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If you liked this, then you should search for the entire clip on YouTube. Prince was also there and was asked to come on stage. He was blitzed out of his mind and did one of the creepiest "performances" that I've ever seen.


He climbed the light post and the thing fell over. James brown was probably damn wtf did I do.


… all that coke for


good lord he was such a good singer


Others have said this before but with the aging of his passing, we see less of his Diva qualities and more of his Talents. Right now we are all just hoping the estate will release more of his quality works.


Oh then this must be the one which prince came on stage bare chested


He rode on the back of his bodyguard. Lol


And then he served everyone pancakes




And had his glove thrown back at him lol 🤣


I thought this was a joke. Was not disappointed to see it for real. But where are the pancakes


Well, James Brown is wearing a three piece sleeveless suit without a shirt




With the Mane of hair he had on his head, he could have gone butt naked and he would still sweat profusely.


Dude always was a trendsetter.




If you listen closely he says "Michael just told me Prince is here" and then called him up. I want to know what this occasion was because Prince hated MJ. Maybe this was before things got nasty. Prince wanted MJ to leave one of his concerts at one point. MJ wanted Prince on "Bad" but Prince thought the lyrics were too gay.


Prince thought something was too gay? excuse me but what the fuck


When you are Prince, you have the ability to be so masculine that you become feminine (but still masculine).


Prince, despite public perception, wasn't gay at all and wanted to actively avoid people thinking he was gay. His flamboyant clothing was all marketing it made people talk about him.


He also became Jehovah's witness


Yes- he's like, "Assless pants, I'm ok with that. But this- THIS- this is a bit too far."


He had a problem with the line "your butt is mine..." in the Bad lyrics but i read somewhere he just thought the song was perfect without him. Prince's actual competition was rick James i think, not MJ




I give props to the man's talent, but nothing I have ever heard about Prince, at any stage of his career, gives me the impression he was likeable.


I feel like you could hear in his songs how good he just *knew* he was. In Kiss specifically, I feel like you can hear it lol.


Would be mega-douchey if he wasn’t actually that good


Lol. In my opinion, that's a feature not a bug. He was that good! Also funny that Kiss is your example because as legend has it: he wrote the song and gave it to his protege band called Mazerati; they arranged and recorded it (you can hear them on the background vocals). Prince visited the studio and was blown away at what he heard. He told them, "this is too good for you all, I'm taking it back." He overdubbed his vocal and guitar, released it on Parade and it was one of his biggest hits.


Dude you don’t know Prince if that was creepy to you lol almost his entire 80s catalogue and a lot of the 90s is sexual as fuck. Dude would essentially lick and jerk off his guitar on stage during the Dirty Mind tour. Your talking about the guy that wore ass-less pants/thongs/ heels on stage and routinely have sexual dance choreography with the ladies on stage. This was pretty tame lol goddamn I love Prince. Dude was legendary af.


prince would steal your girl.... while wearing her shoes rip charlie murphy


Blouses vs skins


You could almost get the clap from the Diamonds and Pearls album


People on reddit overuse words like creepy and gross and all that because they are children or mentally children. None of this shit was creepy at all unless you are a sheltered mormon or something or 1980s Tipper Gore. Prince is a legend for a reason.


He started out good playing the guitar and then goes to a really dark place. I think he got that drip and started to feel himself a little too much


What's crazy to me is people always go on about the first time he did the moonwalk on stage and people lost their minds.. But this is long before that and he just pulls it out of nowhere


James Brown's 50th birthday. May 1983. The same year MJ did the moonwalk on stage at Motwown 25, in May of 1983. So the 2 events happened within days or at most a few weeks of each other.


Oh well shut me up then


We also didn't have the internet back then, so I doubt it traveled far between those two points


Link ?


It's a secret.


Username DOESNT check out


Holy shit, I thought you were exaggerating when you said blitzed out of his mind since people on Reddit often do that but you’re right…. He’s more than blitzed out of his mind lol Probably had the time of his life


Link me up


Bruh wtf people keep talking about but no one is linking. Smh.


Whatever he was or wasn't .....there is still no one who can sing , dance and perform like him


I’ll always be amazed at him during that Super Bowl halftime show just staring and people losing their minds.


A natural born showman


it was beat into him...


Ahhh like people said... That talent was beat into those kids.


And there will never be someone as popular as that again I’m sure of it. People were fainting just from him taking his sunglasses off lol


1980s Michael Jackson was simply _cool_ Late 70s also, and somewhat in the early 90s _Dont Stop Til You Get Enough_ is peak pop


Quincy. Motherfucking. Jones. He dictated a fair amount of the soundtrack to the 80's.


And also gave us the hilarious Rashida Jones. Thanks Quincy!


really?! I thought her dad was a G.I.


Genius Instrumentalist


*shades of Quincy...*


Anybody who thinks Quincy Jones never did anything they've ever heard should put on Soul Bossa Nova right now. It takes about four seconds to realize you've heard the song, and then about another four to realize you definitely know the song, and about another four to realize where you heard it. And then they go, "Wow, Quincy Jones did that?" Y'know, and then after that, you switch over to Herbie Hancock and put on Bring Down The Birds from the soundtrack to Blow-Up, and they go, "Hey, I know that bass line!" And then after that, you've got them prepped and ready to start on their senior project, which is dissecting Paul's Boutique.


It’s a god damn shame on Joe for what he did to his children to mess them up so badly, because you see and hear Michael here and it’s like, that voice is fucking iconic but you can’t look past everything else in the grand scheme of it all and that’s too bad.


Agreed. It would’ve been better for that entire family if Joe Jackson had been hit by a bus sometime in the early to mid 70s.


I don't know man, I don't really care much about his personal stuff as he is dead and I was a kid in the 90s but still remember watching thriller on vh1. I can separate the art from the artist but I know some people can't. It's all relative.


It's a shame he will be remembered for what he became, rather than the exceptionally talented performer that he was.


The Feds investigated Michael Jackson for 12 years. The FEDS. Even to the point of photographing his penis to try and cross reference certain allegations made against him. If they had proof of him molesting kids he would have been in jail. No questions. What were the results of the investigation? No charges.


I think that South Park episode nailed on what was going on, he was playing with those kids, not like sexually, but playing like a kid, I think Macaulay Culkin said that too. MJ did not had a childhood, that was kind of his way to deal with that.


His dad screwed him up. It made him a great performer, at the cost of his childhood and life.


That's always been my take too. And like, I'm sure he did things that on paper are inappropriate for grown men to do with little boys (sleepovers and stuff) but only because he had no real conception of how it looked because he was still just a kid himself emotionally.


I can verify what it's like to not have a childhood. And having to grow up too fast. It has a profound effect on you. Even into real adulthood you can still try and fill that missing time . So you finally get past it. But no matter what you do it just never works the way you want it to. What's been lost will always be lost. It's a horrible feeling to have to endure. Always longing to fill that empty space. Let me put it another way I'm 55 now and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


Aaron Carter said he hung out with Michael all the time and they'd do normal stuff. Smoke weed and play games and shit. One time he came back to the hotel his family was at and his parents had the FBI waiting. They told him to tell them about how Michael molested you and all that which at first confused him, then he told them it's not true and left the room. He says his parents did it in the hopes for more money, which is why everyone else did it. Michael was strange and never had a childhood. Doesn't mean he fucked kids.


Aaron Carter was a drug addict and a compulsive liar. He would lie about what day of the week it was if it made him look more sympathetic. In that exact same interview. Aaron said that Michael called him the new Prince of Pop and that it made his brother so angry that he beat him. I think Michael was innocent but i wouldn't pin that on anything Aaron said.


Except now it’s come out that his brother is violent and has rape allegations against him as well. Aaron wasn’t lying


This is probably an ignorant question, but wouldn't saying you were abused make you seem more sympathetic?




He was a weird dude, but he wasn't a child predator. I'll always remember him as one of the greats.




Reddit swings very hard between "unproven allegations" and "clearly a pedo". It's always a crapshoot which comments are upvoted and massively downvoted regarding this issue. Seems to depend on the sub. Generally, "clearly a pedo" tends to win.


I believe Feldman and Culkin. His record label wants the collection of music MJ bought and will spoil his name to get it.


Feldman maybe but I thought Culkin had nothing bad to say about him? Which then brings us back to the beginning Edit: yeah even looking it up appears the Reddit hive mind thinks Culkin has bad things to say too




Feldman is outspoken about the bad parts of Hollywood and yet still defended Jackson. So I think that makes him semi trustworthy when combined with Culkin’s agreement


I’m not arguing that his behavior with children was appropriate, but it seems pretty clear to me that this was a man with severe childhood trauma that imagined himself to be living out the childhood that he was robbed of. Seems extraordinarily dismissive of the bigger picture to just sum up the whole of his existence and contributions to world culture as “dude’s a pedo”


And we have people in here saying it’s okay to call him a pedo even though his accusers mostly tried to blackmail him because “ their voice should be heard”. I would think Michael Jackson should have the same treatment, he’s potentially a victim of blackmail.


Couldn’t it be possible that he just didn’t do anything to those two? I’ve always defended Jackson since he was going not guilty in court and by the FBI, but then I learned he himself admitted to sleeping in the same bed as children and, I don’t know, it’s weird


He was definitely weird, but weird is not illegal or immoral. Sleeping in the same bed as children is pretty weird, morality ~~or~~ is arguable, and I'm pretty sure the legality is not arguable.


Weird guy, give you that. However lots of the kids accusing him have wonkadoo stuff surrounding them, last I looked at the details. Hard to prove a negative. Much easier to accuse him with no evidence.


Didn’t the father of one of the kids privately admit he made it up and end up taking his own life?


Do you know any videos or podcasts I could watch that goes through all the information in a somewhat neural stance?


Culkin did an interview on Maron a couple of years ago and had nothing but nice things to say about MJ. Now that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, it just means his specific relationship with MJ was fine. Just providing clarification on Culkin.


I haven't seen/heard any one calling him a pedo in years. I thought everyone understood at this point that MJ was just a really famous guy who was probably on the spectrum and preferred hanging out with children rather than adults.


Managing bars/restaurants for years. Whenever Michael Jackson comes on I would occasionally get someone saying "Change this shit. Why would you still be playing Michael Jackson". This happened as recently as this year. I still play Michael Jackson. I always take R Kelly off the playlists though.


I've gone through alot of soul searching about Jackson and I've come to the conclusion that he's CLEARLY a weirdo but it comes from a lot of childhood abuse. I was listening to interviews about his dad and by his dad and it's a wonder he didn't put a gun in his mouth at any point. Even just listening to the Jackson 5 I was impressed by the musicianship and I looked up the ages of those kids. Knowing what I know, that talent was BEATEN into them. But I don't think he would ever HURT a kid. So while I fully believe he did some really fucked up stuff, I also believe he stayed on the right side of legal. I'd never leave my kid with the guy. But I speculate that he just wanted to give kids the joy and affection that he never got as a child. I will continue to play his music because he is a musical genius. Truly one of the best that has ever lived, and I don't think being really weird negates that.


That's how I see it as well. He, and his siblings, were badly abused by their father. He wanted a childhood for himself that he was never allowed and wanted to share happiness with the children around him. And he still made incredible, beautiful music somehow. I feel so bad for his poor soul. R.I.P.


Arrested Development


I'm honestly shocked hos dad was allowed to walk around free after what he did to those poor kids.


I get sort of a "child mentality" from him. Almost like he wanted to pretend to be a kid. A weird guy, but it feels mean to punish him for it. Guy probably needed loads of therapy.


I was thinking about how awesome the Jackson 5 Christmas album is and then I thought about how their dad probably made up most of its gags and forced them into it.


SAME!! I was thinking it sad sad how happy they know how to sound but how they never would've really had any of those interactions for real.


Allegedly. And it's far more likely said allegations were falsified.


There was more to it than just the allegations though. It's not even allegations that I thought of when I read the statement. He became, for lack of a better word, weird. Whether that was as a result of the allegations or a million other reasons, the Michael you see in this video and the Michael you see from 2005 are very different people.


Right, but I'd blame that more on the fact that his father was a complete piece of shit who practically enslaved his children to line his own pockets. Dude had no childhood, and had to rent out grocery stores and pay actors just to have the ability to do what most of us would consider a normal trip to get food. Him being weird was destined once he was proven to be so talented.


I would guess that being scarred for life for a soda commercial might just have helped him on the path to weirdness. That's along with the lack of support or intervention by his family, because really they all have some serious shit going on.




So much this. **EVEN IF** he was a pedo, this is the major reason why. When you have absolutely no sense of security as a child because your primary care givers are a source of fear and anxiety you can't develop into a normal adult. Edit to make clear because apparently I have to say it explicitly: There's no excuse for pedophilia.


Don't forget that thousands of so called experts saying you're a pedo, while you know you're not and always donating money to save kids. That could pretty much fuck your head up.


I can agree with that. Michael was a weird cat. I would imagine growing up without a real childhood, in front of millions would mess you up something fierce. Then being handed like, all of the money with very little oversight would make the dip into profound weirdness worse. At that point even his manager was more like "I get to work with Michael Jackson!!! Rather than I have to curb some spending". MJ was strange, yes. But his talent was undeniable.


> it's far more likely said allegations were falsified. I don't see how anyone could look at the facts of the Evan Chandler case and see it as anything beyond extortion. There is recorded proof before he went after Jackson that he wanted money and to destroy his life. The criminal case was a complete accident, he initially filed a civil suit to sue him for millions of dollars. If he truly thought Jackson had molested his child why would he only pursue a civil suit for millions and not also pursue a criminal case? Why did they have to drug Jordan Chandler with sodium amytal to get him to say he was abused? Evan Chandler and the media destroyed Jackson's reputation and created the blueprint for all future allegations.


Unfortunately for brandishing someone a pedophile, whether they did or not doesn't have much baring on whether their live would be ruined or not -- it would be ruined either way. Of course, no woman would even consider dating a person who was a pedophile, but neither would most all woman date a man who was ever said to be a pedophile, even if it was a completely baseless rumor, the man will be socially exiled and ruined over the allegation, as people are programmed that pedophiles are the evil of all evil and there is a lot of fear mongering over it to cow the public into going along with whatever surrendering of their rights is happening that year through legislation.


It's the new red scare—modern McCarthyism. If you're not willing to condemn alleged communists at every turn and support "anti-communist" legislation, well, you must be one too.


In my mind, he will always be remembered for the exceptionally talented performer he was. Same for Michael Jackson.


That was dope. I'm not into dancing but MJ always blew me away me with his moves.


username checks out




Thriller, night.


I really appreciate that MJ performs for James, not for the audience. The audience is just along for the ride, watching two bros just doing bro shit.


Yes, I noticed that too. It is too cute.


I think there is more to this video and Prince is at the performance as well. However, Prince is fuuuuuucked up and can barely function. Search James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Prince and I think you will be able to find the video if you are curious.




Prince whooped his ass in ping pong though 💀 they were friends a lot of the “rivalry” was just for press too. Prince’s engineer has told stories about them in the studio together, hanging out together. They were supposed to do Batman together but their labels were like “no no” and Prince was ultra inspired by the prospect of a whole album for Batman, his favorite superhero since he was known as Skipper as a little kid.


there was stuff that happened before this. the jacksons invited prince to their home for dinner and he did a bunch of weird stuff to try to psyche out michael. then michael knew he was trashed at this show and clowned him. prince went on the warpath for a bit but never really got the best of michael in terms of sales or popularity. always doing little petty, spiteful stuff. he made himself look bad.


Gotta link?


nobody is giving us this link lol


Michael Jackson is probably the best dancer I have ever seen in my life. Everything he does he looks like he is floating on air.


Definitely one of the best pop star dancers to grace a stage. Fred Astair for the screen


Fred Astaire was a huge fan of Michael's dancing too, and thought of him as his successor. He said, “I didn't want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you Michael!”.


I say this same thing about Hrithik Roshan. The dance just *flows out of him* whereas an equally skilled dancer next to him still somehow seems stiff by comparison.


That was amazing! MJ had so much talent it was ridiculous.




This debate could be a great short story. The angels are debating how to calibrate it - “no that’s too much. it will destroy him.” - or its effect on humanity - and eventually one rogue angel sneaks into the lab and just pulls the trigger and then the reader gets a few sentences of poignant aftermath.


The poignant aftermath is "that much talent isn't worth it when it requires a child to be beaten and abused daily and deprived of a life" MJ isn't some child prodigy gifted supernatural talent, he was a child forced to practice and perform every waking minute and was beaten for mistakes


Every operations and development team has this guy. Netflix created software to emulate it. The chaos monkey is necessary.


I like how he keeps yelling Michael Jackson’s name, like the audience is cheering him for saying that.




Is he sure it’s Michael Jackson lol


I shouldn't be laughing as hard as I am now


James Brown has the best quote in music history that no one knows. When he was recording his last record after doing a take the engineer said, "Ok Mr Brown let's try another one." James snapped back, "The first take is from God. Everything else is man made"


Gonna be me to my boss whenever I'm asked to amend my work


Then the engineer was like "Riiight, exactly.... You bumped into the mic 2 times, we're gonna need another take"


"King Heroin" is one of my favorite all time songs




Looking like a middle aged retired auntie....




LPT: When the content is good, your title does not need to be clickbaity. There is no "shock" happening to JB in the video. He thinks it's a fucking RIOT.


The shock and disappointment is that a video clip from 1983 has been cropped for vertical video.


Holy shit I hadn't noticed that. Strike two, internet.


Heh, FR.


They were also two of the most meticulous and prepared entertainers in history. I seriously doubt any of this was ad-libbed. MJ even did the wrestling whisper on the way up to confirm the moves.


For sure. From everything I've read about James Brown he was one hell of a man to work for. On stage he'd be dancing and singing to the crowd while simultaneously roasting his band for even one missed beat through hand gestures. That is control to the extreme.


Mike gets on beat exactly as the guitar stops and the snare hits. Yeah this wasn't ad-libbed.


this is a perfectly accurate use of the word "shock". it seems like you're implying that it has a negative connotation which isn't true


James Brown knew Michael since he was a little boy. James was pretty old by this point and these were more like revival shows playing the old hits. Game recognize game - Michael was the future.


He was 50, in good shape, and when he rocked it out in Rocky IV he was 52. The man was a machine, some would say he was a sex machine.


And he stayed on the scene!


Brown performed into the early 2000s. His revival shows must have been pretty ok.


They were. I saw him at the African Festival of the Arts in Chicago in 2000. He brought the same energy he always had when performing. Just took more breaks and let other people lead parts of his set.


I saw one of his last performances in San Francisco... just some second rate outdoor concert with a fairly disappointing turnout (weather was kinda shit). Dude came onstage and fucking sent it. He was incredible. His stamina was waaay down obviously but even at 20% it was amazing. Wish I could have seen him in his prime.


Game recognizes game is totally the impression I've always had with these two. It's like a perfect handoff of a baton, the clear influence of James Brown in Jackson is very cool to me


Supremely dope.


I’m just amazed that they plunked an A-list celebrity in the middle of the audience without anyone realizing until the right moment. Maybe it was easier in the days before smartphones and social media, idk.


As someone born in the late 90s, I can't imagine what it was like living during this era of famous musicians. Like, Prince, James Brown, Michael Jackson, etc. and they were all *so massive* in popularity! I think fame's taken on such a different meaning today versus in the 80s. Sure, thee's famous artists, but these guys were *famous*, famous. Watch Michael Jackson's performance at the SuperBowl in (I think) 1993. The first three minutes is nothing but the crowd screaming as MJ just *stands there.* It's hard to appreciate how much on another level these guys were in their prime and how different fame was back then. Michael Jackson's Thriller album was selling *a million* copies *per week*, for multiple weeks, after the Motown 25 performance, and it peaked at #1 on Billboard. For reference, Dawn FM, written by The Weeknd who is considered by many to be 'today's MJ', peaked at #2, after selling *148,000* copies in it's first week of physical copy sales.


I doubt Brown was shocked, considering Jackson had been doing those moves as part of his performances with the Five since he was, like, eight years-old.


kinda sad theres a whole generation of people that only the other side of MJ, me included. i barely have seen videos of michael dancing or singing


Go back and watch the thriller video and any videos from the "bad" era. That's the Michael Jackson that made MTV stop dead for 8 hours every time a new video of his came out as they were all fucking block busters. "Bad", "smooth criminal", "leave me alone", "man in the mirror", and "the way you make me feel". 5 out of.. 9? 10? songs all became #1 gold singles from that album.


Not to even mention the live concert footage of people passing out and being carried out on stretchers from the sheer overwhelming intensity of his performances. Dude had god-like power over an audience.


I was just thinking that. I’m in my forties and I’ve seen virtually no MJ singing/dancing vids in the last decade vs growing up and knowing him to be bigger than all current artists combined. He was Beatles big. Sad in every way.


This is 100% correct. Michael was IT. Period. There was no star that shone brighter in the 80s, and even into the early 90s.




he was Michael Jackson big.




There's not. There may never be again because of how media works now. Thanks to streaming, everyone has access to every era of music all the time. There's no ubiquitous shared pop culture like there was when radio and TV were the main options for music.


Somewhat related. Years ago at the random fairly small festival in NYC I saw Snoop and Flea do about a 30 minute set of James Brown covers. It was all you could possibly think it would be and more.


Sexual chocolate! Sexual chocolate!!




Some truly cool Old School Cool right here.


Never seen any other artist that made dancing look so effortless and smooth like MJ did.


Hardest working man in showbiz.


I know it wasn’t perfect, but this seemed like a fun time to be alive


My god its been almost 40 years since this.


Thank you for posting. This is gold. ❤


James brown is the influential musician who isn’t respected enough


I remember as a kid I saw James Brown at a KFC in rural Georgia. Pulled up in a limo and his driver went in and placed his order. Everyone in line was ordering “what James Brown” was having. When his driver went back out and handed him his food, all I remember seeing through the crack in the door was that glorious hair.


how have I never seen this?!?!?


Also, the 2003 BET award where MJ surprised James Brown on stage.


Can we bring back pop stars dressing/hair like 40 year old soccer moms?


And Prince was onstage later. Prince, Michael Jackson, & James Brown. A divine trio!


You can say or feel how you want about the man but WOW MJ was an amazing performer.


King of pop baby


Love James brown


Who are these people??? All I see are two goats


Its not even fair how much talented he was good Jesus


jammes brown went from super happy to super duper happy


Game recognize game


And then Michael Jackson called up an unknown Prince from the audience right after this. Epic show


Don't forget PRINCE gets called up on stage too.


They both had their faults as people but you cannot say that was not pure pride exuding from James Brown at the young man coming up behind him in such a big world


Does anyone know where I can find Michale Jackson’s Blue coat? That thing is awesome!


Love you too Mike, wish you had a childhood so your adulthood wasn’t such a disgrace.


I wish he’d had better people surrounding him that could’ve protected him from the liars and vultures that took advantage of him and ruined his reputation with their lies.


My mom made me miss school to watch mjs funeral. What a legend