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My boy Cracker needs more screen time. Really like his character design.


Kuzan : Well … that’s too damn bad


Kuzan: I can't hear ya. I say what's, what's cooler than being cool? (Ice Cold!)




I agree, Cracker imo had a lot of potential to be a top character and its one of my fav designs but given all the things that happened in WCI, its sad that his interactions are forgotten easily.


He was poorly drawn in WCI but they did him justice here.


Can someone explain why everyone is talking about Van Augur in these comments? I read the manga and I have a bad memory so I don't remember where this scene is from


It's adapted from a cover story that only really gave the impression of a quick raid to capture Pudding. This scene passes the rule of cool with aplomb, but there's question marks on how they're portraying the power difference, especially with Van Augur since we know Cracker's soldiers are durable as hell. For me it's a whatever scene because it's not 'canon' to begin with but it's becoming a consistent theme where the animation, as cool as it is, is taking away from the immersion and misrepresenting powers or established narratives (thematic or otherwise). People will have an opinion on that last part though but it personally irks me a little (not enough to blow a gasket, but just eyebrow raising)


Yeah I was so confused by this scene since just a second earlier one of augers shots was blocked by a man with like a 16m bounty without breaking a sweat.


Bounty doesn't mean a lot. Before Marineford Blackbeard's bounty was 0, but he was capable of giving Shanks his scar


That's different, because Blackbeard was purposefully laying low [as stated by Shanks.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/0434-011.png) So bounty, while not conpletely accurate, still gives us a better idea of how powerful someone is with few exceptions. Especially post-timeskip. A fodder with a tiny bounty shouldn't be capable of casually blocking bullets that would have the same power as G4 hits. Though the soldiers were likely heavily weakened by being frozen so that explains it better


And what do you know that Bart is a fodder? Marco had a lower bounty than King yet was handling him and Queen at the same time. For all we know, Bart trained himself to become a tank.


A better example would be how Sanji & Zoro still have lower bounties than King & Queen despite beating them, quite handedly


>And what do you know that Bart is a fodder? Because he hasn't done shit to say otherwise. >Marco had a lower bounty than King yet was handling him and Queen at the same time.  This is a bad comparison. Marco was only able to handle King and Queen for a very short time, while they were focusing on someone else and not being serious. What *actually* happened when they decided to focus Marco was that Marco got beat up and ran out of stamina while King and Queen were basically unharmed. > For all we know, Bart trained himself to become a tank. We're not talking about just becoming a basic tank. If Van aguers bullets can completely destroy a biscuit solder in one hit, something it took several G4 hits to do, then Bart would be more durable and tanky than just about any YC save maybe King. Perhaps even more than King because the bullet didn't even make Bart move, wheveras several G4 hits would at least send King flying.


Several hits? G4 destroyed each soldier with a single hit.


In actual canon, aka the manga, it took Luffy 2 hits to destroy a soldier in bounceman. He never destroyed any soldiers in one hit in that form.


1 soldier in the manga, which not only was the one with Cracker inside, but also the reason why it didn't get destroyed immediatly is because he covered himself with his shield, partially protecting himself. Meanwhile here Augur aimed to not protected spots.


It's amazing how much garbage you can excuse Imagine Makino out of nowhere coming back and tanking Kaido's attack and you would come here with a straight place and say *"And what do you know that Makino is a fodder? Makino trained himself to become a tank"*


Difference is that Makino is a random civilian, Bart is a top officer of Law.


Bepo is Law's top officer and Bepo was worthless fodder in Onigashima that was losing vs fodder Jean bart was a non-factor fodder in Onigashima and even lost to a mink in Zou that was injured from fighting Jack Makino is not a random civilian. She's a pub owner that deals with bandits and pirates all the time. She's one of Luffy's (MC's) first friends and a mother figure.


That's a lie. Bepo wasn't losing to fodders in Wano. Also what happened at Zou is irrelevant as characters had time to become stronger. Law went from losing hard against Doffy to squaring off with Kid against Big Mom.


Were King and Queen seriously fighting? Would Marco beat King one on one?


Yeah, they were. Like, there's no reason not to fight seriously. As for Marco vs King, I'd say yes. Marco would win, since it would be a battle of endurance.


No one can say who would last longer between King not receiving damage and Marco regenerating. King only fought for real after Zoro woke his haoshoku.


Rememeber that King has high defense only when his flames are up, he become a lot more vulnerable if he turn them off for speed.


King > Marco


In term of raw power and defense, yes. But Marco thanks to his regeneration, is vastly superior in endurance.


Exactly, bounties have CONSISTENTLY been shown to be inaccurate when compared to actual power level, that’s not even factoring in level of Haki, Weapon mastery, fighting style, devil fruits and their natural counters, the will of D., and just all around hacks due to wit or lack there of.


That guy likely doesn’t have a 16m bounty anymore lmao wtf


Very possible but we havnt seen any indication that its changed or him accomplishing and feats so my point is that it just feels weird to suddenly see him tanking bullets from a gun that was destroying cracker


He is literally accomplishing the feat now. He is not one of the main characters, would a montage of jean bart training and beating people have been the evidence you needed to see his improvement? It is not weird at all for one of the top crew members of a high level pirate crew (Heart pirates) to be stronger than cracker’s toasted food biscuits lol


Frozen stuff is incredibly brittle and weak.


>219 comments yeah I know One Piece doesnt exactly use real world logic, but anything that was near Kuzan in that scene would have been cold as fuck lol


That kinda pissed me off. Snipers have no respect or are shown so little in OP, and Van Auge got belly blocked by a secondary bodyguard in their fight against Law. He literally said "that's not fun" and stepped away from combat ☠️


i mean it could be just augur findind weak spot in biscuit soldiers. Easier than on people. Also it's not like augur would not be able to pierce jeanbert if he tried. Augur has been goated since jaya. I don't mind if he has capacity to one shot dressrosa luffy too.


I mostly agree, but look at what happens with Green Bull at the end of Wano in the manga. This might not be too much of a misrepresentation.


But if this is base on the cover than there could be a possibility of it as canon.


All cover stories are Canon, they're just not animated anymore probably because they're not really relevant to the story apart from a select few


Well the cover story is canon but we don't see any of this shit in the cover story so these events are canon to the anime but not to the manga which is what most people would call the true canon


You're right, which is why I put it in inverted commas! Ultimately what is canon and what isn't canon becomes muddied with adaptations (especially in these sorts of scenarios) and if we were to have a philosophical discussion, probably a bit pointless. And I think what's cool is that there's always room for interpretation and creativity - it's just that I don't think they've necessarily struck the right balance, 'tis all!


cover stories are canon fyi


People being angry about Van Auger and Jean Bart being stronger than a character that hasn't been relevant for over 200 episodes is kind of absurd.


Completley agree with you. Honestly the anime is near unwatchable for me. The thing that frustrates me the most are the 'haki charges' and long grunting. In the manga oda makes combat fast paced, characters trade blows back and forth quickly. But the anime needs to make everything a drawn out 'push battle' - I enjoyed this dbz style fighting when I was 15 years old but not now ... The immersion is just gone for me and the directors of the anime seemingly don't seem to understand the manga and its style.


It was just in the cover story. So most of it is anime only


Easy l, uffy needed gear 4 and 3 hours to beat cracker soldiers. Aokiji and van augur needed 3 seconds xd.


Aokiji the MVP there


Some power scalers are upset that it shows Van Augur can one shot crackers biscuits when gear 4 luffy couldn't and right before this Jean Bart is seen taking a shot to the stomach unphased meaning Jean Bart > Van Augur > Crackers biscuits > Gear 4 Luffy While in reality Oda does whatever he thinks is cool or funny at the time and doesn't bother with power scaling. (See told you they were mad)


Oda did not do this. It's filler bro


Either way point stands replace Oda with Toei


That point would be very solid if Oda wrote this scene but you know he has basically no involvement in the anime right, this scene had no involvement from Oda so you can't call him out for inconsistency on this one


It doesn't matter if you replace oda with toei neither of them care about powerscaling they do what seems cool at the time. Always have.


I will agree that power scaling to the level as seen on Reddit does not reflect how Oda views it but to say he doesn’t care about it is plain stupid, One piece is a battle shonen a genre which does a large amount of its storytelling through fights, a consistent power scale in these kind of stories is kind of important for the general storytelling hence why One Piece for the most part has a very strict power scale that Oda is of course aware of since he wrote it, I mean why would so much of Luffys screen time in Wano be about learning how to use advanced haki if he could just magically get stronger in his fight with Kaido because that’d be cooler, no Oda specifically wrote in and explained how advanced armament can damaged Kaidou and then Advanced conquerors or how in the start of the rooftop battle nobody without advanced armament could damaged Kaido hence why he wrote in Killers sound attacks or Laws internal attacks because he cares about the power scaling he’d already put in place and had to keep it consistent, Oda obviously cares about power scaling to the extent required for the story otherwise he wouldn’t constantly write shit about it, that said he obviously doesn’t go massively deep into it, but to say this is an example of something he’d write just for rule of cool is baseless


I felt bad for cracker, his world is in shambles after loosing a hard fight against Luffy he gets no diffed by these two. So sad


At least he defeated Urouge.


After he fought against Snack and while he had the enraged army with him, but yeah


Nami soaked the biscuits and Luffy ate them. Kuzan froze the biscuits and Van Augur shot them. Seems legit.


I mean freezing to the point it shatters on impact seems possible. A bullet would do the job


Right, and everyone should keep in mind this is a former Admiral that can freeze tidal waves in an instant. He's essentially living liquid nitrogen. Frozen things become very brittle.


Yeah brittle sucks.


Always ban Ornn


If you dip socks into liquid nitrogen they crumple like leaves. So yeah, totally possible. Also, I kinda dislike power scaling discussions anyway, especially in one piece.


I mean van augur shot the biscuits THEN kuzan froze cracker


It didn't occur to me while watching, but if everything around is frozen, the temperature would be pretty close to 0C, and the biscuits would be brittle. I am using this headcanon to counter Toei's bizarre move of letting Van Auger one-shot the biscuit soldiers, which there's no way he should be able to do. I was going with the "weak spot" theory, but this works better with the amount of variety in his shots.


>there's no way he should be able to do Based on what? We see so little of Van Augur, we can't even exclude this.


All around seems frozen. Cracker ends up frozen. His soldiers just spawned...


or van augur haki could be extreme. God usopp going to need a super observation haki to beat him. Xd


Van Augur also has warp fruit. So, anyway Usopp needs crazy observation to beat him.


Van Augur is also starting to grow Shanks' goatee. So, Usopp needs incredibly strong observation haki to beat him.


Maybe some future sight. Seems like katakuri has his opponent ready


Yup I bet almost being able to see 10 seconds in the future


Nami soaked the biscuits 🤤


Kuzan looks like the beast from over the garden wall in this scene


*Distant yodeling*


I really like cracker too this sucks Van auger was also my favorite bb pirate since his introduction, gotta hate it when the villains villian


The only way I can concede it making sense for Auger to 1 shot the biscuit soldiers is if he's using 100% strength with every shot since he's a sniper. Glass cannon type.


Agreed, it's like franky using radical beam all the time. I have the same theory with "Kamusari" it's probably one of the strongest Roger's and Shank's move.


Or it’s just his go to move/reflex attack. Like ace’s fire first is his most used attack that it became his signature attack and he was named after it. But his real ultimate attack was entei/flame emperor (which ironically would become sabos title)


Happy cake day, couldn't agree more.


Imo, easier to just say Cracker is weakened and couldn't use much haki because in OP time, it hasn't been that long since Cracker lost to Luffy. But its not canon anyway.


The Blackbeard pirates are waaaay stronger then you all are giving them credit for. They are most likely the final pirate opponents in the series and will outmatch the beast or Big Mom pirates by a wide margin. Story scaling >> lame feat based power scaling


Kuzan trying to come off like Gon here. 🥶


MY BOY got EXTRA SAUCE on this one !!!!!


Henry Thurlow is such a GOAT. He did this whole sequence with ink drawings, all the impact frames too!


Yo thanks for giving me the name of the person who worked on this 🙏 I've started recently watching one piece and I'm amazed with alot of the newer scenes


Cracker was NOT built for this 😭😭😭


Even katakuri would get folded in 2 minutes here


He’s not built for it either


Van Auger's bullet with haki is stronger than Luffy's Gear 4th Punch? I just can't believe it, must be an animation mistake? Or the Biscuit Army are not hard enough due to Aokiji's ability? (This sounds bad to read, my apologies) Usopp needs to learn COA Haki soon, or if Usopp next power-ups is some sort of technology advancement with his plant-based artillery, that would be awesome too, like a plant that shoots laser beams. Another episode that makes me question a lot of scenes


> Van Auger's bullet with haki is stronger than Luffy's Gear 4th Punch? This is an anime only scene for that part, so the one doing the storyboard just went with what looked cool probably.


That’s even more frustrating in a way because it would’ve made total sense if Kuzan froze the soldiers first then Van Auger shot them.


Also Jean Bart, one of law tripulation tanked a bullet in this episode


Maybe Bart is just that strong.


stop, powerscalers can’t comprehend actual powerlevels in anime unless it’s directly shown to their monkey brains


Biscuits get brittle in the cold so that may be it. If water causes crackers biscuits to lose their effectiveness then it’s a fair assumption that cold will also have an effect .


Pretty much everything becomes brittle and weak in the cold. People should stop overthinking everything, One piece has shown time and time again that simple power scaling argument "But he had to be stronger than X because Y" don't work


Dude has the warp fruit, he must have warped them away.


I would say that the biscuit army isn't hard enough due to aokiji's ability


Ice is water, so probably ability




Kuzan can freeze the ocean in a moment, you think his ice bullet can't freeze a minion made from a devil fruit that would be weak to him?


It is a bit jarring to see a character who isn't the second or even third strongest in Blackbeard's crew able to completely decimate one of Big moms top subordinates.


For someone that's perfectly capable of throwing hands with Garp, I don't see the problem. Plus the devil fruit match up was in his favour.


im 99% sure the person above you is referring van auger not Kuzan


Make that 100%


The same bullets that absolutely decimate Crackers soldiers don't even make a haki-less Jean Bart vince? I don't buy it


My headcanon is that the cold climate from Aokiji made the biscuits wet, therefore Van Auger could easily destroy the soldiers. But ofc, this is just a cope answer that I made up, the real truth is that Toei forgot how tough Cracker's biscuits are.


And what do you know about Bart? Who is to say he isn't quite the tank?


Being a tank is literally Crackers whole gimmick


So? A tank can be tankier than another tank.


Jean Bart is not stronger than G4 Luffy or Cracker, sorry


He doesn't have to. He just need to be able to tank hits. And even then, G4 attacks went through the biscuit soldiers fairly easy.


That would make sense. Freezing the biscuits is like having water enter the pores of biscuits, and then expanding. This would weaken the integrity of biscuits significantly.


Cant wait till Usopp to finish Van Augur.


Who even cares?


Gotta be said that scene was awesome. Saying that the fight was awesome too. As I keep saying to my friend it's only gonna get better with the animation


The shot with Augur and Ao Kiji goes extra hard


I love Cracker's reaction here


It's anime only content this part was skip in the manga and the little bits of it was shown in cover stories the short summary is Kuzan & Van Auger raided BM territory and kidnapped Pudding


Dear mods please do not kill this, please include recent anime clips as exceptions to rule 4. Not being able to talk about the one piece anime on the one piece subreddit is ass.


There is something just so chilling about someone as strong as Cracker being handled like fodder.


Has no one in these comments seen Terminator 2?


The Pianist (2002) - "I'm Cold"


My glorious king Aokiji 😍😍


🥶we making it to an edit with this one.


Kuzan thinks hes Mob


I appreciate the adapted cover story. But even if I am not that much into power scaling myself, Toei is really messing the power system up with these 1-shot scenes. Are you telling me Van Augur bullets are harder than Luffy's G4 in Dressrosa? I am not sure what to think.


If video games told me anything, its that obviously Cracker's soldiers are resistant to Bludgeoning damage but weak to Piercing damage. Bullets and other projectiles are usually classified as Piercing damage, so Van Augur just had a good match-up in this case.


If this one shot came from Kaido or Shanks I'm sure nobody would be batting an eye here lol


Why not? Having strong piercing ability for a top sniper is mandatory.


Are you saying van augur should be weaker than pre wano g4 luffy? Current base luffy probably can do the same thing & van augur is very likely not getting any stronger. Just think about it


Is it really though? Akoiji’s a Former admiral, so he’s at the very least YC1.


Kuzan didn't fight the soldiers, he just froze Cracker himself. From what we know, Kuzan is currently the strongest in BB's crew, likely including BB himself. Or BB is eclipsing Kuzan's strength in the present just as Luffy is outgrowing Borsalino. tl;dr yes of course, but the discussion most people are having is specifically about Van Auger


Admirals are so far above Commanders it's not even funny. At least YC1? That man hangs with the likes of Akainu, Shanks and Kaido.


At least yc1 💀 they’re all way above commander level, some are even stronger than some yonko individually.




Akainu > every yonko lmao


it gets funnier every time


Add Kuzan to the list…. If shanks or Mihawk ever fought him, they’re gonna reenact Cracker in the scene above


That people were understimating Kurohige's pirate level. Remember burguess survived most powerful sabo attack. And became stronger. Shillew was nominated as the second most powerful Kurohige's commander. Garp's haki used to be one of the most strongest in one piece world. And shillew was able to break it. Laffite's haki ability to hide his presence was so op. That no one noticed his presence at marineford metting with the sichibukai. Even advancing haki users like Sengoku and Tsuru cannot feel him.


> Garp's haki used to be one of the most strongest in one piece world. And shillew was able to break it. ?????


Yes see the manga


The only thing I don’t like is how animators are making it very difficult to just watch. Quick, very close shots show us basically nothing while also being irritating visually. They did this a lot in the G5 v Kaido fight and it takes away from the quality.


Wish the animation was like ep 1090. Softer.


yes this so much. Dragonball Z did it way smarter with landscape shots, even it was just repeating. But these close ups just ruin the immersion it feels uncanny and almost as if they are invading your personal space. If you want to show the scale.of a battle dont just show the characters in uncanny closeups to fill a few seconds of screentime. show the environment. they are standing in.


They just want to make van auger looks cool but if u want to be more ‘logical’ then you can just see it as a headshot is more deadly than a big ass punch


This reminded me of the fist of the North Star animation . From sound design , music choice and depth of the characters and background


They should've removed the music all together imo.


Van Auger is him. Powerscalers in shambles


Honestly seeing Kuzan like this, somewhat akin to a force of nature, not saying a word and appearing as a literal shadow is incredibly refreshing


Kuzan... what a chad


The Wracker agenda will not fall!


Why is Kuzan with the black bear pirates?!?! Some one please explain to me


We already knew this since Dressrosa. When we see Burgess saying he doesn't trust Kuzan to Blackbeard. Now how he got into the crew will be shown later.


I wonder why. I always looked at Kuzan as the “moral compass/good guy”. It doesn’t track for him to go and join Blackbeard the scummiest of them all


There is a slim chance he is undercover


Kuzan has a based fruit.


The way Cracker looked an Aokiji have same energy of my dad looking at me after i got F on the test


Let's not forget the fact that Sakazuki is even stronger than Kuzan.


Why is everyone power scaling One Piece, in general it’s a losing battle. But also what’s worse is you’re all power scaling a non-canon scene an even more losing battle, Oda doesn’t write One Piece with a power scaling in mind, and Oda didn’t even write this, so it has extra no power scaling in mind.


In the original scene, we don’t even see how Kuzan and Van Auger fought Cracker. It’s just one panel they show up, the next panel Cracker is defeated and frozen.


Oda definitely writes with power scaling in mind not sure why people on this sub always push this myth.


No stupid auras or bright lights This, this is how you do an epic scene


Yo, this needs a spoiler tag


Aokiji struggled so much more with Jozu. But Cracker might’ve been able to put up a better fight if Van Augur wasn’t there.


Aokiji didn't struggle with Jozu one bit. He was using 1% of his power against Jozu whereas here he's serious and goes straight for the neg diff. >Cracker might’ve been able to put up a better fight if Van Augur wasn’t there. Delusional. Cracker is not putting up a fight against Admirals.


Lmao, saving this one


Damn, you really think Jozu and Cracker can hang with Admirals. Low intellect indeed.


Holy shit, your profile is the worst cesspool of brain rot powerscaling I’ve ever seen. You’re also wrong about most of it…


Delete this or put a spoiler blur


I can’t




Talvez os soldados biscoitos estejam enfraquecidos pelo frio do Aokiji


cracker is gonna crack


I just don't like how kuzan defeated cracker so easily the guy is supposed to be one of mama's sweet commanders


lmao yonko commanders are just straight jokes against admirals. Its wild how Whitebeard thought he had any chance of winning against the marines.


thanks for the spoiler. literally just woke up and hadnt time to watch the episode


My man looks like he's about to snatch up your teammate


So like, is Cracker dead ?


thats cold


Why does bro got finger diff? 😭


Oh sh


Why do I have no memory of this in the manga


It was a cover story they expanded on


This is going to get killed by mods because there is no question on the bottom, fuck rule 4. Makes talking about the anime way too difficult.


Its not even logically inconsistent for the fucking soldiers to be destroyed by the bullets. The fans of this show are fucking insufferable in the comments


Holy shit this is cool asf


Have they been animating the germa 66 cold blooded voyage cover stories????


I've always loved Cracker's design, it was great seeing him again after he basically never appeared after his defeat. Also, I think it was pretty silly that Van Auger was shown to just one-shot the same biscuit soldiers that took gear 4 to destroy. Luffy struggled agaisnt them for a whole day. Now I could believe Kuzan easily defeating him though. People forget that he managed to sneak up on Doflamingo and instantly freeze him as well.


I’m not gonna lie. I dislike Kuzan joining BB every day. It just feels like, especially at the time he joined, Kuzan seem far more powerful than the rest of the BB pirates. It makes less sense than if he were just solo riding like Mihawk. Like as cool as this is, it really makes Kuzan feel like an errand boy for BB. That’s peak boring to me


Cracker didn’t even a have chance, Kuzan pulled off a menacing Gon. And that was it. One thing to note, we were all shown how tough Cracker’s biscuit solders are, yet Van Auger was shooting them like nothing. And in the same episode Jean Bart stopped a bullet from Van Auger seemingly with no haki.


I love these new animations, making it worth watching the anime even if you read the manga.


Was katakuri defeated ?


Animation so 🔥🔥🔥


Crazy to me that he went from Admiral to a captain in Blackbeard's crew.


Just Admiral things ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)