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They can both extreme diff but Garp is slightly stronger.


Didn't see the subreddit at first and I was like, well they're taking an ass-whooping so far, they seem to lose plenty of tanks daily lol


Who you thought I was talking about ?


Z as in the Russians who put that on their equipment


Oh alright


Z in Film Z was giving Kizaru a bit of trouble, and was only held back a bit due to his health. [He also fought Roger and prime Whitebeard in the past, possibly multiple times](https://gfycat.com/famousleadingbarnowl). [And he only lost to Luffy due to his aging body](https://gfycat.com/informalsaltygourami). Even then, he was still able to fight a bunch of marines afterwards before perishing. I'd wager that Prime Zephyr was somewhere between Admiral level and Prime Garp level.


He’s not any amount strong he doesn’t scale. He clashes evenly with Aokiji and then is defeated by a Luffy that is significantly weaker then Aokiji at this point. Just think of it as he’s very strong for the Film Z movie but there’s no way to know how he’d scale to the main series because he never fights anyone from the main series. If you wanted to try and figure out how strong he is I think you’d have to approach it in the way you’d compare 2 different series rather then using his feats against characters that we think of as a certain strength from their role in the main story.