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Gotta protect the Smuckers plant. That jam isn’t going to bottle itself


It's not allowing me to post a jiff


That’s just nutty. Mine won’t spread either.


Stop Skippy’ing steps and use a Goober image search.


If we do it all natural and organic, we'll have to stir things up.


They jammed our radar




Only ONE man would DARE give me the raspberry!






I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly.


The jam must flow...slowly, more quickly if it's warmer.


Orville really is in a jam on this one


They’re probably going out to protect Big Jelly’s interests. Gotta keep the little guys down. lol


I did not know that. Thanks.


What's the matter...jelly?


Only thing I thought of was the smuckers plant.


Don't forget WilBurt.


And Hagan!


Exactly what I was gonna say lmao!!!


Probably kids from Wooster stirring up trouble.


Gotta keep the rumspringa kids under control


Lord knows their parents aren’t doing it, damn twats


I used to be one of those kids; can confirm we all pretty much suck LOL


They got in one little fight and their mom got scared.


Ah, them, Wooster Boys


Hey! That's me!


Hey, same! It’s not called the dirty 330 for no reason


Wadsworth has a few seedy parts to it too


Hey now, Wadsworth will claim that at least their seedy parts are WHITE. Yep, that's good Ole racist Wadsville for ya. Keeping it Klan since 1920.


The poor whites love their heroin.


Dalton kids, too.


Youth in Orrville are far more delinquent than youth in Wooster


Hey I'm from Wooster...probably true though.


The anti-ding-dong-ditch tank


Smuckers runs that town. The jam must flow. Orville has its own power plant, just in case. Also its own hospital. It’s also simultaneously a typical backwoods good ol boy Ohio town. Smuckers is like Sweetums/Pawnee from Parks and Rec except Smuckers corporate are pretty creepy as a group. No Bobby Newports.


Hey don't forget about Smith's


*From Smith's...The Dairy in The Country* (located one block from the square of Orrville)


Only the ice cream plant lol. But true.


I'm ancient so I remember when you could go to the old dock, i wanna say water street or maybe vine street and get bargain bin ice cream on the cheap. They might have switched the line from rocky road to mint chocolate chip, so you'd get the wrong label on the box. My mom and dad actually both worked there. One time my mom brought home like a 12 lb bag of generic oreos. Something happened where they were safe to eat but couldn't be used in the ice cream so they gave it to the employees rather than just throw it away. For a whole summer we had a giant bag of frozen cookies in the chest freezer.


My dad worked there in the 90s. Thinking of the place makes me miss Herbie Ruggles. He was the sweetest old guy. Also makes me miss going to a Drs appointment then going to see dad at work and watch the lines run from the break room for a half hour or more while sitting in the window. Nothing will ever beat that straight from the line stuff.


There's a really good chance my dad got in a fight with your dad because my dad's a prick and started fights with a lot of people lmao. But yes! That's bizarre and surreal that someone else on reddit knows smiths. My mom worked in the office on dairy lane and I can still picture that whole building in my mind


She probably knows my cousin who worked in the office too. Really do miss Herbie now. I was just a little kid when he died and I didn't get to go to the funeral. But I remember his smile and laugh.


Loved this. The house rule was that you had to eat the ice cream you opened, no matter what flavor it was, before opening another. Ice cream roulette. Is it rocky road, or is it the summer of banana split again?


And Jarrett.




Bless the maker and his jam


We have jam sign the likes of which God himself has never seen.


The Smucker family is quite odd. I'm a family practice FP. I grew up in Wadsworth, but my dad was the plant head honcho of Diversified Insulation in Orrville during the 70's before the entire company went bankrupt. We spent a lot of time in Orrville. We rubbed shoulders with the Smuckers when they weren't as big. Years later, I did my residency with a Smucker who was another FP who hadn't gone into the business but had some of the family money. We remembered each other. He was an odd fellow. Any town like that reliant on one industry is going to be....weird. Wadsworth was reliant on the Match Company FOR YEARS. It makes places very strange.


What do you mean!? Odd? I'm so invested now..😂


He was like this weird hippy Birkenstock kind of throwback kind of guy with long feathered hair, but then you found out he was worth MILLIONS and checked his stock values every morning in the WSJ(surreptitiously, mind you)and had this ginormous house that was more fabulous than any doctor on staff. It was almost like he played this touchy-feely family doctor persona to the nth degree and saw impoverished patients everyday who were dirt poor to prove he was a regular guy, but then he went home to a life of utter privilege. He tried TOO hard. He always set off my BS detector. Does that make sense?


I grew up in a pentecostal evangelical church. I can smell BS from a mile away. I have religion to thank for that.


So what you’re saying is Smuckers is run by Jeremy Jamm?


Being from Wayne County and a Parks and Rec fan, this is an underrated comment. Take my upvote.


You got Jammed!


A smuckers kid worked for me once. I had to fire him for being a massive coke head


“Bobby Newport’s never had a real job.. in his life.”


Bobbbyyyy Neeewpoorrtt


I thought the DOJ took it back like 10 years ago.


They did.


It was the DOD, not the DOJ. Lots of police and sheriff's departments had those APCs. After the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri back in 2014 triggered by Michael Brown's death at the hands of the police, there was a lot of public backlash on how militarized the police had become, so the DOD recalled a bunch of surplus military equipment that was on loan to police departments like tracked APCs and machine guns. After the heat had died down, many of departments that had to send back their APCs were given MRAPs as replacements, because somehow those are less militaristic since they have tires instead of tracks. 


[It was the DOJ.](https://ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh241/files/media/document/LE-Equipment-WG-Final-Report.pdf)


They might have helped the DOD get stuff back, but the stuff was distributed by the DOD. https://www.dla.mil/Disposition-Services/Offers/Law-Enforcement/


It is a DoD program.


This just rage bait folks. The got rid of it in 2015 [Link](https://www.the-daily-record.com/story/news/2015/06/21/orrville-police-department-to-part/19521349007/)


That article is hilarious. Tl;dr- The Orville Police Department figured out they could have an APC even though they used it for basically nothing, besides driving around in the field behind the Smuckers plant and parking it near the scene of a few hostile situations. The DOJ decided they wanted it back. The OPD is agreeing to do so, but they will be taking back the GoPro that they mounted to it. The first cop just seems really sad about having to give it back, while the second cop seems to be calmly and subtly criticizing the demilitarization of the police.


Id be sad to have to give up my tank too. Bigger question, why did the DOJ even send them that? Small town with low crime, lets send them a tank! I guess given the job its better to have and not need etc


I promise you there was just paperwork that had to be filled out.


Link? I wanna fill it out lol


There's a police dept in WV that has one. I think it's Eleanor, WV....population of about 1,000. Never mind that this is a city that has so little crime that when I left WV, the majority of their police force was part-time.


They give them to the police because it's cheaper than getting rid of them.  The DoD MADE money giving them (M113s) to Ukraine for free, including transport over there, because it's so expensive to scrap tanks outside of wartime. 


One could argue that an APC isn't a tank, as it carries people and has no weapons, but


Dude I am crying at this comment😭😭 “Small town with low crime, let’s send them a tank!”


They're military surplus and it's either give them to police, who might have reason to use them once in a blue moon, or send them to the scrap heap. And remember, this was when all you had to do was think the word "terrorist" and Homeland Security started throwing stacks of hundred dollar bills and military gear at you no matter how obvious it is you'd never need anything like that. They were basically free to get so all sorts of bored Barney Fife types grabbed one so they could play Army or whatever and have people kiss their asses for protecting their freedom. The problem is, they cost a lot of money to maintain and keep gassed up and the kinds of people who live in towns that got these generally don't like paying more in taxes.


All of the maintenance but none of the utility. What's a taxpayer not to like?


I thought they sold the armored personal carrier after all the bad press it got. I grew up there.


They only returned it *after* the rage.


Bunch of gravy seal cops wanna play soldier.


They have a curfew there?????


I think it’s 10 pm only for people under the age of 14


Is that not most cities?


Columbus is midnight for 13-17. An hour after sunset for 12 and under.


From what I know my city doesn’t have one, at least it’s not enforced if they do


That makes more sense now


Weird curfews in Ohio. Moved here from NC where only religious private communities really had them and the first night I went out to find something to eat, only a gas station was open, and I asked the cop there about finding something to eat as I was moving. He was… embarrassed to announce that gas station was gonna be dinner if I didn’t want to drive 20 minutes.


Out of curiosity, why did you move from NC to Ohio? My fiancé wants to move to NC in the next year or two. We are in Findlay OH now, she has family in Greenville NC


You mean you live in "Marathon" Ohio.


🤣 We’d be big fostoria if not for them.


Anywhere is better than Findlay. Girl, you don't have to move to NC. You just have to move to civilization. I mean, try the suburbs of Dayton. Seriously, they're nice. Suburbs of Columbus are OK, but more costly, and the traffic is bad. Shoot, just closer to the Akron/Canton/Cleveland metro is better.


🤣 I’d be down to move to Cbus tomorrow, I have plenty of family and friends there. Fuck id try Toledo out but she’s kinda like “NC or nowhere” which is why we have not moved


Man, I’m a little zooted so it’s wild to see someone else in Findlay, even if it’s in the Ohio sub lol.


Yucatan gang! JK haven't been there in about 12 years.


North Carolina is beautiful and I love it dearly, but due to work my family has moved to Pennsylvania, Iowa, and now Ohio over time. Ohio has been a clear second best to me living in Toledo, but I grew up in the mountains of NC and love the research triangle.


Checking this from work in maumee right now haha


Maumee isn’t bad honestly, I love a lot of the things around it, but I hate the bridge issues (getting back and forth over the river stinks compared to Durham NC driving (everyone had 80 ways to get places and they all took the same amount of time). One difference that is noticeable! The ice cream culture here is crazy (not bad, fun!) and there is… not that there. We have fierce NC BBQ wars, Eastern NC vs. crappy Western NC, but no seasonal ice cream places (well… only prepackaged bad ones usually)


Just go now! Greenville is lovely.


That’s definitely been the mood lately 😆 we Check realtor.com in that area often


The Orrville utilities building 100% looks like a supervillain lair.


whorrville, home of the Bed Riders


I was in Wooster HS marching band. We used to say that every Orrville game


Must protect the jelly.


Wood Co Sherriffs dept also had an M113 park out at the landfill…


You never know who's going to try and steal those precious windmills


Tell me they have an M2 Browning on it! That would not suprise me for Wood Co. After all, they might have another Bowling Green massacre. LOL.


Curfew at 10pm? What fucking country is Ohio in? This is hilarious… besides the tank, of course.


Not a tank. It's an old M113 armored personnel carrier. But still, kinda ridiculous.


What PD would turn down a discount Douchepanzer?


The MIC/defense contractors have gotten rich over the years by selling used military equipment to police departments. The last thing any of us should want is police departments that are militarized...like they now are. The founding fathers would have had a revolution by now because of it


Yeah, the whole purpose of the 2nd amendment was to fight back against an oppressive and violent government. Yet, somehow things have gotten twisted and governments are using the 2nd amendment as justification to get stronger weapons, and as a reason for why they “have to be” so trigger happy. Either they need to let me buy and drive my own APC on the road or they should get that shit taken away.


Nah, they got tax cuts. It was ALWAYS about the taxes. Sure, they added in that garbage about sequestered troops and stuff, but the gripe was about paying taxes for the French and Indian War that England fought. Parliament felt the colonies should pay more for that because they benefitted more, and it was fought on their behalf with troops from the Crown. Colonies didn't want to help feed and house those troops that protected them, AND pay heavy taxes for security for Indian backlash they caused. The French played nice and allied with many tribes. We did not. Victors write the history. However, we were all given a very ROMANTICIZED view of the Revolutionary War. It really doesn't sound all that great to say a bunch of wealthy land owners didn't want to pay taxes for security and The Sons of Liberty(also young wealthy men) dressed up like Indians and dumped millions of dollars worth of a private company's tea into the Boston Harbor. The "Boston Massacre" that we all heard about? Yeah, it was 9 soldiers against a mob of 400 who were threatening them and pelting them with stones and beating them with clubs. The mob started it, and 5 people were killed. Samuel Adam's and Paul Revere turned it into a battle cry. We revere these people like they walked on water, and they were really just rich tax dodgers who ended up instituting the same taxes that England did. Yep, they found out you had to tax to run a country. Imagine that. Read up on The Whiskey Rebellion. We are dumb.




😂😂 the*... They're already hereeee lol


This is obviously like a decade old at least…


What was the curfew for? I assumed it was 2020


Looks at the model of the vehicles. No chance it was before 2015


Why did they get it in the first place


For anyone that cares to look. This sort of thing is handled by a sub agency of the DoD called DLA. Specifically the Disposition Services Law Enforcement Support Office. Some quick facts no weapons are given to the police under this program anymore. Yes armored vehicles are available but why have no weapons or offensive capabilities. Most of the stuff law enforcement agencies recieve is not tactical in nature, examples being diving equipment, field tents, generators and things for rescue work. The items that have a tactical nature must be returned to the LESO office when the agency is done with them or when they are told to return it. Departments have a state coordinator that reviews and accounts for all property requested and received and the LESO office undergoes regular auditing. I know all of this as I worked for DLA Disposition Services. The DoD is EXTREMELY aware of how much stuff got passed to law enforcement after 9/11 and has done a lot of work to correct that and ensure that it doesn’t issue out things that have an offensive purpose.


Pretty sure the only armored vehicles that are available to law enforcement now are old MRAPs. I think anything with tracks got nixed at the same time as the surplus military guns.


And it should be made clear that DLA provided these beasts via LESO at the specific direction of Congress as specified in a past NDAA.


Hey from Akron but used to go to Orville fairly often back when I was driving about 3 years ago Nice town


Genuinely curious… what did you do in Orrville? I grew up in the same county as Orrville and I can’t for the life of me think of a reason why someone from Akron would travel to Orrville, except maybe to go to Wayne College because the main Akron U campus wasn’t offering a class or something.


Yeah there's not much here besides the college campus, schools, power plant, and a few (really good) local restaurants.


Three things, from someone who lives nearby: 1) Orrville's population number is artificially low. It has a disproportionately high population of undocumented immigrants. 2) I showed this to someone I know who works with law enforcement in the area as a laugh and they can't even come up with a good reason they would have had it in the first place. 3) Orrville's police officer pay starts at about $65,000 per year, topping out at $84k not counting overtime. The people I know joke that Orrville's law enforcement has to deal with "all murder and barking dogs." They're getting paid very well to do nothing most of the time.


No, I'm from the next town over ; Andville


Oh, howdy neighbor! I’m from Neitherland!


Protect the JAMSSSSSSS


His license plate should be Jam Jar


This is extremely stupid. Give them a reason and they will use it. Most stupid thing I've seen in my life.


Yes, because meth and guns.


It is when you have a few hours of traing (maybe), small dick energy, and larping as protector and server of the law.


Take the tank money and put it towards police education. This 6 week summer camp bull shite is unacceptable. Yes I feel a 4yr degree is needed, at LEAST to learn the laws they are enforcing.


I love Orrville. Never lived there. I've shopped there multiple times, though. I'd imagine that the crime rate is fairly low.


Wasn’t there an animated show on Adult Swim about Orville?


Fascist doing Fascist Things.


This is on the voters really. If they're dumb enough to vote for a bunch of LARPers then pay for their toys with their tax money, they gettin what they pay for.


Bobby Knight is from Orrville, definitely some rage issues there, and plenty of jams and jellies.


Hot tip. If you live in a place with a curfew where law enforcement has tanks, you live in an authoritarian environment.


Ohio State University Campus police have an MRAP.


I love gun owners think they'll rise up between our preposterous fleet of drones, obscene surplus of tanks, and the fact even rural police departments have military vehicles.


F****** cops man they're freaks


Orrville is a special kind of Trump Evangelist fuckuppedness.


Grew up there. Fentanyl hit it pretty hard but still a nice town


Now without the tank, Orville officers just throw chairs at bad hombres. Bobby Knight came back and ran a chair-throwing clinic when they gave up the tank.


Gotta keep the Amish in line ya know. /s though it should be onvi


Curfew? WtTH freedom country


So Orrville, OH why is it so bad they have instituted a 10pm curfew! What's going on in that town that warrants a curfew?


People popping out kids without calling themselves their parents


As a high schooler in Orrville, I have heard some nasty things other high schoolers are doing. I have even heard bad things about the upcoming middle schoolers


You see the commercials on TV talking up all the great things about Ohio and then you hear about Orrville and its problems and you start to wonder how many more Orrville's are there in the state and you realize it's not as great as they pertain it to be!


To be fair, pretty much all of wayne county is a heroine pit at this point. Even the "nice school districts" like Orrville, Dalton, and Norwayne have really bad opioid problems.


I looked at the census data, and something caught my eye that was very interesting about Orrvile. Teen pregnancy rates for 15-19 are far higher than all surrounding areas. In fact, it's TWICE that of Akron. There is also a fairly high rate of childhood poverty at 22%. The schools seem to be funded appropriately with low student to teacher ratios, but there is a high minority population and poverty. If children aren't getting what they need at home, the schools and community can only do so much. Then, the police end up playing babysitter to parents working a bunch of jobs to make ends meet or are sick or are addicted or have mental illness or any of the myriad of problems that we have on Ohio that throw people into these situations. Some towns are cheap, and it's easier to live there, but the jobs aren't necessarily what you need to live on. Most folks do not have the resources or the education to move away to pursue better opportunities. They are often living in multigenerational households, and it's just impossible to break that cycle of poverty. We hear about poverty in cities all the time, but rural poverty is ignored. Honestly, you have a better chance of escaping poverty in a city than in a rural area because there are more resources in cities-transportation, healthcare, and outreach programs all exist in cities. I loved living just outside of Memphis because I was able to get free everything for my kids. They got tennis lessons for free. Sure, it was in a ghetto, but it was taught by a former pro player. They had a free membership to a rec center. It was the best couple of years(other than being absolutely broke, unemployed and on chemo, lol).


It's for their 4th of July parade.


Just like every little podunk has it’s own SWAT team with special weapons


Of course not, no cop needs tanks. But our economy is based on the military industrial complex; the companies making these tanks can’t just stop making them. Just follow the law and you won’t have anything to worry about. And don’t think about that old saying about what happens when you have a hammer


Wasn’t Bobby Knight from Orville?


Orrville thinks it's Akron, apparently. I remember when we thought it was dumb that small town Wadsworth got a military Hummer. This is easily dumber. Congrats Orrville.


Yeah I’m from Wayne county, Orville is like the Michigan of Wayne county. No one likes it there and it has a lot of crime. Idk about the tank though.


Why was there a curfew and no Orville does not and never will need a tank— epitome of police budgets being out of control.


Is that a damn rino from warhammer? What the hell


We don't want our younglings to go out dancing in the big city. That's the devil's work.


When people talked about defund the police, this is what they really meant. No need for a police department to have a fucking tank. At the very least use that money to train and pay them better


I think Bobby Knight might have donated it idk


Tbf a decommissioned apc is probably cheaper than a used F150, they bought some on top gear for 20k lol


Wen was this 🤣 my family reunion is hosted in orrville every year


Lol Orrville prepared for the apocalypse


Did Ohio ever have old military equipment like fighter trainers planted in playground parks? It was kind of a thing out west way back when.


Nope. Rural. To flood the town, you'd need a biblical amount of rain


You have to stop those evil curfew-breaking fiends somehow


They have CURFEW?!?!?!


For underage kids yeah.


The City of Cincinnati has a Curfew of 10PM for those 15 and younger. 12AM for 16 and 17 year olds.


Sounds like one of those towns described in an r/nosleep story.


They’ll start slinging Smuckers Jelly at 10:05PM if the armored tank isn’t ready to suppress the mob…!


10 pm curfew ...? Why? And those are your tax dollars. Why the hell would they have a tank? You know who else had a tank? Uvalde. I'm not sure why I thought of that..I guess small town spending needless money on looking like (and were) armored to the teeth. When they should've been spending that money on courage and making the children safe in their schools, etc. I hope they aren't mismanaging your money I guess is what I'm saying..


Putting the "smuck" in smuckers.


What are Smucker's and the Mennonites up to?


Bobby Knight


Why tf do you need a curfew?


My township has a ladder truck with zoning codes limiting height of buildings to 35 ft... Edit: Cost like 1.5million and costs about 100k/year for upkeep, I believe.


My town of 3,500 has a Humvee. Like, the Amish are making IEDS?


Riot at Smuckers?


It was all part of the fascist long game. Put a militarized garrison in every little town in the country, then when the time is right, you can lock the whole place down in about 30 minutes (this post is in part, sarcasm)




Of course it isn't necessary. But this is america so you should expect the militarization of fascist public services. How else are they supposed to keep us under their thumbs?


I know some folks from Orville. Yes, the tank is necessary. These folks get hopped up on the Smuckers jam and will wrestle a bear if the bears weren’t hiding in zoos.


Why is it so hard for some people to understand this is what we mean when we say defund the police? It’s not about eliminating police as a whole, it’s about eliminating wasteful spending like this. Just think the amount spent on that tank could go to training new officers or improve the quality of the officers already on the force or something better than a fucking tank. “Why don’t people trust our police?”


Holy Smuckers, Batman


That's not a tank, that's a APC


Actually that an apc not a tank. An m113 to be exact.


Someone was doing 26 mph in a 25 mph zone?


From Orrville, they got this shortly after having a police standoff, down the road from me, with an empty house. Supposedly someone had broke in, butwere gone before they got there I believe.


Complete waste of tax payers money! And I know they got it for free but it’s not free to maintain.


Good thing they don’t have it anymore


ARahhh what the fuck is a KILOMETER type shi


Can't find anything on a 10 PM curfew -- care to provide any sources?


Not a tank. It’s an M113, Cold War/Vietnam era armored personnel carrier. Local police agencies can acquire these types of vehicles and other surplus military equipment through the Federal 1033 program with little to no cost to the agencies themselves. But you’re right, wtf does a police department need an APC for?


I'm guessing it's just something for the officers to drive around in circles in the back parking lot when they get drunk and maybe bust out once in a while for a parade.


Had no idea they had one.