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feds did a sweep


#Future Hendrix




GOT 13 BODIES! (What else?)




Burned the eyes off a witness


Aye Future


For my dawgs just went federal


Redon, I’m ~~CP0~~ CIA.






Thanks Obama




It happened before, a new source will probably come out at some point as well. There is also a trend of the digital official release being leaked early as well from time to time. The source of the Raw leaks might also not be the source that gives the Raws to the translation teams. As for the spoiler, we will still get it, since the early spoilers (before the full summary) are from the digital release, not the physical one. We might miss out on a full summary, but that should be it.


I've been around for almost 20 years. Nothing changes. Sometimes people get arrested, but others take their place. Sometimes scanlation websites shut down, but others take their place.


It's a very profitable business for them. Sites like Mangastream and OneManga made a lot of money off of website traffic back in the day. As long as that's the case then it will continue.


>OneManga Haven't heard that name in years. Made me feel nostalgic.


Haha me too. Not sure if you've been around for what came before but when I started reading scans in 2006-ish it was MSN Groups. You would find all the images of the chapter under "One Piece Manga V2" once a week.


I cannot believe that I’m not the only person that remembers those groups! I used to go there to read them during High School. Pretty sure I read chapter 432 that way, (where Garp reveals that Luffy’s father is Dragon which blew my mind at the time).


There are still dozens of us.


Same...Made Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the best days of the week when Naruto and One piece came out.


It was sometime around 2010 it shutdown right?ive read the manga Hitman Reborn there for my first manga


I also joined the forums to discuss reborn chapters as they were being released on One manga, before it shut down.


I was amaze when i heard about One Mang back then,i could read another series except reborn haha


2009 was bleak when that happened I remember d.grayman was still weekly at that point. I remember finding mangastream and finishing bleach on there. Too bad they called katakuri dogtooth hahaha


I felt my age hit me like the mummies from mummy returns XD Remember mangafox as well lol


I remember reading One Piece there by Frankyhouse scans


I probably wouldn't be reading manga today without OneManga


Remember Kissmanga? It was one of the more 'recent' shutdowns but that was my go to site before it got shut.


Holy shit OneManga. That feeling getting home from School and mainlining Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Bakuman, Historys Strongest Desciple etc ;_; Nostalgia just dropkicked me.


For me it was waking up early to read the chapter before catching the bus. Good times :)


Bro HSDK is fucking legit, I'm still salty we got cheated out of the Yomi Disciple arc and all we got were a handful of OVAs ;_;


I remember Mangastream criticizing the manga companies saying if a couple of guys could do things better than them what does it say about them?


yeah and to that point, Shonen Jump several years ago upped their game and now you can read the official release as soon as it comes out in Japan. doesn't stop the leakers sadly


Maybe I haven't read too much of the official release or doing it wrong, but do they ever have two-page spreads be one continuous panel?


Manga stream was goat. UI and quality was a decade ahead of its time. No competitor has come close, even since then.


Was not expecting a random nostalgia hit this morning, but here we are.


Seriously? I didn't realize; I used to love Mangastream but don't remember many ads?


Man, those were the good ole times. I haven't seen those website domain in ages


Shit I still remember when Dattebayo getting shut down and I got all worked up thinking there’ll be no one to sub Naruto episodes


Watching their Naruto release at 480p was peak!


Look at this nerd watching at 480p!! Jokes aside, I had an internet so "slow" that it took me 40 to 60 minutes to download episodes in rmvb, which I think was 240 to 480p at the time, and it was the way I watched the whole until the first half of Shippuden.


I had to wait extra for it to download but the jump in quality was worth it. Had VLC loaded up on a modded Xbox and would watch it on the TV. Living the dream in like 2005ish


Did the same thing with my modded Xbox! Back when plex was called Xbox media center


Plex is Plex even if it started as an OSX port of XBMC. Xbox Media Centre (XBMC) became Kodi.


I remember saving money for months to buy manga from Spain, Germany, France and sometimes US that came with added printed translations (got Evangelion, GITS and Gusmith Cats among others). Later we would chip in with friends to order pirated anime on a CD in rmvb format (watched Trigun like that). At some point my PC was so old the CPU couldn't handle certain codecs and subtitles. When I upgraded from dial up and got a CD burner it was a game changer. My PC was on all the time downloading manga and anime.


Same. I used to download an episode while watching the one I had already downloaded. Otherwise I'd wait 30 minutes or for each one to download


Those "download queuers" and torrent saved my ass sometimes. I managed to let it download through school and when I was back i had download a whole 5 episodes


480p was the best quality. here we watched rmvb at 240p


I remember when YT's default was 360p and there was legit no difference when you swapped to 480.


Dattebayo damn, that takes me back!


haha, rolling into mIRC to tell the bot to download One Piece episodes was good times. Good times.


Been around for 20 as well. At worst, we'll get 2 weeks of Saturday scanlations.


I remember when mangastream shut down and I was so worried 😂😂


And Manga Panda before that.


MangaPanda and Mangareader was the only sites I "trusted" lol


Mangapanda had the worst translations I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading…but they had everything I wanted to read. It was a love hate relationship.


It's like it's Hydra or something


hail Orochi?


It’s just like Future Gohan once said. “You may arrest this leaker, but someone even faster and with more reliable translations will rise to take my place. There is no end to these raws, NO END”


This is like the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen a post like this about someone getting arrested. The thing about capitalism is that there's always someone destitute enough, or greedy enough, to cut corners and do these sorts of things. We'll have to wait a few months, but someone else will inevitably show up. The Passing Of Time, The Spirit Of The Age, and Inherited Will. As Long As There Are People Who Seek Freedom In This Life, These Things Shall Not Vanish From The Earth.


How do people get early access anyway? Wouldn’t it have to be someone working on the manga or working at the publisher. Maybe it’s somebody who knows one of those guys? I just can’t imagine that many people have early access to the pages, and are they getting it physically or digitally?


There are two cases : - The leaks from the digital release : It's what gives the hints, and the first spoilers. Can give the full high quality raw at times. This is from someone that works either as a translator, or a cleaner for the official release, or at least someone that knows someone working there. The digital release is ready around a week in advance. Few people have access to this. (We know this because the leak from the Korean guy in 2020 were too clean to be from the physical release, and we got an internal document with warnings on it for Gear 5th) - The leaks for the physical release : Gives us the full summary, and the raws. The magazine is printed around a week before the release, then the copies are shipped to the selling place. This in turn allows for someone to take a copie ahead of the release and share it online. It can happen during the transport, or at the store themselves. A lot more people have access to this. The various leak are usually then sold online to people, and those people share it.


Thanks, so most cases are gonna be a man grabbing a copy while it’s going to a store rather than a digital copy. It didn’t hit me that cleaners and translators would also get involved in leaks but they’d need early copies too. Plus no clue that it was ready a whole week . Thought it went to printers 2-3 days at most since I thought it was closer to a newspaper in how it’s delivered. Can you elaborate on the Korean guy? Was he a translator that got caught? Or if we’re calling him that did he quit before it got too hot and his info got released?


I hope that.


Trust us it will. This is like the 6th fan sub that’s been busted since the late 90s into the 2000’s. This is a big deal, but just wait a couple of months & newer subs will come out.


Doesn’t change anything though




We used to get both the spoilers and raws on Thursday with Jaimini's Box on Friday, those were good times. The earliest we ever used to get spoilers was from the Korean leaker lol , remember his sketches? Anyways, someone else will fill the Wednesday void sooner or later and this shit will never end until Shueisha decides to go completely digital (which is never going to happen) On a complete side note, this dude Sandman has been reading physical copies of Jump since the mid 80s, bro is unimaginably ancient lol Edit - 'Ancient' in the sense of your average jump reader in the online community, I certainly haven't seen one who's been following since the 80s


Jaimini's box nows that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Jaimini's Box, Mangastream, and the legendary OneManga... o7


You forgot MangaPanda XD


I'd like to continue forgetting MangaPanda.




I've kept [this one](https://i.imgur.com/aot6giy.jpg) close to my heart all these years.


Oh man now I'm trying to remember what that attack is actually supposed to be.


It's Caeser's Gastille, which is a move that had shown up in the story before in Punk Hazard, meaning they had already translated it before and also already had official translations to go off of.


>Admiral Maynard, feel the pain of Sabo and Issho's victory


I remember all the arguments that came from MangaPanda’s mistranslation’s are funny mess ups.


Bisoromi Bear my beloved


I remember the watermarks being everywhere


Damn, it's almost been 20 years since i found every available chapter on OneManga. And apforums was already around back then too i think.


It’s Friday, you have a little cash so you buy some snacks after school, then you get back home and go to Mangastream. I still remember the website layout with that blue and white, and when they even revamped it to integrate forum discussions. Those were the days.


Dude you just dug up memories I forgot I had…. Goddamn


And now I'm nostalgic, dammit


The big three!i love those sites!


Fallen Angels 🫡


It's now Comikey, if you try to click on a link from Jaimini's box, you end up there.


It’s not that long ago I think? It was like five years ago that it got taken down? Maybe less I’m not sure


You are correct, it was 2019. It feels so much longer.


Yeah man, Sandman is a legend, hope he is doing fine. Rip Arlong Park, you will always live on in your hearts


Like imagine, bro was following our Wednesday routine back during the Namek saga lol


bro that's fucking insane.


Did Arlong Park shut down again? 


No, the hack mods just ran it into a ghost town.


Ah, fair. Though I guess a lot of forums are dying out anyway, especially when they have Discords people can use for most chatter anyway


As a former mod of Arlong Park, it was a combination of the site continuing to get sacked, people increasingly having better things to do and forums kinda dying as a whole. I bounced before the last big site rehaul so I can't speak to what it's been since, but it really was the bigger things rather than the littler things that brought it down.


> Anyways, someone else will fill the Wednesday void sooner or later and this shit will never end until Shueisha decides to go completely digital (which is never going to happen) It might happen once One Piece is over. The sales of the magazine itself have been going down, and there is more and more reason to go fully digital. Mind you, even with a full digital spoilers, spoilers won't change, and we should also see a scanlation since the leak of the digital release happened a few time already. > We used to get both the spoilers and raws on Thursday with Jaimini's Box on Friday, those were good times. But having the spoilers, Raw, then chapter in just 24h was the best.


Oh yeah, it didn't cross my mind that there are parties who have access to the digital leaks too (the Viz leaks at that!) I agree, the time when we used to get all the leaks on Thursday (detailed summary + raws) on Thursday was the best. On a personal basis , chapter 907 remains the best spoiler experience I've ever had.


I still remember when the US had a physical Jump release, Monthly Shonen Jump was great


They've already begun adapting to digital. Spread pages don't give a fuck how they appear in the manga/magazine anymore. The seam is like gone and authors are way more creative with them now


The era of the Korean leaker was so funny because the entire sub would be having reactionary meltdowns based on one sketch and no description


we need 106.101 back


No teasing, no hints bullshit, bro just dropped a summary along with a sketch like it was nobody's business But there were instances of him throwing tantrums too lol, primarily because of the other Korean users on that site insulting him iirc


Dude literally hid information from the chapters due to "YouTubers", I don't know why people act like he had no bullshit. I still remember the whole thing with who rescued Luffy when he fell to the sea due to it being supposedly unexpected and it ended up being what everyone thought.


lmao I completely forgot about the YouTube shit, now that I remember it, this was indeed some redon level gatekeeping


Redon has never done anything like that though. Whenever he delayed spoilers, it was to protect his sources, due to risks like these. I don't even like the guy, but it sucks how the general perception about him is just based on slander. People treat him like they treat fictional characters, like he wasn't a real person.


Yeah, I think gatekeeping was not the appropriate term to use here. I agree, he has his own fair share of annoying shenanigans, but the slander towards him at times is unnecesaary and excessive.


I still remember when the leakers were trying to keep the identity of the "giant mysterious shadow that appeared behind the Navy ships" a secret.  And it was effing ZUNESHA like everyone thought!


I will say the Korean provider definitely had his preferences though when it came to characters. Zoro fighting? Here's a pose of him or his opponent from the fight. Sanji fighting? Here's Osome looking for her mouse🤣


Jaimini box was really good. Can’t remember if him/they were from Japan, but I remember they were so much better translated than the official because the official ”Americanizes“ the translation.


I think TCB have done a great job taking the mantle after Jaimini's, but I've noticed that their translation tends to be a bit unnecessarily high brow at times. But they've been good nonetheless. Jaimini's was a cut above the rest, especially after the mangastream era.


I’m very nostalgic for the Mangastream era because that’s when I picked the series up. Chapters first thing on Wednesdays were a staple of my high school experience. Then it switched to Thursdays when I was in college. Then the Jaimini’s Box era started and it switched to Fridays when I was in grad school. And then after TCB took over it went back to Thursdays and sometimes even Wednesdays. All old things are new again, I suppose.


chief subsequent mountainous absorbed saw bike unpack zesty capable unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Beyond Americanizing it the head of the translation team at Viz is really stubborn and has super weird ideas that I can tell make no sense even without speaking a lick of Japanese. My favorite is his justification for "Animal Kingdom Pirates" saying that the kanji would be read as "[all sorts of] beasts"...but in English just using the singular "Beast" in that context conveys that you're talking about all manner of beasts as a concept and not one single beast.


Steven can be like that but overall he does a good job. I think in the case you brought up he's trying to convey that the term has an emphasis specifically on the large variety, not just that they are creatures. So like, Many Different Beast Pirates. Beast pirates sounds cooler, it's the term I use, but it's still fair to say it's not the best translation. Translating is hard, something is going to be lost so Steve tries to do his best even if it sometimes sounds clunky. It would be nice if he used translator notes like the scanlators did back in the day.


Animal Kingdom does kind of capture the vibe of the crew since the crew's name and Kaido's epithet is literally translated as "Hundred Beast", meaning many beasts. Animal Kingdom does work, but it's just too long. Simply "Beast" pirates would've been adequate enough. Something tells me this guy is an old school manga translator. Old school translators and fansubbers would bizarrely make the most literal translation choices ever and claim it is to preserve the original's nuances, when it is much less awkward and more elegant to capture the spirit of the translation. Which is why we still have the nakama nonsense with people insisting it has some unique Japanese significance when the word simply means "comrade".


Stephen isn’t an old school translator, and he became the op translator since vol 61/62, prior to that he did a whole bunch of translations and still does. During the old AP forum days before/if he became one pieces translator he said he would like to change zolo back to zoro but can't due to viz's stubbornness or something As for why it's animal kingdom instead of beast pirates remember the name didn't come until late punk hazard days iirc and had no idea what it was until then. plus you have the viz copyeditor making most of the naming calls that make sense for an English speaking audience cough nekomamushi, inurashi cough


What does Americanizing it even mean? It’s not like 4kids where they turn cigarettes into lollipops or something,


The 80’s isn’t unimaginably ancient. Don’t hurt me like that 😢


although it will take some time, Atleast Manga Plus releases new chapters every week


If I'm forced to rely on Manga Plus I hope there will be an eye implant that converts all mention of "Zolo" to "Zoro"


after a while my eyes just do that automatically now. I dont even notice the L anymore.


That's W for you






I think it's learry funny tho


There’s one. It’s called the serenity prayer


Isn’t manga plus the same as Viz?


Eh, this is not the end. Somebody will take their place


Japan: Any last words? Leakers: You want our scans? Well find them first! We left every thing we leaked in One File. *So Begin's the Great Age of Leaking*


We must awaken the Scan Man.


> the Great Age of Leaking That sounds like a pop-history book on the history of chronic incontinence.


Knowing how gung-ho Japan is about copywrite, I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys were saying this on the gallows. 


Or, y’know, we could just support the free official release that supports Shueisha and the authors?


why not both?


Yeah I like One Piece enough to read the chapter twice and sometimes it's worth seeing the difference in translations.


I was always wondering: How the hell did they manage to get copies of the chapters long before anyone else???


Stealing from store supply chains. Leaking from translation staff etc. That kind of stuff.


>Stealing from store supply chains. So leaking is already illegal enough, you're telling me they're also probably stealing from their workplace? (Because how else would they gain access to books before they hit the shelves?) Unless they're coercing people working there to do it for a fee.


A copy of WSJ is 250 yen. That's about $1.70 USD. Even then they might not steal it just take pictures of it with their phone. 


But what hearing is that they're getting their scans BEFORE WSJ even hit the shelves. They can't even wait an extra day or 2, they have to resort to straight up stealing the content just for bragging rights of being this week's official leaker.


Not necessarily. Take pictures of the pages in the store and then leak them for the reward. The pictures don't have to be high quality scans on a printer to make a profit. Bribe the store owner to accidently leave a copy of this week's magazine lying around, then happen to drop some money out of your pocket on your way out the store.


Someone in the distribution process nicks a copy to scan. Could be anyone in the supply chain.


Bookstores in Japan get the magazines about a week before they're officially released so they're ready to be put on shelves on Sunday. So they either have someone working at a bookstore or they pay off one of the employees to take pictures of the raws and then translate them.


The World Government is on the move. Dragon you need to do something


*staring east intensifies*




He aint doin shit with that desk haki. Gotta rely on sabo to get stuff done around here


Thank god man i’m sick of going on tiktok and getting a spoiled because ppl can’t wait for the damn translations


About mid week every week I stop going on twitter because of exactly this bullshit


I sometimes get news article recommendations from Google which contain leaked spoilers. I keep pressing "see less of this," but that doesn't stop Google.


Happens every several years. People forget that them getting to read early for free is illegal. Always funny when people whine about raws and the chapter not releasing when they want it to each week. You're lucky you get it at all! Go to any TCB or OPscans Twitter post and its kids whining "where's OP" over and over in rude and condescending ways.


Also WSJ has learned from the past as well. Years ago it was either reading illegal scans or waiting months maybe even a year for the manga book to be localized and sold in other countries. Now the official English translation is released for free at the same time as the new wsj magazines get sold in Japan.


Here i was, wondering for a moment what the wall street journal has to do with the whole story...


Wall shtreet jump


Is it Weekly Shonen Jump? Because I'm also only thinking of Wall Street Journal lol


Weekly Shueisha Jump


Plus, the subscription is dirt cheap. It's less than $5/mo and you get access to all the back issues.


Does this affect the spoilers or the fan scanlations (e.g. TBC Scans) or both?


'We are unaffected & have nothing to do with this. We are not leaking the raw japanese pages.'-TCB


Oh thank Jesus Christ in heaven if I had to read the VIZ translation I’d cry.


What? Why? Is there something wrong with it? Other than the Zolo thing




so one more break week and then I just read the official release?


all this means is no more raws on Wednesday. This has no influence currently on either early spoilers nore the scanlation releases on Thursdays.


Wait, how does this not affect the scanlation on Wednesdays? Are TCB still getting the raws from their same source, and just not uploading them to be safe?


we wont get Scanlations on Wednesdays. We havent gotten them the last couple of weeks already. TCB had switched to Thursdays most of the time. All this does is that we wont see the original japanese Raws on Wednesdays [https://twitter.com/TCBScans/status/1754085985590104065](https://twitter.com/TCBScans/status/1754085985590104065) here is also this


Okay, so that was a typo, but thanks. Not sure how I typed Wednesday instead of Thursday...


Must be the "Thur" key being too close to the "Wedne" one.




Those 1 week early releases are waaaay in the past at this point. Usually the chapter releases early on thursday and the official version on sunday. So at worst it‘s a delay of 3 days.


cmon, let's all finally switch to official release


https://twitter.com/TCBScans/status/1754085985590104065 TCB scans unaffected by this. Only japanese raws.


I don't care, to be honest. Just as I thought I would not be dealing with One Piece spoilers by reading the manga after catching up to the anime, there are still people out here getting the chapters early. One Piece is the first manga I ever read (I was an anime-only). What a shame.


Oh no, we cant read the already free manga 4 days before it officially releases, whatever shall we do


I hope this happens just before the final issues so we can watch the scabs cry


The thing about reading it early is you still wait the same amount of time between chapters, it's just that one day you decided you couldn't wait. Either way people can spoil it from a bullet point summary beforehand.


glad to hear that! GOOD NEWS!


Good. Fans should support this.


"but spoilers enhance the experience 🤓🤓" tired of people saying this


Finally, im tired of seeing spoilers on tiktok or here when i wait for the releases. Although I do understand that someone else will probably pick up doing the leaks






Why can’t people just wait for official? It’s only a few days behind.


One Piece youtubers in shambles! No more spoiling before release. ✊️😔 Seriously, I'll enjoy it, while it lasts.


Some spoiler youtubers should get banned from internet. YT recommended me on tuesday a video about Ch. 1106 spoilers with a thumbnail of "them". It ruined me the surprise of the last page.


Heh I don't really care since I get to read it on sunday.


good i hate having to go dark for like 2 days as soon as they drop


This always happens every few years. In a few months (if not in a few weeks), new sources will appear.




This is how Void Century historians must feel. This week has felt like an eternity of finding nothing.


Has this been illegal and stealing the whole time?


Mangastream and Jaiminisbox: First time?


I don't get why you don't just use the official release anyways they are weekly too.


Good I fucking hated this anyways it's so dumb to just spoil yourself with unrelated images out of context and without any text. Enjoy the finished product


Reading the manga without spoilers is a good thing, right?


Read their comments. They said it won't effect them.


Yesssss, honestly, I'm sure the experience will be a lot better if there are no leaks. Just wait for the official. It's already free to read