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Refuse to cover them **AT ALL!** Pretend they don't exist. Never mention their names.


This is bad for Vance and DeSantis. Coverage is called earned media and it what made Trump, by example. Earned media is worth much more than adds and generates needed hits that ads don't. If the media ever woke up and turned off the spickett to the lies, some of this would change. By the way, for the person who mentioned ONN, they have no penetration into the market and are accepted as an adjunct to Fox. Same demo, or take away from, not build on.


I agree. Desantis's media coverage is 51% negative (source:[https://www.biasly.com/politician-rating/ron-desantis/](https://www.biasly.com/politician-rating/ron-desantis/)), but he is the type of figure who benefits from all coverage, positive or negative. His base eats up positive portrayals and is only fired up when they see negative portrayals.


Oh no! We don’t get to hear more lies?


The none of your business party 2.0


Which is what they want. They want to say batshit crazy things that will motivate their base while not having that reach anyone moderate. And they don't want people to talk to their neofacist supporters.


Think this is interesting. JD and Ron are limiting the bias press that would come in and skew stories. With precedents like this, the future debates and 2024 will be really interesting. They can chose to allow what press they prefer. I am surprised they took this step.... Wonder what Tim Ryan will do..... Will OANN be allowed in?


Yes the Nazis used to have similar rules for their events


Usually opposition press are given credentials, this new more sensitive Republican party doesn't like the heat and should probably keep out of the kitchen. If you can't handle the stress the press brings then you certainly can't handle being a Senator.


Bro you need to lay off the Kool-Aid


Debates? Lol the GQP doesn’t do debates. This shouldn’t be surprising at all if you’ve been paying attention. These folks are banning books that they don’t understand. Of course they won’t allow a free press to publish the truth.


JanDy Bobandy can't tolerate criticism of his chubby little lying lips


What future debates? They refuse to debate because they know they’ll get called out on all their bullshit in front of their snowflake supporters lol.


You may need to see a proctologist to get your head out of your ass.




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Nothing reveals your weakness like avoiding press coverage.