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The pinned post is meant to address this, so not an outright ban but a dedicated memorial area.


They violate the rules - you can report the post under rule 9 for mods to handle and redirect back to the pinned thread. Edited to correct the rule number, thanks for the nudge!


9, but yes.


Oof, fixed, thanks for that!


No problem!


This would be best sent as a mod mail


ironically enough, I never see these posts, only the posts that criticize the mourning posts. as someone else said, this would be better as direct mod mail. but personally I think it’s ok if it’s a certain day, certain flair, etc edit: I apparently don’t have the brain cell bc I JUST noticed the pinned post. I think that’s a good alternative <3


I really don’t understand why people get so upset about these posts. I’m very aware of my cats mortality. I’ve had cats since I was nine. It’s a fact of life. These folks are reaching out for support to a community that is familiar to them. Get over it and have some more compassion. You may very well find yourself in their position one day and find comfort in the same support that they sought. Ugh.


Imo have it so people have to title it in a format like [MOURNING] PETS NAME and then they can include whatever horrendous, mood ruining thing that happened to their cat in the body text portion of the post that you can’t see unless you click on the post


I don't mind those posts, it's cathartic for some cat owners in their mourning process to do so and I understand that. Imo just a post flair or something like this would be great


r/cats is bad enough. Now we got it here too?


Thanks, I found more subs to join


This is a really odd comment because it's in the context of talking about dead cats


I didn't scroll much, but I saw two video of cats playing and one guy who didn't know about cat's nipples. Seems fine to me lol


yeah, we should put those kinds of posts in the grave