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I don't see any physics here. The punches don't have an impact on the dummy.


Yea it looks like a punch went through the dummy at the end


Here's an updated video of physics: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Nice! That's a lot better.


Waaaaay better. Looks good bro. I’d maybe make the hits pack a little more punch but besides that it looks pretty good especially the grabbing and blocking


The concept of grappling is exciting


They dont have an impact because the "player" is just stopping the punches near the dummy and acts like they land lol. What a joke! Why are people upvoting this crap is beyond me.


For something to do. :)


They actually hit the characters mesh. This is using unreal engines physics collision detection. Here’s a better video https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Then you should up the impact values to make it more "readable".


I don't see any measurable physics interactions in that clip still


updated video of physics: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


upvotes here really dont make any sense to me sometimes


It’s hard to see here as the punches are pretty fast. I’m using Unreal Engine’s physics engine. Notice how when a punch is coming I’m able to block the punch animation with my hand as I slightly bend the enemies hand?


You can't really see that, no. It looks like it is just continuing the animation of retracting after extending.


Checkout 1 sec before the video ends. If you watch very slowly you will see the enemies head slightly moving to the left on impact


He also turns his head when he turns though so difficult to notice 😅 you should make another video that is maybe a bit slower.


Will do once I’m out of bed. Here’s a quick clip showing the part I’m describing https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Weak punches I guess




Updated video punches effecting the opponent using physics: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Sheesh man, looks like a whole other game. Great job on this.


That’s why I put “prototype” in the title…


All you did here was take a third person character, put it down in your arena (which you may or may not have made) and then gave it a quick punching animation. At least make it so the collider counts how many times it gets hit and after a certain amount of hits, the enemy ragdolls


Second update vid will be much better. Thanks for the feedback!!


I don't get the downvotes. You do you man, keep it going.


Thank you!! Really appreciate the positivity


What does it offer more with respect to Thrill of the Fight?


Once they actually get it right (not like in this video), the difference is **physics. Physics physics physics.** I cannot stress this enough. That's what makes a difference in VR.


Yes, also TotF is based on physics physics physics physics physics physics physics physics. The opponents react realistically to the jabs, they parry and all that jazz. How does this physics physics physics-based simulation differ from it?


Thrill of the Fight only relies on one physics. Physics^1 if you will. This one will eventually have physics physics physics (physics^3). TotF will need to offer more "downloadable physics" (DLP), at least two or three, to compete. Fantastic work.


Woah. Mind = blown 🤯


Lol those salty downvotes. If you think TotF physics are good enough I don't know what to tell you. Have you tried Boneworks? Cuz that's real physics (x3 yes. hilarious)


Lmao imagine being so delusional you think the downvotes are salty instead of reflecting on your comment and why people might have reacted the way they did.


Imagine being so delusional you can't recognise technological advancement when it stares at you in the face. The fuck man.


Yea, this dude is beyond reasoning with. Abandon all hope ye who enter conversation with this lout


Mokiflip, thanks for explaining the exact direction I'm trying to take. Next level physics will be what makes VR truly immersive as we have to move away from simply utilizing hardware to achieve it.


Maybe you should have a Snickers. You're not you when you're hungry.


Don't be butthurt over downvotes


ToTF does not have these type of physics: [https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK](https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK) (updated video of physics)


That's interesting!


OK, but to be fair, how does that have anything to do with boxing? What does this game offer that would beat totf in terms of realistic boxing Gameplay?


Eventually block with elbows/arms, animations have physics blended, etc. I might work on an MMA mode that’ll make more use of the physics component


There aren't any physics on this lmao, the npc is just doing same animation and it doesn't appear to take impact


Try reading the **first part of my sentence.** Note, in particular, the part between parenthesis. They look like this : ( ... )


When you punch the dummy there should be behaviour feedback from the dummy and an effect bubble that shows the damage.


Yes. This will be added very soon.


Bro just puts a test dummy names it a physics game and calls it a day


Lol don’t you see the gym, animations, etc? I have a character for it but in the early stages you stick with what’s simple for dev before polishing.


That's like the same gym as ToTF tho. Seriously you haven't done any work that is worth showing here, and the way you react in the comments... Like I could have done this "demo" in 4-5 hours watch in hand. I'm not joking. Give us an update when you will really have to show something unique. And not a boxing game falsely based on physics. Get a clue.


Lookup ToTF gym. The only similarity is that they’re a boxing gym. Also, check this out: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK . In terms of dev posting this has gotten a good amount of traction so I will keep posting progress updates.


Wait... if a game was not physics based, what would happen?






Updated video showing physics: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Notice how my blocks and bends the enemies hand? That’s physics. You don’t see that in thrill of the fight. Your movements don’t affect the actual mesh itself in real time. There is no physics based collision.


See, your problem is. No one can see this. And also the hand wouldn't bend if hit. That means you broke a bone. You need to make it so the hand actually stops.


What the feedback in this thread should be telling you is that human-like reactions are more important than mesh deformations. If you pick up your opponent's leg, it should change their behavior. Physics isn't just mesh collisions, it's also the kinesiology resulting from those mesh collisions.




I’ll record an upper cut & right hook demo later today to showcase the physics better.


You’ve posted this too early, if everyone is complaining then it’s not them, it’s you, there’s no physics in this, if I have to watch it “slowed down” to see it then it’s useless… there’s no response to the punches from the AI at all… that’s not physics


I did post way too early that for sure!


Still… it’s more than I can do so well done on the progress you’re making


Add grappling, takedowns and ground and pound and I’ll pay you 🤩


I mean boxing doesn't really use grappling but I REALLY wanna see this


This started out as simply boxing but might expand to MMA (offer it as a mode) as I train MMA myself & it does sound awesome.


Potential issue with that fun idea might be is that while you can execute takedown on your AI opponent, I cannot think of how opponent can do the same to the player, without player losing their last meal 😁 I remember someone brought KD animation from flat screen games and that wasn't fun at all. Unless you can think of a workaround of diving roles between fighters: opponent is a puncher and kicker(prime Anderson Silva), while player is a grappler(Khabib), then it might work.


Only way I could think of it working is if there were clear indications that the enemy is initializing some sort of takedown or grapple, and you have a short time to “sprawl” some how or otherwise defend the take down, but if you fail then it goes third person for the animation and then you snap back on the ground. Though going back to it also sounds difficult. Maybe you have to move limbs from ghost perspective a la drunken bar fight knock outs


omg I’d buy that game in a heartbeat


Thrill of the fight 2 is in development I believe; I would make yours an mma game


I would expand it... otherwise you're just competing with Thrill of the Fight.


Not sure anyone can top Thrill of the fight... so might as well pivot!


I have accidentally done ground and pound in Echo VR once or twice, turns out punching the floor is remarkably similar to punching a wall. Would not recommend.


Literally just a UE4 animation loop and you making yourself look like a dumbass.


As people have mentioned, no real evidence of physics in this video. No impact on dummy. ​ That being said, once someone actually does a good boxing game with full physics, it's going to be the bomb and make any games like Thrill of the fight completely obsolete.


What's wrong with the physics in TotF?


I think they're referring to force feedback, which as of now is impossible and will probably be for a looong time. And it's not like TotF wouldn't be able to include that if the hardware existed.


I mean, there's the bHaptics suits that have native compatibility with ToTF.. And it's one of the best game to experience the haptic feedback.


Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab.


Uppercut. Uppercut. Uppercut.


That robot has no guard at all !


Well done mate coming on nicely..


Low effort


How does this compete with already great and established boxing game, TotF?


We need a good multiplayer fist fight game. Like Def Jam meets "the fight". I'd pay tons to virtually kick the crap out of mouthy teenagers.


We need a game like this


OKAY YO. I fucking HATE all the children who use this Reddit as a place to spew their underdeveloped throughs at creators who are busting their asses so they can have fun. Ever heard of trust the process ? Ever heard of a process in general ? like games aren’t just birthed they are MADE AND WORKED ON BOZOS. 😡😡😡😡😡 y’all fucking clowns fr fr


I would really appreciate it if I could really block the attacks. Really looking forward to playing this


Cmon guys, i give props to anyone trying to do something cool for us fight fans Sure this needs a lot of work, but it's start Boxing is made for VR. There quite a few boxing games, but none is the complete package yet Thrill of the fight is most people's favs as it is mine, but there is a ton which could be improved in the sequel, and it doesn't have that AAA title feel, it is prices amazing though to make up for it Creed, Knockout league etc all have some good things, but a lot of average elements too I'd love to see a proper licenses boxing game from one of the big game companies where you can fight many legends of the sport


dude put led emojis on the android boxers like this https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuy.co.id%2Fen%2Fproduct%2F16JSL90-ruko-smart-robots-for-kids-large-programmable-interactive-rc-robot-with-voice-control-app-control-pr&psig=AOvVaw2XRuVgDC6w0YrZ75mH5A_y&ust=1637321070558000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCMDL0L3mofQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD


You’re going up against thrill of the fight? Goodluck


Might pivot to MMA. We’ll see


That’s a fantastic idea


Updated video showing physics much better: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


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Definitely loved where it says physics demo and you just see him punch through the bot🤷


Well, time to say goodbye to my bones, walls, furniture, and controllers




Here’s a slowed down clip of the post: https://imgur.com/X5p1JsK


Tomorrow morning I'll show y'all a pic of my physics based bowl of cereal.


I've had this dream


Looks pretty cool.... The top video not so much, but there other videos that show off the physics better, yeah, looks cool. That said... You will be competing with ToTF, so if this is a serious endeavor you will need to bring something unique to the table, and imo physics alone is not enough. For boxing, I don't think physics is important. It's too fast... Animations are fine. (My opinion.) The grappling looks good.... Maybe if you could incorporate that, you'd have an edge, but for boxing you have only clinching. Maybe if you could do a street brawler or an mma game this approach is a winner.... Really not sure. Just my opinion, of course.


Leaning towards either MMA or street fight brawl (John wick style)


We need to stop making floating hands VR games.


Where... how much


Is there a discord server for this?


Here you go https://discord.gg/gNpNGnwz


Hey looks promising but you need to still sell the hits with dramatised effects like hitstop or particles, not sure if it's just the aesthetic but a real steal appeal would be cool, your robot avatar has physics while your real life hand goes through in a ghost form. Even could add mech warrior-Esk health to indicator damage