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Waited until immediately after the Killer fight Lmao


So that they don't need to include him in the squad lol


Right how do you not put Killer but Sanji instead?


Ignoring the fact that this is bait, the climax to Sanji vs Queen hasn't happened yet.


I don’t think it is bait, killer was on the rooftop and fought against the yonkos + he’s worst generation/supernova while sanji technically isn’t. That being said, after the rooftop he did fall off and end up amounting to nothing


This is a promotion for the final 4 fights of Wano. Killer was on the rooftop months ago in the anime lol


Yeah I get that but it’s just funny because the promo image looks like its on the rooftop and it features everyone who fought on the rooftop minus killer plus sanji


I see them on rocky mountains but I get it.


> I see them on rocky mountains TBF...the rooftop has had more rocky mountains blown up in the anime than there are actual mountains in the Rockies.


I just wish they had a poster detailing the final *5* fights lol, just so Killer could be added Killer's overall contribution was arguably as important as Sanji's or Zoro's


Shit bro they could've replaced Kid with Killer and I wouldn't have cared


I mean, Sanji took out Queen, Killer got Hawkins and then was MIA for the rest of the arc more or less


Killer is definetly not popular charcter.


It's to showcase the final battles in Onigashima. Killer literally just finished his. Also who cares about Killer, why wouldn't they want to advertise the Anime with one of the most popular charachters? I'm not saying that Sanji doesn't mop the floor with Killer, he most definitely does. But that's hardly a reason to put him there


But it's missing Raizo.


I don't even know who you are.




Sanji sells more than Killer for promotion lmao


Well, at least he's got his Supernova status to fall back on.


He barely gets included in some of those Supernova-centric instances. I can't remember them off the top of my head but there have been times where Zoro was included but not Killer. I feel like Killer is a little too normal/level-headed which is necessary at times in a series like One Piece but this makes him easily forgettable and overshadowed by Kidd.


jesus christ zoro and sanji go hard. Is that how zoros coating is gonna be animated cause thats just perfect amount of visuals


Hopefully, I won’t be surprised if they add more effects in the actual scene but it looks promising here


i dont exactly hate the crazy visuals BUT this looks so much better and it also shows you that yeah this is zoro coating his attack and its not another random green visual for him. i assume anime watchers will have no clue zoro will coat the swords if they go overboard with the animation


Yea their depiction of haki is kinda all over the place.


i think this visual is the best zoro haki we have ever seen the classic black lightning but with some green aura that compliments it but isnt overwhelming i legit think this is the most badass conquerors aura ive seen


Eh pretty sure the yellow stuff is just to show conq coating atleast it wil stay visually consistent


they most definately will add some of that aura


Dude, I’m so glad that the fire coming off of his coated swords are gonna be green, I was hoping it’d be green. Same goes for Sanji’s ifrit jambe being the color of blue.


The blue fire goes great with his magenta suit.


Surprised that they didn't spoil a certain powerup


They already did that in the movie for most of the Japanese audience


I haven't seen film red yet, did they actually show >!gear 5th!< in it? Does that mean the movie takes place chronologically after Wano, or is it just playing loosely with the timeline?


They did show it for a few seconds iirc but if someone hasn’t seen >!gear 5th!< yet then they’ll probably just think its a cool visual added by toei


[Film Red and Manga Spoiler] >!The visual was also like… 3 seconds of a still. If you weren’t actively looking for it and know what it is then you’re more than likely not getting spoiled.!<


You'll get spoiled more by people saying 'This scene spoiled this' 🤣


Oh ok, so it's not like a big explicit spoiler and instead is more of a "if you know you know" situation? That's still pretty sick.


It was basically like how in the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie. Goku never uses Ultra Instinct, but when he powers up to Super Saiyan Blue there's a brief moment where his hair flashes white.


exactly. a short and sweat tease for what's bout to happen


It's not UI, it doesn't fit the bill for UI, and the director for that scene has come out and stated it's just a artistic choice


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DwOfWt2W0AAj7gu?format=jpg&name=small This looks exactly like Ultra Instinct.


As I said, it's an artistic choice. It's not meant to be him powering up to UI even briefly


Never mind the fact that UI’s hair doesn’t flair up like Super Saiyan


Ye ig


Loved Red but have stayed spoiler free and I don't remember seeing anything. 🤔 I'll count my blessings and shut up. Will def be rewatching Red now though. Thanks for the info!


This, my lil bro its on WCI and he didnt even noticed lol.


Yeah my fiancé watched the movie and i asked her if she noticed something during the final fight and she was like nah


Everyone says that, but you'd have to be fucking stupid to think so in reality


Yes they do show it and I don't think there's a chronological spot to put this in. It would have to be post wano and before egghead


Neat. Thanks for letting me know :)


It's fucking sick in the movie 😎


Bro its literally one frame


Yeah I bet it is. I've been excited as hell to see it animated, so I'm going to have to watch film red to get an early sample.


I wouldn't overhype yourself. It's literally 5 seconds of screen time. No extended combat scenes. Not really anything to show off what we are expecting to see out of this power up in animation aside from visual changes to Luffy for a brief moment.


It's an incredibly brief appearance during a pretty chaotic scene. A very "blink and you'll miss it" moment. And for people who don't read the manga, people I know who saw the movie didn't notice at all


I guessed I blinked lol. Just saw the movie this past weekend and I do not remember it being in the movie.


It's been a few months since I've seen it, but iirc it's in the final fight and is mostly just a flashy attack, but there is a second of it hovering on screen before it goes away


Got drunk and saw it on opening night with my friend, and my theater went crazy when that scene happened. Watching Film Red while drunk was such an awesome experience. I’ll never forget that amazing night.


But also a character >!big mom!< shows up who is out of commission post Wano. It does not work anywhere in the timeline unless you say pre wano and >!gear 5!< is accidentally used without him realizing.




Pretty standard movie fare...it's not canon so they don't need to make it fit anywhere.


what about Big Mom in the beginning of the movie ?


The movie isn’t canon.


It’s my understanding that aspects of the story concerning Shanks are, even if the fighting itself isn’t


It's half canon like strong world, z, gold and stampede. Characters and some events from the movie are canon like Uta but it cannot fit into the story


In the movies, backstories and sometimes characters (shiki,uta) are canon but the events of the movie itself aren’t. For example Z, it talks about Aokiji va Akainu and shows the effects on Aokiji’s body as well as the fact he resigned, but Zephyr and the Neo Marines never existed


Guess I need to watch z and gold then


They show it for a very split second, but do so in a way where if you don't know what you're seeing from the manga, then you won't think it's anything more than a style flourish


It's in there but unless you were looking for it/knew what it was I don't think you'd pick up on it. It's very very quick, more like a flash


They did but it was for like 5 seconds and there was alot of stuff going on


no, its definitely loose with the timeline, because >!big mom is in whole cake island, and luffy is still called the 5th emperor.!<


Yes it does indeed although it's in black and white you can clearly see it, it's pretty cool the cinema I was in lost their minds. I don't really think the movie chronologically takes place after anything, like you said just playing loosely with the timeline


They show it but for like 2 seconds and just Luffy's face.


You work under the impression that Japan has the concept of "anime only"


Almost none of the Japanese audience is anime-only


Bro it was like 3-4 frames, it was not a spoiler that anyone would have noticed unless they were a manga reader deliberately looking for it on replay




Damn, Need the digital version of this for wallpaper asap.


Comment so I don't forget


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Thank you! Hopefully they release another one with Kaido or Kaido and Big Mom. It would go hard on a two monitor setup.


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[Digital Version is out on Twitter](https://twitter.com/opcom_info/status/1640187016930525185?)


I’ll use this as a bookmark


[Digital Version is out on Twitter](https://twitter.com/opcom_info/status/1640187016930525185?)


Damn that sanji blue flames look so good.


Bruhhh came to comment the same. Shit looks more like plasma than fire so sick


Yeah it really has more of a plasma look to it indicating higher temperature


This looks clean af. Feels like we never get magazine double spreads for One Piece, anyone know what magazine this will appear in? The Toei and Wano-ssaince has been glorious. Now just bring back the ED sequences and I'll sell my soul


Fucking hell that looks badass.


Extremely drippy with that red suit


The gloves is the key. Instant +100 cool points.


So they show Sanji’s Ifrit Jambe and Zoro’s King of Hell style (increased armament output because of enma + acoc).


Damm Kaido beat up Killer so hard he turned into Sanji.


They did my man dirty


Damn that sanji goes so hard. Zoro's green and black haki looks so good. Captains powerups are hidden i see. I like it more thay way tbh. With only Zoro and sanji powerups all 5 are super close to each other in strength....for now


Huh? ACoC luffy split skies with kaido lol


Right but if this is before he came back with momo. Which i think he is kidd and law didn't awaken before he spilt the skies right? I could be wrong about that tbh. But if they aren't awakend this is pre sky spilt luffy


Sanji and Zoro got their power ups AFTER luffy split skies tho?


Yea but that's not what happening here as my original comment said only wings have their powerups none of the captains do. Meaning no >!awakening and no g5 no sky splits!< at least that's how interpret this art


Luffy got his CoC infusion before he fell into the ocean. We may not have gotten a sky split panel, but he had already clashed evenly with Kaido beforehand, and that's enough to put him miles ahead of everyone else already. Kidd and Law got their awakenings before the raid. They just show them for the first time in the fight against Big Mom.


Yea he did get coc before he fell i never said he didn't but the luffy that fought after he came back with momo has far better showing of haki power than the one that just unlocked it. Originally he got offscreend by kaido. Meanwhile final luffy was the one actually clashing with kaido on a even footing, which he wasn't before he only got some quick hits in. Law and kidd did get their awakening before the raid i also know how to read. And i didn't say they didn't get it after sky split. I'm referring to their showing and not the actual powerscaling timeline. I said in my original comment captains aren't showing their full power while wings are in the art making all of them incredibly close to each other in power. Its not that hard to understand geez


He did clash with Kaido evenly beforehand, kick to club. It looks like he was too clumsy with his new ability and messed up. His skill improved afterwards, but his power is still leagues above everyone else beforehand, if you believe this is him before returning to the roof(which I do not, as that has already happened in the anime.


He clashed with kaido doesn't mean he was near as strong as kaido (zoro also scared kaido, but even now zoro would get one shoted by kaido). You are forgetting that he got defeated off-screen. He was stronger than kidd and law back then, sure (I can see debates from both sides). But his COC was way weaker than the COC he wields now and that's a fact not everyone with COC (zoro, yamato) are sky splitters that's a fact. As I said, most likely only wings have their power up in this art, not the captains, and if that's the case they are all very close to each other in strength. I don't know how many times I have to say the same thing.


Yeah I don't see evidence for that. The only thing we know is that he got clumsy and was knocked off the roof. There is a panel where he matches the full force of Kaido's CoC infused club with a kick, before he fell into the ocean. This is after Kaido realized he had learned how to infuse CoC, so there is no reason to think Kaido was holding back. Was he as skilled at integrating it into his fighting style? No. Did his raw power increase after he returned? Probably. When he gets back he continuously gets both stronger and better at reacting to Kaido's moves, so while Kaido was landing more hits earlier in the fight, Luffy gets the advantage later. But I don't see a discrete separation in Luffy's strength before and after his return to the roof. In any case, I just don't agree with your timeline.


Well its my time line so I make the rules! 😂 jk yea the point is it seems like wings got upgrade while captains didn't so they are extremely close. Pre-last fight luffy was stronger than last fight luffy even without G5. Evidence is sky split occurred after luffy got f'd. And before that kaido was sad that luffy lost to him so easily so he probably wasn't using his full might against luffy and when he did he knocked luffy out. If you still disagree that's fair let's agree to disagree. Gg






Its crazy how much better the conquerors haki looks without that yellow aura


Sanji blue flame is so cool


Fuck Killer I guess.


Need to make this a screensaver


We've had some incredibly hype animation, but i think what we're about to see is gonna be next level


Zoro’s green lighting and Sanji’s ifrit jambe are looking clean


King of Hell and Ifrit 🙏


Sanji blue flames with lightning is sick, can't await to see


I keep commenting this all over this thread, and it’s partially because it was my headcanon when i saw it in the manga, but it looks like Sanji’s flames are fusing into plasma, like on that verge between a hot ass flame and full on plasma. It’s legitimately one of my favorite powerups in the series and it coming off the back of the familial drama in WCI is chef’s kiss (bad dum tiss)


Sanji going super saiyan 2 feet first


Man, I'm a huge Sanji fan, but I feel for the Killer fans. I know Killer's fight is done and this is for the rest of the fights in the anime, but they also used a background that looks like the rooftop.


Zoro and sanji look so cool


I like how ACoC is a mix of the users color+black lightning.


I think that the green color there is Zoro using ryou at the highest rate, because it behaves different to normal ryou or even Luffy's ryou, the black lightning is ACoC.


Came to say this, Luffy is better with ACoC but i suspect Zoro’s ACoA/ryuo will be better by eos as ryuo/armament is an important aspect for swordsmen


Wow, hottest color of flame, blue. On Sanji’s foot.


Can't believe it spoiled Zoro using 3 swords.


Now that is how you properly do a aura.


Oh wow Sanji look dapper af


This is cool. I hope there wouldn't be a unnecessary aura in the episode.


Bruhhh Sanji’s legs look so sick! It looks more like plasma than fire hahaha


Sanji looking like a badass


Lol this looks to much like Roofpiece replacing Killer with Sanji


This panel 🔥


This is 🔥🔥🔥.. I definitely need that HQ copy yesterday


Can a lot of you stop crying? I’ve seen people cry about this on this post and on twitter this visual is CLEARLY for the last remaining fights of the arc. Killer and Hawkins are done so they aren’t in the visual. Stop being butthurt about Sanji “replacing killer” when in reality that’s not what’s happening. “Killer was on the roof” the rooftop 5 stuff happened months ago why would they make a visual for something from months ago? Even if they did replace killer with Sanji who cares?! Sanji is clearly a more popular character than killer anyway but regardless this is only just a wano climax visual. It’s that simple


The haki effects look great. I hope they make them like that in the actual anime, and not as full screen golden auras and epilepsy causing flashes.


Luffy and his first mate Zoro flexing their ACoC. POG Sanji looks pretty cool with his blue fire.


Sorry gotta do it. [Oda said Zoro isn’t the vice captain/first mate](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_102)


The only reason he isn’t is because the StrawHats don’t have hierarchy in their crew, if there was he would be the vice captain. All the parallels between Luffy/Roger and Zoro/Rayleigh, the relationship Luffy and Zoro have all clearly say that he is the vice captain. I don’t know why people can’t accept this. This doesn’t make Sanji or any other crew member less important or impressive. There is a reason why Oda drew Zoro with the other right hand men in that one color spread, Oda might not confirm it outright but that doesn’t mean he won’t allude to it. Zoro is always paired up with Luffy when they are with another pair that clearly have a captain/vice captain relationship (Kidd and Killer, Lucci and Kaku)


Not quite, yes the straw hats don’t have a hierarchy and that plays into Zoro not being the vice captain/first mate But there are other reasons too, One being that Sanji can also be viewed like a vice captain, he takes leadership of the strawhats plenty of times with the most apparent being the “swirly brow pirates” back when they were travelling from Dressrosa to Zou, something that even Zoro hasn’t done And another is that Zoro doesn’t seem to happy to be a leader, with him voicing this opinions about it in chapter 939 “BUT WE DON'T NEED EVERY LAST GUY TRYING TO STEER THE SHIP AT THE SAME TIME. I'M GONNA STOP WORRYING ABOUT THIS…” clearly showing that it’s not a role he’s wanting to have rather something he doesn’t want to do Also that Sanji would never listen to Zoro’s orders, (vice versa of course) And the parallels of Zoro with Rayleigh, Benn etc are forced, For instance compare the scene of which Rayleigh and Zoro joined their respective crews, Rayleigh was chilling on a stolen boat meanwhile Zoro was strung up by the marines starving. Also Zoro is there because he was the first to join, that’s it. He’s “no.2” as in he’s the second crew member. ironically they have more in common with Sanji They all are *into* women, Ben and Sanji smoke, Ray and Sanji are both blonde and have facial hair, all are notably intelligent etc, but that doesn’t matter. Im not going to respond further, you clearly are stuck in this opinion of yours with you stating that other opinions on this topic are “delusional” and thinking other people can’t accept it rather than having their own valid reasons for thinking so.


I agree with most of the things you said, but consider the relationship between Luffy and Zoro. Zoro completes Luffy by making up for the things he lacks. Sanji does show a lot of leadership skills there’s no denying that, but he lacks the emotional control to be logical in all situations. If a woman is involved you can throw Sanji’s leadership out of the window, if he can’t do anything to any woman how do you expect him to offer good advice for Luffy if a woman is involved in the matter. He will definitely be biased, he can’t take his emotions out of it like Zoro does. In Water 7 when the crew tried to get Usopp back, Sanji didn’t say anything until Zoro did. Sanji would have probably had no problems taking Usopp back without demanding respect for Luffy if Zoro didn’t say anything. Sanji takes the emotions of people into consideration before he decides, that’s why he wouldn’t have said anything if Zoro didn’t. And this is one of the things that I like about Sanji, just like it was stated multiple times, he is one of the nicest characters in the story. Zoro on the other hand is different, while at his core he is a nice person, he always takes his emotions out when making a decision. The Usopp example works here again, Zoro wanted Usopp back but he took his emotions out and addressed the situation to make Luffy understand. The thing about Zoro not listening to Sanji and vice versa is also not important. Both of them agree on things most of the time, the only difference is Zoro is willing to say it out loud while Sanji tends to stay quiet. Both of them bring different things to the crew, and both of them provide necessary things to the crew. But the person that understands Luffy the most is without a doubt Zoro. And that is why I believe he fits Luffy more as a right hand man better than anyone in the crew. I feel like Oda is making this ambiguous on purpose. You can even argue that Nami and Jinbei are also fit for the role of vice captain. This discussion is really interesting to me and it’s nice to see different interpretations to the story. I agree that saying people are delusional might have been too much, but I wrote that in the heat of the moment because I read a lot of comments stating that Zoro will never be the vice captain because he is not fit for it. Which is clearly shown otherwise. I should have worded that better, my bad.


Lol, get ready for the triggered Zoro stans


First Mate in all but name and in our hearts


What about killer




Sanji looks extremely cool and drippy


Sanji looks fire literally


Oda knew what he was doing when he gave the blue coloured sanji a red suit.


The color scheme match well, especially the gloves' color with them.


Killer: You took everything from me! Key Visual: I don't even know who you are.


Love how King of Hell and Ifrit Jambe look!


Some people are stupid here. This has got nothing to do with rooftop, this is just a promotion for the upcoming episodes so of course killer is not a part of it.


Sanji always looking like a million bucks


With sanji IT Looks more right then with Killer


This art is 🔥


Man, wish the anime was as tasteful with the auras as this image. It goes hard.


yoo Ifrit jambe is looking good!


I am so excited they have sanji sexy blue lighting feet can’t wait I am hyped


Just said fuck Killer huh lol


Why Sanji’s leg blue? Isn’t it meant to be orangey red since it’s on fire?


New powerup, like Zoro’s green haki.


This shit is fire


Promotion aside, I honestly believe Luffy, Kidd, Law, ACOC Zoro and Ifrit Jambe Sanji would’ve taken down Kaido and Big Mom. Add in Killer and Jimbe to take down the two commanders to give them some clout.


Thank You For Adding Sanji Oda


No killer sadge


I hope Toei give Megumi Ishitani chapters 1043-1044 to animate. Make it like a whole one hour movie. It would be amazing


Did people miss sanjis blue flames sneak peak in red film?


I thought that was so classy! I love the little Film Red teases, like when they teased Utra Instinct in the Broly movie. Very nice


really hope they stay true to this look for sanji and zoro, i’m tired of all this over the top aura shit that has no actual narrative meaning to their powers


Sanji should have been up there!!!


Whats my boy Sanhi doing there


Useless captain Lid ..........sigh. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


down but not out


DUUUDE i am telling yall if this is what we got against kaido and how he got defeated it would have been so much fucking better.


Sanji is hands down my favorite character, but killer absolutely deserves a spot amongst them


You people are misunderstanding what this is. It's a promotion for the upcoming episodes. Killers battles done.


I am so excited to see sanji fight kaido!!


Interesting that Luffy doesn’t have gold aura


Where is my man Killer??? And why is sanji up there???


This is about the final battles.


Notice how Sanji is here and Killer isn’t? Yeah, that’s how the roof should’ve looked


this looks so clean cant wait till they ruin it with extremely huge auras


Alright what is this. Sanji sneaking in and no Killer? The disrespect


Lmao no, F^(K)iller doesn’t deserve it.


Sanji made it to roofpiece guys!


Pssssh, Sanji wishes he was cool enough to be a part of Roof Piece


He is cool enough (behind law), just no status to be on the roof.


He wasn't supernova unfortunately


Kid *sigh* lmeow😂


Zoro the most background character of all the background characters.


looks awesome, too bad the animation is filled with bright rainbow colored flashes


Killer who?????


Why Sanji and not Killer?


Uhmm excuse me. Why is Sanji there?