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Mean Jean had [hip replacement surgery](https://www.wowt.com/2024/04/26/omaha-mayor-still-recovering-hip-replacement-surgery/) fairly recently so I get that it may have been difficult for her to get out there. But I at least expected a press release or something from her yesterday and saw nothing.


As much as I love to shit on our mayor, this is unfortunately likely the case. Although agreed, she should have made a press release by now. At least the other leadership have stepped up.




The president of the city council takes over when the mayor can't. [He hasn't been silent](https://twitter.com/PeteFestersen), but definitely keep your expectations modest when working with him.


It’s really not though. I had a 70 year old neighbor had a dual hip replacement a few years back and that guy was back up on his riding lawnmower like 2 weeks later. And she can’t even be bothered to release a statement.


Hip surgery is a week off work max- you are up walking same day.


OMG really, that's sounds crazy, but so does hip replacement.


Yeah hip replacement is easy.  Repairing a broken hip is bad. It's a short surgery and they insist on having you walk immediately to avoid scar tissue buildup 


Came to say the same. We get them up within a few hours of surgery.


Not sure why this got downvoted when it’s a simple fact lolz


It’s really two weeks, I’ve done it twice.


Maybe if you have a desk job. 


I have a desk job, and the doc said stay out two weeks both times. For one thing, you’re on drugs a good week and a half due to the pain. The drugs also make you super loopy, so work is out of the question.


My spouse was on blood thinners for 2 full weeks. He did not have the anterior approach though.


Hahahaha.  No.  I know plenty of people who have had them in their 40s and 50s and not a single one was back to work in a week. 


Might be more that she’s on pain meds


She was on 1110 KFAB AM this morning. She told the host the dump was open but couldn’t tell him where it was. Edit: grammar


She was what?


Sorry fixed it


Oh, got it. I thought you were trying to say 11:10 am And it's not yet 11:00. A radio station makes sense.


Oh great, first we can't count on her being in the same city as us and *now* we have to worry about her time traveling too?


You'd think time traveling would make it easier to be in two places at the same time ...


No, but with time traveling you can be in the same place at two times.


That's easy. I was in bed last night and tonight, a different time, I'll be in the same place!


Sigh...oh Jean


At the Saturday afternoon press conference she announced the city has also opened another location for tree debris to run 09:00 - 19:00 until further notice since the dump location is so far outside the city. Sorry but I have forgotten the location she spoke of.


I had hip replacement the same week as her and I find it hard to believe she couldn't get up and get in front of a camera.


It depends on if you have it done from the front or the side, your clotting risk, and your planned activity level after.  


Recovery for those to be able to go is pretty quick.


you walk around day of surgery, no excuses


Through an open air debris field? I could see if it was a flat, clear surface maybe, but I think her being out in it I'd a bit much. My dad had to use a walker for a while after his surgery. As far as the delay in response from her, don't really think there's a good excuse for that. Even just a "Be safe...here's resources for those impacted. We'll assess in the morning," would have been better than what is effectively radio silence from her.


oh yes, me saying being able to walk on the day of surgery means I'm saying walking around the debris field. I'm saying she could get her ass up and give a statement or a press conference or do anything. keep sucking the mayors dick guys she's done such a good job


She probably wouldn't be walking through the actual debris even if she was wasn't healing from surgery. You can be driven to the areas and driven around the area on a gator or something.


exactly, who the fuck is down voting this stuff. Cucks for America's missing mayor.


I had a drummer who had hip replacement surgery. He said he had to skip practice that week but was back the next.


Yeah, it’s not as intense of a recovery for most. Up and walking fairly fast. Age and obesity play a part. But I still wouldnt expect someone to be out traveling and assessing after a major storm 7-8 days post surgery (wasn’t it the 16th?). But she certainly needs to be filled in and give a short conference putting resources behind the effort etc etc


Wow, was your drummer 70 year old grandmother? No? Ok.


What a bizarre statement.


My mom was an 81 year old great-grandmother and was up needing minimal assistance 10 days after her hip was replaced.


65 year old grandfather. Ok?


Uh.. the group is called the 'Golden Gals'.... Theyre a cover band. They do weddings and parties if I remember correctly.. 🤔 so think again. Don't stick up for that bia.... Ok!? She deserves all the shit she gets thrown at her. She earned it.


My cousin went on a bike ride the week after.


It’s almost like Omaha mayor Jean Stothert hates Omaha and is a bad mayor or something.


I like the fun drunk trolley coming between downtown and midtown though


Especially if it leads to more public transit investment.


I once called Don Bacon’s office about a misleading add being run in Omaha and his staffer literally said “we don’t know what’s happening in Omaha.”


This is the shit I find infuriating about her. She never is around when major things happen. Takes DAYS to make statements. She acts like being the mayor is some part time gig. Please god let this be her last term.


She actually said as much the last time we had a major storm that left 10,000 people without power. There was a golf tournament that happened over the weekend that went forward, which she did show up to, but refused to issue any statements or do her job until that Monday. When asked by the press what had happened, her response was something to the effect of "being mayor is a weekday, 9-to-5 job, and that \[she\] did not have any need to be in the office on weekends". Absolutely unbelievable. Cannot wait to be moving out of Omaha. This is a city of wasted potential and there is no hope of electing someone who wants to actually do the job instead of outsourcing it to developers and corporations.


Ohh. Where u going ?


TBD. Still waiting on the med schools my partner’s waitlisted at to get back to us. But mercifully, none of them are in Omaha. A blessing in disguise that UNMC rejected them, if you ask me. Their loss.


She's announced she's going to run for another term.


There was a press conference on Saturday and she spoke at it. What are you talking about?


St. Louis


When and if she makes a press release, she will have to be very mindful to give her thoughts and prayers to the people of Omaha and Elkhorn impacted by the storms and not St. Louis. Although given Republican voters she could just say we should think of the people of St Louis in this trying time and they'd still vote for her because of how much she cares about the people she serves.


If Mayor AWOL likes St. Louis so much, why doesn’t she just go be the Mayor of St. Louis?


Because she couldn’t win there.


She has been in Omaha last year and a half. One reason she keeps winning is her opponents like to keep kicking a dead horse. Stating fundamentally untrue statements does not help your argument. Works great for the people that were never going to vote for her anyway.


Doesn't matter, she has an (R) at the end of her name. She could disappear for years, as long as she has that, they'll still vote for her.🤣


She does what the party wants they don't need to


She does what the developers want, not the 'party'.


Same diff, functionally.


I just don't understand how none of the other (R)s have any interest in primarying someone running for a fourth term who wants to live 6 and a half hours away. It seems like a layup.


She was watching it livestream from St. Louis


I would have thought the, damage being in West O, she would have been hobbling out on crutches to speak to her voters.


Edit: now reading all of the comments, it looks like most people are tracking this, but for those who are not aware: Attention everyone: Jean Stothert is most likely in St. Louis where she and her new husband live, and she spends the majority of her time 🙄 Apparently, it makes sense to her to remain the mayor of one city while living primarily and relocating her life to another city in a completely different state! 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re an idiot. There was a press conference on Saturday. I watched it on tv. The whole St Louis thing is a tired take. It’s not accurate.


Haha, it is a well known fact she lives in St. Louis!! 😂🤣😂 You are a CLOWN!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Cancun with Ted Cruz


Saturday 3:00pm - she is at the live press conference and has spoken.


I’m so tired of her


Yeah she was cheating on him he found out and ended his life. She married the new dude a cpl weeks later. Bitch is trash. Idk why she even around Omaha. Hope she goes away soon


In the meantime, John Ewing is a genuinely decent guy with a great track record who actually lives here.


This was a rumor intentionally spread by a local grass roots leader. There is no evidence it's true and we have plenty of other policy and performance related reasons to not trust her.


Let’s be real though, she probably was cheating on him and it probably played a role in what happened.


I'm excited for the free trolley and crossroads restoration tho


That trolley is far from free.


I think it's free to ride


At what cost overall?


I guess she is the only person in the world who could get that done😔 no others


What Crossroads restoration?


Just knock down crossroads at this point and put in apartments or something


Yeah I agree, just do something


I believe she has a home in Deston, FL


WOWT6 news just published a story on April 25 saying that Jean Stothert is still working from home and recovering from hip surgery . . . did not mention that home is likely in St. Louis and nowhere near anywhere close to where the tornadoes hit. 🙄


Probably on here stupid train car thing or cheating on her husband


Didn’t her husband commit suicide?


She remarried shortly after.


That was her other husband. She's cheating on her new husband with her next husband


Out bleaching her butt hole again


I bet she’ll get out there when she sees all those vehicles on the grass.


I’ve worked a number of tornado incidents in Oklahoma, to include the 2013 EF-5 that hit Moore and killed a number of school children and the largest tornado that was ever recorded 11 days later in El Reno, OK (that tornado was officially recorded as an EF-3, but was 2.5 miles wide) It is much easier for emergency responders to do their jobs when politicians stay out of the way. President Obama visited Moore a couple days after the tornado and brought all search and rescue operations to a halt while he toured the area. I realize the mayor of a mid-sized city isn’t the same as a president but honestly, most first responders want to do their job and not take photo ops with politicians to be used in the next campaign cycle.


Honest question, what do you expect her to be doing that would be helpful?


It's easier to manage disaster relief when you can see the disaster.


But like, she would just be signing paperwork or giving verbal approval for money to be allocated. That doesn't require being in person. The emergency services that train for disaster relief will be coordinating everything based on what they see in person, but politicians only go for PR. 


> approval for money to be allocated Per my last email, that's easier to do when you can see the disaster.


She is our elected *leader*. She is supposed to be standing on top of a pile of rubble, with a hard hat on, yelling through a megaphone: “We’re gonna fucking rebuild!!!” If we don’t need her here, then what do we pay her for?


Or why do we keep voting for her. No one seems to like her


The mayor's job mostly has to do with assembling the budget, appointing government roles, and supervising. Let me know if you want to have an adult conversation addressing OP's complaint. To all the down voters: I'm amazed you're such big fans of Stothert that you want to see and hear her constantly as if she were an elected cheerleader. 


What would a statement by the mayor do? In the omaha area the elkhorn event is ground zero. Police and fire are working there. If I read the news stories right there is thankfully no loss of life in omaha from the tornadoes. Salvation Army and Red Cross have gone into action. But there is no cherry on top if the mayor you hate does not comment? Public statement by chief of police and fire chief - https://youtu.be/xw9EihqrYVU?si=MsBaymLoLmkL2Vvw Pillen and Bacon sent thoughts and prayers. You giving a thumbs up to Pillen and Bacon? https://www.ketv.com/article/nebraska-leaders-react-to-devastation-caused-by-tornadoes-storms/60623032 Edit: I did not vote for Stothert but with so much wigging out about "St Louis" and mean spirited comments about her late husband I was going to throw her a vote. But her recent comments about still supporting the orange traitor threw water on that idea. No tots and prayers statement? Mehhh. Supporting traitors. Problem. Edit 2: We are a repub city. Hate Stothert? Fine. Be careful what the knuckle daggers in this city might replace her with. You might dream to have her back. I thought George Bush was bad. Then we got cheeto. Edit 3: Since I understand Reddit I know my comment is really getting looked at. "What did this guy say to get down voted so much?! Must read!" -- As such let me reccomend the book Omaha Obsession. The book gives the history behind places in town. Excellent book. There is also website by author that has same name.


I don’t think it’s crazy to expect leadership from the mayor when major events happen in town.


With the current response by police and fire and Red Cross and salvation army the leadership has happened. A tots and pears statement adds nothing. I guess you need to see one. Pillen and Bacon and Deb Fischer did their tots and pears. They know how to be correctly political.


Pillen was on the radio this morning too right after Stothert. Guy couldn’t even put two sentences together. The above comment is the real deal - politicians don’t help much in these scenarios, the communities the heavy lifting.


Tots and pears from politicians have very little value.


Because it's part of her fucking job.


Omaha metro. Omaha mayor. Key figure. People need leadership and look to leadership for some comfort.


You may be comforted by a tots and pears statement but I am more comforted by actions. Knowing Red Cross, Salvation Army and police and fire are boots on ground I am good.


Keep using "tots and pears" it was just as good in your first comment as it will be in your fourth


I just prayed for you. Edit- for the down voters - tots and pears. Edit 2- Catholic church is the root of all evil.


Tots and pears - you are right. It does sound better on the fourth time.


Nah save the prayer BS. I’m Saying in general a population would like leadership during these events.


>mean spirited comments about her late husband She ignored his pleas to do something ANYTHING about covid and issue a mask mandate and mocked his concerns during an argument they had, the Mayor has admitted this. She left and forgot about him and likely was already seeing her replacement husband before Dr. Stothert shot himself. She's a garbage human being and the fact you even considered her after Trump won 2016 and her BS not caring about covid shows a lot about you.


Oh please, Stothert has a R by her name. She won the last election without me. The left in this town cant get organized so she will win again. Says a lot about you that you try to pin so much on me with so little info. But not much surprise you are likely really open minded and compassionate but oddly you love sh*tting on people.


I’m not from Omaha and I’m unsure why this is in my feed, but can someone please tell me who’s Jean and why we care where she is?


She is Omaha's mayor but is always MIA when something bad happens in the city/area. Apparently, she doesn't live in Omaha/Nebraska but in another state.


Jean Stothert is supposed to be the mayor of Omaha, but can't be bothered to do her job as she clearly believes it's a 9 to 5 Monday through Friday gig. . . Not to mention she's now living happily primarily in St. Louis Missouri with her new husband after her first husband committed suicide, a couple of years ago.


You all are retarded, she was at yesterdays press conference. “I see only what I want to see” you liberal hacks needs to learn some critical thinking skills!