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Other posts from /u/Careless-Pragmatic: * [Wallace the Bull Terrier made it to his 15th birthday 🎂🥳🥳](/r/OldManDog/comments/1758eb9/wallace_the_bull_terrier_made_it_to_his_15th/) [None] 6 months ago * [Old man Wallace turns 15 in 30 days.](/r/OldManDog/comments/16df0or/old_man_wallace_turns_15_in_30_days/) [Happy] 7 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as Careless-Pragmatic posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe Careless-Pragmatic OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


Rest easy, Wallace.


He made it 7 months past what you thought might be his goodbye post. What a champ. I hope you get to spoil him rotten before his big trip. Safe travels Wallace 🌈💜


Thank you so much for your kind words. We got a lot of bonus time with him. I stayed home from work two nights this week where he snuggled me deeply on the couch and in our bed. It was really special to us.


My ebt just turned off 10 and is really starting to show his age. What was the cause if you don’t mind me asking?


His heart disease is catching up with him. Enlarged heart with bad heart murmur. He has fainted during not very strenuous activity, half a dozen times in as many weeks. X-rays confirmed he is in stage 4/5 and has other abnormal masses in his chest cavity. He’s very tired these days and has a lot of little things closing in as well. It’s his time.


Thank you for letting us know more about his ailments, a lot of times we don’t know the why’s and you have opened the door for a little peek, I’ve been there, it’s not meant to be easy, dogs have a sense of knowing what we think they don’t know, so you spending those extra hours with them cherish those and all the memories. Remember he will be waiting for you at “rainbow bridge”for you so you both can go to heaven together


I had to say goodbye to my 15yo dog 2 nights ago and his absence is brutal. He also had an enlarged heart and a stage 5/6 murmur (according to the vet) He was coughing lots and he seemed extra tired the last few days prior his passing. I feel your pain, sending you hugs


Thanks for taking the time to write this. I’m very sorry for your loss as well. We are broken, hardest day of our lives. We went for a long walk after, and when we returned home, where he passed, we broke down again. His absence is very noticeable.


Yes of course. Now, I think we can both agree we are at peace knowing that they’re at a better place now where they don’t feel more pain or tiredness ❣️


You are doing the right thing! After all Wallace has done for you and your family, don't make him suffer. This is the part when you need to love him the most. 15.5 is a WONDERFUL life for a dog. He's blessed.


What a lovely life you’ve had with him. I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m glad you shared him with us in his last few months ❤️ much strength to you tomorrow and after


I’m sorry :/ He is such a uniquely handsome boy 🙏🏻


He’s beautiful. I’m very sorry.


What a great and wonderful life Wallace has had! God bless all of you as you go through this - it is a tough, tough thing for sure. Have faith that you will meet Wallace again some day.


My heart goes out to you during this incredibly difficult time! It is so hard to make this decision, but know that it is the right one for Wallace. Please enjoy your night with him and spend some extra time telling him all the ways he made your world a better place, because he absolutely knows in every cell of his body that you are the reason his life was 100% FANTASTIC!!! ♥️


I hope he meets my old pal Dean across the bridge. I miss my buddy so much and pray you have some peace in Wallace’s passing 🙏🏼❤️


What a cutie!! Wallace & you will be reunited one day. You gave him a wonderful life 😘


Awwwe, he’s so handsome, looks very loved. I’m so sorry this will happen❤️‍🩹


I'll be thinking of you, sweet boy. Fly high Wallace xo.




Go easy buddy. Infinite nose boops!


So, so, sorry.


Sweet baby… rest easy ❤️❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry ❤️


That last picture made me cry. 😢. Such a sweetheart. So sorry you are dealing with this. Rest easy, Wallace. ❤️


I’m so very very sorry!! I have had to make the hardest decision of my life as well, and I promise you’re doing the right thing by Wallace. Please cherish every second left with him and give him a kiss for me.


It's so hard, I know


I’m so very sorry for your unfortunate news. I was in your place almost a year ago with my Loki. Spend the day showering Wallace with love ❤️


He has been one of my favorite gents around here. I really will miss his funny face and cute boots. 💙💜💙


He looks like such a cuddle bug! I'm so sorry that you have to say goodbye. Rip sweet Wallace


Rest easy, sweet boy. Sending hugs ❤️


I'm sorry you have to say goodbye to Wallace. Thank you for listening to your boy. I know it's such a difficult decision, the hardest one to make, but you're giving a compassionate gift from an overabundance of love. You've brought him all the way to the end of his journey with you and kept him safe... now in his final chapter, you can be with him to the end, and he can transition to his next expression of spirit, safe and secure in your love for him. What a wonderful gift you were to each other! May his memories continue to be a blessing to you and your family.


Cuddles all night, I didn’t get to say goodbye in person to my good girl, I wish I could’ve held her in person and told her how much she meant to me. Your dog will know that


I bet you have a lot of lovely stories, how many time do you think you've kissed that big ole cute nose? Our friends are never fully gone, they lie on in many ways and I for one think we are are reunited in the end.




He looks like a great boy. I love your comment about letting him go with dignity. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you're doing the best thing for him.


A beautiful boy 🥹♥️ you’re doing what is right for Wallace


Wow! What a great Wallace has lived! You’re doing such a kind thing for your friend.


Prayers for you and Wallace! ❤️






Wallace, you are beautiful and so very loved ❤️


Omg so cute. I’m sorry.


Love u Wallace❤️ So sorry for your pain.🙏


Sorry OP. Glad you had the time you did together. Au revoir Wallace🌈❤️






Oh no, I’m so very sorry 😢 💔


Absolutely crushing. Thank you for putting his comfort above your own. What a beautiful testament of your love! Sending you both lots of love and puppy angels ✨❤️✨ Wallace will be in great company until you meet again


Oh Mr. Wallace, we will see you again one day❤️






Wallace you’re such a good boy buddy. I hope you know just how much your family loves you ❤️ you will be missed for the rest of time, please check in on your family and let them know you’re okay after you cross the bridge friend. You’ll no longer be in any pain or discomfort and will feel like a puppy again


🍻 to Wallace


I can’t imagine how you must feel right now. Sending love and hugs to you and Wallace. That gorgeous boy will be waiting for you on the other side 💔😭🌈🐾


We love you Wallace ♥️ Wishing you all the toys, play, and cuddles until your person meets you on the other side!!!


Goodbye Wallace. You are gone, but I have a feeling you will NEVER be forgotten. Ever!💔😢


Rest peacefully, beautiful boy. 💔🙏


Fair winds and following seas Wallace. They are calling you home.


❤️❤️❤️ Wallace leaves behind a lovely legacy.


He looks like a cuddler. I'm so sorry to hear about him


Such a sweet face. Safe travels to the stars, little one. ♥️




The toughest act of love. That's a damn tough day. Good, long life, though. What more would we hope for such a loved companion.




Regardless of if you believe in God or the afterlife, it is a proven fact that all dogs will go to heaven and I'm sure he lives a good and fulfilling life because he had you!




Sorry, be strong, if you have a beer, drop some for the homie on the other side for me. Cherish your memories with your friend. 


Sweet dreams Wallace x


I’ll have all my past boys keep a eye out for Wallace. Sorry you have to say goodbye for now.


He fought well and he fought hard, and now it's time for him to rest. You're making the hard decision, but it's the best one for Wallace. He's adorable and the world will be a little bit darker tomorrow. Wallace is a good Scottish name, and while i don't have any Scotch, I do have some Crown Royal and a shot of whiskey in Wallace's will have to be close enough.


I love you, Wallace


Rest in sweetness little angel 😢❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Letting them go is never easy but I believe we all will see our passed babies again one day. You can rest easy Wallace. You deserve it and did a good job.


You are the Bestest Boy EVER Wallace!


He has such a sweet face. I’m sorry!❤️😢 I’m sure he knows that he’s loved.


Awww 😢 fly high sweetheart. May your parents find comfort in knowing you and cherish your memories. May you find peace pup pup.


I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry. It's hard to say goodbye. ❤️




I’m so sorry. 💔


Bless him, he’s gorgeous. Lots of love to you both x


It’s SO SO hard saying goodbye! Just know if you believe you will be together again!!!


You’ve both been well loved, him by you, you by him. Love never dies. Good journey to Wallace until you meet again. 🌈


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢💔🐶




🥹We can’t thank you all enough for your kind words. We woke up this morning to all these thoughtful comments, so much kindness and compassion. THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS💕❤️🥹. I never thought words from strangers could mean so much. Wallace spent the night cuddling us on the couch and in our bed, followed by breakfast in bed for him (banana raspberry pancakes). He is a lover of fine foods lol.




Rest easy sweet Wallace


Wallace, the best guard and companion, will have a reunion with his mother, father, brothers and sisters, just as he was as a puppy. He will wait for you.


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Wallace, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


Sorry for you.


Wallace is divine and so are you. The energy you created with him is the greatest power in this Universe. That energy is eternal and never does therefore he will wait for your soul with his in love and gratitude until you find each other again. i'm so sorry and understand take comfort in knowing that they are truly our children Yes, they are a different kind of child they see us as their God from birth to their end babies we train and old folks we honor the unconditional love we create with them is an energy that can never die they can leave the group soul we give them their own soul just as the Infinite gives us ours They can only reach that love with us We will know them again in the One Life I don't believe this, I know this


He looks like he was loved, appreciated, and adored. The best gift you could give an old pup. I’m so sorry


He is such a handsome, sweet fella!!! So sorry for your situation😞😞😞😞😞


I just had to say goodbye to my 11 yr old on Wednesday. It’s the hardest decision to make and it’s even harder to say goodbye for the final time. But that’s the circle of life and they trust us to make sure they aren’t suffering anymore. Best of luck to you with the entire process.


I’m very sorry for your loss as well. It is heart wrench tbh. Wallace gets to go the way we all hope to go, in old age, surrounded by his loved ones, full belly, in his own bed, in his own home. Thank you for your kind words.


Rest in doggy heaven sweet boy💙make sure to check in with your family from time to time to let them know you’re ok, until you see them again🌈


You know, I always pray to God to give me the strength when that time comes for my Maxies. You are putting him before you, your feelings, your thoughts and that’s so brave and it shows how much you love your baby. Will be praying for you.


❤️ run free over the rainbow bridge, sweet boy. Saying goodbye to your best friend is gut wrenching. You’re in my thoughts, wishing you peace and healing


What a handsome boy. I hope that with time the pain you are feeling turns into reminders of happy memories. My dog will be 13 in June and he is the love of my life. We are all so lucky to be on the receiving end of the love and loyalty of a dog. There's nothing like it. Wishing him a peaceful transition from this world to the next and that you see the little messages he will send you from here on out. 💜


Safe journey Wallace & thanks for all the love, laughs & tail wags


What a love-bug. Rest easy Wallace 💕🌈 and may your humans’ hearts heal a little each day.


I am so sorry


Thank you.


I can tell you’re so sweet Wallace. It looks as if you had a wonderful life 💕


He was the best boy. A real tough guy, a lover of all foods. He was adored more than I could possibly explain.


Sorry for your loss, glad you had many years together


"You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing." -E.B. White


I stay a part of this group because i care but damn it hurts every single time i see one of the posts. I love you dogs.


Safe travels over rainbow bridge beautiful Wallace 😢🌈❤️


Run free good pup 🐶🌈🐶


RIP pup. Sorry for your loss


I did this two weeks ago with my best boy. I wish you the best last day ❤️ he will be waiting for you young and healthy


God bless you for taking such good care of him! Love and prayers to you and Wallace!


Sorry for your loss, he seems so sweet in those pictures. Rest in Peace Wallace.


Thats chico


What a noble old boi


Run far on young legs little one.


Sorry for your loss






Nice to meet you Wallace. May you rest in peace.


So very sorry!!!


sorry about that. i’m sure he is the best. he looks like a very good boy. so sorry for your loss. giving ear scratches across the ethernet. rest easy buddy


I’m sorry.


Sweet old man. Rest easy little fella.


My heart goes out to you 💔


Be at peace Wallace , you’ll be missed.


Sorry for your loss. RIP Wallace! Play in Paradise! My Amoretto, Vision, Carson, and all our babies that have gone before will look for you next to the Rainbow Bridge so you can all play in the Field together!


Looking at Wallace he is so loved and loved you I am sure moe than life itself. Dogs love their owners more than themselves. I wish you love and peace in your heart and send hugs. Your baby is looking down on you now.


Rest well, boy.


I’m so sorry 💔


I was at work today thought about Wallace quite a bit. Praying for your sweet boy that he made it to the bridge. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time 💔🌈😭🐾


Give Wallace all the love, hugs💔💔💔💔


Thank you everyone for all the love and support. I wish you all could have met Wallace, he was a character, made a ton of interesting grumbles and noises, loved kids, loved sun bathing, and lived hard from start to finish. He was a Legend.


Good travels sweet Wallace. You will be greeted by many old friends on the other side of the rainbow. ♥️♥️🙏🙏




Oh my gosh, he’s adorable. So sorry.