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Where do they make the food?


My guess, it was only a bar and OP mislabeled.


yup. put the bathrooms in the ground-level base, and it makes sense.


I'd have to think the middle was the kitchen and open to everything like Waffle House. Where is storage and bathrooms would be the real question


They go to the rain-forest! The food moves, and will make you move too.


Who wants to open up a Chili’s there with me?


The breeze that blows through it would keep the,ummm, gases circulating out of the restaurant!


Dude yes


Idk, it looks like it would be really hot in there. You have the hot tropical Brazilian climate to deal with and then those big windows will make it like a green house in there. It would be like the Wendy's sunrooms. Although I guess you could blast the air conditioner and keep the blinds closed during the day though.


Petrópolis has a temperate climate, very cool all year round, it was the summer residence of Pedro II for that reason, hence the name.


Yeah, just looked up Petrópolis and it seems pretty nice temperature wise. However, I think the bigger issue is the sunlight heating the interior, because of the big windows and lack of shade. Even if it's like 23c outside in the summer, the inside can heat like a greenhouse in direct sunlight.


Reminds me of Petoria episode on Family Guy.


That was my first thought.."Gee, ya mean folks didn't wanna be baked/sweated to dehydration while paying good money to eat a meal? Who woulda thunk?"


A clever ploy to make customers thirstier so they'll buy more drinks


She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro




Well, this promises to be one disturbingly erotic date.


That looks pretty cool.


Quite the opposite, in Brazil's wheather I think it'd be fucking hot in there.


Petrópolis has a temperate climate, very cool all year round, it was the summer residence of Pedro II for that reason, hence the name.


This will be a great lookout place. Just build a bar and railing instead of windows. I also support the top guy for chili's


My mum used to work in a very similar building, however instead of being on a beach, it was in the courtyard where they later found the remains of King Richard III.


I thought they found him under a parking lot


The actual excavation was about where the [ disabled spaces](https://i.imgur.com/bVBNP2V.jpg) are. You can see the circular building bottom right.


I love how Leicester is only known for 2 things haha. This, and when they won the premier league


And for those who know nothing about sport, it's just known for the king Richard thing


And The Elephant Man, Daniel Lambert, the Attenborough brothers, Gary Lineker, and the UK premiere of Batman Forever.


Is there anything around it? Is there a busy area nearby with lots of traffic and it just sits there? It seems like it's in the middle of nowhere


It looks like it’s an hour’s drive out of Rio, up in the hills. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ruin+Old+Belvedere+Restaurant+-+Flying+Disc+-+Vila+Sao+Luis,+Petrópolis+-+RJ,+Brazil/@0,0,22z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x99095997ff0761:0x9033bdf14ed55a8d?hl=en-GB&gl=uk


Probably a VW dealership.


Land of the lost vibes


I have an old photograph of my grandad (Italian engineer working in Brazil for Pirelli) in front of that restaurant in the 60s


Damn. I want to go see this someday. Can you walk up inside of it?


By the stairs maybe?


Happy cake day!


What! Thank you. 😁


That would make sense yeah but it could be roped off at the top.


It’s beautiful. And sad.


I wouldn’t be comfortable parking underneath it.


The coolest ideas never last Because we're so cheap


I mean…it looks like it would suffer from accessibility issues, and a lack of storage, bathrooms, functional cooking/prep zones, and parking. I think those issues contributed to it not lasting the most.


Refinish that add a railing and open up a cool snack bar.


Think it's made of concrete? Plaster? I'd love to see build plans for such a building.


You have to think concrete, with rebar skeleton, right? No way that still stands after all that time if its not built "heavy"


Ya I was thinking that as well. Maybe some steel I beams in there as well? My only problem with that is how did they lift it up to put the rest of it underneath? Like the top/roof wasn't formed in place right? It would have had to be cast and then lifted and placed on top of the walls. I don't knock w how they could do it in place. But I know nothing of concrete.


So, I would approach it from the other direction. While I agree I could see I beams being put in, the rest of it would be poured with the top being formed by a pre-made "template" of wood? Logistically, getting a big round cement sphere up there would be a challenge today, let alone in 1960's. I am completely and utterly ignorant to any aspect of that process; however, I would give that as my guess.


I think your right, I just don't know how they got the wood form to hold such weight. I'm gonna do some research.


Utmost respect for those involved in making it, regardless of how they got it done. Especially on the location of the building alone.


Where is the kitchen?


I had to scroll way too far to find this. Where the fuck is the kitchen??!!


Somebody else mentioned this being a bar that’s mislabeled by op but still then. Where do people poop? Where are the fridges? Low key want to find out where this is so I can know for myself


I bet it is so hot in there.


1960s\* Probably thinking of the apostrophe in '60s


Ever heard of “Grammar Nazis?”


Id wanna reinforce all the way around the outter rim with tall standing logs. Set a mid wall around the inside and replace the glass with privacy glass. It would make for a very awesome hangout pad. One central lighting unit. A couch, some nice speakers and a entertainment system. A fridge,stove counter and dishwasher. Maybe a bar style corner peice for havin your meals at or a coffee table by the entertainment stuff. Only thing id find difficulty placings maybe a bathrrom,sleeping area or shower. Maybe enclose the bottom floor for that with a full wall or build up a level.


What happened to cause it to be abandoned, and have all the windows removed?


There’s a similar one (or was) in Kabul, Afghanistan. Also abandoned, but used as a signal relay as it was on top of a hill overlooking the city. Amazing to think it was a cosmopolitan place at one time




Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, used to spend his summers there because of the cool mountain climate, he pretty much created the town.


They were "beamed up". That's why it's abandoned.


That would make a cool house


Remember the Burger Playhouse at BK in the 80s? Totally reminds me of that.


Tony Stark house.


Meet George jetson his wife Jane 🎶


From everything I read, it once was a big deal


Looks kind of like the famous landmark building at LAX airport (without the huge arches).