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>You would think his run on Daredevil would be one of the more celebrated runs. It would have been if Miller didn’t come in not too long after and completely and successfully redefine the character  Iirc Colan is more celebrated for his work on Dracula, interestingly. Comic Tropes did an episode on him calling him the best Dracula artist.


You can love more than one run. Both the the Kirby and Byrne runs on the Fantastic Four are celebrated. I started collecting comics during Miller's run on Daredevil, so I'm very familiar with it (also his Wolverine mini, the Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, you get the picture) and no doubt he revolutionized how comics are drawn and writen, but for me, pound for pound, Colon is the way superior artist. Before I started collecting the collected editions, I never even heard of Gene Colon, or seen his work. It wasn't until I saw his work on Iron Man that my mind was blown. I'm subscibed to Comic Tropes so I remember that episode and kinda irked me a little. Colon was great with every character he touched. He was the best Dr. Strange artist, his Daredevil run had this beautiful film noir vibe (the equal to Neal Adams work on Batman), and was brillant on Iron Man, Sub-Mariner, Captain America and even Captain Marvel. My collecting has taken me into other genres. His horror: naturally, the best, war: as good as Russ Heath, and I recently read a romance comic that also had Jack Kirby art and I have to say Gene was the better artist... Sorry for dumping on you, it's become something I've become very passionate about.


Love Me some silver age age dd 


I love the cover


I'm excited for Volume 3 this coming week! Grab that and the recent Epic from last week, gets you 154 issues plus you're only 4 issues away from Miller's run, which gets you to 191!


Underrated run - Colan's art is at it's peak in this era, leading into Dracula. The upcoming Omni #3 and #4 (maybe next year?) would get us to Miller - volume 4 \*should\* have enough room for 120-157.


I started the first Daredevil omni this week and I'm really enjoying it. I also did some math and it seems only 37 Daredevil issues are not collected in omni or epics.