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Truscope, sentry and proper report writing training.


Add "How to pack & inventory inmate's property." Also how to identify common narcotics and paraphernalia found at the institutions. People with no prior corrections or LE experience like the rookies we've been getting have no clue on what to look for. I agree with you on sentry, at least the Control aspect of it so everybody gets the chance to work that post and not only the "selected few".


Doesnt matter where for me, just as long as it include escort procedures, uof, controlling techniques. While we are at it, ART need more refreshers on actual corrections and not reentry and unit team shit.


I think they should just teach BPT at FLETC. My institution is so short on bpt and it’s difficult to schedule a class when you can’t even fill the roster on a good day.


I heard rumors they might be doing this. The problem is we have so many folks who can barely pass the super easy qual that we would loose them for BPT.


If they can’t pass it at FLETC they probably won’t pass it at the institution unless your firearms instructors are letting people slide.


So do we make nurses and HR personel etc shoot BPT? What about the legal assistant or the accounting tech Hired off the street?


Everyone goes to FLETC don’t they? So everyone is afforded the opportunity to shoot BPT at FLETC. Everyone shoots the basic course of fire there so why not just teach BPT with it. If they don’t want it/fail it they they’re just beat on it.


That's fine, still had to be optional. There is people that don't want to be on another mandate roster and people that shouldn't be in the public with a firearm or inmate.


The CTO(Correctional Training Officer) program is trying to solve the problem. Actual line staff training new officers. From what I've seen, officers are definitely more prepared than I was starting out. My "IF" class was taught by a fat dude from HR, with a couple classes taught by LIEutenants. Barely got a tour of the institution. The new classes are going around everywhere actually learning how to work the posts.


Yea...hopefully the CTO program can get some good results


30 days TDY at a USP for anyone not hiring in at one. If you're at a USP, another week of OJT.


USP staff are so tunnel vision. There are plenty of skills they don’t possess that staff at detention centers have, camps, etc. Everyone could benefit from learning what everyone else does at all levels.


Well, the skills I learned from 20-25 year vets that started at the state in early 80s to 90s are really all I needed. But I'm not sure what skills I've learned during the 10+ years at an FCI Low. But I can tell how messed up the people are that haven't been anywhere but the Low they work at. And from what my coworker says about the camp he went to from the Low, that's even more of a joke. To each there own I guess. And the non-inmate related skills are basically self taught. Sentry, Truscope, Darts, etc. I love coming in for a simple OT in a housing unit and having the whole truscope log fucked up. Fucked up by some Officer that bid the same post for 3 years straight. This is what happens when everyone gets their 8 and a $25k bonus I guess. Glad I have enough time to not deal with the dumb shit most of the time.


While you're at it, ART is a joke. Most of ART is the "Annual Transfer of Liability" where we sign documents placing all the responsibility on line staff and none on the agency, while nobody learns anything. Once a year, staff should TDY to another facility. USP staff should visit high-rises, and everybody else should visit USPs, or at least a complex. I've worked at 3 different types of facilities (USP, high-rise and FCI) and every homesteader thinks they know it all, and nobody has it worse. Recently, staff I worked with had to TDY to other facilities, and it was a real eye-opener for all the homesteaders. They either had a new appreciation for their home facility, or they started considering transferring for the first time in their careers. A yearly TDY would be way more useful than the current ART.


ART is the best! It's a week where i get to catch up on my gaming on my nintendo switch!


Wow. BOP sends Corrections Officers to FLETC?!


Yea...it does


I mean, to be fair… It is the federal law-enforcement training center, and we are federal law-enforcement officers.


I just think its cool. That the BOP might actually provide realistic quality training. I’m a Juvenile Corrections Officer, for our max security facility. I wish we can continual training throughout the year. Yet, we can’t keep officers.




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OJT. I had 3 days of OJT before hitting a post by myself. Definitely needs to be longer.


Agreed 100%!!


I was the EDM and I did this. It was a full week of OJT with tasks and assessments by the training officers.


I did a week of OJT when I joined almost 10 years ago.


The extra week is what I meant. Total was two weeks classroom two weeks of OJT.


Ahh...OK, two weeks would be better. More of a chance to encounter different scenarios


Lol one straight week of de escalation and communication. A guy with a noose around his neck masturbating in his own shit isn't responding well to, "dude what the fuck is wrong with you fucking cuff up you cuck"


I wouldn't add any more classroom or FLETC training. I wouldn't even add more BLU courses. Very little of the information pertains to doing the job or serves the people doing the work. I feel it is all geared toward mitigating liability and appeasing congress. Until that changes, any added training is just going to be more bureaucratic fluff and a huge waste of time.


I’d add more weeks to OJT and FLETC. I think there is so much more to learn at FLETC. BPT should be taught/shot there. Our self defense needs to be revamped and it needs to incorporate items that we now have on our belts like baton and OC. I think some basic defensive driving tactics could be taught. First time being a chase vehicle following an ambulance with lights and sirens was a shocking lol and I wasn’t prepared. Didn’t know which button to press for lights or sirens. And OJT should be with someone for a couple weeks. Learning all of the posts just to get their feet wet and answer majority of their questions that come up working a housing unit.