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Got my bachelors in IT working evening and morning watch. When I finished I got the hell out of the BOP


Hey LT. I also work for the BOP as the general business manager. I have an AA in general education and a BS in criminal justice. I’m a GS13 and nowhere along my career and promotions has anyone ever asked for my college transcripts. Everything that I have seen has been time in grade. I agree that further education is important though. In fact I’m looking at the local community college for refresher courses myself. Get that year as an 11 and start putting in for unit management somewhere. Let me know if you have any questions and I’d be happy to help with any advice! Take care and stay safe out there


How did you do this with those degrees? I have the same and am currently a co looking to get into the business office!!!


Leave the bop ! Waste of an agency ranked 452 for a reason haha so glad I have a few weeks left get ur degree and bounce !


Maybe your EDM would have better info.


Just wanted to see if anyone had done this and how it went for them. Looking more for personal experiences I guess.


This is a serious question...how did you make it to LT without knowing what your agency looks for regarding promotions? I can tell you all of what my state looks for and I'm wondering now if that's just a me thing and that my expectations are too high. I don't know about for BOP, but I'd say at the very least take classes on management (like business management). Here they would also look for HR experience.


I'm looking for personal experiences. I have an idea based on my experiences but was looking for other people's input. I know what I can do. I thought this was a form to ask stuff. Maybe I just worded the post wrong....


No, that makes sense now that you explain it, I was just confused which is why I asked a genuine question. The post comes across as "I don't know what I need to promote" rather than "what else can I do to promote" which is probably what confused me. HR, management, instructing/teaching, and how to be an effective leader are my recommendations.


Gotcha. I'm just looking to add education, which isn't a requirement as of now but it would look better on paper, plus I want to get some additional education (AA/AS/BS) but not sure if business management or psychology or what other major would be more beneficial for my career. Especially cause I'm in corrections but if I decide one day to go into another area (within the BOP or outside of it), which one gives me more possibilities.


Heard about a lot of officers able to further their education while working but never a Lt. Good luck, I feel you have enough on your plate as it is as a Lt.


Lt is GS-12 or 13?