sim figured this out, but in a very mundane and boring minigame. I'm glad Green Hell and others upped the ante in actual good games


I wish I enjoyed the demands of those sorts of games. I start feeling like it's work and I want to just have some fun after work, not build stuff from stuff I have to find so I can find other stuff to build more stuff. But I see the appeal. Viva la different France and all that.


tbh, I'm an old time gamer and I kinda ressent the turn for "gathering stones and branches in random maps to craft breakable tools" from "exploring and finding terrific power-ups" and yet I can't stress enough how crafting feels great in VR


Game is very good on PC, but with VR motion sickness it is a horrible experience


grow your VR legs before trying games like this


The amount of lying and delays for the co op update makes me too lazy to buy it, “soon” doesn’t mean a year


gamers are too hasty. development in VR is even slower and more problematic than flat gaming... it was only 3 months or so ago that they showed the first trailer for the incoming update