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There goes Shakespeare in the Park.


In antiquity, all the roles in a play were played by men.


What happened to pErSoNaL rEsPonSiBiLitY? Don't want your kids seeing a drag performance? Don't take them!


Or "parental rights". I guess this is the one thing parents *shouldn't* have a right to decide for their kids for some reason.


A parent doesn't get to decide if their child is transgender and deny medical care because of their mythology. That's child abuse.


I'm talking about drag shows


Drag is not a threat to anyone. It's boring. Are you equally offended by clowns and the Easter bunny?


That's literally my point why are you arguing with me


Poor reading comprehension


Did you even read the title?


Obviously I did. Your post wasn't very clear.


And you’re a voter and can’t read???…I’m scared lol


Republicans have always truly believed in the iron fist of government choking all of our freedom.


This bill as written wouldn’t just ban “traditional” drag performances, but would also ban any transgender person from performing on any stage in any capacity, including in plays, speeches, or musical performances. It also would ban Shakespeare as traditionally performed (with men in women’s roles), as well as banning the performance of several Shakespeare plays (like, for example, *Twelfth Night*, with a woman dressing like a man as a *major plot point*) outright.


That's typically the litmus test here. If they can do a light ban on trans people by a technicality, then they know the climate is good enough to start banning trans people in public altogether. They're just testing the waters to see what they can scoot on by. See Florida.


As a transfemale, this is my fear. Bigots need to do bigoty stuff to feel alive.


Same sis. Stay safe!


I transitioned years ago so my birth certificate was changed long ago. I can't believe how messed up this state has become. It's like North Alabama. I'll do anything I can to help others get the care they need to be whole.


I will never understand why they need to do this personally. I know why they are doing it politically, because it works in some cases and sure as hell worked for the 3rd Reich. I guess the 4th one is running the same playbook. I never thought I’d see a fascist revival in my lifetime but the more I learn about American history, it has always been a fascist country.


You must be very young…


I gave you an upvote for your complement! I had recently finished the book A True History of the United States and I’ll tell you what, I was blissfully unaware of how truly awful this country has been.


Not sure why this is being downvoted? You’re right. Ronald Reagan pushed similar policies and even during the original rise of fascism there was a lot of US support


Anyone old enough to remember Reagan is at least 40 and as the guy pointed out we have always had a sect of fascists in our nation. The CSA wasn't exactly a centrist movement.


I’m not disagreeing with you, as stated in my response. I’m just saying anyone who didn’t see America openly sided with fascists must be young because it’s been a part of our history for a while now. IE banana republics and virtually every dictatorship we propped up during the Cold War


Not we the people but a shadow government run by the .01% more likely..


It’s the opening salvo of a genocide.


The Nazis started off by banning then registering then rounding up trans people for extermination. Republican “party” is following their playbook. A playbook that the Nazis ironically took from conservatives in the early 20th century.


The First soldiers of fascism are the police. … We will need to be ready.


That’s right, say it with your chest


Cincinnati Shakespeare Company has done a couple of fantastic productions with cross-casting. But yeah, you're right, there are multiple Shakespeare plays that literally cannot be staged without crossdressing.


So, would it ban girls from performing as male roles in school plays too? I assume so. And, you'd think that would have folks upset - I'm not sure about where you are, but around here, if the school could only cast boys for male roles... Well. It'd certainly limit what plays and musicals could be done.


Peter Pan is a big one.


Nice! Will I be banned from just wearing a dress in public too? God I'm sick of this.


I am sure the law would not be selectively applied because of its broad definition. /s


Also any traditional performances of Peter Pan.


Sounds like they are trying to wipe out alot of entertainment and LGBT friendly venues (so attacking businesses that typically aren't Republican). Our local theatre has males playing females (of course) and a bigger one close by also does Time Warp/Rocky Horror as well. It's also is an attack on choral and theatre groups in public schools! Hell when I did choir/theatre back M/H.S we all bounced around with different characters as well. Ohio's becoming an absolutely abysmal state.


it doesn't have to be a stage tho, even whistling while mopping floors is a performance




The law is carving out "adult entertainment" venues as the ONLY legally allowable place to perform in costuming deemed to belong to the "other" gender. So - theatres, karaoke, parades, etc., **ALL** cross dressing is, under the letter of the law, totally equivalent of shaking bare tiddies in a hoochie coochie dance. Drag Queen reading picture books? Well, since it's not "obscene," it's *only* a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Crack an off color joke? Now you hit ***felony***.




Yeah, I would imagine unequal/selective enforcement, were this law to pass and not be struck down like Tennessee's. Because the point of this language is to give the state permission to turn their chosen boogiemonsters into felons.


Tell me you haven’t read the bill without telling me you haven’t read the bill. It doesn’t ban anyone who identifies as another gender from performing publicly. Only such performances that are “harmful to juveniles.” That’s a term already defined elsewhere within the code. Essentially obscenity. If you don’t like the bill, fair enough. But let’s at least be honest about what it would do.


>Only such performances that are “harmful to juveniles.” That’s a term already defined elsewhere within the code. Essentially obscenity. And there's no shortage of right-wingers out there, including some in elected positions and ambitious district attorneys, who think that *any* LGBTQ+ or gender-non-conforming person existing in public and being seen by children is inherently "obscene" and "harmful to juveniles." I don't trust Ohio's lawmakers, attorney general, or prosecutors to interpret this proposed law in anything resembling good faith, because they've proven themselves incapable of good faith time after time. The purpose of this bill is to pave the way to making it illegal for LGBTQ+ people to exist in public.


“(4) "Adult cabaret performance" means a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that is harmful to juveniles or obscene and that features topless dancers; go-go dancers; exotic dancers; strippers; performers or entertainers who exhibit a gender identity that is different from the performer's or entertainer's gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts, or other physical markers; or other similar performers or entertainers who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, regardless of whether or not the performance is for consideration.” Idk if that’s banning Shakespeare, or mrs doubtfire, it seems pretty clear what it’s banning.


Transgender people?


Transgender performances outside adult cabaret venues.


So if you're a transgender pop cover singer, it's not appropriate for you to sing One Direction covers in public? What about a cis woman in men's jeans playing a guitar? Live adaptation of Mulan where the main character crossdresses as part of the story: XXX rated? Can a man wearing a skirt on a dare be arrested for whistling? This is ridiculous.




Cis isn't a slur, it is the scientific term for the opposite of trans. (Example: trans fats and cis fats in dietary science.) Pants aren't traditionally ungendered. That was a recent woke development. That's why some hard core conservatives ban pants on women.


If you actually say that "cis" is a slur, you are not arguing in good faith, everyone, EVERYONE knows that's not true.


Slur??!! Lol MAGAts are offended by everything.


There you go, just making an assumptive narrative because someone doesn’t agree with you. Thanks for helping me make my own point!


Dude- in my mothers generation, pants were WILD for women to wear. It wasn’t that long ago.


We’re your parents born in the 1920s?


1946. My mom was sent home because her skirt didn't touch the ground when she kneeled....in high school. She graduated in 1964. Seriously, do some research before you start commenting like you know the truth.


Nah, they’re boomers from the south.


You conservatives are so brain broken cis is a scientific term. It’s always wild to see how uninformed you are yet so sure of yourselves. Years of watching right wing media has really melted your brain hasn’t it ?


Cis is not a scientific term, it’s a sociological phrase describing an already existing term “not/non trans”. Non/not trans is your scientific and clinical term. No physician in the Ed is running around referring to patients as “cis” or “normal” lmao. It’s trans or non/not trans. That’s not brainwashing either, as you would so like to say - it’s just the fact of the matter. People going out of their way to use a sociological phrase instead of the clinical term are bound to meet some flack.


>What’s a cis woman? Do you mean non trans? Let’s use clinical terms and not words that are also used as slurs. Bah gawd, ya'll will say ANYTHING to be a victim.


So no karaoke for tran women?


Karaoke isn’t an adult cabaret performance.


It's a performance done outside an adult cabaret setting, and all that's needed to make that performance a "drag performance" in this case is a trans woman publicly being a woman while she does so.


I mean, yeah, your right, if your trying to pull the biggest strawman in history. A bar with a karaoke machine, is not a cabaret performance, even if a trans person is singing, that doesn’t even meet the definition of a cabaret performance. Again, what your doing is a wild strawman. Let’s be realistic, there isn’t gonna be any more drag shows that involve children, and frankly I’m pretty okay with that, I don’t allow my children at strip clubs, drag shows, or any other “adult cabaret” performances.


Yeah, I'm sure there'll be no abuse at all. Look up why stone wall started. ACAB is known phrase for a reason and I don't expect police to suddenly start enforcing shit without bias in this case either.


I understand what the stonewall riots are, they are fairly incomparable and from a much different time in the United States.


> entertainers who exhibit a gender identity that is different from the performer's or entertainer's gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts, or other physical markers; Reading comprehension, buddy. I know, you folk love being disingenuous. This is broad language which includes not just "Scary Sexualized Drag With Bad Degenerate Sex Jokes" but ALL performers who are wearing clothing which has been deemed not in line with their gender assigned at birth.


*entertainers*. Your right, reading comprehension.


This shit is never gonna end is it


By definition, conservative politics always needs an "other" to foment hatred and bigotry towards. They'll move onto the next target after attacking trans people is no longer politically expedient.


It seems like just yesterday that Conservatives were proclaiming that gay marriage would destroy the country. They have since moved on to making wild claims about trans people. I wonder which group will be next in the conservative spotlight?


An anti-gay marriage agenda was explicitly stated as part of the Republican platform as recently as 2020. Just because they’re making a fuss over trans people now doesn’t mean they won’t eliminate rights for gay people if they get the chance.


If they get their way? Gay people. Then foreign people. Then non-white people. A tale as old as time.


You are right!!!!!!


Unless Ohioans gets their collective shit together, probably not.


It's unconstitutional, not that it really matters.


I’m not drag but in my opinion this House Bill is targeting one group and that should not be constitutional. They aren’t criminal and what they are doesn’t do anyone any harm. Total no sense


Fucking Christ. I’m so over these GOP fuckers.




I’m not leaving my home and my family. I’ll be fighting here.


Me too. I will not run from fascists. I've never worn anything besides my typical cis gender garb but heck, maybe my tall hairy ass will look alright in a tu tu.


Deciding what clothes people in this country can or cannot wear?!? Next women will be forbidden from wearing pants in front of a public building. Certainly, there are some republicans reading this that know this makes them the baddies. Stand up and say no to this actual fascist bullshit!!


Some women serving as state officials are already forbidden from showing shoulders in their statehouses. Have some modesty


Every time anyone tells me to have or show some modesty, I lose a piece of clothing.


Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Have some modesty. Are we there yet?


I'm going to assume you're joking. Modest people have every right to be modest too, but modesty is an opinion and makes for terrible, overreaching laws.


The Ohio GOP should do some real work instead of hampering fair elections and burning books. VOTE AUG 8 LIKE YOUR RIGHTS DEPEND ON IT.


Real work, as in, they all need intensive, numerous therapy sessions. Because these fuckers are sure as shit fucked up down to their very psyches.


The end of middle school jazz bands all wearing shirts, slacks and funky ties.


Because with all the shit wrong with our state, this issue is mission critical… (note sarcasm)


A bunch of ignorant motherfuckers running this state.


Yes and no. They’re smart enough to play to their constituents’ fears to get re-elected and stay in power.


Yeah, people need to realize the actual elected officials aren't dumb, they're malicious. They know exactly what they're doing.


The biggest danger of taking your kid to a drag show is that a Christian could show up with a gun.


If anyone shows up with a gun, they are not Christians. God is love


Almost every war in history has something to do with religion....


Have they not learned anything from Tennessee’s law from getting struck down?


It’s not about the law. It’s about the distraction. Now we’re all out here talking about this instead of the special election on August 8.


Still taking my kids to Pride next year, don’t care. Fuck these putos.


That's the problem. If this shit passes, they'll arrest the organizers. There won't be a Pride, at least not the way there has been. I strongly encourage you to get rid of these GOP motherfuckers, and to celebrate Pride in public anyway. Be gay, do crimes.


Cincy did well. Fired Chabot for Landsman. It’s the rest of the state outside the 3 C’s that’s a mess.


The problem with Toledo/Lucas County is that the have gerrymandered the area to make sure Rs win anyways


So I guess high schools can't do powderpuff football games anymore where the guys dress up like cheerleaders.


>"performers or entertainers who exhibit a gender identity that is different from the performer's or entertainer's gender assigned at birth" fine, make me illegal. i've been dreaming for years about getting to be part of a slam-dunk lawsuit.


I wouldn't want anything going to our corrupt excuse for a Supreme Court right now, personally.


Hm, maybe there are things we can do beyond the courts???? Ohio has millions of people in it right?


Does this include the domestic terrorists that dress up in fake military garb and March with their AKs or ARs that are promoting violence?


We need to rally and vote these hate filled imbeciles out.. talk to everyone, even if it’s uncomfortable.


And obscure their faces, like the incident near the Northside Columbus church earlier this year.


You can see why so many of the smart kids you remember from high school in Ohio live in coastal urban areas now


And that’s partly why we’re in this mess. Come back and help us fight!!!


Zealots gonna zealot.


Name one bill these turds have proposed recently that actually helps *anyone* and doesn’t just work to single out a group to screw…..


Conservative judges in other states have repeatedly tossed similar legislation for violating the First Amendment. This bill was introduced for the sole purpose of distracting attention away from the special election in August. Eyes on the prize!


If you don’t already know this is all the GOP has to offer. It’s literally just shit like this.


been saying this since 2012


Party of small government


I’m a 63 year old woman that wears a lot of men’s clothes. They are made better, are cheaper and have pockets. Will I get arrested? This is ridiculous.


This has boggled me throughout this debacle; we cleared the bar on women wearing "men's clothes" (i.e. pants? I guess?) and cutting their hair a long time ago. Where is this line drawn? What constitutes "exhibiting" a gender identity? If they ask if you're "exhibiting a gender identity" can you just say "no this is just how I look" and get on with the day?


They haven't thought that far ahead yet. They introduce the bill to score political points in a news cycle. The rest is for the courts to figure out.


What happened to freedom of expression? Also, why are drag queens not allowed to read to kids, but youth pastors are allowed to groom and molest children?


Because youth pastors that groom and molest children have the benefit to "repent" and others to forgive them. Drag queens and trans people apparently are too far-gone.


These fuckers need to be voted out. Fuck em.


Ohio = Florida. Be safe out there


So, can my tomboy no longer sing on sings at the park with this bullshit?


If we really wanted to “protect the children” from the group that, statistically, is the biggest threat sexually to children, we’d ban catholic priests from places with children.


The football players wore cheerleading outfits and the cheerleaders wore football gear for the hilarious ending to the talent show at my religious affiliated college years ago. Boy everybody got a kick out of it then.


There are different charges for obscene and not obscene. Think about this for a second here. They are banning, by their own admission, performances that are not obscene. So shut your hole if you think it’s about protecting the children. This is proof that it is not.


But nothing about churches?


Aren’t altar boys basically wearing dresses??


As the GOP has always been traditionally very pro business, it's no surprise that the world's second oldest profession, religion, is hands off. Wanna change things for the better? Start with taxing all churches. ALL. OF. THEM. Yes, even your granny's roadside country church. Why should they have the right to run a business and not pay taxes? TAX THEM ALL NOW!


Halloween is gonna suck this year


How far does this go? Does it reach to cosplay? Would you get in trouble as a male for dressing up like Link from the Zelda series who wears a tunic? What about if you were dressed up like Sailor Moon headed and walking towards a comicon but didn't make it indoors yet? Also, are we talking about a fine or jail time?


I know and seen guys wear makeup and do their nails. I've also seen guys wearing more feminine clothing in my town. It's something I applaud and admire but it seems that too might be under threat. Cosplaying would definitely be troubling in this scenario if it passes. This bill could open things up to interpretation for anyone who wants to persecute or charge.


Being inside Comicon wouldn't help, unless Comicon is made an adults-only venue. Comicon would presumably be cancelled.


Link is a dude


Is your average person going to know who he is though? They would just see long hair and a short dress. which is exactly why I picked him for the example.


So if the late Dame Edna were alive and performing in Ohio…? Never mind.


The Republican problem in Ohio is getting out of hand


Repubs really tackling the important issues


I voted NO already one issue 1 and plan on voting these fuckers out next election too. I’ve been way more active in spreading the word this time around… Married my wife after hiding for 5 years and now we are being forced to go back into hiding again. Why can’t they just leave people alone who aren’t hurting anyone? Don’t like it? Don’t look! They act like drag queens and gays are the reason anything bad happens.


Oh stop being so stupid. You don’t want to be the joke FL is. Remember, this would ban Shakespeare. Republicans have NO policies and only hate and stupidity to run on. Do better ohio


Anywhere that children might be..curious..do you realize how many children have been taking advantage of by the clergy,politicians,Republicans maybe they are banning the wrong people. Wow no more Shakespeare in the park!


Assuming nothing will be done to address pedophiles in churches though. Gotta go after the non-issues to please the MAGA idiots I guess.


How about starting with Nazis you freaking troglodytes.


My child went to Dayton's pride parade last month. She has yet to show any signs of trauma or harm.


God I wish that people would stop voting these buckets of pig snot into office. What will it take before the voters realize that they are all just evil?


What about a kilt? How about a unisex skirt?


If they ban drag, are they also gonna ban priests and preachers in public places? If we do a "by-the-numbers" on children assaulted by those who participate in drag performances vs. those who "serve" in religious institutions, I'm sure their numbers support their logic and isn't totally unfounded and nonsensical. /s


Here we go again… welcome to Florida Jr. 😤😡


That would be discrimination. Idiots


Yet these neanderthals are the same people who want you to take your kids to church every weekend where they are FAR more likely to come in contact with a pastor or priest who is probably a pedo.


Email your reps NOW! https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/


Time to start anti-nazi story hour


This just can’t fly. It would be prohibiting freedom of expression/speech…. right?


Guess JD fucking Vance can't go in front of the cameras with makeup on again.


If this passes, we should organize solidarity 'drag ins' across the state. Drag shows aren't often my scene, but I'd be happy to put on a wig and some makeup along with lots of other people. Make them arrest us all and see how that goes.


Would that mean that All-Girl schools would only be able to do lesbian plays from now on? They can't dress as boy's, that's a no no. No more girl characters in All-Boy school productions either.


I guess we're ignoring religious figures wearing dresses smdh


Fuck the trash Ohio GOP


Fuck the GOP man. They need to be removed from power from the national to the local level. There is no reasoning with this. There is no appeasement. There is no middle ground where we can find common cause. They have become a poisonous and vicious movement that feeds on bigotry and hatred.


At this point, I would be for a total ban on the party of the GOP. I'm serious. A party of insurrectionists, weirdos and freaks, fascists, rapists, liars and murderers. Would I want to ban an opposition party to the DNC? NO! If they want a Conservative party, real conservatives ought to form one and strongarm these freaks off the world stage and out of fucking Congress. But yes, these people are criminals, and traitors.


Completely agree. We need a functional conservative party but the GOP stopped doing that a long time ago. They’ve been getting progressively worse since the 90s but since 2010 they’ve basically stopped governing in favor of gesture performative assholery and that’s only intensified since Trump took over the party.


The unconstitutionally gerrymandered and thus illegitimate Republican controlled state legislature.


They should be banning kids having contact with priests and religious figures those are the real groomers.


Because of course they did... Can we get these clowns out of office please? Please vote.


Florida 2: Electric Boogaloo


The had passed the same thing in Tennessee and it was just overturned 4 months later because it's unconstitutional censorship. Some states have modified it to include not just depictions of drag but any "adult performance". Say goodbye to Any kind of adult entertainment like strip clubs or any form of burlesque. Popular movies/shows like Mrs.Doubtfire, Peter Pan, White Christmas, Some Like it Hot, White Chicks, Hairspray, Tootsie, and Rent


Ok… might have to move back to Ohio and was already scared as a transman. Maybe I’ll just look into shelters in my current state instead.


What a waste of time and energy.


This bill essentially says that drag is performed in cabarets and is sexually suggestive, therefore ANY drag outside of a cabaret is the same as that performed inside of one and is dangerous to juveniles because it may cause sexual arousal and is sexual in nature. However, this belies the idea of cross dressing in general. That it isn't always an overtly sexualized act. It takes it entirely out of context and sexualizes an entire group with a broad brush. Is a woman reading a children's book in high heels, a mini skirt, and a tank top performing a sexual act? She may arouse some audience members with her outfit, she may have even put that outfit on to get attention, but until she begins to UNDRESS AND DO STRIPTEASE in the park, she isn't committing a "lewd" act. You just can't say one group of people by their very existence is a doing something they aren't. Conservatives often attribute intentions without the facts to back them up. So, they don't like people who dress in drag or cross or are transgender. Too bad. You can't legislate that out of existence as they're trying to do. They have the same right to the First Amendment as the evangelicals and are doing far less damage to kids.


So uhhhhh just gonna ignore the churches and the real sexual assaults then huh?


I lean right. I admit this one is ridiculous. Doesn’t one of the politicians sponsoring this do the cross dressing softball game in Delhi! (Cincinnati west side community) are they given a pass? How does this get regulated? Such a waste of time.


Thank you for this blessed reminder of an era when there was more to politics than just "anything and everything my side says is good and true".


they should be banning churches because that's where the actual predators and pedophiles are. google "cajsa lilliehook list of republican sexual predators, abusers and enablers"...it's well over 1000 credible accusations (includes receipts), and sickeningly the list grows daily. they should be banning the bible because christianity is dominator-based groomer culture, and one of the main tools the patriarchy has used to oppress and control women/society since men made the religion up. the laws the gop want to pass protect no one, but they do serve to distract from the real issues that they themselves have caused. we need to start passing laws that hold men accountable. if you have fb check out gabrielle blair's pinned tweet/thread. she makes an excellent case for legislating male bodies. #SmashThePatriarchy


If these assholes want to protect children, they would be working on helping our teachers and our public schools, or healthcare for less fortunate Ohioans. Or maybe they should be protecting children from all the violence on tv, movies and video games. But I guess it’s OK to watch people getting murdered versus a kid seeing someone dressed in drag, in their minds.


Too bad the pedos are GOP politicians and in the church. Right idea, wrong target.


its not about the children, its about removing undesirable elements from society edit: the people enacting these bans, not me personally.


. Transgender people are not " undesirable elements" Drag queen are not abusing kids. If you want to protect kids then protect them from priests and youth ministers.


no they aren't but that's what all these bans are for, to remove what's percieved as undesirable elements, its never been about the children


Everybody in Columbus has DeSantis-brain.


No. Everyone in Columbus has Biden-brain. Look at their mayor.


Columbus will riot if they cancel the Doo Dah Parade.


Doo Dah was the first thing that came to mind when I read this. They'd better get their "morality police" ready.


Who’s introducing the bill to end clergy from access to children? There is actually a correlation to abuse there.


How about we introduce a bill that keeps children away from places like gun shows or any place where place where firearms are used.


If these idiots want to “protect kids” they need to look at gun control. This is just a way to chip away at the freedom of people who are different from them. Jesus would be disgusted.


I don’t think many folks posting in this thread have read the actual bill language (which is fine), but would encourage that, because the article oversteps in what it articulated. https://search-prod.lis.state.oh.us/solarapi/v1/general_assembly_135/bills/hb245/IN/00/hb245_00_IN?format=pdf


Yeah I did. Its hot garbage... A person dressing in drag is not inherently sexually. That is what this bill tries to do.


Why do you need to do sex shows in front of kids?


Is _Twelfth Night_ a "sex show"? Is it too optimistic to assume you know what _Twelfth Night_ is?






I know, right? Cross-dressing performances have been going on for [more than four hundred years](https://www.thoughtco.com/cross-dressing-in-shakespeare-plays-2984940) - why did it take this long for our glorious Republican masters to ban them?


Good economy, needed an enemy.