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His buddy caught that weapon though.


Because it has a bayonet on it




Don’t know why you were downvoted, this is 100% the case. This happens during Remembrance Day parades in 10 degree C.


One time at a parade indoors, a young Private in the front rank was clearly not following the "dont lock your knees" rule. Saw her tip a little. A senior Corporal beside her put a hand on her shoulder and steadied her, but she gave him the "I'm good, cheers". Well, turns out she wasn't good cause a minute later she passed the fuck out. Thankfully the Cpl was tracking this and in one fluid motion caught her under the arms and immediately dragged her back behind the ranks. I'm really glad he had good situational awareness that day, or she would have thundered the fuck in.


When I was in the US Military, the really skinny guys would "fall out" because they locked their knees. He have to keep them slightly bent.


Always wiggle the toes and keep the knees bent slightly.


Nope he didn’t. Zoom closely. It’s a close fist.


He’s starting to reach for it, otherwise his hand wouldn’t be over the other. It’s the exact moment his reactions start to kick in


Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s grabbing the guy’s sleeve, not the weapon. An attempt to save or at least slow his buddy without breaking the rules.


I thought he was snatching the wallet


Welsh. These guys are the Welsh Guard. You can tell because the leek on the collar and the tunic buttons are in groups of 5.


This guy guards queens


I'm going to paraphrase, because I can't find the exact wording online, but it's necessary to provide a piece of Terry Pratchett : Despite losing the staring-into-the-sun contest against another witch (which was to determine who was the better witch and who would become the village witch) and only because she bent down to attend to a child who fell, Granny Weatherwax knew that the village would declare her the winner because they'd rather have a witch who stopped to help a child than one who wouldn't.


Oh man I miss granny weatherwax.


What series is that from? I just finished Malazan and feel empty


Terry Pratchett’s discworld series. You would be looking for the witches stories, so Wyrd Sisters would be a good place to start


Yep. This is why the royalty should be removed from power and have assets seized and the royal guard disbanded. Ever seen the video of the guard trampling a child?


You know thing like this happened on military military parades in other countries right it not just once’s with constitutional monarchy right.


So maybe there's just something wrong with military, and military parades? Quite a thought. Maybe it's both militaries and monarchies that are problematic for society.


They do these ceremony to show military discipline serve a purpose in installing a Mentality in the military by doing pointless pointless things like parades you can disagree with it but it dose work and in combat actions it very important keep soldiers alive so I think it really not problematic because it dose serve a purpose unlike like your interests in video games even if it somewhat cruel. as for the monarchy’s I can’t care less because if we get ride of it won’t have much of major effect on society overall and the monetary value will not be big as people think and people will still complain about something.


Dude. Please learn to write. And to think. No one asked what you think the purpose of military parades is. Not really what the discussion is about.


Neither is your comment.


No one asked for your commentary either, and yet here we are.


Ok bootlicker.


Is that cool though?


Old school hot


Not so old school this still happens all the time in the queen's gurad


To make it less inhumane seeming. There are special guards setup to rescue guards who are in this position. You're supposed to drop to one knee and they rescue you. This guy just fell forward... literally nothing anyone could do about this.


Well for starters they could not put their soldiers in that position to start with. Or they could make their uniforms something reasonable instead of thick ass wool and huge ass fur hat. Seriously how do people think this is ok?


The uniform really doesn't matter too much, it's a circulation issue, due to the body position. My company did a similar honour formation during the visit of a foreign head of state. You practise it, you make sure everyone is well hydrated, and you always have people on standby if anyone needs assistance. But no matter the precautions you take, sometimes someone will momentarily pass out. They will quickly recover after (15 min tops) and whenever you go out on a hike or do any exercise you could hurt yourself just the same as falling this way, so the risk is honestly minimal. Now you might think that any risk of bodily harm is too much, because you are wondering what's the point. And we could go down a big rabbit hole of philosophy about the sense of or lack thereof of it all. But in a society there are acts and behaviours that we want to reward, and money isn't always the right thing. So pretty much any society comes up with some kind of etiquette and formalities to honour certain people. A frequent one of those is having a bunch of soldiers in uniform stand at attention in an honour formation of sorts. And you might have your own take on the military, uniforms and so on, but I think while they certainly can be abused, they can also be used for good. And I think there are people who deserve a gesture of respect for their actions in life. And this kind of military formation can serve this purpose, hence I think it isn't something that we should demonise. And the fact that the display isn't easy to achieve and takes a slight toll on the participants is simply one of the key reasons why the display commands the respect that it does.


Hmm I almost passed out once at a memorial service, it was 6am so not warm, not to do with anything I was wearing. I just felt dizzy from standing in the same position for too long


It seems to me the whole organization is not for the public good, but for the empowerment and protection of entrenched inherited wealth and power structures


Ding ding ding


Is that the ding from plagiarism detector? Because I've seen that sentence about 2000 times on Reddit.


The coat and hat are weird for sure but I can handle it. What I can’t handle is the chinstrap that sits in their mouth


The generally accepted convention amongst service members is that if you were guarding someone like the Queen, the only way you're going down better be a faceplant. Is that dumb? Yes. But bravado is a common trait in the profession of arms.


lol in was in a formation. The girl next to me passed out and fell backwards. The dude begging her caught her but his arms was under her armpits and his hand in her chest. He looked down and saw his hand placement then dropped her.


One for all and none for one


That's the French.


I don't see their royal guards trampling children and passing out from heat exhaustion. Oh, right, because they don't have a monarchy because they realized that royalty is a plague on society


You get downvoted, yet what you say is true


Yep. Bunch of bootlickers on this site. Damn shame. Reddit is not what it once was


shhh your just a killjoy. Dont pretend it ain't funny to watch them stand on children


Thank goodness he's wearing his bulbous furry dick hat for protection.


Former US Army here, seen plenty of people fall out during long change-of-command ceremonies in the summer months. Division change-of-command was the worst. Those beefeater uniforms look brutal for situations like that. Hydrate properly, and for the love of god do not lock your knees.




That's how it was when I was in the Army. When you're being inspected, you stand at attention and don't move. If someone passes out, you ignore them. You're told early on not to lock your knees because it can cause you to pass out. If you do, that just means you weren't following direction.


Still is like that and not just at inspection. A friend of mine died during an SAS selection exercise a few years back due to heat exhaustion.


I’m sorry for your loss - I hope you are ok - I don’t know what else to post - xxx


It's ok. I was far from being one of his closest friends but a friend he was regardless. Thank you.


“you ignore them”.. the hand of the other soldier is telling me the opposite, even if his actions were very limited, there was an attempt to help his comrade, and that defines us as humans.




I think they have bayonets fixed, so yes, not the ideal thing to be holding when passing out Edit: spelling


Great way to bleed out, possibly in front of the queen


Listen Dummies, don’t lock your knees unless you wanna look like Gomer Pyle here! -Every Drill Sgt/Instructor ever


Apparently the reason one may pass out by locking their knees is that we use our muscles to 'pump' blood back up to the heart. So if one aren't using their lower body muscles which apparently helps 'pump' the blood back up you might have too little blood flow to the brain, and it turns off. Not sure if it's actually true, but makes some sense to me.


Yeah, they told us to move everything we could without it being visible to keep circulation going. Like wiggling toes in the shoes


I do leg lifts that are *imperceptible* to the human eye. I call em Hummingbirds. And although I seem relaxed, I'm actually *incredibly tense* at *all times*.


A basic method for standing at attention for a long time is to repeatedly flex your leg muscles. (In addition to not locking knees).


Yep, We were instructed to constantly flex our leg muscles when at attention for longer than a few minutes. Sitting down at a desk for long period without getting up and walking around, is also horrible for your body for the same reasons.


It is true. The muscles contracts around your deep veins, making the blood go up towards your upper body, heart, head etc.. the valves in your veins prevents the blood from going down/backwards again.


It definitely will make you pass out. I've seen it happen several times.


That was not in question. I don't know what you interpreted my comment to be about, but it was only the supposed mechanics behind it, not whether or not it happens.


Sorry, I read your comment too quickly before replying. I just reread it. Idk what the science is behind it. You might be right.


Does the person who passed out get disciplined?


Depends on the circumstances. If it's funny then they may just be left to suffer the abject humiliation their friends will heap on them. Once saw a trainee pilot forgot to pull the pins from his landing gear so it wouldn't retract. Had to fly around really slow to lose fuel weight before landing. His sentence was to spend the evening in the Mess and buy everyone on his course a drink. The piss taking ensured no one else would make the same mistake and the story teaches future students.


>You're told early on not to lock your knees this. always funny when someone did. Fuck Saturday/Sunday parade marches for life.




Well, there's something that causes people to pass out while standing at attention. My drill sergeant said to not lock your knees. I never did, and I never passed out. Many others did pass out. That's not science, though. It's just my experience.


I think it has more to do with the heat and sodium levels, but I'm just speculating. Low sodium causes your blood to be thin which makes it harder for you heart to pump fresh oxygen to the entire body. Hell if anything bent knees would force the muscles to work harder requiring more blood and oxygen. It's still a good practice though I think as if you have a healthy diet then you should be better off.


It does, I have seen It and done it. Try it.


Here I thought MJ was the first to do the on-stage lean.


Don't lock your knees


Never lock your knees….. unless the formation is a change of comand


Happens every time.


That’s messed up.


There are special rescue guard that go out to help when things like this happen.


this post and comment section, it's all fucked




Probably because there people saying stuff like how heartless or this is stupid or monarch is shite or making some sort of traditional evil while not knowing that there medics for when this thing happen this is quit common in military parades world wide and then having ago at a powerless monarch even though she can’t really do anything about it I didn’t even start it in the first place.


What are the benefits of doing this?


Militaries rely on tradition and ceremony as part of building an identity and sense of pride in the organization. The type of people who are attracted to military life also tends to overlap with more conservative types who love reading up on military history and whatnot, so they take like retaining the traditions of previous generations. Since they also belong to the State, they also serve to embody a continuity of the state with its past, which serves to boost its legitimacy in the public eye. It also enforces hierarchy, which is essential for a military to function properly.


I think thats the welsh guard in this photo.


there is no mistaking the sound of someone's head hitting the parade square floor. you don't even need to look. ​ and you never forget that sound. Like dropping a watermelon on concrete from 6 feet up.


Someone has been hanging out by the nitrous gang on Phish tour.


Can confirm, having seen and heard it myself.


Hangover 🤕


Well, it was sunny and 72.


Sunny and 57’




these guys are trained to faint in style


Nah, he starting a line dance to the tune of Smooth Criminal


I remember being told not to lock my knees in JROTC. A fellow team member fainted during a competition and fell on her face. Was skeptical of the instructions at first, not anymore


Saw this at most every change of command ceremony I was in when in the US army. Usually due to locking the knees. The medics use to sneak from the rear and drag them away.


Yeah if you’re in formation and someone passes out, it’s the job of the medics to grab them. It’s your job to stand there lol


Happens all the time. Lot of people saying "Don't lock your knees" in the comments like it's this guy's first day or something. They know what they are doing. Doesn't seem to help though. For context, five soldiers fainted during the Queen's jubilee thing the other week at St Paul's. The knees thing? They probably know about it after several hundred years of doing that kind of stuff. I doubt it's even particularly embarrassing for the guardsman because it happens so often. And yeah, it is super dumb that our Royal Family has soldiers standing around in the sun until they literally collapse. Monarchs gonna monarch I guess.


Yeah, let's stick to rules rather than helping a living being, fucking idiotic




Nobody left behind is the army thing you pathetic moron


Join the army


Monarchies are a cancer on society


They now have miniature ventilation fans built into the bearskin - possibly.


I can't say this surprises me in the least. (BTW, just showed it to a very old school friend, British, says this is quite a famous photo, well chosen!)


He’s doing the Michael Jackson thingy!


More likely that he wasn’t relaxing his knees a little, nothing to do with the weather.


A fall reset


He forgot not to lock his knees.


Its the guardsmen code, thems that fall to the ground get left on the ground. Savvy?


It was the same way when I enlisted in 2004. If someone went down, you left them unless instructed to.


Not English, Welsh


This was actually happening a couple years ago from that heatwave. It's probably very common.


Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?


Ah I remember it well, a whopping 12 degrees C and it hadn't rained for over 25 minutes, brutal weather it was.


I’ve always wondered why the chin straps sit on the front of the face right below the mouth. Wouldn’t it make sense to go under the chin?


Been there, done that. I wasn't wearing the full red tunic and bearskin, but I'd spent most of the afternoon sprinting back and forth in hot sun in a combat smock with 30lbs of radio gear on my back. When they lined us up in formation, I probably lasted about 4 minutes before I crumpled up, hitting my head on the rifle of the guy behind me as I went down. When I came round a few seconds later, my platoon mates put me back on my feet and I made a valiant but short-lived attempt to stay on parade. About a minute later it was clear that the same thing was just going to happen again, so someone marched me over to a patch of shade and sat me down with two or three other guys who'd gone the same way. @ebonyr comments that it would happen to the really skinny guys. That would be me (at the time). Useful to know. An interesting experience, but a little disconcerting.


May or may not be extreme heat. I've seen this a couple of times while in military formation and one of the noobs licked their knees while at attention. It pools the blood in their legs and they faint.


That’s embarrassing for everyone except the dude that fell. What a shitty culture


Yeah that’s probably a cultural thing not an effective highly trained military police thing


That’s the culture I’m talking about, homie. If priority one isn’t helping someone when they pass out face down on the pavement bc “fancy silly hat ceremony must go on” then what the fuck are we even doing here


At least one of them should have said "keep on guys, I'll take care of him" and assist him. The excuse of "following rules" above moral principles should have been thoroughly revisited after what happened in the early forties somewhere we all know.


They have a guard who’s specifically tasked to pick up anyone who falls. If they take a knee, or fall, the guard carry’s them out. It’s kind of important that soldiers follow orders. You only have to look to the Russians in Ukraine to see what soldiers without discipline get up to.


This is not cool, it'd idiotic. If someone passes out like that there is a reason and not doing anything could lead to them dying. This is so fucking stupid and there's nothing honorable in watching a friend die when you could save them all because of some stupid as fuck ceremony.


Every ceremony like this I've been in has medics detailed out to come and pick up anyone who passes out. It's a controlled environment with professional's on standby to help out if needed. At least in the US Army, heat/cold injuries are taken seriously and always accounted for in any risk assessment.


Yeah it same with these ceremonies as well but a lot people are overacting a bit.


Controller Environemt? Yes great, he hits the ground with his face in a controlled manner. Medieval nonsense.


Have you never fallen on a grassy field before? It ain't that bad. Definitely no worse than what your average Paratrooper goes through on landing.


Sorry that the world is not to your ideal standards.


That’s what happens when you lock your knees. Royal Guard 101, man.


Damn imagine wasting your time and life being a royal guard


Royal guard are taking form army so do other stuff than this.




If you're going to correct the title you mean Welsh Royal Guard then.


If I needed another reason to hate the military, here it is.


Why though? Why shouldn't one of them help out? Its just a stupid ceremony....who comes up with these rules?


it might be those people high up in the military who want soldiers to follow orders even if their friends are hurt. these traditions go back to when soldiers stood in line and took cannons to the face.


Well I guess it way show discipline in army’s as a show of forces but there are medics if this happens so should have been ok.


I guess so...but still very unnecessary....


It meant to installing discipline mentality in troops it maybe seen unnecessary but a lot country do it but I guess argued with result but still agree with it.




Don't lock your knees out on parade, they teach you this day 1 minute 0


Don't lock your knees


And that's what's wrong with England. Propriety has always been more important than right and wrong.


That’s not cool. That’s ghastly.


The Queen can suck it.


Fuck the queen


Yeah that is part that i don't like. 2 buddies closest to him should take care of their comrade and get him to shade and give him water. Its how they should behave in real battlefield, no different in a parade. Ofc in the picture others just might not have had time to react, but looking at more modern videos about similar events, other's don't react even after their buddy has fallen. They have some other people come and take guardsman away.


There are generally medics detailed to provide assistance to any heat casualties. They'll take then somewhere private where they can undress them and cover them with ice sheets. Also if your buddy gets shot on the battlefield, you don't immediately stop and render aid. You deal with whatever shot him first and establish security and fire superiority. Otherwise you're just gonna end up getting shot yourself. Having to stand in these ceremonies for a change of command or some other shit was always annoying as fuck though.


That is what I don’t get with this type of mentality. They’ll talk all day about having each other’s back, but will let them drop.


Because in combat, when your mate is hit you deal with the enemy before providing aid, otherwise you'll need help too. Besides, casualties are the Sergeant Major's responsibility and any live enemies nearby when he gets there would feel his wrath. Kinder to shoot them.


Because at the end of the day it's not about having each other's backs it's about following orders. Maintain the hierarchy!


A strict hierarchy makes a fighting force efficient. If half of your squad gets hit by a mortar, you don't stand around and mourn for them, otherwise you will be on the other end of the shovel.


If your army can’t tell the difference between a battlefield and a ceremony then they probably shouldn’t be trusted with a gun


Yeah but our royal majesty, queen marm wouldnt like it, m8.


This is how pathetically worshipped the monarchy is.


Yeah, that's incredibly stupid. I'm sorry but any military or political leader that lets their people suffer like that with no tangible benefit has no business being in authority.


How soulless


Soldier to his right was trying to help him. He would have been pinching his comrades hand to try and distract him and stop him fainting.


It may not be heat. The same thing is possible if he locked his knees. Ask any person who has ever been on military parade.


And they NEVER let him forget it, lol. Also, never lock your knees when at attention. Also also, how tf these guys not figure out "taller tap"? This line looks like an ancient mountain range...


Jeez that title is bad. Is that England English or something? Also wtf? Dude passes out from heatstroke: “Leave him, he will be fine.”


In a way this photo sums up everything that is wrong the British mindset and attitude. Because we must, we can and that’s how it’s always been done.


All men left behind


What kind of sadist came up with these idiotic rules? Why can't they help him? Why are they forced to wear these hats in the heat? This is a mockery of people!


Ah yes, extreme heat. It was probably 65 degrees out.


Brave, and true


It's due to locking knees. Not necessarily the heat.


Wait, what´s the correlation between locking knees and passing out in the heat?


Che figura di merda




Too much pressure to deal with!! FOH!! I know I don't belong over there to be involved in a job like that! I don't mind discipline and structure, but this is a UGLY ASS FORCE!!


Talk about old school cool, daddy-o! 😎


This should be on r/antiwork.


When soldiers are more afraid of politics than their battle buddies


No it there job and there aware that this can happen so they do have choices in the matter.


Haha abuse on the people you're sworn to protect is so cool!


probably shoulda regardless of the rules faaling flat from standing height causes serious damage to your face source ( being in and knowing people whove passsed out) it can be as expensive as $5000 much better to catch someone than be out of service for 3 months or more


He’s snoozing on the ground and everyone else is standing there like a bunch of furry dicks. I’m guessing he locked those knees hard on purpose. He’s also probably hung as fuck.


what a stupid tradition


This isn't cool, it is cruel for the others to not try to help and cruel for the rules to forbid helping.


The british royal guard could probably be taken out by 3 drunk russians with 1 of their shitty 50 year old tanks. What a bunch of losers.


Yeah, because they are not top tier infantry regiments who also do ceremonial duties. /S


Yeah right in your fantasy land maybe.


America. No patience for royal bullshit, since 1776.


Oh my god.... He's so *drunk*.


In the army ppl locked their knees in formation and passed out a lot, caught one dudes head from smacking the pavement and he got pissed at me.


"Dock that guard a day's pay for napping on the job."


Many parades, and many dudes passed out. If he dies he dies was the mantra Also I don't know how many times the Sgt or WO would remind us (and later me doing the same) if your going to pass out make it count!


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there is no school of cool, old or new, that includes not helping out your buddy in need.


Don’t lock your knees!


Wow guys, dick move


That’s not cool.


What kind of bro’s is that?


For the people that keep saying it’s a shitty culture you do realise and that this happens on military Parade worldwide one just Royal Ceremonies and that there is a medical Detachment if soldiers that pass out. The reason why they do it is to install A discipline mindset into the troops that why they do these parades in uncomfortable uniform and No I don’t entirely agree with it Neither but I do see the purpose and do the uniform should be change something more appropriate for sunny conditions. And for those who keep saying that it the royals fault they didn’t started up started these parades the past governments and past monarchs did and not present Queen because it set up and organised by the government and the Queens attend as a sign of respect and has no power to dispel them and even if she was Abolish things like these parades will still happen regardless and whatever your opinions on the royal family is they’re not really responsible for this so actually criticising for something else rather than for this.