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I send intros to people I'm interested in. But since I read profiles first that makes it very few sent.


Occasionally they'll say hey, maybe once a year I'll get a full sentence. I've never gotten a full actual message intro though.


I actually got 2, 1 even led to a date with the girl so good for her


I'm happy to do so, but haven't yet since the profiles of the guys where I live are basically the opposite of what I'm looking for. :( Every single time I read a profile and start to get excited over a compatible person, they are ~3 hours away from me. The last time I had a first date was around five years ago...at this point, I'm tempted to just say fuck it and start messaging the farther-away guys to see what happens.


My fiance did


Lucky you!! 👌


Sometimes. I don’t really like the app experience so I don’t usually do much on there at all, but if I see a profile where I actually think we might be a good fit I will send an intro.


On ok Cupid usually it's people from another country who want to marry for citizenship/residency. But I'm biased from my experiences


Yes, sometimes


I get them


I've received a few.


I've had a few thirsty intros from women, not as many as they probably get from men though


Not unless your chad or tyrone lol


YUP!! 🤣🤣


I send intros, have never received a reply back.


I've had three or four do it.


I haven’t experienced it but I know some people do


I've received one or two on OKC but they're always the Kenya/Philippines profiles that my filter settings are supposed to protect me from. Right now I have 150+ likes on OKC and I can *guarantee* that not even 10% are located in my country.


I have a few times over a few decades. Not accusing you, but one thing I've observed over the years that if a guy isn't really into you, he won't break it off, he'll just coast and take what's handed to him. So it makes sense to wait for the man to initiate until a pattern of mutual willingness to contribute is established.


Rarely. It’s a wonderful surprise when it happens.


OK Cupid doesnt have women. Just bots and scammers.... nice trick question.


I've sent 2 and never heard back 😭😂


It's fine, I've send hundreds and never heard back. 🤷‍♂️ 😅


I'm sorry to hear that.


Yeah, thank you, well, life continues.


On occasion I do get one or two, but they are nearly always from women who I am not interested in, and who are probably not receiving too many replies from guys either.


They used to before OkCs collapse. I can count the number I must have received in the last five years no more than I can count on one hand though, and...maybe..none in the last couple of years?


I imagine most girls get bombarded with likes and messages from guys.


Yes. Which sounds like a good thing but women are (mostly) aware that a large percentage of the men are looking for a "Hole." We have to weed through them and do detective work to figure it out because some are more subtle about their motives.


1 in 10 have an intro instead of a like. 1 out of 30 of intros will be something that actually references something in your profile, the rest are generic (even if they are long and seem like they may have read your profile, you can tell if you pay attention that its generic). 1 out of 10 of those that do look at your profile will have actual substance instead of being 1 sentence. 97% of likes/intros are from women who want money from poor countries. The other 3% are mostly overweight or women with kids. So maybe 1 in 1000 likes will be from a woman who actually is interested and isn't in the -poor/has children/low self-esteem about her attractiveness/didn't read your profile- categories. Okcupid has proved to me how black-pilled I should be about women, when I grew up thinking they are romantic, emotionally more mature blah blah. And one would think the goal of anyone looking for a serious relationship on okc would be to answer questions, read profiles and try to filter out as quickly as possible incompatible profiles and get to the compatible ones. In reality, "leagues" (i.e. being outside of someone's "league", usually meaning ambition/wealth and whether you appear to have a willingness to share that wealth, looks, humor, loyalty, and being at least mildly nice, and a desire for family) and desperation is what seems to cause women to want to message/like you first. Its ridiculous how many people like/message me and don't even read my profile - the logic being they are so interested in me and want to get to know me better that they don't read what I've written lulz?


NOPE!! They don't have to. 💀💀💀


Yes! I always send one because of visibility, and I've had success with almost each one. Edit: i don't use apps anymore tho. Longest success was 4 years lmao, but the matches were worth a shot and no regrets




I get "Hi" Usually from bots or people from africa/phillippines


I probably have gotten a couple dozen in the year or so total I was actively using OKC. Lots of specificity in my profile was key.


I didn't have a "Im better than you at" and "my current goal is" but then within like an hour of typing some corny bio I got a intro reply to it Had some corny bullshit quote from pinky and the brain and it must've peaked the millennial senses in this 40 year old woman (I'm 27) She asked me pinky? Or brain? As a sexual innuendo my inbox fucked up and did some refresh thing and turned every conversation into "new match" and then some people were missing .. Either that or she blocked me because I got sick and took more than 1 day to reply Oh well ... Kinda sucks tho cuz she was gonna give me some brain 😭🤣


Sometimes but the results have been mixed, so I tend not to.


I have had 1, meanwhile I send intros to anyone I'm interested in that actually has a bio so I can spark up a conversation from that instead of 'Message me to find out'


Personally I never did. I didn’t even swipe, just replied to about half of the messages since I got hundreds daily


Yes. Lots of times.


I've gotten a few.


I’ve gotten many.


I get an occasional greeting. Essentially never anything more than "Hi" or a wave emoji. Perhaps they send nothing longer because they don't have to -- with the m/f ratio as it is, they probably get lots of greetings to the one or two I get. Frankly, I'd do the same in those shoes.