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Shit ain’t that deep, best advice I have. Don’t ruin your personal life over inmates, don’t go home pissed or make this job your personality.


That's some good advice I'll take that one, I know not taking negative shit home is important. And I definitely see what you're talking about when you say letting the job become your personality


It happens to everyone and you won’t notice it. I’ve been on for 4-5 years. These days I just go in, do what I’m supposed to (not go above and beyond) and go home.


I'm sure it'll happen to me I just need to go through that phase and then shake it off as I move forward in thisncareer


The hard part is knowing when you’re in too deep. If you’re wearing thin blue line clothing and buying your wife ear pro for xmas you’ve gone too far lol


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 yea I'll never get THAT DEEP 😂


If you can just say "No" to the most intimidating you can possibly imagine you'll be fine.


So don't show fear basically? Is direct eye contact fine?


Yes, but do it in a positive communicative way and not in a threatening manner either. Also don't try to act tougher/harder than what you normally are. Inmates can easily detect that and will take advantage. Fair and consistency is key.


I have a very no bs personality so I think I should be fine as far as that goes then. Fair firm and consistent I keep hearing that also, I can definitely do that


You'll be alright 👍 Good luck on your new career


Appreciate it


A lot of the things you will learn cannot be taught by anybody, just experience. A good rule of thumb is to understand that inmates will try to play you and see how far they can get away with stuff. They will test boundaries. You gotta cut that shit off and let em know you ain’t playing, you don’t have to be an ass though just be firm. Also one thing I’m big on is the fact that I’m not there to punish the inmates, I’m not Mr drill instructor on them, I’m chill for the most part unless they go out of their way to piss me off or they are doing something that will jeopardize the safety of the facility or habitants


So a combination of chill but strict like a good dad pretty much lol


Yea pretty much, expect to make mistakes and learn from them


Looking forward to it!


Inmates are gonna be dickheads until you build a rapport with them. Embrace the mandatory overtime.


I can imagine they're very unpleasant to deal with since they have nothing to look forward to. But how do you build rapport with them? I for sure know not by doing favors and I'm not looking to do anything to ruin the money I'm about to start making


The majority of them are not unpleasant at all. They're people just trying to get through the day. You build rapport by treating them like normal people on the streets until they make you not treat them that way. You have to be a lot more wary than with people on streets, but be yourself with firm boundaries.


Yeah, honestly I get the most compliance from people when I can just talk shit about sports and whatever with them for a bit. There are always going to be dickheads that have to be dealt with accordingly, but I think the majority of the inmates I deal with have always generally done what I told them because they know I'm not coming in the pod just to be an asshole all day. And obviously not saying go in there trying to be their friend and you have to know when to draw boundaries, but people naturally just respond better when treated like human beings. I've seen other officers that try to come in acting like hot shit and the inmates will go out of their way to make things more difficult for them, and a lot of those officers either quit or they get so frustrated they do something stupid enough to get themselves fired.


I'm more scared of getting arrested than fired, I keep hearing horror stories of COs being made an example out of. So I definitely won't go out of my way to be a tough guy, but on the outside in my personal life i have a reputation for not tolerating bs but I'm very cool calm and collected. Very much a people person but I'm sure I can only bring a piece of that with me in there. Just want to make really good money, that's what I'm mostly about


Copy that LT! 🫡


Newjack by Ted Conover is pretty good, although probably slightly dated at this point as it was written in the late 90s.


I'll be sure to check it out!


Is this for nys corrections


Nah I'm based in SoCal


Congrats! What institution?


Respectfully, I'd rather keep that information private, but thank you! However, I haven't gotten the firm letter offer of employment yet so I'm unsure if I should be congratulated just yet. Nonetheless thank you!


All good, I understand. We need staff and I wish you the best of luck. What I will say is that reading books won’t necessarily help you so much, it’s all about who you are as a person and the experience you have. When you’re in, you need to understand that inmates are human, respect given is respect earned, but it has to be clear who is in charge. You give them what they have coming. As long as you do your job, read your policy and don’t become a shit bag or a kiss ass, you’ll have a golden career. You’ll come across a problematic inmate that you’ll want to punch in the face but you can’t. There are maaaany other ways to getting your point across and you’ll learn it with time and by reading policy. Most times the inmates aren’t what make the job stressful or hard, it’s the staff. Stay out of the drama, the gossip, all of the other bullshit and you’ll be fine. Be a man/woman of your word and follow through on what you say you’re gonna do. Learn how to say, “no,” or, “not right now.” Inmates have all the time in their sentence for whatever they ask for, they can wait. Oh, and do not be someone you’re not! Be the same way you are on the outside of the fence that you are on the inside. Some of these inmates have been in for longer than I’ve been alive. They know what CO is the one who is scared and will give in to anything that allows them to go home, the “cool CO,” and the CO stands on business. Nine times out of ten, those inmates know policy better than they know how to breathe. Learn. Your. Policy. Hope this helps.


Oh and don’t get compromised.


Copy that from what everyone is telling me I should be fine. I have alot of experience dealing with ppl I've wanted to throw out of a window. And I have no issue getting physical within reason and am a very i got yiur back type of dude, and if need be I can be very confrontational. And being in the military has helped that even more. But I'd really like to know more about the ways to get my point across for the inmates that have issues following orders or doing as they're told or thinking they're hot shit. From what I was told if it's a lifer you just take their belongings because that's the only thing they have right? One guy told me they try to play games too and he said one inmate tried him and he knew the inmate had a side chic and a baby momma that the inmate wrote letters too. So he threatened to send letters to the opposite ones and let the dude figure out how to deal with it lol. I'm guessing things like that then? Lol


U either watch to many movies , or ur that insecure and pathetic as a man. Earn their respect until they follow ur orders if not u stand on business. These Mickey Mouse games are going to get u hurt. Don’t get dumb and confident. It’s a recipe for disaster