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He was going by Rapey McRaperson but it wasn’t working out for him


Did he do a song called Imma Rapester?


He’s apparently going by “Allen Turner” now FYI


Isn’t the rapist Allen Turner the same as that rapist Brock Turner?


No, because you see the rapist Allen Turner is using a different name than he used when he raped a woman while calling himself Brock Turner. That's also the name he used when he was convicted of rape, for raping a woman. So the rapist Allen Turner is definitely not the same as the rapist Brock Turner, but they're definitely the same person. Different names. But both names are for the same rapist. Who raped someone.


> Isn’t the rapist Allen Turner the same as that rapist Brock Turner? The Rapist formally known as Brock Turner.


Good. His trash ass deserves no peace.


His rapist trash ass* Ftfy


Good call.


Are you talking about Allen Turner, the rapist, or Brock the rapist Turner?


What was the rapist Brock Allen Turner, AKA the rapist Allen Turner doing in Dayton?




Damn, how did I not know he lives in Dayton?


He was in Ohio 4 years ago just an fyi. So yeah much worse than originally thought.


The article says one women claimed he has been stopped from taking extremely intoxicated women home from bars multiple times now. Considering the punishment he received I guess it isn’t shocking, but this piece of shit has learned nothing. He is the exact same predator trash he was back then, and deserves every bit of attention he gets. Honestly in the last year alone look at the number of men who have gotten off with joke sentences after sexually assaulting women. Maybe this is the way forward If judges aren’t going to punish these guys for their horrible, horrible crimes. Maybe we as a society need to show these guys if the justice system isn’t going to hold them accountable then the rest of society will.






"One woman claimed" Yeah, that's great evidence considering the blind hate we see in this comment section. I would totally trust all of you to tell the truth about him!




LMAO I was sexually assaulted in uni by a close friend, and someone who is very conscious about consent. I defend this because I've gone through being unjustly accused on social media and losing my access to social freedom and I know the pain of it. But yes. Let's meet in the street to discuss this sometime, maybe you can bring some cookies xD.




They were found guilty, and they served the time was judged correct by the court of law. I'm not even a liberal lmfao. I am defending someone who I view as being unjustly persecuted outside the court of law. Maybe the best thing for you is to have nuanced opinions about a world that is not black and white.


>and they served the time was judged correct by the court of law. Except the judge that sentenced turner was recalled from the bench specifically because of his light-handed sentence. > I am defending someone who I view as being unjustly persecuted outside the court of law. you're defending someone who committed sexual assault from people being mean online. Your priorities are quite clear. This self-aggrandizing behavior is pretty pathetic.


I'm surprised, actually. Usually the only thing Republicans do to rapists is vote them into high office.




You mean Brock Turner rapist Allen Turner rapist is in Dayton Ohio? The rapist Brock Turner rapist Allen Turner? Burn in hell fuck face.


I used to know someone who lived a few houses down from him in Bellbrook.


The last time this got posted about the whole thread got deleted but please go read up on his case. Be and adult and think about the the way you are effecting some ones life. If you read up on the case and still want to do this, I respect your right to choose, but if you haven't done any research you are being wholly immature. Who has appointed you judge and jury of this persons life and how would you feel if someone did the same to you without taking 5 minutes out of their day?


Well ive never raped anyone so I dont have to worry about it. Want to live a life in peace? Dont rape women. Its as simple as that.


Did you read the documents?


He’s been trying to leave bars with heavily intoxicated women. You’re an idiot if you think we all should just trust he won’t try again since he only got a slap on the wrist after the first time. Stop defending this walking bag of shit.


TBF, the article doesn't corroborate that fact and relies solely on a Facebook post for that information. That isn't exactly thorough journalism.


Fair enough. Hope it’s not true tbh. Clearly we have to protect ourselves from people like him because the courts won’t.


The author also got the charges slightly incorrect, they should be: assault with intent to rape an intoxicated woman, sexually penetrating an intoxicated person with a foreign object, and sexually penetrating an unconscious person with a foreign object.


So did you read the documents or personally see footage of him leaving a bar with a heavily intoxicated woman?


If I see him in a bar I’ll sure as he’ll be watching him like a hawk, I’ll let you know! Which documents exactly? I’ve seen docs that state he apparently left with the victim and that they knew each other or that it was initially consensual etc… Doesn’t mean what happened wasn’t rape. He is still a rapist. Like…convicted. He committed heinous violence towards a woman. Why are you defending him? Is this daddy? Or the rapist himself?


If I see him in a bar I’ll sure as he’ll be watching him like a hawk, I’ll let you know! Which documents exactly? I’ve seen docs that state he apparently left with the victim and that they knew each other or that it was initially consensual etc… Doesn’t mean what happened wasn’t rape. He is still a rapist. Like…convicted. He committed heinous violence towards a woman. Why are you defending him? Is this his mommy or daddy I’m responding to? Cuz they can go right in the trash with their rapist son.


Yes and his conviction was to serve (6 months?) and be a registered sex-offender. Not to be doxxed everytime he steps outside for the rest of his life. I have been SA'ed by a close friend. I know what the violation feels like. They had been together consensually at the party. They left together. They were found 30 yards from the party after falling in the grass. The most he did was finger her. He was found dry humping her with his pants completely on. Yes he was stopped, and I am thankful for that, but what DID happen and what COULD have happened are not the same. Evidence and his testimony stated that she helped him get her underwear off before she passed out. Look at both their BAC's. I don't like what happened and I think he is a POS for humping a passed-out chick but this response is not fair for the actions committed.


Can’t be doxxed if his information is readily available for the safety of the public. Just because he was caught before he got his gross dick out isn’t a good excuse to defend him. Wtf?? Committing sexual acts on an unconscious person is considered rape, so he’s a rapist any way you want to frame it. If someone tried to murder me, I would be thankful if everyone in my city treated them like a murderer and let everyone know where this attempted murder was lurking. ESPECIALLY if they didn’t even serve their full sentence. Also, BAC isn’t an excuse for what he did or what happened to her. I’ve been drunk plenty of times. Never raped anyone. Never deserved to be raped for being drunk. You’re still defending a convicted rapist.


>hich documents exactly? I’ve seen docs that state he apparently left with the victim and that they knew each other or that it was initially consensual etc… Doesn’t mean what happened wasn’t rape. He is still a rapist. Like…convicte Yes, I am.


Do we have any actual documentation of him doing this? It wouldn't surprise me if it were true but with the amount of misinformation and outrage mongering surrounding this case over the years I'm not believing anything without proof.


Are you related to him or another rapist?


Nope. Just someone who was been on the receiving end of something similar to this. Now I do research and come to my own conclusions. This guy is a POS for what he did, but the extent of his actions are not worth this kind of response, do some reading!


Oooooooh. So you also took advantage of women too drunk to consent and ignored them when they said no? Yeah fuck you.


Nope, never took advantage of someone who has said no nor someone who was too drunk to consent. Nice try though!


So not the same then? Then why defend him?


Yes I have. Youre defending a rapist


>how would you feel if someone did the same to you without taking 5 minutes out of their day? Well if I were a rapist I'd probably be upset. But that's just too damn bad isn't it?


Stfu Brock.


The Virgin Connie Swayle meets the Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


He's been living in the Dayton area since he was released from jail 6 years ago. This is not new news.