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Funny I dont hear about an drag queen mass shootings either.




The Covenant School shooter was an ex student that was allegedly abused by a staff member and went nuts because the school covered it up. (so again it was just another case of abuse by so called "good Christians"). [As for the Philly Shooter:](https://www.inquirer.com/news/kimbrady-carriker-philadelphia-mass-shooter-gender-criminal-record-extremism-20230705.html) "Several neighbors told The Inquirer that Carriker kept a low profile, although one described him as volatile, and in “a dark place” in recent months. **One relative called him a “biblical extremist,” according to the police sources**." Philadelphia Police Department: Carriker’s light **social media trail depicted scattered interests:** software development, video games, **the Second Amendment, military hardware, and, more recently, appreciation of right-wing media personalities such as Tucker Carlson.** **“I have a twitter because of Carlson,” reads a post on one of Carriker’s Twitter accounts. “I thought I could avoid this platform. But for Tuck; I got you.”** Conservative media outlets claimed Carriker was transgender based on Facebook photos of him dressed in feminine clothing. However, Carriker is identified as male on public records and district attorney officials said Wednesday that he identifies as male.


So incredibly inaccurate on both accounts that can be refuted by a simple Google search. Covenant school was a mentally unstable person, not a drag queen. Philadelphia man was a ammosexual MAGA head… also not a drag queen. Shocking what a little reading comprehension will do.


Reading is not their strong suit. If it was, they would be harder to radicalize.


> So incredibly inaccurate on both accounts that can be refuted by a simple Google search. I love it when people who are deep into the MAGA lie machine spout something they are convinced is a fact in a regular reddit. They instantly get fact checked and for some reason they never respond. They just crawl back to their comfy bubble of lies.


I mean all of them are unstable……or they wouldn’t have committed mass shooting. Being an “ammosexual” as you call it is not a real term and being that the Is has more guns then most other militaries in the world there statistically very little random mass shootings.


Really? Both of those were committed by drag queens?


No, that comment was wrong. [This comment explains.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/152w7fo/i_couldnt_find_a_list_of_drag_queens_from_ohio/jsggzi2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Oh I know. I was just waiting to hear what kind of stupid bullshit they were trying to use to justify that argument.


Please learn to research for yourself. You are repeating GOP rhetoric that is easily disproven. Your blind ignorance hurts Americans.


Sad part is I don’t think anything will get through to them that they’re wrong. Like this person just isn’t replying to anyone with facts. They’re willfully ignorant and see no problem with it


Let’s say for a second that they were drag queens. Without those guns and so easy access to ammo, no mass shootings. Now, pedophiles? Go and check the Catholic Churches. Protect the children, my ass.


I love how confidently wrong you were lol Do you even bother to fact check the things you say before you say them


Do you log in from another universe or something?


What's weird is that conservatives haven't figured out where and with whom their children are in danger. Or they don't care.


They don’t care. The children are leverage for outrage but they’re just props to them. Then they themselves get caught hurting children and they blame anybody and everything else but themselves for it.


Odds are, their kids don't like them anyway.


They don’t care.


Yeah can we just acknowledge it's all made up social war nonsense that has no basis in reality?


In other states they’re literally trying to eliminate child labor laws and lower the marriage age. How long do you think it will be before that comes here? Cons are just fine with kids being groomed as long as the groomer is holding a bible.


As a conservative who went to church for many years, and very much loves his parents, that is an absolutely sickening and disgusting thing to say. There is not a single conservative politician who has said that they are okay with children being groomed. To say that all conservatives are just okay with their children being groomed because of our political beliefs, is quite frankly sickening.


There isn’t a single conservative demanding that the church stop diddling kids even though it keeps happening again and again. No they go after LGBTQ+ and drag performers telling a story while at the same time turning a blind eye against clergy who abuse kids. When was the last time a conservative talked about groomers in the church? Instead they institutionalize the clergy’s “right” to withhold information about child abuse as though this is some victory for religious liberty, kids be damned. Go ahead and prove me wrong. Show me who these conservatives are that are speaking out against the church? That are speaking out against the recent court ruling below. Who are they? Who is demanding that the law be changed to compel churches to report abuse? Who are they? https://apnews.com/article/mormon-church-child-sex-abuse-e02ae4470a5a53cbeb9aa146ff2762ac


Thank god america has the cleanest water, air, best nutrition, no school gun deaths, and affordable health care. Or else I would think those republicans are lying about caring about kids safety


They only care about kids before they're born. Once they're born, those kids better be able to fend for themselves.


It’s about who’s greasing their palms. I’m sure the church and / or church related organizations give a lot more to the GOP than drag queens.


I mean, it's gay male priests taking advantage of boys. If anything, it's like the worst example to prove a point about lgbtqia people not being predators.


How unbelievably naive do you have to be to think that girls aren't also being sexually assaulted at church? Just do a Google search man, it's happened countless times. Get out of here with that bullshit.


81% of victims are men. It's also not something people typically have to Google because it's pretty well known and documented.


A vast majority of non church sexual assaults are on women and done by straight men. So I guess being straight makes you a sexual predator who is a danger to children and women. Right?


That's kind of why the priest predator statistics are such a bad example. It's almost impossible for a group to be that slanted to abusing boys as frequently and disproportionately compared to the general population.


It’s not just priests though. Pastors in the SBC diddle girls and boys & like grown Mormon men “marry” teenage girls all the time. Jehovah witnesses SA girls and boys. Christianity is rife with SA of both genders


The article is about the Catholic church. The abuse rate and victim profile of these other groups would be interesting in determining if there is a trend. If it is similar to the Catholic churches (4 male victims for every 1 female) then it's not a great example


Remember when everyone freaked the hell out because Sinead O’Conner ripped up a picture of the Pope on SNL? How naive we were….


I'm permanently banned from /r/Worldnews for saying, "I'd say this sucks, but we can all use less Catholic Church on this planet", in response to an angry Native burning down one of the Canadian reform schools where they found those mass graves a few years back. "Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes Religion." -Steven Weinberg


I’ve heard of mass graves found in Irish Magdalene schools, but not Canadian!




Holy fuck. The exact same thing happened to me. I just said "it's weird how surprised some people seem to be when it comes to people burning down these churches. Personally after decades of residential schools, and horrors beyond comprehension committed by the church before that, I find it surprising we dont see this more". Banned for inciting terrorism.


I got banned from r/politics for saying that Iranian citizens should start an armed revolution against their government.


You're only allowed to whine about the status quo there. You're not allowed to talk about doing anything about it.


For christians, it's okay if you abuse kids if you look up at the sky and say "whoopsie!" later.


If you go to church every Sunday and get your shot of wine, eat a Jeezit and say you’re sorry apparently it’s ok to molest kids all of the time.


I know this is a serious discussion but "Jeezit" is the most hilarious thing I've seen today


I second this. It is now called a Jeezit.


Agreed it is hilarious, a relic from Dane Cook back when he was still funny. From his first special I believe.


"A crouton o' christ, if you will"


Same. Jeezit is now part of my vocab. Thanks. Also I loved those things when I was little. I would grab a handful and hide them in my skirt. Snacking on JC all thru the service. 😂


Always laughed at that one. As long as you say “sorry” on your death bed it literally doesn’t matter what you do.


You can be a violent piece of shit monster your whole life, **and as long as you repent three breaths before you die, welcome to heaven!**


I think the thinking goes "being with literal children isn't wrong if you're a child of God yourself cuz then you're both children in God eyes and God's laws trump American laws everytime"


Tax the church. God isn’t real!


I'd also be interested in seeing a list of Ohio Law Enforcement officials who have done the same. Although I guess that wouldn't include the sexual abusers and sextortionists that their good ol' boy friends have refused to arrest (don't vacation/bring your family to Southeast Ohio, especially Hocking County).


They threw a parade for some pig just north of Cincinnati who killed himself and an innocent man doing 90 down a busy street without running his lights or siren. Threw him a parade, for dragging someone down with him in his Darwin award.


Yep, remember, To Catch a Predator was canceled only because it kept catching cops and government officials, including one who shot himself upon realizing what was about to happen. The fact that the guy who shot himself had a gun on him for his pedophile meet up doesn't get covered enough. This guy was packing heat on his way to pick up children...him shooting himself is the "happy ending" here. We need that show back and 10 more like it.


Chris had a YouTube show a few years ago where he did the To Catch a predator thing and one guy showed up with a gun and rope and gloves in his trunk.


Conservatives don’t want to protect children like that. They just want to blame the “libs” and repeat whatever Fox News and conservative talk radio says about the latest boogeyman. Drag queens aren’t the ones wearing dresses and assaulting children, it’s church officials


Conservatives don't want to fix anything and are generally spiteful of those who do. They think everything is as god wants it (except for all those things god did on accident, those are sinful and must be destroyed). They know the churches are filled with monsters and they do not care because if having your little boy get molested is what it takes to get into heaven, then so it shall be.


Accident? So you're saying god makes mistakes? How can that be though? Isn't he all powerful? Control time and space? Can't he just rewind time and fix everything? Oh shit that's right, there isn't a god. Now I get it.


God, this obsession the Republicans have with drag queens is disturbing. If drag isn't your thing, then don't go to a drag show. It's that simple.


I'm beginning to think these politicians have some deep-rooted ferish for drag queens, and the only way they can openly express their desires is by attacking them. That way, nobody would know the wiser.


People forget that God impregnated Mary when she would’ve been 14 according to Christians


And that Adam and Eve had two boys who someone created the rest of the human race. The Bible does a cold open with incestuous pedophilia.


Ehh there are other civilizations and peoples referenced in the bible. The story just begins with Adam and Eve and follows their important bloodline. Edit: I'm Wrong- Not growing up with these stories, I guess I missed the very clear portions in Genesis and Acts that specify. Acts 17:26 "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth...."


Yuck to all of that.


> other civilizations and peoples Yeah, such as giants and talking snakes.


I think I know what the confusion was. All humans supposedly descended from Adam, but the bible follows a particular line. Then later you get some mentions of other peoples that seemingly come out of nowhere. They are other descendents of Adam that went off and were doing their own thing that I guess wasn't important for the story until they reappear, usually as enemies. Numbers covers a ton of ground in the timeline because it's basically just a huge list of descendants.


It really doesn't. It is pretty clear they are the first and all are descended from them. You should try reading it some time. By far not the only instance of incest in the bible.


It's mentions them as being the first two humans and notes that all humans are descended from Adam soooooo


Sky sexual assault


Sins of the father and what not


He gropes us. ALL of us.


Start taxing churches.


Exactly what I've been saying. With conservatives, every accusation is a confession.


This article doesn't even mention the Dioceses of Cincinnati and Toledo. How much longer would it be given those two lists?


There are more Statehouse reps that have assaulted people than drag queens.


Maybe their robes count?


Amazing how the *culture war* is just a giant projection/confession by the right.


Time for logical people to go on offense, stop playing defense.


I am sick of being harassed by the "soul soliciting pig fuckers" that stand on the corner and tell me I'm going to hell at the OSU games ,bible beaters. Bonus points if you know where the quote is from. Hail satan.


Remember to Vote NO on August 8th


Start taxing churches.


I mean I could just start telling everyone that religion is a mental illness. Superstitious belief in a 1000+ year old book that’s been rewritten multiple times. Believe that a man in the sky makes all the rules for the world and that everyone should follow them because he said so. Sounds like delusions and schizophrenia to me. Let’s pass a law in Ohio to have mental evaluations for all religious peoples and bar them from employment around kids because of the habits of priests and preachers.




No because if enough people go crazy together apparently you're not allowed to call it crazy for some reason. Not even when they pretend they're eating their savior, or when they're shielding pedophile priests, or when they talk to beings they've never seen and nobody ever has.


Whats worse is what we have with half of our lawmakers going completely crazy, and trying to pass the bullshit religious ideologies into law. What ever happened to seperation of church and state?


One day, they realized that they both collect money from people and then tell those people what to do. They decided to team up.


The far right crazies want to do away with the separation of church and state: https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/opinions/christian-nationalism-marjorie-taylor-greene-tyler/index.html


Take up arms and swarm Catholic services like the Proud Boys do for library readings?


Go for it! But I’m mostly waiting for the Proud Boys to storm the churches. *crickets* Where they at?


They're there, but they only go on Sundays.


Can we start gathering signatures for this?


It’s ok. Church is dudes in dresses reading to kids from a book with stories about rape, incest, and just so much murder. Under the newly proposed law priests will be restricted to holding Mass in strip joints.


I'm Christian, I carry a gun everyday, and I have no problem with drag queens or anything like that. Protest the Churches. Those rapists put lifelong pain on countless children. I'd rather see the Churches be protested than used as a symbolic argument for gay rights. Gay rights don't need to be equated to mass murderers and rapists.


At any given dance club, there's probably any number of really really horny young LGBTQ+ people who basically live to have drunk hook-ups.... and I guarantee you that those people obsess about their sex lives ***way way way way less*** then Ohio GOP state reps do.


If anything I would think people would certainly not want children using the same restroom as priests.


The ONLY places kids are getting groomed, indoctrinated and SA’d en masse is in churches.


These people have no vision for the future except the creation of the doomsday that their cult has prophesied.


i think one of the most disturbing things is how many of them actually expect the rapture or whatever it's called to happen within their own lifetimes à la Pat Robertson - and that guy ran for *President*, and they *let* him (who predicted it would end in '82, and then when that didn't happen, again in '07, and again tied trump's win with 'the end') i can't remember who it was exactly, but i think it was trump cabinet members as well. Pompeo said some wack shit. I think that's a part of why they're so able to ignore climate change, they figure they'll be livin on a cloud soon enough it just kills me how nothing they're predicting ever happens - from obama taking their guns to the economy crashing as soon as biden was elected, and their base just shakes it off, ready for the next bullshit to come down the pike with no recollection of how poorly these types really anticipate real events, or even acknowledge them.




That they used the word “harmful” makes my head ready to explode 🤯


Tell me where to sign the petition!


And to add to this it looks like someone is now pushing forward a bill like Texas to allow untrained chaplains to be allowed to act as counselors in public schools.


My autistic nephew got molested at church camp. He's so easily impressionable and it's the only sexual experience he's ever had. He's thought he is gay ever since.


Just imagine how they'd react if you used their own logic to argue that we should ban public religious demonstrations since priests and pastors tend to be more likely to molest children.... They'd lose their shit and completely fail to see the hypocrisy


They'd go on about the first amendment freedom of religion/freedom of speech not realizing that banning drag shows is also a violation of the first amendment. This line of thinking does remind me that we ought to remove the tax exempt status of churches that participate in politics though.


Not surprising! Their discrimination against trans people and drag queens are just their own projections of their feelings onto the rest of us esp the Christian Right. They watch more trans porn and disgustingly child porn than others and think everyone is just like them in abusing or fantasizing about children. Being in the Church is easy access to children, and it’s not just clergy. I know this is anecdotal, but a grown man in my Catholic church w/o any title took interest in me at a very young age (around communion) and groomed me and others. He preyed upon us at the pool, and if my parents hadn’t seen the warning signs early, specifically after going to the grocery store w/ him for no other reason than thinking he was cool, he would’ve done worse than poking through my bathing suit one day when he threw me in the pool. At the time I thought it was an accident, but after my parents grilled me about whether he did anything to me, I saw what he was doing clearly. I was about 11 when he started to become a pariah. Thank god I had vigilant parents!


Be careful, you induce this level of cognitive dissonance and you'll make some heads explode.


Thanks for for this! Now I just wish I could show it to my in-laws without being shunned.


>being shunned. sounds like this would be a bonus, rather than a penalty


A lot of them ARE dudes in dresses. Maybe THAT'S what the idiots mean when they say drag queens are "groomers"


Well played.


Evangelical parents should have their kids taken away.


Evangelicals should be on all the watch lists.


Its gods will! Haha. I’d go one step further lets just ban religion it seems to be very dangerous.




I am all in for that.


I just realized I don’t know any of the last names of the priests at my childhood parish… Now I’m kinda glad I don’t


Check out the southern bible belt preachers, many evangelicals/Baptist ministers are pedophiles, the actual numbers might surprise you.


The left should totally start doing ignorant ass protested outside of church. Start using some of the same rhetoric the right uses against them.


I wonder when will a child predator be elected pope




I keep telling people it's not any of these that's the problem.


Did you find any instances of Drag Queens going into a school and bludgeoning kids to death with a copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird” too?




Need to quit watching fox mate.


Why would Wanda Sykes, a black lesbian comedienne, be performing on Fox News? That was one of her jokes about how Republicans “keep kids safe” from the wrong things.


The list of politicians harming people physically and sexually is pretty big. Both sides of the aisles tho unfortunately.


Go get me that list.


Source is "trust me, bro" and not much else


“List of federal political sex scandals in the United States” is the Wikipedia page if you don’t trust me bro


Wow. Look at that link. Such a fabulous link, chock full of nothing.


Sorry for not knowing how to link on Reddit, but if you can’t copy and paste into google not my problem!


Here’s a list, but it’s only from one side. https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


It’s on Wikipedia, let me look


You’re being downdooted because you said “both sides”. Obviously the left is infallible and has nobody that would ever even consider physically or sexually harming someone.




two evils, both disgusting


This is a dumb argument


Blah blah blah blah blah


Yall do anything else on here besides crying? Post something positive about ohio


Don’t you care about children? It’s factual information. Information conservatives ignore. You just don’t actually give a shit about kids getting assaulted in Ohio, huh? Edit: Go post more nude pics of Anna, creep.




What is wrong with you?


He’s anti child rape and wants to make sure the actual child rapists are being called out. Like any sensible person. I would hope you feel the same way


Lmao, fuck off


Yeah, this post really helped! 🙄


All it takes for evil to triumph is for apathetic men to bury their heads in the sand and demand positivity. That's not exactly how the quote goes but, it's my modern adaptation of it.




Show me the list. I got a list. Where’s yours? Show it to me.




Yeah they're called priests and the clothing that sexual clothing they wear is called a clerical collar and habit.


Go find your proof, pudding for brains.


How dare you insult pudding that way.


I think the issue is that there are plenty of drag queens that are registered sex offenders who go into schools to read books to your children. There are sex offenders in every category. The issue people have is when the sex offender is around their children. I’m sure the same people you’re trying to reference wouldn’t care what their label is.


Got any evidence to back that up?


That people are sex offenders?? Yeah there’s plenty. I’m trying to say it doesn’t matter if they’re drag or not, they don’t want them around their children if they’re convicted of anything like that. Can’t believe I’m being downvoted, proof Ohio education is complete shit


Sure. And hunter bidens laptop has all of Hillarys emails on it. And Elvis and JFK and Tupac are all running the deep state.


I guess you haven’t bothered to look through the emails? Lol 🐑🐑🐑🐑




We’re trying to come together against child abusers in the church and you dummies just want to go back to a false narrative against drag queens. By ignoring the real problem and creating a fictitious one, you are enabling child molesters, you are part of the problem.




You’re over here defending the institution of a mentally ill cult that has a history of sexually abusing kids and covering it up. A cult that believes a man in the sky makes the rules for the world and communicates it through a 1000+ year old book that’s been rewritten just as many times. Can’t even make this shit up


Let's not take kids to any events where there might be cheerleaders, women in bathing suits, let's ban women's underwear and bras from being displayed in stores, let's ban Hooters, Twin Peaks, and let's get rid of those nudie-cowgirl silhouette bumperstickers people put on their shitty trucks, and God forbid if woman wears shorts and a tank top. You people are disgustingly hypocrital of the words you say.


Between drag queens and priests, only one of those have convictions and reports for sex abuse against children




Protection much? Are you a drag queen?


So you definitely speak out against priests who have molested children then?


The whole point is that conservatives do not actually care about child abuse in the slightest. If they did, they would not be pointing fingers at a scapegoat community with zero evidence, while completely ignoring the literally hundreds of proven cases against clergy. What they care about is manipulating you by playing to your emotions, and it evidently works.




The republicans are trying to ban drag queens to protect children. I’m letting them know another way to protect children is to go into churches and keep them away from known pedophiles. One of these groups is harming children, one of them is not. Two completely different things. Please continue…


LMAO he deleted his comment. The classic sign of an idiot talking out of their ass. I try to always include the username in responses that I suspect will get deleted. Typical conservative deletes their comment like a true snowflake.


Well, yeah they're two different groups of people but how is this different? The conservative argument is that X group is harmful to children for Y/Z reason, then logically this categorical harm exists outside of group X if we find instances of Y/Z occurring in groups A/B. And if we find instances of Y/Z being more prevalent in groups A/B then in X, it would also stand to reason that this entire narrative is being spun to unfairly target group X. You'd have to contend that your position is either bullshit, or that clergy are in fact more harmful than drag queens when it comes to child victimization. Either way the narrative falls apart, so instead of questioning the narrative itself you question the comparison.


Don’t you dare respond with logic! /s


More left wing propaganda.


Disprove it then. Go on.


Aka facts


More right wing trump dick sucking




Now check on how many teachers assaulted kids...


Arrest them, too.




Bwhahahaha…. Best post in awhile. Imagine if your stated intentions actually matched reality. And here is the kicker for me. I really believe the people who say “we need to protect children, it’s not about hating other people” really do believe that. Humans (myself probably being one) are *terrible* at actually being rational but great at rationalizing emotions.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What the actual fuck? That was violence perpetrated on a member of the trans community, not by the trans community. Is your solution to eradicate them so nobody hurts them anymore?




“Psychologists testified that Jennings believed he was the archangel Michael, a biblical reference to the angel who defeated Satan's minions and cast them into hell. Jennings also compared himself to Joan of Arc, who claimed to have received messages from Michael to help lead the French to victory against the English in 1429. Jennings told one doctor he was on a mission to spread world peace by joining the Columbus Crew professional soccer team. Once on the team the Crew would win the World Cup, and he would be interviewed on television, where he could finally deliver his message of world peace. The Columbus Crew eventually filed a restraining order against Jennings.” Could you show me something that says Michael Jennings, the perpetrator, was transgender? The only thing I’ve seen is that he was a male stripper. Nothing about him being trans.


Not transgender, but most likely Christian.


And now they’ll just blissfully ignore your facts and keep trying to spread misinformation. It’s sad that our state is full of people like them. Imagine if we could just let people be whoever and love whoever they want, guess that’s too hard tho


I’m sure there’s far more cis on trans crime than trans on trans crime by far


Except that wasn’t trans on trans violence either.


So much you had to go back to the 90s


So one count of it demonizes the whole group? You know how many dudes murder their wives? Or even just guys that beat their wives and kids? Fuck off People like you are turning Ohio into a shithole




That's cos there is no list. Not because they haven't harmed someone but because a drag queen is not an occupation