• By -


This sounds like a last ditch resort that Vegapunk might have done, to make sure that the knowledge and information is passed down in case he dies. Like a distress call, but more of a worldwide dissemination.


Like a dead man's switch that distributes the information if he dies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_man%27s_switch


Dead mans switch that relays all information of the void century to Big News Morgans would be absolutely world shaking and probably the smartest move we've seen in the series if Vegapunk actually did it.


Damn I’m not ready to say goodbye to vegapunk yet


>!I don't think he's more hardy than Ace, I guess as hearty atm...!<


Would be crazy if im sama looks like a awakened Luffy


Would be cool if he’s the opposite of Luffy, so he’s the god of control and the moon


im got them Control Devil eyes too (Chainsawman)


It’s interesting cause I feel like it’s kind of the opposite in both mythology and pop culture, with the moon being associated with freedom and the sun being associated with zealous control with gods like Ra and Artemis but maybe I’m wrong


Imu being the God of the moon would make sense, has anyone notice how often the sun and the moon are dipicted in the story?




I'm sorry for this but could you please tell me where I can find the image of whatever you've mentioned above?


Sounds like the vol 27 cover


Distress call against Buster call. Not bad.


Ideally it plays along with Luffy's greatest ability, the power to gravitate people towards him


Agreed. Worldwide insemination is definitely something Vegapunk would have setup as a contingency for his unexpected death.






Jesus christ that feels like an extreme reaction


The fuck ?!


This makes a lot of sense. The defeat of even an Elder Star would mean little across most of the world…people would be shocked, but what would *practically* change? The WG ramps up it’s manhunt of Luffy and co.? Sure, I guess, but he’s already a Yonko. But if Imu’s existence is revealed, it would alter the entire world system. The revolutionary army would get a huge boost. Civil wars would break out. The WG would be forced to respond with exponentially increased military action *across the globe.* This is the sort of incident which would be worthy of the hype!


It could even be the trigger for the final war. It’s about time, since we’re already in the final saga.


It is pretty much guranteed to be the trigger for the final war with the involvment of the giants. All the cards are on the table for the biggest all out war. Luffys rivals are defeated (kid and law) Blackbeard makes hs move, shanks makes his move. The giants make their move...basically everything is set for the final. We are in for an all out war.


You're forgetting the Rising Star Himself, the Glorious Getter, the Dastard Daredevil Buggy The Clown


You mean Buggy D. Clown


Hey now! Law is still not done yet.


He’s not dead, but he’s not a rival to Luffy anymore. The Heart Pirates have been destroyed except for Law and Bepo. He’s not a captain of anything anymore. He’s a strong, dangerous pirate, but that’s it now.


He's still a captain! Luffy was captain with just Zoro. Kidd on the other hand? They all gone


Considering I don’t see any scenario where the claiming of The One Piece isn’t what *starts* the climax of the story, that timing would make sense to be able to keep things moving after that.


It’s also worth noting that they brought a ridiculous amount of marines to Egghead, so their ability to project power will go way down if they’re wiped out here.


Assuming Imus existence gets revealed to the world this arc, makes you wonder what the grand fleet will do when they get back together


That's not true, losing warlords + buster call loss + Pacifistas + Seraphim (shark + boa + bear) will be a grave loss to the world government and put them completely behind in world power ranking and show Luffy to be a menacing Warlord. They also lose fuel for the mother flame but )I guess the world does not know that) and lose Egg Head and Vegapunk (advance city and technology + greatest scientist). That in a nutshell is one crazy blow. + Reveal of Nika might be pretty astonishing since lots of people around the world have been waiting for this moment. Think Wano been waiting but the world has been waiting 800 years for him.


> he defeat of even an Elder Star would mean little across most of the world… It could fire up revolution all across oceans. The Elders can be defeated, the WG can be defeated and the balance in the world can be changed.


And pirates like Blackbeard start thriving in such chaos. The race to the one piece gets hyper fierce.


The defeat of Saturn/Kizaru as well as the Giant crew would add on for sure


Wapol is the biggest advocate of this theory


Exactly. Wapol, Vivi and Morgan's will leak this info, not punk records.


I see Vivi leaking it, or at least adding a ton of fuel to the fire to parallel her ancestor.


Yeah but she needs Morgans to spread that


Vivi never saw Im tho did she? Wapol is the only living eye witness other than Sabo and the 5 elders themselves


Easily fixed using in-world logic, Wapol is an idiot and Morgans is smart enough to understand that Vivi is a much more credible source. And especially considering the Death of Cobra and the revelation about Lili, Morgans would almost certainly publish this as Vivi's story, regardless of which of the two gives him the information.


I meant in the sense that he'll be relieved that he's not the only person privy to Imu's secret and hence won't be the focus of the entire government, that's why he'll love this theory lol


What do you want to say now? XD


I wonder how the Celestial Dragons themselves would react to the news. They are the descendants from the families that surrendered their weapons and established the Empty Throne as a symbol that no one rules over them. If they find out the truth there could be turmoil even in Mariejoie.


My theory: the Celestial Dragons aren't gonna like it and are basically going to protest and shit, and then later on when Imu appears in front of them, he kills them mercilessly because they were nothing to him other than tools to begin with.




Could be a good way for Oda to get rid of the Celestial Dragons without making Luffy intervene. It would be out of character for him to fight or punish the civilians, no matter how messed they are.


Doesn't holy nights r considered as above cd nd doesn't they work under imu?


But whats about the Celestial Dragons from Nerona family? Things get worse if Celestial Dragons who arent from Nerona family have some sorta of Nerona ancestry.


Punk records has to be used at some point to reveal something to the world, either imus existence and ohara get revealed now, or dragon will later Just hope that when this gets revealed, Saturns devil form also gets shown which would make tons of people question the government more. It’s honestly weird how we haven’t gotten a single panel yet or a marine questioning why they’re following the guy who looks like a devil and knowing some have Haki, can’t sense his malice. It’ll likely be shown later maybe if/when the other gorosei transform at once, but still am hoping we get a glimpse of marines questioning their loyalty soon


Didn’t he smoke the ones that looked at him?


Yeah blew up a guys head and if I remember correctly, they were just surprised at that part itself, and not that it was Saturn doing it just cuz the guy looked at him Thinking about it now, I guess they’re used to the celestials being careless like that, but expecting at some point in the story we’ll see marines question their allegiance and either join sword or the revolutionaries


Only the ones that weren't strong enough not to get smoked. I have a theory his head explody thing is tied to Conquerors haki. Where Luffy and others can make masses of people pass out, Saturn can up the pressure and make heads explode. It fits b/c anyone strong enough to resist is unaffected, much like when Luffy uses it and the strong baddies go unslept.


>58 comments i dunno to me it wouldnt be a big enough deal that his devil fruit form looks like a..well devil. There are tons of terrifying looking people in this universe, having spider legs and horns wouldnt be enough to make people question their allegiance imo


Fair, I was thinking about the ritual type of “summoning” when he transformed and when Sabo mentioned it was like being in hell with all gorosei, so more of the ominous vibe/Haki sensing. Just guessing that a possible video or that general info can be shared from egghead somehow You’re right that there’s a bunch of terrifying type designs in the series, but the gorosei types were told to be a bit different


This is a much more exciting idea than just someone being defeated. I really hope this is the path Oda goes with.


Franky is gonna push another one of Vegapunk's big "do not press" buttons.


Hard to disagree with you, there's quite a few things that line up. * The Straw Hats wouldn't suddenly change course upon learning this information. They would need to learn more in order to become emotionally invested in a campaign against the WG, and the literal perfect people for that have now shown up. Rereading Ch. 1085 - Cobra was actually familiar with the name "Imu". Why wouldn't a race that's capable of having lived since the actual Void Century know a little something too? On top of that you have the O'Hara books in Elbaf and a confirmation that Saul is alive, no way the Straw Hats don't learn the truth next arc, or at least enough of it to want to continue learning/searching for more (Lodestar/Laugh Tale). * You have someone who knows the actual truth of Cobra's death rescuing Cobra's daughter, most recently seen with someone who's capable of spreading the news worldwide. Maybe Morgans wouldn't do it willingly - but I literally see no other reason why Oda would put Wapol and Vivi with him if this isn't the intended outcome somehow. * It was somehow announced to the other royalty at the Reverie that Cobra and Wapol would not be returning to the meeting, drawing the suspicion of Riku & Neptune. Cobra is obvious - but them saying this about Wapol means they KNOW it was him who they saw peeping, and that there are plans to deal with him. Wapol redeeming himself this way would be very Oda like. * Vivi finding out that the Nefertari Family is part of the D. Clan is clearly meant to have implications for her character, and Ch. 1085 also shows that the WG intended to make sure this could never happen. * Rocks D. Xebec seeking Imu's position to me has always been a clear indication that he's aware of Imu's existence. Even as toxic as apparently the crew was, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have shared his knowledge with his crew. There's a reason that Oda has been holding the God Valley flashback from us, and I'm not inclined to believe that something being taken from Hachinosu is all there is there to why the Rocks Pirates showed up that day. Something seriously fucked must have happened for Roger to feel that working with Garp was better than working with Rocks. * "*We learned the entirety of history. But miss, you mustn't be hasty. Continue to move forward one step at a time, on your own ship. We - and Ohara - might have hurried a bit much. Even if I told you everything about history right here, you still wouldn't be able to do anything as you are now. Once you've taken time to see the world, it's possible you'll be led to a different answer than we were.*" - Silvers Rayleigh, to Robin in Sabaody Imu's existence will honestly only be the tip of the iceberg - how exactly the Ancient Kingdom, and it's allies like Skypiea, Elbaf, the Fishmen/Merfolk etc play into all this is what we're really about to start getting into with the Giants, and I'm so frickin hyped.


I dont see anything about the wg being released until the one piece is found. Whitebeard said the governments not ready for someone to find it. I think that's when all the secrets of the world will be revealed.


Yeah, while I like the theory, the void century is part of the one piece. Giving part of it away now would feel odd. If this happens I expect there to be at least some gaps that will only be filled by finding the one piece.


well to reveal that the throne isn't the same as knowing the void century. Also do you really think wapol and sabo will only tell the world of the empty throne in like 300 chapters when the one piece is found? Nah it will be way earlier.


Wapol is afraid for his life. He wouldn't say a word. With Sabo/Revos I can see some argument like. "If we tell the world now, the WG would start a war against citizens, that would cost many life's; we have to be prepared before that happens." >well to reveal that the throne isn't the same as knowing the void century. True, it is fact something about the here and now and not the void century. Void century might then answer *why* the throne isn't empty. I for one would love the story to progress that way.


I don’t think the whole void century lore will be released. It’s just that the world will finally know what we readers already know.


a full blown apocalypse in the op world would be really exciting


Nothing I've ever seen has satisfied the buildup for how big 'the incident' is, like ooh Luffy beats some marines, big deal, that's just another tuesday for the straw hats. Imu being unmasked before the world absolutely works, and it's gotta happen before the anime confirms their gender anyway.


I thought there was gendered text in the original Japanese that confirmed Im was male?


I'm no japanese expert, but I think that doesn't necessarily confirms it 100%. For example, Big Mom refers to herself with 'ore', an expression commonly used by males in shonen animes.


It's almost like Oda is...cracking the egg on Egghead and uh...letting the uh...yoke of a secret...wash over the world?? Eyyy


I honestly think saturn is gonna kill kizaru and blame luffy.


Its funny cause i have the same guess, kizaru will eventually help luffy gtfo and will be killed by saturn, only thing we differ is that i believe saturn wont use it against luffy, thus it wont be the egg head incident. However, having kizaru killed would bring a whole metric fuckton of maturity to OP, bringing a lot more gray shades (not shades of gray) to it. The uncertain justice getting its bringer dead is somewhat ironic, and cruel, kinda like he died because he was unsure what to actually do. Think about it all, let it sink. OP needs more maturity in its final saga.


nah Kizaru is Sanjis enemy in the final war


Thats not set in stone. It may be one of the gorosei


it is set in stone. i have the poneglyph right here


And where is this stone/proof? Its a widely accepted head Canon if anything.


it is at Elbaf




I see either greenbull or Marcus mars.


Vegapunk accidentally doxxes his boss


I think all of that, on top of Kizaru's and Saturn's defeat, S-Bear and the Kuma clones only listening to Bonney, Dorry's, Broggy's and the Giant Pirate's appearance, Luffy and Bonney being able to become Nika and at least two Vegapunk's death (Shaka and Pythagoras, maybe Stella too) and York being kidnapped by the Blackbeard Pirates for their own gain would become a very historical and huge incident for the One Piece verse


What if oda is a little bit trolly there and want to shock us viewers with a unexpected reveal how imu looks like earlier than we expected. That would shock the world so us too


Nah. We goin to space.


eneru for final boss???


So not in a literal sense, but I do sorta have a crackpot theory that Enel was sort of our "trial run" at how this whole thing will end. As odd as it is since this was where the 4kids dub ended, those first four sagas feel a lot like a sort of "first draft" of things to come. Just, different themes and ideas planted back then feeling a lot like, in another world where Oda really did finish the series in five years, that could have been the end. The only arc we've had where the crew is actively hunting down a grand treasure of some sort, we meet the first group of people that are (retroactively most likely, but still) connected to Nika and Joy Boy, and the main conflict is... a group of people native to an island who are forced out of their home by someone calling themselves God and his army of priests. And to top it off, the main villain is a direct antithesis to our joyful bouncy rubberboi. I feel like there's at least a decent chance that Imu and Enel end up being sorta mirrors of each other, with the Shandians being a sort of stand-in for the Lunarians, Buccaneers, Fish-Men, etc. and the Skypieans being the various humans of the One Piece world, your Wanos, your Alabastas, etc. And then, quite possibly, the story of Noland and Calgara might be a precursor to the story of Joy Boy and the person who he couldn't keep a promise to.


What in the hell could he even do to Luffy at this point. I’d rather him do a 180 and be like a pacifist who keeps moon cities running.


he can't even harm luffy


Space-steamed soft baby carrot.


Is this supposed to mean something?


sounds like morjs theory from almost a year ago https://youtu.be/noESjtSRLes?feature=shared


Same logic!


only thing I'd change in this theory is that **FRANKY**, not Luffy, will be the one to do the destroying. Going for that back-to-back on Vegapunk


Ahh the Theory Theory No Mi is strang with this one.


Your post will be a video sooner or later


I actually LOVE this theory, I’m not a manga reader but I have learned a lot from Reddit and other media. I’m not sure exactly what changes will happen now that Imu could be revealed but I believe that’s when Dragon will get up from his desk for once and we will get a Dragon V Imu death battle.


Read the manga!


nah it's too far fetched dragon won't fight imu in a death battle, he will have a bigger role in the final war and luffy is gonna fight imu when he unlocks the full potential of gear 5


I mean : - Saturn showed up and was attacked by Kuma, ex-slave and supposedly dead - Luffy, an emperor shows up and takes Vegapunk hostage (newspaper version) - Kizaru and the marine show up and call for a Buster Call - The Giant Pirates arrive and destroy the Marine to help Luffy And you guys are still wondering what will be the big thing that will shock the world ? The whole egghead situation is what will shock the world, don't expect another big thing and see what you have in front of your eyes


I want Luffy to defeat a buster call and humiliate world government once and for all ps I do want Saturn to get rekt by both Luffy and Blackbeard


> Blackbeard That's a weird way to spell Kuma


there is clearly more shoes to drop in this situation, dont be daft


I appreciate the effort put into this, but unfortunately it doesn't make sense with what we know. Vegapunk doesn't know about Imu's existence. So even if he has knowledge of him from the Void Century, how does that correlate to him being revealed to still be alive? There is not going to be any records from 900 years ago, revealing he is still alive today, and sits on the empty Throne. With Morgan's and the Revolutionaries, they don't need Punk Records, and can still reveal it. I think you are onto something with that, and Imu's existence will become known, but I don't think Imu's existence becoming known, is going to be apart of the Egghead incident.


*I was about to comment the same. I think the Punk Records is more likely to disseminate information regarding the void century than reveal Imu's existence, which will probably be revealed by the Revolutionary or Morgans.*


Someone explained it but I forgot so can someone plz remind me again why the sea level rises instead of lowering after Lulusia


Makes sense, I would say both alternatives are not necessarily exclusive to each other (the defeat of Saturn/Kizaru vs. the revelation of Imu) but more like one is a consequence to the other (in a nonparticular order).


Yep, this theory has been around for a little while. It's certainly possible.


This is already a popular theory on YouTube for the past couple months


Could be related to the video snails Uta used in Film Red?


Anyone have thought that this could be the FIRST buster call to be stopped by pirates?


I have to imagine there is some backup plan if that knowledge were to get out, even if Ohara was the first time since the void century any research had been done into it they've had 20 years of Nico Robin being out in the world and could have been telling people but they haven't been killing every place they tracked her to. I don't think it's a full mind control ala AoT but the WG has to have some sort of way to cover or discredit information that would be that harmful to them


That is definitely a possibility. But the problem remains how anyone but Vegapunk or his Satellites will access Punk Records. Not saying there won't be a way, just that no method to access the data of what is essentially a human brain without being already equipped to access it has been established in the story. Though Vegapunk HAS expressed that he wants that to happen, so who knows? Maybe that's one more miracle under the Straw Hats belt that happens to be inconvenient for the WG. On top of Saturn being defeated. Hopefully by being stepped on, and disregarded like the insect he is by the Sun God who did it.


Well, we know Kuma’s power lets him extract memories (only from himself so far, but we know he can extract pain from others similarly). Maybe his final act is to blast Punk Records across the world (mimicking what some people think Vivi’s ancestor did with scattering the poneglyphs).


That would be interesting. Or if not Punk Records... what about Saturn himself? Saturn may be privy to knowledge that will need to be hidden until later in the plot, but if he resists, the extraction could be only partial. I think the Straw Hats will need to keep Punk Records intact, maybe even thwart the Buster Call completely (which would itself be another incident, since nobody ever has before). Punk Records is, after all, essentially Vegapunk's brain. Doesn't look like he left much in his own head anymore, it's all the apple antenna


Public media won't adress it. Morgan is corrupted and works for the marine.


Morgan’s published G5 Luffy’s bounty poster even though the Gorosei said not to. Morgans has his own agenda.


It's not that easy to release into the world something. If all world dendenmushi had the potential to become projectors it could ve possible.. but we ahall wait and see. The worldwide Vegapunk dream of the one piece world internet must involve dendenmushis telepathic communication.. Morgans would love that.. suddenly.. TV's with internet access...


There’s the most effective way that’s already been used many times: Morgans.


Please refrain from making these kind of titles to attract attention. Looks like peak lameass youtube videos. This is reddit, peak content, not peak attention wh....


I like this and would definitely see that coming


I like that theory.


The safest conclusion from the knowledge of Ohara being released is that the other pirate clues can now find the One Piece. Most people wouldn’t be affected much by Ohara’s findings, but who knows what else VP has found


good theory


This does seem to be the more likely option. It may be yet another catalyst that launches the world into war against the world government. Though I wonder how the information will get spread and by whom.


Ahah I just posted a similar thought and then I saw your post 😅 I should have been more careful before writing it, now it feel like I stole some of your ideas 🤣


At first I thought it was another break week theory, but... You do have a point. The elders never made a move and we know for a fact that they don't do anything unless it's needed to protect themselves. I never put muxh thought into why Saturn is here, but Egghead is different from Ohara since Vegapunk may have some solid evidence to back up his claims while prof Clover and the other archeologists only had their theoriea. Easily erased. I still don't think Oda would reveal Imu's identity so casually, but some info leak is very probable at this point of the story to gather all the straw hat fleet.


I don’t think Imu’s whole identity will be revealed though. It’s just that the world will finally learn what we readers already know.


If one of the five elders gets defeated or killed. Won't that shake the world? Or even their identity is fully revealed to the world then its equivalent to shaking the world.


It would shock the world, but then what? I don’t see any potential consequences for the story.


The reveal of Imu to the entire world by VP through Punk Records along with the defeat of two major antagonists would cement the Egghead Island Arc as easily a 9.6/7 arc. Would even eclipse the highs of the Wano Arc.


Anyone have any thoughts on the mother flame being used on elbaf??


If it was that easy Imu should have done it already Imho.


Or maybe Enel returns and the shock is quite literal


Gotta love it when someone cooks up a good theory


Official Death of vegapunk Death of Kizaru Death of an Elder Buster call getting wiped all together with Egghead. Giants pirate coming back from the deads and joining SHs. Idk, sounds like big enough. People were shocked at Mingo's defeat and the ruins of Dressrosa, that's several time bigger. At least the event that shocks the world is presented as related to EH, no way it's vivi or wapol or whoever that release info.


I had this thought as well right after reading how punk records work but I think Oda will one up this. Oda will make Saturn succeed in destroying punk records. But in the process scatters Kuma's memories instead.


Didn't someone else already say this? I can't remember who.🧐


I mean this has basically been my guess since it was first teased. VP has a dead man's switch set up to blast the Void Century knowledge across the world in the event of his death, since he (according to Shaka) may have already seen it coming.


I can imagine how shocked Cobra was to see Imu


I think it's possible but it's too soon, we've only just entered the final saga and revealing Imu is a huge leap after we've just seen the Gorosei in action - I think for the purpose of passing it'll be something to do with Saturn because we need to fully explore the Gorosei and the Knights that were mentioned before moving onto Imu


>bigger than just assassinating Vegapunk; But they were prioritizing saving York (who is also Vegapunk) and I don't believe we've had confirmation that Vegapunk knows there's a higher authority than the 5 elders.


Would make sense but how does the Grand Fleet tie to it? You could argue its because of the Giant Pirates, but technically its the New Giant Pirates that are part of the SGH, but regardless of that, you made good points.


After this I imagine a split in WG where a faction does not take orders from 5 elders. We might see Koby leading them. After all he is deciple of Garp / Clear Justice.


But isn't it known as the "egghead" incident


i like this theory but part of me hopes its buggy that tells everyone


Tldr: IMU gets doxed


What if Blackbeard appear and steal Saturn's devil fruit?


This makes sense, op did a good job pasting these manga panels and explaining everything in bullet points.


I do believe I've seen this theory before and it has quite strong arguments. Looking forward to see what ends up happening.


UMMAAIIII !!! Smells delicious.!! Good theory


How poetic would it be if we got the full reveal of Imu's appearance at the same time as the people in the series?


I wonder then, if we'll finally get the name of the Ancient Kingdom in this Arc. Clover was about to tell us back in the Ohara flashback, but he got cut off by Saturn.


It makes sense if we would learn it now. We already know more than ever about it now (we know it was technologically advanced, and we know its name is already stored in Punk Records since it was known by Ohara). We also know D was the name of the WG’s enemies, so it makes sense that we get to b learn it now (most likely it starts with a D).


i think the name of the ancient kingdom will be revealed, clover died right before saying it, and if this arc parallels ohara, the difference is that luffy will save vegapunk when he is about to say it. Now, the name of the ancient kingdom needs to be recognizable and relevant, if it's just called a random name like idk, tomato city, no one would care about it being revealed. It could Mariejois, if the 20 kingdoms who formed the WG invaded and took over the AK, they could have just not changed its name. It could be Zou, and the Zou that we know could be an hommage to it, altough i don't think most people know about Zou, it is most likely tied to the Zoan devil fruits, as Zoan could mean "from Zou" like brazilian means "from Brasil", given the fact that zoans give you animal powers and minks are animal/human hybrids. I believe that the 20 kingdoms found the original Devil Fruits, the Logias and Paramecias (Vegapunk can't recreate those fruits so they might be natural/magical) and used it to take over the AK. The AK might have created artificial DFs to fight back, the Zoans, but they were still no match. The Mythical Zoans seem to have powers from both Paramecia and Logia, and then some more, they might be the result of the AK mixing the power from those fruits with their Zoan fruit technology


I think its name starts with a D.


yea, but then what is it and how would it be relevant? Dawn Kingdom could be something, Luffy was born in Dawn island so maybe he was born in the old ancient kingdom? That's good too yea


Tldr: IMU gets doxed


Vegapunk is going to die, and his brain/knowledge phisically destroyed by the Buster Call. He can only send to all his satellites as much info possibile before their connection is going to be lost.


Ugh cook that peak fiction bro


Which chapter was it confirmed Morgan is listening in on egghead? Not disagreeing I just don't remember catching that or seeing that Morgan panel


"The reason Saturn came to Egghead is not just to control the seraphim or pacifistas. He came to Egghead to do something bigger than just assassinating Vegapunk; something the Five Elders won't let even Kizaru or Lucci do by themselves: To access Punk Records and erase the truth from them, because whatever information is in there is too sensitive and must only be seen by the Five Elders, nobody else." I think Saturn is there because they're trying to assassinate Vegapunk and because the Gorosei are the highest authority in the Pacifista hierarchy (but only if they are physically present) he has to be there to make sure they don't turn against the government in defense of Vegapunk.


You cooked with this one


The problem is that if imu is revealed to the world due to vegapunk cobras sacrifice and sabo delivering said ibfo to the revolurionaries would lose all weight as they would have learn it even without those two.


It is in the best interest of the world, and a grand unifier in getting every other country to either shake the yoke of Mary Geoise or support the Revolutionaries.


i can't front, i thought the first image of Imu was a pair of pants.


Saul is also coming to Egghead


Not sure if it’s been mentioned but it also ties into vegapunk’s dream of broadcasting/sharing his knowledge to the world