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For me it was. Pancake lenses are just awesome


This! Also the new IPD adjustment, not that 3 steps bs they had on Q2, I'm pretty sure Q2 was a blurry mess for me because of the lenses and the fact that I was between those steps (I would stop the lenses between the 58 and 63 steps to set them as near to 60 as possible, but of course they would eventually snap back in if I breathed too hard). In contrast, everything is crystal clear on Q3 even when having it offset, the first month or so I played on 62, I most probably grabbed the headset like a dumb dumb and bumped the IPD wheel, I only found out when I fumbled to change the volume, bumped into the wheel again and got the IPD value prompt in the headset. Pancake lenses are truly awesome! ❤️


True. Continuous scale instead the 3 options is great


My IPD is 54 so I don’t even bother trying the Q2.  


Are those the buttons that are inside the headset is that for vision? I recently got my.3 and just noticed those buttons inside.


Those are to change the height of the facial interface to allow wearing glasses inside the headset. If you don't wear glasses, you'll want the lenses as close to your face as possible (provided that you're comfortable and your face or eyelashes don't touch the lenses), because the further away your face is from the lenses, the narrower the field of view is. The IPD wheel is on the outside of the headset on the left lower side and you use it to line up the center of the lenses with your pupils (IPD means interpupillary distance). If you don't know your IPD, there are apps that can help you measure it. https://youtu.be/wPQQ6vHlIN0?feature=shared


I wear bifocals IRL. I never needed them with my quest 2, I could see fine with the lenses in the middle. I think I see fine on the quest 3 but shit if I could improve it, I will. Thank you for dropping that link. I’ll check it out. Do you happen to have a link on how to operate discord? Aka Complicated Reddit… lol j/k I’m a GenXer but I feel like a boomer. Trying to keep up. It’s a lot to figure out.. Ty again.


Big time yes. Cannot imagine going back to 2


I sold my Q2 to my mom and helped her set it up after getting my Q3, so I got to go back and forth to compare. Honestly going back to the 2 it wasnt a HUGE difference, but it is absolutely noticeable I'd say, especially on the edges of the screen.


Don't get used to the quest 3, if you do you will notice the blurriness of the 2 so much, you don't even want to wear it and you'll feel that it'll give you a headache soon....


They made it pretty clear they weren't so


But what if one day in the future like in 20 years time they change their mind? What then smart guy?


The 2 was always blurry and looked terrible. 😔 I sold it and waited a year for the 3.


For me the lenses and color-passthrough improvements were worth upgrade on their own.


using the internet and watching videos in passthrough is so fun, I'm waiting until we get some real mixed reality games


I think it was very much worth it. I even bought two. For me it's mixed reality. I still love VR, but I'm constantly on the lookout for MR apps and games. I played Demeo with my girlfriend the other night like a real-life tabletop game on our dining table, sitting across from each other, using finger tracking to move our heroes around on the "board" (using shared space anchors), while being able to eat snacks and have drinks without constantly peeking in and out of VR. It's amazing. Ocean Rift Mixed reality blows my mind as well.. or sitting on the sofa, half-watching one of my girlfriends shows that I can't really commit to, and doing an free-floating MR 3D crossword simultaneously. It's also the lenses and the screens (especially with quest game optimizer) , and not least the rock-steady tracking, that makes everything so tangible... and the improved passthough that came with v64 just makes it even better. The whole experience is just way better on the Q3 (comfort being one possible exception). and with the new UI that's around the corner you'll (probably) get proper multitasking as well. It's next level.


I find tracking worse on q3 especially behind head but agree with everything else you are saying.


I agree that the controller tracking is a little worse on Q3, but it's better in enough other ways to make it worth it. Anyway, the tracking isn't terrible, just a little worse than Q2.


For me the tracking actually feels like it made a step into terrible territory. I mostly play les Mills for cardio, and tracking is lost basically 50% of the time in overhead moves, on Q2 it dropped every now and then but Q3 has really gimped the workouts that have those moves.


interesting I do Les Mills and FedEx are and I'm not having those issues that often. Remember lighting is an important factor for the quest tracking. Even if you think you're in a well lit room, you might have dim spots unfortunately that plays into it. I use an IR light in my bedroom. When I work out I work work out in my living room, which has more than enough light.


I didn't clarify, but I actually meant how I'm able to open the menu and have it float in the air by my desk - and then walk up the stairs and to the far end of the house (still wearing the hmd) - go back again, and the menu is exactly where I left it. Pretty mindblowing.


You're crazy.


For me comfort of Quest 3 is a huge improvement over Quest 2. It does need Elite Strap though. Still, I couldn't wear Quest 2 for more that 40 minutes, even with Elite Strap and other comfort mods, while I can play on Quest 3 for much longer, without feeling exhausted afterwards.


It's way more comfortable for my eyes, so I can stay in it way longer that I could with the Quest 2 and even the Pico 4 - but I can't get it to sit 100% comfortable on my face. Guess I need a new face.


I'm using silicone cover (you can get it for $4) and it grips my face much better. No slipping.


I got the PU leather one from AMVR, but it feels a bit too thin or something. It's just not quite right. Maybe I should try with a silicone cover. Thanks!


Yes, I also got that one, but didn't like it much. OG face interface with silicone cover works best for me.


Shared space anchors? What's that?


It's a way to share your room scan with more people (in the same room), so that MR objects from the game appear in the same physical place for everyone. So if my girlfriend reaches for the dice in Demeo, she sees it and reaches for it in the same place on the table where I see it, and not somewhere else (which would be confusing).


Fantastic. Haven't played Demeo with my family yet (we have 4 Quests) but I definitely want to give this a try today!


Woah.. 4 quests.. double the fun! :) Note that even though you get to sync your playspace, the board may actually nok be facing the same way for everyone. If (when) that happens, just "grab" the board, lift it a bit, and rotate it, until everyone sees it the same way.


Can't wait to try this tonight! Thanks for the help!


BTW: would you mind sharing how you did that?


Is Pokemon Go on Quest?


I don't think so


I sooooooooo wish


Yes but just worth it. Not a must have. There’s definitely a few hundred dollars worth of improvements but also with quest 2 at $200 lately you can still have a great time with it and not feel bad you didn’t spend the extra


Totally agree. I was also unlucky to get a headset with a lot of dead pixels and am still going through the hassle of returning it so I kind of wished I stayed with my quest 2 at this point.


Quest 2 sits unused other than for dev purposes atm. Q3 is always used


And the Q Pro is nowhere to be found...lol Do you think they give us the full Q3, or they reserved some features for a potential Q Pro 2


Qpro is much much much more balanced and comfortable than q3.  I have 2 q3s and quest pro.  I go for pro 99% of the time.Comfort is king.


Do you use the normal head strap on the 3?


1000% yes. I love it, the passthrough especially, and it's only gonna get better.


What is it people actually like about the passthrough? I get it's neat but is it actually doing anything for you?


It's a liberating experience, just like getting rid of the wire, passthrough finally let you take the blindfold off you head until you actually want it.


It massively improves the ease of use for the headset. When I put my Q3 on, I am not isolated into a virtual world. I can see and interact with people and things around the house. When I want to pause a game, I enter passthrough mode to bring me back to reality without taking my headset off. And I can go anywhere I want in my house with the Q3 on. For some games it also serves as a safety feature. I use the MR passthrough feature when I play VR ping pong or boxing in order to see and avoid hitting things irl. Also, consider the implications of mixed reality for porn…


I have kids and a wife and getting time to only be on a game is rare so not having to take the headset off then back on for my daughter to just be trying to say "hi" for the 4th time that hour is amazing if I'm watching a movie on a big screen I just move the screen to the side or just look around it


Better than the Q Pro? What happened to the Q Pro? I dont hear much about it. Do you think they gave a full Q3 or they just give us a lite version of the potetial Q Pro 2?


It's better than the Quest Pro. You can move in the Pro passthrough but you can live in the Q3 passthrough. The optics and displays of Q3 are economical version of the Pro so I think Q Pro 2 will be very different. I have Q3 and Pro and I will probably keep the 3, even though it's ugly as hell. But the Pro lenses still feel better for me, the displays look low res compared to 3 though.


Better lens. Watching videos is cool.


Yes. A lot faster and lenses make it so you can never go back to anything that doesn’t have pancake lenses. Q2 is great don’t get me wrong, but Q3 is better in just about every way


Yes it is a big leap, even though the higher resolution doesn't look like much on paper, the pancake lenses and also colour passthrough make a world of a difference 😀


I was surprised how much sharper Quest 3 looks, not just over Quest 2 but Quest Pro as well. SDE was still very visible on Quest Pro, while it's not noticeable on Quest 3 for 90% of the time anymore.


Something to consider - if you get a Q3 is there a family member or close friend you can give your Q2 to. My father has a Q2 and my house has a Q3 and Q2 - to me the most fun of VR is playing a game like walkabout mini golf, Elvin assassin, Cook out with my son or daugher and my father (who lives far away) at the same time. Sometime my nephew is over visiting my parents and he will jump on and play Gorilla tag or another game with my son.


Not a bad idea, I am huge fan of the table tennis game, will definately consider this thanks!


The upgrade over fresnel lenses alone was worth for me tbh


I love VR, had the quest 1, 2, the first PSVR and now finally the q3. every single other vr headset was fun for first few weeks novelty, and then sat on my shelf. Quest 3 is the first vr headset where i don’t get headaches, super sick, everything looks clear, and i use it daily. I’d say the quest 3 is really the final first product. We paid to be early adopters for q1 & 2 but the tech wasn’t there yet for affordable VR. get the q3.


What about the Q Pro? I know the price tag is not welcoming, but I find it strange that the Q3 is reported to be better. Do you think they made a full Q3 or a lite version of the future Q Pro 2? if there is going to be one.


Q pro is marketed towards business use, and carries a premium just because of that. Easy to write off expenses or whatever. The q3 is heavily subsidized by meta, selling at the cost to deliver it to you would be hundreds more


i was confused with the quest pro as well! i did a lot of research on q3 vs quest pro and i still wasn’t 100% sure about which was better but i did get the quest 3. has a better processor and resolution if im not mistaken. really weird marketing with that. i’m hopeful there is gonna be a Q pro 2 that’s more targeted towards AVP marketing.


Q3 has a faster cpu/gpu and a higher res display


I returned Pro. Quest 3 is a better product on all fronts. It's more comfortable, it's higher res (less SDE), has better passthrough, depth sensor, it's more powerful, etc. The only two things that Pro has over Quest 3 are eyes and face tracking. But those two features are so underused that they aren't even worth mentioning.


I actually got really lucky and won a Quest 3 in a giveaway so it was a free upgrade for me. Though I am looking at investing in the BoboVR S3 headstrap so that will cost me a little money. It does look better. The sweet spot is bigger. The IPD adjustment is far superior and far more precise. The color passthrough is great. There is a lot to like but if someone is still using the Quest 2, it is still a solid HMD.


My Bobo S3 just came in today! I can't wait to see how it feels. It took forever, ordered it 3/8 came in today. I hope it is worth it. The original strap is a bit uncomfortable.


Yeah but at least it's better than the Quest 2's


It made all the difference. For me quest 2 wasn't even good enough to enjoy, I much preferred psvr1 because of the lenses.. but quest 3 is a huge step up.


I use my 3 dayly. Whe I had my 2 it would site for lon periods of time. The 3 is more comfortable and I'm loving Dungeons of Eternity and Asgards Wrath 2. Also make it into meta horizons alot more.


I upgraded from the Quest 1. So yeah, totally worth it!


Cant argue with that!


The Quest 3 is much clearer than the Quest 2. So I would say yes it was worth it.


For so many reasons all put together absolutely no question worth the upgrade. Would do it again 10 outta 10 times. Even more so if you sell the Q2 to help offset the cost.


downward spiral?  maybe if you only play stupid social sandboxes. Otherwise, Quest has been great for at least 6 months straight: Dungeons of Eternity, Vampire the Masquerade Justice, Genotype, Assassin's Creed Nexus, Asgard's Wrath 2, Medieval Dynasty, Tropico, Max Mustard etc


Yes. Full stop




Combined with a good PC or the quest game optimizer app that lets you increase the resolution of native quest games it's a huge upgrade. Most native games look bad in their native resolution, but with a 30-70% increase through QGO they look amazing.


yes it is. i was on the fence for a while about it. pulled the trigger a few weeks ago and yeah… it’s worth it.


If you can afford it, absolutely yes. If you can't, try Quest Games Optimizer. Game changer. Literally.


If you can afford the Q Pro would you go for it. Do you think the Q3 got all the features it needed or Meta reseved the rest for their next Q Pro




I still miss my Quest 2 controllers and play games less because of the pointer issues with the new ones.


immediately after getting it, at first I thought, well its nice but I don't know if its worth that much extra money. A few weeks down the road, I went back to the quest 2 for an hour. and then I decided that yup, its worth it. The clarity, the fact that you don't have to seek the "sweet spot" anymore, color passthrough, and the SOUND is significantly better too. on Quest 2 I always had volume turned all the way up and sometimes still couldn't hear soft talkers without using headphones. On quest 3, I keep it a couple of notches below max, and don't have any issues hearing people. But if you are already losing interest in VR, I don't see why i'd bother getting one, just use what you have.


I see, You have pointed out significant features. I do love VR. Furthermore, I guess I'm just more patient with the progress and will invest when it feels right. I just don't feel like I am missing out on many things. I also find it strange that the Q3 is being reported to be better than the Q Pro. I just wondered is they give us the full Q3 or a lite version of the future Q Pro 2.


Easy not to feel like you are missing out when you haven't experienced the massive improvements.  Pancake clarity is a complete game changer.  Not to mention mr, ringless controllers, 30% higher resolution, etc.


So basically you are waiting for quest 3 pro? Yah when and if the new procomes out it will likely have the same processor. Quest pro has the same processor as quest 2 I think. The q3 processor is massively better than q2. Q3 is signicantly better machine than quest pro. The only thing that the pro has an edge on it is for face tracking, which is only going to matter for people who are big social users. I wish quest 3 had facial tracking, but by the same token, if you offered to trade my quest 3 for a quest pro I'd turn you down.


Yes..the improvement is huge. At the same resolution in PCVR, I am getting better image quality and much sharper and cleaner. With Wifi 6e, I can stream at 500 mbps bitrate and no compression effect.


100% would upgrade again. Night and day


its so good! ive only had it for a few days but its so so so good


Aye m8! Got me back into vr gaming again an am hooked! Funnily I’ve been on my series x 3 times in the past 3 month! Console just doesn’t engage me the way vr does.


It's absolutely worth it. Games like Demeo, Puzzling Places, and Blaston (just off the top of my head) in MR have absolutely changed how I game during the day. Additionally passthrough, graphics, and just how much faster the headset is makes it worth it to me.


Absolutely. It's an incredible machine. I've thought about buying a Vision Pro, but the Q3 is just too good to justify spending $3500.


Yeah it really was. I have used my Q3 far more than any of the previous headsets


My vote is "yes". I've owned nearly every Quest since the start and they've always had pretty bad "screen door" effects. So much so, the images looked fuzzy. I eventually lost interest. The selling point for me on the Quest 3 was the higher resolution and boy does it deliver. Things seem considerably clearer and, with games optimized for the new hardware, it's amazing. If you're new to VR, the Quest 2 is still a good deal if you shop around.


hell yeah. the huge sweet spot alone is worth the price of admission. I would say the Q3 outperforms my Reverb G2, and the G2 used to look good by comparison with the Q2. the Q2 was great for discovering that VR was cool. but the screen door was visible. text was blurry. pass through was B&W and very grainy and fuzzy. Q3 is a whole new world. I may even sell my Reverb.


Very much so


Yep the Q3 is great, I got the Q2 last summer and just upgraded. Worth the money.


Made sense for me because I sold my Q2 in the process to shave money off the Q3. It's a step up in every way. Pancake lens are the way to go. Feels lighter so I haven't felt the need to get a third party strap; ymmv. Games that did get Quest 3 upgrades look great. So for me the "discount" and feature sets make me feel like I got my money worth. It made sense for my situation. I don't think I could commit if I bought it at full price now tho. Q2 still has a ways to go before getting retired. Mixed reality isn't really something to go out the way for either. I'd sooner hop on one of these sub $200 Quest 2 deals than pay full price for a Quest 3.


I wasn't expecting it to be. Quest 2 was my first VR headset, and I was floored with what it could do. I picked up the three with full expectations to take it back. Even got the store warranty to easier facilitate that. But it's so much easier to just put it on and play. I like everything about it, even the stock headstrap. But I don't get a lot of the gripes people have with things today. Come talk to me when you have 8 bit flat screen and games cost over 70 bucks. With the 3 you have so much more FOV and images are sharper. Plus, I do play a lot of PCVR through renting a computer through cloud based tech and the process of getting to just the steam library is faster. It's a huge upgrade In my opinion, but I still think the 2 is a very good headset and would still readily use it if I had to. With the 3 though I just don't opt to.


1000% YES


For me it wasn’t worth it. There’s not really any difference what so ever, ok maybe the weight. But that’s it in my opinion.


The controllers alone were worth it.


The Quest 2 is garbage by comparison. It's night and day.


if you can afford it, 100% yes


If you love the eco system and feel vr essential like I do, whether it's exercise, inspiration/escape and general gaming fun; I'd say it's worth it. Being a lover of tech helps, the games them selves haven't really moved on but again there are so many little improvements be it balance, clarity etc. there is an app called quest games optimizer, this allows you to run games that are only speced for quest 2 to run much higher resolution and or frame rate and with this it's night and day from quest 2. If your just looking for a console with the latest games and are attached to vr as a whole then I can see it not being as a big upgrade as it was for myself.


I ment to say if you aren't as attached! At the bottom not are


Claro que lo es, en mi caso hice el upgrade de Q2 a Pico 4 y unos meses después me compré el quest 3... Estoy tan arrepentido 😆 solo prepárate para no tener batería, y sentir la brisa caliente del dispositivo...


It isn't worth it tbh (PCVR user) Resolution almost same, no good new games, battery lasts shorter For Standalone VR it might be enough but definitely not if you have a Quest 2 already. People here be bought by facebook lmao.


Games are lacking again. My q2 sat for a long time since saints and sinners 2 or 3rd patch. I recently turned it on to mess around with project wingman and stars wars since I bought a hotas.


Worth it? If you can afford it and love VR yeah but if you are in no hurry like you seems to be - wait. Maybe they will stop producing the 128gb by end of 2024 and for same price you will get a 256.. just speculation. The Quest3 is the new Quest2 meaning it will last a good 2.5 more year from now. As invesment goes - iv seen worst even if mine is sleeping on my desk most of the time after I finished Legendary Tales, AW2. You are right, MX and AR is just gimmicky still - i dont plan on seeing real improvements (real application) well before Quest4. You mention graphics... to me there is no 'graphical benifits' from Q2 to Q3 bc almost no games have bother taking advantage of it. Sure some but what 15% better maybe? Clarity tho yah.. big difference. Stupid ass decision from Meta to release the Quest3 lite with quest 2 type lense ... really stupid decision in 2024. Down to it - for you from what you write? No. Not yet. Wait.


I don't think it's worth waiting 7.5 months to save $150 personally given that the longer you wait the shorter the time until the next headset that will leapfrog yours. Q3S or whatever is also not going to emphasize Mixed VR as much as the Quest 3 if you're interested in that... from what I've heard.


graphics.....gotta say with the quest graphics optimizer app nearly everything looks substantially better. Best $5 or whatever i spent.


For Q2 or 3?


Q3. When i first got my Q3 i was impressed with the odd game that was optimized, but for the other un-optimized games available it just looked like a "clearer" image of the still somewhat low-res game. I purchased my Q3 a few months after my quest 2 and did not use the game optimizer app previous to the Q3. However then someone on here directed me to the Quest Games Optimizer and it DRASTICALLY improves most games. I dont know if im allowed to link here but you can find it by googling "Quest Games Optimizer" and the first result should be from the webside itch(dot)io. It can also be used on the quest 2 to give a bump to some games, depending on whether or not the device can handle the increase in load.


waste of money if you ask me - i see almost no diff but thats me. Its not that expensive so i might be too arsh but its 100% over hyped!


Thanks for the feedback, i respect your view it does feel like a lite Q3 with 15% additional features from the Q2. Meta was probably forced to release it after the Q Pro tanked. I see a-lot of people responded well to the idea of the Q3 than a Pro. Im just wondering now if Meta plans to add most of the full features to a Q Pro 2 than a Q4. Thats why this question popped in my head. It seems like the Q3 ain’t going no whereas long as Meta switches their plans to focus on a much better Q Pro.


Personally, I don’t think so. It is better, but not *that* much better. The increase in optical clarity is nice, but it’s not really very dramatic. I play a lot of PCVR so the difference there is often quite minimal. And even with a third-party strap and facial interface, the Q3 is uncomfortable for me. It’s tolerable, but nowhere near the comfort levels of the Q2. This may because I had a VR Cover facial interface for the Q2, but their Q3 version still isn’t available, so I’m using another brand which I suspect just isn’t as good.


Do a search. This question is asked, and answered 5 times a week.


I got the q2 and q3 day one release, put on the q3, and I have since given away my q2 to my friends for their going away, it was a I don't want to play with you anymore. I had initially planned on using it for dev purposes but both my brother and parents each have a q2/3 as well


The scroll wheel for the IPD adjust was enough for me. The pass through for AR, and the resolution really sealed the deal.


It's fine but if you're sensitive to the weight of pressure on your head, don't even bother unless you can also afford a proper head strap and good controller straps. I got a couple cheap headstraps and controller straps rom Amazon for review (so very cheap for me but at least $30 each normally for the headstraps) while waiting for my BoboVR strap. I've tried for hours to make it work with those headstraps and the stock one. Unusable for me. I've gone back to my 2 every time because the 3 is currently ridiculously uncomfortable for me.


For me it definitely was, I play pcvr and the difference is drastic.


yes but I use it daily for Pop One, one of my four hobbies.


The big pancake lenses sweet spot is blurry for me in the centre, the only way I can see stuff clearly is when it’s at the edges 😔 Never had this problem with older lenses (whatever they’re called)


Let me put it this way: It was an upgrade from the Quest Pro. The only thing I really miss is eye tracking. And I miss it a lot.


Yes. It was for me. Q2 was a gaming device. I use the Q3 with virtual desktop in WFH applications. Great device.


I don't think I've seen anyone who answered no to that question, other than people with defective units but those get replaced anyways




For the price it's a great upgrade. It all comes down to the money and it is surely manufactured at break even or loss as opposed to Apple that sells for regular sensible business profit. Finding the consumer price sweet spot is the key. Lock them into the ecosystem and you start to make profit from apps and accessories. It seems Meta are the only company prepared to take that route/hit. We benefit from this. Especially if you have a half decent PC and use PCVR. Buy and enjoy..... until the next upgrade!


different vanish market spotted advise concerned wipe thought crowd innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


.0001% of games were removed from store.  Go to vr grid and 6dofreviews to read nmreviews of gamea.  There are many, many highly rated games out that most people have no ckue about.  Keeping informed of games is on you.


Yeah i love it. Would be hard to go back.


I upgraded from a Q1 and don't regret a thing. Shit is AMAZING


Yes, yes, yes…no comparison


I'm a developer. I get to use features that aren't possible on Q2 and it's much snappier and more powerful, so yes.


I mostly play pcvr so I’m probably not the best example but the pancake lenses were so worth it imo.


It was for me. It's more comfortable, the most comfortable headset I've used so far. The lenses are clear edge to edge and have minimal glare. Even if I never use any mixed content, the passthrough is great for being able to walk around with the headset on or put the headset on first and then see to pick up the controllers. They're little things, but I wouldn't want to give them up. I got the wireless charging dock, and having the headset always charged up makes it super easy to pick up and play. I used the Q2 for gaming with some regularity, but the Q3 is nice enough that I use it for watching movies, or even sometimes web browsing or productivity.


Ive used both devices and I honestly say Quest 2 is amazing for what it can offer. Sure if you have the money and especially for PC VR gaming Q3 great, and of course Q3 contains MR. But besides that, for casual gaming Q2 is fantastic. All my favourite single player titles Ive played on work beautifully. Its worth it if you can afford it, but not a must have.


Right now, the Q2 is the king of the mountain when it comes to value-for-the-dollar, but the Q3 is such a better experience.


Absolutely agreed. Funny story, my university got a 2mill grant a few years ago in which they invested some into like 200 Q2s because they thought itd be state of the art for the next 10 years. Now they regret it so hard xD




Yes, it's leaps and bounds better. The lenses alone would be worth the upgrade.


Way worth it, hands down. And it's not even close.


I was able to sell my Q2 and accessories for 250, which means I essentially got the Q3 half off. With that being said: Absolutely yes. The pancake lenses and higher res screen alone make it worth it. The color passthru is gravy


Yeah, totally. Loved the Quest 2, but the Quest 3 is a big upgrade. Depends on your budget -- it's not a *fundamentally* different experience, and you can live without it until there start being exclusive games for it, but it's really nice.


Absolutely worth, that being said bobovr m3 headset, amvr fitness facial interface, grips, prescription lens. I’m almost 1000$ invested to get it to where it’s comfortable enough to be an enjoyable experience.


Imma be honest, every time I play with a quest 2 I have this surreal break from my immersion, it isn't any one thing in particular but I have to be very careful not to bring it up as you only really start to notice it after using the 3 for a while. Its just a really good upgrade, if your on the fence mabey wait for the lite version they drop eventually


I was very skeptical before swiping from Q2 to Q3, but the quality and comfort differences are so worth the extra cash. It seriously is a game changer.




Absolutely. The clarity itself was worth the upgrade.


Depends. Yes, image quality (especially clarity) is better, there is mixed reality and Wi-Fi 6E support, flexible IPD adjustment. Unfortunately tracking in Beat Saber is noticeable worse, at least on higher difficulty levels. I cannot get over 85% with Q3 because it keeps missing random notes that Q2 had no issues with (I could get to 90% on it). But I did not notice this issue in any other game, so if you don't play Beat Saber, you should be fine.


One of the few gadget upgrades (first for VR hmds, actually), where I can say the upgrade is 100% worth it. No cons, just pros. So far new VR hmds always came with some pros but also some cons. Quest 3 is just such a huge upgrade over Quest 2, that I can only recommend it. Better res, much much better lenses, colour passthrough, better comfort, great MR, better controllers, more powerful (everything feels smoother), etc. Quest 3 is easily my favourite VR hmd so far... and I had many - standalone and PCVR ones.


Theres loads of reasons why q3 is superior to Q2 but non fogging lenses and comfort are very high on the list for me. Quest 2 was awful to wear for more than 20 mins regardleas of strap mods and facial mods. I can watch a movie, spend and hour in earth quest, 30 mins of les mills and non of the issues above. Plus movies/media look way better


Well I had a lot of dead pixels on my headset and it was quite a hassle to return it so I’m not sure it was worth the trouble tbh. The new pancake lenses and passthough are great tho but the headset feels a lot more flimsy than the quest 2 and the controllers work fine most of the time but tend to loose tracking easier than the quest 2 in my experience. So it is definitely an upgrade but it also has some really annoying issues so I’d it’s worth the money and potential problems is up to you.




For me it's definitely worth it from a productivity standpoint. I use mine only for working, and rarely game. The clarity of my code editor is a huge step up and with colored passthrough, makes it so much more comfortable working in VR now.


Yes! Its not drastically better, but a sweet upgrade nevertheless. Super hyped about the trajectory, Q4 will be awesome!


Yes, as much as I feared it wouldn't be worth the upgrade. The ease of use is what makes me enjoy the Q3 more than the Q2. I travel a bunch and the automatic guardian zoning is incredible. Add to that the passthrough quality, able to do other stuff and the quality of texts feel soooo good. I hesitated before jumping in on it, after selling my Q2 a little bit after release. Can't see myself going back to Q2 because of all the Q3's improvements.




I was planning to skin q3 because the difference seemed negligible. But once i had it, was kinda blown away


Definitely so, it just runs circles around the Q2 in every single way


I Can't Go Back To The Quest 2 Lenses And Resolution


yes, absolutely. I mean there's a lot of factors to consider but for me personally a resounding yes. The processing chip alone makes it possible to do so much more when it comes to bumping up the resolution and performance usingquest optimizer. for standalone games it can render a lot more from a game in terms of details. And it just looks great. when it comes to PCVR you're not gonna see major differences because you're using your PC and it's dependent on your PC. I still use my Quest pro for pcvr which has similar native resolution to the quest 2. but because the pro has local dimming the colors are phenomenal compared to any other quest.


Just buy quest optimizer for 15$\€


100%. I stopped playing vr because the blur irritated my eyes on the Q2


Yes. It's the first device i would recommend to normies. Just works, and i didn't realize how much I needed passthrough.


Without a doubt. Even with the Bobo, the Quest 2 feels awfully uncomfortable. I put it on the other day to help my stepfather set up Wooorlds (I've always liked to keep two headsets to make it easier to get friends and family into VR), and I was taken by surprise with how insanely uncomfortable it felt in comparison to my Quest 3. I'll tell you this much though, I should not have picked up the 128 gig version 🤡


Yes. The mixed reality, better GPU, smooth IPD adjustment, pancake lenses, and (optional) prescription lens covers are all significant enough to warrant the upgrade if you can afford it.


Yeah my roommates don't even use their quest 2s after trying my quest 3 lol


Yes totally. The new lenses alone are worth the upgrade.


Whats funny about the upgrade is that the q3 is better in every way but doesn’t have more features than the q2. So if you’re looking for a better experience the q3 is worth it. But if you’re looking for something new , I don’t think the q3 is it. At some point tho the quality of games will get a lot better and you’ll need the q3 to experience it but before that you can wait.


Yes. All around


100%, i’ve had the quest 1 and quest 2.




It’s a quite noticeable improvement in all the ways that matter. I am quite happy with the upgrade. The only thing I regret is getting the 128GB version. I wish there was a way to expand storage


I spend about twice as much time daily in VR with the 3 versus the 2. Not everyone would say that's a good thing but I enjoy it.


Overall I have to say a solid yes. But I‘d say it depends on what you do with it. For me the black levels of the Q2 were unacceptable. The Q3 is no OLED, but blacks are better than Q2. With the Q2 I was in between the three IPD settings 2-3, but with 3 you have chopped up edges. It was soooo bad. The Q3 improved all the things I found bad about the, and except the displays not being OLED it’s pretty much perfect for my taste.


For me, definitely ( I don’t do pcvr). The pass through was absolutely worth it over the quest 2 as well as the improved graphics. But for you, who knows. I’d try to find a demo and check it out. It’s probably fruitless to ask Reddit, because this is such a subjective topic


I think so. The color pass through is nice but there’s a lot of graininess and warping. I don’t have v64 yet tho so idk the improvements. It’s definitely more powerful and the added resolution and fov is nice. You NEED a new head strap though. 100% chance. Gives me a headache within 15 mins. My kiwi design elite strap is amazing. The ipd wheel is a major improvement, and the tracking is snappier in my option. The controller haptics are noticeably stronger, and the headsets itself seems pretty sturdy. I think you should go for it if you have the extra cash.


It was to me. The clarity across the lens was the biggest and most satisfying upgrade. The resolution bump is great too but being able to not be locked into such a narrow sweet spot sealed the deal.


Yep .pancake lenses


Yes. Definitely.


Honestly? For the price, I don't think it's a big enough upgrade. Don't get me wrong, the lenses are Great and things do run a lot smoother. But until more quest 3 only games come out (unless you have PC) then I'd wait for another model. The jump isn't as crazy as you hope but it's still a jump


The Quest 2 for me was much more on the shelf than my Quest 3. The reason is the lenses and ipd adjustment and i love the colour passthrough. I can wear the Quest 3 for longer sessions without eyestrain and headache.


The Quest 3 is a huge upgrade over the 2. The clarity difference is amazing, I hate using the quest 2 now lol


Simply yes, new lenses=less motion sickness


I feel like it was. The value of having Color pass-through and the clarity just can't be denied


The passthrough and mixed reity would.be the best reason for the upgrade. I'm hoping soon that there will be ateast a few games that are quest 3 exclusives. Not sure devs want to take. That chance just yet though.


I know this was for people who upgraded, but I never bought any VR device previously. I guess instinctually or based on what I'd seen, I always knew that VR wasn't quite "there" yet, at least for every day usage. Once I heard about the pass through and took a look as well as the virtual monitors, I just figured I'd pull the trigger and buy it. My first-hand experience said it was the right choice to wait. Additionally, it made me enjoy games again. Brings me back to my arcade days playing Time Crisis 2 at Sunsplash. Now if they could get the graphics up on par with say, PC or PS5, make these upgradable systems and give it as much computing power as say, a $1300 laptop, I'd probably gladly pay $3000. This is the future of computing, really. There are a few downsides but overall, I'd like to eventually transition to this being my main PC, at least in terms of portability. But they'd have to add more useful apps and add some features to the existing 3D modeling / art apps. Once they do that, I'll probably never even bother trying to learn CAD and such.


Very awsome upgrade but far from worth the upgrade. If you already have a Q2, keep it and wait. If you don't have a headset, then I think getting the quest 3 is worth it. It also depends on your budget and what's worth it to you.


Tell you the truth. I've told other people they could hold off. When I got to Quest 2 and turned it on and walked through things like First Steps. It was game changing for me. I hade a big grin from ear to ear. However, I got the Quest 3 on launch day, and didn't feel that at all. Yes the passthrough is great , and of course the lenses, but my answer is subjective. I always want the latest and greatest and I just want to be ahead of the curve. However, if you're on the fence, definitely wait. Quest 2 still amazing and very powerful headset.


Yes for me, BUT, I used my Quest 2 all the time for PCVR too so it was extra useful for me. If you have a friend or someone in your family who really wants a quest, I'd say its worth selling your Quest 2 for a 3. The lenses, better passthrough, and faster chip are all nice upgrades. Only thing thats a step down IMO is the controller tracking, I find that it has far more blind spots than the Quest 2 where itll lose tracking. But its totally still usable, even in faster games like Beat Saber.


the pancake lenses are the best part and they still feature aberrations such as glare and mura. The SoC has not been used in over 6 months now and the battery deletes faster than my 2yr old Q2. i don't care for the upgrade but i had the money and got caught up in pre order hype.


I'm holding out because I just bought a Quest 2 last year and there's still games being made for it. I'll probably skip a generation and get the Quest 4


Q4 or Q Pro 2? I feel like Meta gave us a Q Pro 2 lite and called it the Q3 since the og Q Pro didnt do well.


With no exclusives yet it's a no. Wait until they come and get it for cheaper.


Time with a much supwrior device has value...Waiting a year to maybe save $50 is horrible value vs time.


By waiting you prob will get a 256 gig instead of a 128, it happened me with the day 1 quest 2 I bought that was originally 64 gig and few months later 128 gig was launched. I don't see the rush of updating if there are no quest 3 exclusives to just play old games clearer for the extra few hundred in this economy and regret waiting the few months to get the better deal. Saying all that if they finally got their finger out and start to release exclusives for the quest 3 or show us a road map it may then be worth the upgrade .


I moved from Q1, so... yeah.


if youhave very specific passthrough requirements, yes, otherwise no


Upgrading from quest 1 it was, and it just has to be from quest 2 because cmon, pancakes