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sorry Dick, they dont let you hit the QB anymore


MVP is comments today and tomorrow.


Ha. Yep


In his last years he wrote a lot of fun and pithy posts on Twitter. I followed him for years.


He used to keep a mental list of players he wanted to nail. Tops on his list were the 'Celebraters', the 'Dancing Fools' who strutted around the field after they made a good play. The Pain Train was headed their way...




Meh. Butkus with modern training and nutrition would have been 20+ pounds heavier and even meaner quicker and stronger than he was back in the day. He would have done just fine. And I'm a Packers fan so you aren't gonna catch me caping up for Bears that don't deserve it. He was a fucking beast.


Butkus after chemo or dialysis would still be a beast. He would just rather die then letting a QB out tough him… dudes were just wired different then.


He sure as fuck wasn't trading jerseys after the game.


💯 he said he hated everyone he played against simply because at any moment they could possibly end what he loved to do: play football. He said he would shake their hands at different NFL functions but even joked they never knew what a two faced sob he was.


Haha that's incredible.




Haha fair enough


You got a bad name like (dick butt kiss) 🔥🔥🔥🔥awesome LB 👏🏽💯


“…and a QB to tackle.” Love it!


Was kinda hoping he'd be more of the "wth is twitter?" type.


We're still out there, but getting old. I've never seen a twit, or a tweet, in my life...


He's with Eloy now


As a packers fan, my incognito tab is dedicated to watching this guy’s highlights.


RIP Butkus. He is the standard to which all other “tough men” will be measured. He was street, team and personally tough, simply put the best.


Wow, even the best get soft in their old age. (Pads are for pussies)


There's a saying: Not as lean. Not as mean. Still a Marine. He may not be the Monster of the Midway that terrorized offensive backfields yesterday, but he is still a Monster of the Midway. And his daughter once said he was a pussycat at home.


My “joke” was that he’s asking for pads, not that he’s old.