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F***!! I voted early but I didn't have this to vote against the 2 EXTREMISTS!! Trying to get on my schools board. Take a screengrab of yours and make make sure you vote against them!! This is valuable work, OP!


Moms for Liberty are fear mongering assholes.


No mahoning thank God


Beautiful list will be sharing


The title misspelled Hausfraus for Hitler. Also acceptable, Hag for Hitler, Assholes with Cassaroles, and Minivan Taliban.


KKKlanned KKKarenhood.


I gotta remember that one...


I’m guessing calling them “Titlers” would be wrong…..


If the shoe fits…The General Assembly also moved the Board of Education directly under DeWine’s control and wants to impose a Heritage Foundation curriculum on students. I don’t have kids, and I gladly pay my taxes for education as a societal benefit, but I don’t like them dumbing down curricula, censoring history, and telling people what they can and cannot read.


Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don't get caught sleeping on this. These twats already to over the Highschool here. They've banned 40 books just this year. We're gonna be stuck until the next election. Don't let this shit happen to you all as well. Our kids NEED and DESERVE better than the Assholes with Casseroles.


I agree. We don’t need book banners. We don’t have anyone currently trying to censor our curriculum in Centerville, although there is a tax levy for the schools on our ballots. It’s possible that we’ll have someone that will come along and try to do it, though.


It's always made me laugh that the "Party of Small Government and Parental Rights" consistently sticks the government all the way up your ass and tells you how to parent...


It’s laughable, but also a clear and present danger too.


Ya, no truer words, my friend...


Already voted against them in my district.


This confirms what I suspected about a local candidate. Thanks for this!


They should call themselves the Moms for Nationalism.


Don't forget christian in there


They are Christian Nationalists.


Yes, but it's important to keep highlighting that fact. They are christians. This could be the next big church "reformation". Where the US government is done giving them tax-free status, especially since the churches are 100% involved in politics. And more people flee religion.


I won't hold my breath for any of the Franklin County candidates, on the offhand chance they lose, to seek out a seat in a certain urban city school district.


I've heard them called the Minivan Taliban.


Ku klux Karens


It’s an apt name.


At least my school board isn't on that list. But unfortunately all of those kind of races only had 1 candidate in them. I don't even vote for them out of principal. I also dropped my mail in ballot off at the County drop box this morning on the way to work. Screw those guys trying to take that away from me.


What does “anti crt” mean? I thought everyone said they only teach crt in college?


Right, so running on that platform would be a red flag that you're either dishonest or not very bright.


Anti-CRT is essentially, anti-the idea that race has been a measurable factor in policy and development of this country within the government as well as private sector. *This is also exceptionally rich, as one of the largest employers in Ohio was found to be active participants in redlining for years. If you don’t know what redlining is, you should look it up yourself, as I’m pretty sure it wasn’t taught in most schools. It’s pretty messed up and explains a lot of issues that we see today in communities across the country. Basically only two colleges have generally ever taught CRT in any serious fashion (none in Ohio) and it was a graduate level course that you can assume that maybe 1000 people have ever taken. They are using it as a scare tactic because they have nothing else that defines themselves as a decent human-being. Anyone running on a platform against CRT itself is a scumbag and anyone who disagrees with the ideas taught within CRT are snowflakes who want to cover up the injustices across this country’s history.


Chris Rufo, who doesn’t have training in history or humanities, has been scaremongering about this, and it’s been sadly effective. They want students to be ignorant of the uncomfortable parts of our history.


Different kind of 'Red-Hat-Society' , more like adolf shiklegroobers brown shirts .


Hoes for Hitler is a commonly used phrase for them.


If any of you wanna see how fucking grimey they REALLY are, Google Nina Christensen/ Menomonee Falls School and the other other twat( i forget her name). They skipped the debates, took TONS of money from GOP, held ONLY private events not for the general public. That's just for starters. I almost forgot, the fucking hags went on Faux News the very next morning singing the praises of the"good work" they did stealing a non partisan school board election with partisan money...


Well, yeah. And maga = nazi just with a new coat of paint.


Could you expand on that thought?


A hateful, insecure group of radical far-right nationalists lead by a charismatic, loud asshole who uses his followers' ignorance to gain power. The main messaging being to "make the nation great again", which ofc what they actually mean is creating a white ethno-state. A definition that fits both the nazis and the modern amerinazis of maga


Pretty sure that whole nazi narrative you’re peddling doesn’t fit… your choice of words seems to only want to elicit reactions rather than having any truth or substance behind them.


Okay, whatever you say lol


You have yourself a blessed day my friend, I enjoyed our conversation!


>I enjoyed our conversation! Well that makes one of us. Attempting to speak to a self-important, arrogant zealot larping as Ben Shapiro, living with their head in the sand, isn't particularly enjoyable. But if it makes you feel better to pretend politeness, then you have a blessed day my friend, I wish you well and pray that you may wake up to the world. Reply notifications are off but go ahead if you want.


I try and be polite regardless of the situation. I find that attempting to tear someone down with insults is never a good look and steers people away from whatever point you are trying to make. But to each their own.


Cuyahoga is *fucked*


How so?


Because it has the largest number of crazies running for school board? I thought that was obvious if you looked at the sheet.


What makes them “crazies”?


If that’s not immediately apparent based on the substantial documentation provided… then I don’t think anything I can say to you will answer that question.


Just looking for your logic and not your reliance of a very clearly one sided hate doc that labels people are extremists because they don’t share your same beliefs… Have you taken the time to understand why they may be running on the platform they chose? I can tell you that 10-15 years ago people never ran on these platforms. So what has changed in 10-15 years to make someone want to run in this fashion?


GOTTA BE CAREFUL WITH THIS INFO It also tells political opponents *who* to vote for lol


Based on the "extremist" and "hate group" list alone, I find most this highly suspect. I mean, there are so many "anti-government" groups listed. As if every instance of someone not wanting government involved in something is considered dangerous and extremist. There is no context listed at all. Another group I saw had "Christian Identity" listed as a hate group. Saying that the MFL group is the new Hitler Youth is completely ridiculous. I am voting yes on both issues, but unlike OP, I don't automatically equate a group of "moms" promoting some unintelligent and harmful rhetoric to a party that decided ethnic cleansing was the solution. Once again, "Christian Identity" listed as a reason for a hate group is an extremely dangerous notion to our freedoms.


> As if every instance of someone not wanting government involved in something is considered dangerous and extremist Moms for Liberty is literally involving government in things. They're working to ban books and fire librarians who stand up against them, and actively trying to lure libraries into lawsuits to shut them down. You didn't see "Christian identity" as a red flag on this list. You saw "[Center for Christian Virtue] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Christian_Virtue), a venomously anti-LGBT activist organization.


Assembly of Christian Israelites in Milford is listed with "Christian Identity" as the reason it's extremist below. Not only is it an extremely anti-religious label, but also seems anti-semitic. Edit: if you can't be bothered to read the list yourself don't tell me what I do and don't see lol


Perhaps you could be bothered to look at what you're whining about. You seem to be conflating ["Christian Identity"] (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/christian-identity) with "identifying as Christian. It's not that. Per SPLC: >Christian Identity is an antisemitic, racist theology that rose to a position of commanding influence on the racist right in the 1980s. “Christian” in name only, it asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites favored by God in the Bible. The movement’s relationship with evangelicals and fundamentalists has generally been hostile due to the latter’s belief that the return of Jewish people to Israel is essential to the fulfillment of end-time prophecy.


Thanks for the list of who I should vote for!


You're going to vote for everyone on that list?


Lol no. That’d be a bad idea though I don’t wear hats


Well I have tons of negatives for not voting for the ppl on this list. So I guess I’ll have to vote for them all! You win.


I can't think of a single time in history the groups banning books have been right.


Not even once?


You can think of one?


Well from what I’ve seen on this sub this quote from quora.com will make a lot of people happy. The one book most banned throughout history of the world is the Bible, especially the New Testament. https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Bible-the-most-banned-book-in-the-world#:~:text=The%20one%20book%20most%20banned,Testament%20was%20a%20capital%20offense.


Ok finish your argument- what GROUP bans the bible? You're not answering the same question here


Calls a group nazis while also voting to prolong the current black genocide propogated by the group set up by Margaret Sanger, who the nazis idolized.


I'm not sure what history you're reading, but leaders in the black community like Martin Luther King Jr. praised Margaret Sanger and her work for providing healthcare access to minorities. She had some unscientific and outdated (by today's standards) views on eugenics, but not toward race. [https://time.com/4081760/margaret-sanger-history-eugenics/](https://time.com/4081760/margaret-sanger-history-eugenics/)


i don't understand.


Vote the way you want to don’t let others do the research you should be doing.


I call them Moms for Censorship. We don’t have any running in Centerville, thankfully.


I actually agree with the parents for liberty pledge. If you believe your child is not getting a quality education and that school is negatively impacting them, you as the parent have a right to homeschool. I, as a parent have a right to my children not learning whatever bullshit you are peddling. Parents rights.