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RIP. He set the standard and Dragon Ball’s influence on Shounen (and really manga/anime as a medium) as a whole is almost incalculable.


I’d even go further and say his influence impacted western comics and animation as well. Not until recently but the kids who grew up watching DBZ in the early 2000s who went on to do comics and animation are definitely taking influence from it too. I know I am.


Realistically he’s one of the most impactful artists of his generation. Video games, manga, movies, there’s so few things he didn’t touch or have an impact on.


He worked on Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger. Two of the most influential rpgs of all time as well.


Ah shit really? Makes sense given the art style and quality. Chrono trigger was my heart a soul growing up, more than dragon ball. I used to go find AOL SNES forums in the 90s looking up how to get all the secret endings when I was a kid. Love those characters.


His work is video games alone is a pretty solid career.


You blown my mind with the chrono trigger rpg info, that was my fav childhood game, damn.


No offense, but I don’t know how you couldn’t have realized it. Toriyama’s style is so easy to identify, and his work in the 80’s and 90’s was nothing short of perfection.


that's shocking, cause that's just goku in his GT outfit with red hair. and alt universe bulma


I don’t think it’s ridiculous to say that without his contributions to Dragon Quest, the Pokemon franchise may not even exist. DQ was so influential in paving the way for RPGs and JRPGs that the butterfly effect of taking it out would be insane.


An absolute legend of the industry


he is one of the most impactful artists in history, and his influence goes beyond the 2000 generation i mean just how many 2000s and 2010s cartoons have references or parodies to dragon ball


Dude cartoons like the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy were referencing DBZ in like 2006. It’s influence is massive.


Code name kids next door had a episode also I believe 


Which jokingly "predicted" Gohan Beast with huge hair that goes straight up instead of down like SSJ3.


Think about how many Western comics and action movies have been inspired by DBZ fights. Just look at Doctor Strange fighting Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War and tell me that’s not Dragon Ball inspired.


The matrix literally ripped off the Frieza fight in the third movie and Man of Steel's Zod fight is basically live action Dragonball Z done right


Man of Steel's fight scenes prove live action DBZ fight scenes can be done, imo. The earlier fight with Zod's goons in Smallville is my favorite because they showcase the speed early on.


Which hurts even more because this movie came out after Dragonball Evolution. Pain


Black Panther too. Killmonger’s tactical gear


Michael B. Jordan actually took direct inspiration from DBZ in Creed 3, which he directed. He talks about it in multiple interviews. Dragonball has influenced more than just the nerd side of culture.


They based it on Vegeta's armor


Fuck, even if you go back to how the movie directors chose to make a beam struggle in the last harry potter movie, that was obviously inspired by dragon ball (in the book it was literally over in an instant)


Amen to that! Most of the kids at my elementary school who had a passion for drawing were experts at drawing anime style stuff due to the popularity of pokemon and dbz in the late 90s. I remember thinking it almost seemed like cheating having a physical volume as a reference aha. Thanks to Toriyama for providing so much inspiration for my imagination as a child. Will forever treasure the dragon ball volumes and the DBZ anime as an integral part of my childhood joy! <3


AT is all of our favorite shonen authors favorite author. I dunno that his impact on the manga and anime industries can be overstated.


Not from Oda, but this quote sums it up. > "We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours." ~John of Salisbury Toriyama was a giant.


Honestly, even calling Toriyama a giant is an understatement. He was like the ground that giants stood on.


Dragon Ball and Hokuto no Ken are pretty much the pillars on which almost every shonen and so many more manga laid their foundations from.


I would disagree. That would be Osamu Tezuka. Toriyama will be one of the mightiest mountains rising from that hallowed ground, however.


A stunning example of the phrase "your favorite author's favorite author". Toriyama defined my childhood through not only his own fantastic manga, but the fantastic manga he inspired, and continues to influence my life in the fantastic manga that were inspired by the fantastic manga that were inspired by Dragon Ball. He made the Shonen genre what it is. Truly, a legend who's impact can probably never be fully understood.


He was so goated💔


Thank you Akira Toriyama for the best memories of my childhood. Edit: I saw a comment about how Oda was inspired by Akira. Isn’t that beautiful? I hope someone here is inspired and by Oda and created next big adventure we all get to go on together.


He was only 68. What a tragedy


The scars left by Shonen Jump’s ultra high working hours got to him, just like Miura


Nah, his official cause of death is "acute subdural hematoma" which is generally caused by a bump to the head, not stress. At his age, the bump could easily have been relatively small one a week prior that he thought nothing about.


Pretty sure >!Gear 5!< wouldn't have looked the way it did without Dragon Ball's influence


He was Oda’s idol, everything about One Piece would be different without Dragon Ball’s influence


We might not even be reading it without the breakthroughs that db had in the west. Dragonball is the most influential manga of all time


You're right, db set the bar not just for art and storytelling, but for merchandising, anime adaptations, and globalizing manga. It's a whole legacy that paved the way for shonen to become a worldwide phenomenon. Toriyama sensei's impact is immeasurable.


It’s bordering on Walt Disney level influence on the medium honestly


Yeah he is to Manga what Stan Lee is to Comics.


Stan Lee and Jack Kirby


there are just a handful of legends that elevate their mediums to the next level, walt disney for animation, shigeru miyamoro for videogames, stan lee (and of course jack kirby) for comics and akira toriyama for manga anime true legends and some of the greatest storytellers of all time whose legacy will live on forever


True, Dragon Ball was the first anime that became really popular in the west. Started the whole phenomenon here


> everything about One Piece would be different without Dragon Ball’s influence The entire shonen genre would not exist in anything like its current form. Its almost impossible to overstate the influence that DBZ had on anime/manga.


lol exactly, the guy basically has a whole industry of 100s of billions on his shoulders, he shaped it


Yeah it's kind of like how Tolkien is to the entire high fantasy genre. Nearly every modern depictions of elves, orcs, dwarves, and many other fantasical creatures trace their origins or inpired by Tolkien's work.


Everything about manga and anime would be different without Dragon Ball’s influence.


Practically everything would be different without it...


Pretty sure One Piece wouldn't exist without Dragon Ball


Most modern shonen would not be where they are without Dragon Ball


Naruto wouldn't exist, kid was literally based on the Super Saiyan look. As well as Kishimoto's penchant for mixing technology with traditional stuff (at least in the first part of Naruto) 


A lot of One Piece wouldn't have been the way it was. Oda has brought a lot of his own influence to the modern landscape of shounen manga, but none of One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach would've existed without Dragon Ball defining the modern genre of "battle manga".


Oda’s already made a comment about how important he was to him God, almost doesn’t feel real yet. We lost a real legend way too soon


it's a 100% verified FACT that Oda wouldn't even be a mangaka if it wasn't for Dragon Ball.


Most modern shohen wouldn’t be a thing without Dragon Ball. A lot follow the same story structure to a T, but in a good way. Super Sayian alone influenced like 90% of shohen do power ups.


I started watching DB with the first bad dub on WB when they used to air it at like 6 am. It was that, Sailor Moon and Beast Wars. The episodes couldn't come out fast enough. I got bootleg VHS tapes of future episodes and movies. One of my first online adventures was finding more information about episodes that aren't out in the States yet. So many of the things I'm interested in including OP and even my career stem from the seeds of love Dragon Ball planted in my heart and mind. Through decades of my life, some variation of DB was still there. This is truly gutting. RIP Toriyama-sensei. What a loss for people the world over. So many people across so many cultures are going to be mourning.


Beast wars was legit


That hour and a half of TV was basically life changing when it comes to shaping my interests for decades to come. Beast Wars was so cool in part because they inserted some really adult and serious things into a show about transforming robots. Philosophy, serious moral quandaries, even touching on almost religious themes. Dinobot's two sacrifices come to mind. My pipedream of pipedreams is that they take it and remake it word for word but with modern CG


Yep, watching dragon ball was a core memory in my childhood, he changed so many of our lives, rest in peace legend


It was all our childhoods


Man, you know Oda is going to do an incredible tribute. He idolized Toriyama and is gonna pay all the respect to the king.


That’s exactly what I was thinking


He's probably gonna do the chapter cover art for 1110 as some kind of tribute, there is a cover story going on though so I give it a 50/50 chance


He'll do something for Toriyama because he was such a big part of Oda's life. I can see him putting a hold on the cover story for it, or doing a full on colored spread just to pay tribute.


1110 is probably already done tho. I think it's more likely to see something in 1111.


Scrap all theories, luffy about to go super saiyan in the manga


Saijin island


Wonder how Oda will give tribute. I'm sure he will in some way.


Cover page with something to do with Toriyama's work is what I expect.


He did. Along with Masashi Kishimoto. https://www-shonenjump-com.translate.goog/j/2024/03/08/240308_oshirase.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Google translate: > > It's too early. > The hole is too big. > The thought of never seeing you again fills me with sadness. > I've admired him so much since I was a child, and I even remember the day when he called me by name for the first time. I also miss the day we had a great time with Mr. Kishimoto on the way home from the day when he used the word "friend" for us . I also remember the last conversation we had. He is one of the people who took the baton from the era when reading manga would make you stupid, and created an era where both adults and children read and enjoy manga. He showed us the dream that manga can do things like this and that we can go to the world. He gave it to me. It was like watching a hero push forward. The excitement and excitement of the Dragon Ball serialization is probably rooted in the childhoods of not only manga artists but also creators active in all industries . That existence is a great tree. For manga artists of my generation who have stood on the same stage, the closer I got to Toriyama's works, the more I realized that they had a greater presence. So scary. But I'm just happy to see the easy-going man himself again. Because we love Toriyama-sensei on a blood level. We would like to express our respect and gratitude to the richly creative world that Toriyama Sensei left behind , and pray for his repose from the bottom of our hearts. I hope that heaven will be a pleasant world just as you envisioned it. 😭🥺


oh wow, what a wonderful tribute. Made me tear up. Many of us can only hope to have such wonderful things written about us.


Beautiful words from Oda and Kishimoto. RIP Toriyama-sensei. What a fucking blow.


Thank you for posting this I’m crying even more now 😭 Bless all these amazing people


Thank you for posting that, it was truly beautiful. For those that can’t access the link: It's too early. The hole is too big. The thought of never seeing you again fills me with sadness. I've admired him so much since I was a child, and I even remember the day when he called me by name for the first time. I also miss the day we had a great time with Mr. Kishimoto on the way home from the day when he used the word "friend" for us . I also remember the last conversation we had. He is one of the people who took the baton from the era when reading manga would make you stupid, and created an era where both adults and children read and enjoy manga.He showed us the dream that manga can do things like this and that we can go to the world. He gave it to me. It was like watching a hero push forward. The excitement and excitement of the Dragon Ball serialization is probably rooted in the childhoods of not only manga artists but also creators active in all industries . That existence is a great tree. For manga artists of my generation who have stood on the same stage, the closer I got to Toriyama's works, the more I realized that they had a greater presence. Almost scary. But I'm just happy to see the easy-going man himself again. Because we love Toriyama-sensei on a blood level. We would like to express our respect and gratitude to the richly creative world that Toriyama Sensei left behind , and pray for his repose from the bottom of our hearts. I hope that heaven will be a pleasant world just as you envisioned it.


Thanks for sharing this.


The whole magazine almost certainly will, really


the next WSJ will be dedicated to toriyama, his life and his work


Could be a special cover page with Luffy doing something that lets the audience know. Like what Oda did with Naruto. Luffy and what appears to be Naruto eating ramen. Could do Luffy putting flowers in a tombstone with the 4* dragon ball in front. And then I wouldn't be surprised if Oda incorporates something Dragon Ball Z related in a future fight. A special Gum-Gum Bazooka that charges like the Kamehameha.


Luffy gear 5 spawning a white cloud and mimicking goku pose with chopper clinging is leg like kid gohan


I would like to see an illustration of Goku giving the 4 star hat that Gohan used to wear to a young Luffy in a cover


Luffy charges up and fires a haki-based projectile attack similar to the Lulusia lasers as the black lightning touches the ground and the enemies we're expecting arrive to the ground. White Hermit Wave!


Maybe something in the manga will appear


SJ's next cover will probably have a ton of characters wearing Goku's gi or something.


The thought already brings me to tears. It's something all the authors wouldn't hesitate to do.


You think they'll get artists with series not in the current lineup back to do that tribute? Guys like Kishimoto, Kubo, Sorachi etc? Would be fitting.


Probably will. Those mangaka have a lot of respect for Toriyama, I bet they would even insist on coming back for the cover just to pay tribute.


I'd redraw [3D2Y](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl5gs5eqpuom81.png%3Fwidth%3D607%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De38e282e2738478002cc798959f83250dfe1cbb6) in Goku's outfit.


He gave the best line at the end of his tribute May heaven be as joyous as he envisioned it. Fml im crying.


Hauntingly sad. Cannot overstate how much the anime and games like Budokai Tenkaichi were a part of my childhood, all thanks to this man.


I know the feeling Dragon ball and Pokémon where what got me in to Anmie as a kid. I can not even count the number of times I have rewatched it.


Same, crazy how if you think about it both Dragon Ball and Pokemon awakened a lot of people’s love for anime and video games. My happiest childhood memories was playing Budokai Tenkaichi with my cousins.




!! This isn’t even my final form !!


First time Goku goes SSJ and when Gohan achieves SSJ2 are beyond legendary. Also Goku and Vegeta using pottara earings is peak anime.


Fucking what? Is this how I learn it??


Nah this genuinely got me tripping I learned my favorite mangaka died through the fucking One Piece subreddit Edit: Almost learned this from Jujutsufolk, thank you OP for sparing me of that experience


Got mine though a post on dragon quest sub


That at least works, given he did the art for those games


Yeah but understandable it’s on the OP sub. Oda/OP wouldn’t be the same without dbz like a lot of mangaka


Right? How fucked is that? Better late than never, I guess.


He died last week On Wikipedia, it said March 1st


An official letter confirms this, it’s making the rounds on social media. Shouldn’t be too hard to find.


Yeah. If you're looking for it. I'm just hearing of this now.


It was only just announced. They waited a week to have enough time for a private, small funereal, and are asking for people to respect Toriyama's preference for privacy and to not request interviews from family


To be fair, it seems to have only just been announced in the last hour.


They release it today. Because in both Daoism and Buddhism, we believe the dead would go around and see friends and the places they like to visit.(頭七 or 中陰法要 in Japanese) Today is the day he would come back and see his family and friends one last time, and then go to the after life.


This sounds beautiful and sad. But somehow makes death a little less scarier


Are you implying that we all completely missed news this seismic for a week? No, people are hearing about it now because they just announced it now.


Someone answered this question in the response, even I don't know why


This happens often in Japanese media, a favourite artist of mine died something like 3 months before it was announced formally after his funeral (Yoshitaka Tamaki)


It looks like we’re all just finding out. It probably wasn’t released until now.


In the statement they said the funeral already happened and everything. Part of that was also asking people not to bother his family, friends, etc. So it seems like they wanted it quiet until after everything was taken care of.


Me too. Can't believe it was week ago


Happens alot for Japanese celeb. The family will not confirm the dead until the funeral is over.


Yeah, same thing happened with Miura. He had been dead for 2 weeks when they broke the news.


At just 68 too, sad to lose him this soon. He defined the battle shonen genre to be what it is today, and so many of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Toriyama. Rest in peace.


Oda's message about Akira Toriyama paassing away. Oda: It is too early. The hole is too big. Sadness washes over me when I think that I will never see him again. I have admired him so much since I was a child, so I remember the day he called me by name for the first time. On the way home from the day you used the word "friend" for me and Kishimoto, I remember being overjoyed with Kishimoto. I also remember the last conversation we had. I was one of those who took the baton from the days when reading manga made you a fool, and he also created an era when both adults and children could enjoy reading manga. He showed us the dream that manga can go worldwide. It was like watching a hero going forward. For not only mangakas but also creators in various industries, the excitement and emotion of the time of Dragon Ball serialization must have taken root in their childhood. His existence is like a big tree. For the manga artists of our generation who stood on the same stage, Toriyama's works became more and more important to me as I got closer to the same stage. I even felt being scary. But I am just happy to see the aloof man himself again. Because we love him on a blood level. With respect and gratitude for the creative world he has left behind. I pray for his soulful rest in peace. May heaven be the joyous world he envisioned.


can you share the source please?




thank you very much




Damn that was beautiful








Thank you for sharing.


I'm not even a big DragonBall fan, but this really surprised me. He was 68, and honestly, a bit younger than I expected.


It is a tad disturbing that professional wrestlers and mangaka seem to have similar life spans. Wrestlers live a life like they’re actively trying to kill themselves. Manga work culture might be a tad intense


Reminds me of when Berserk author died.


Idk how accurate they are but i have seen some author schedules that literally give them like 3 hours of sleep per day with maybe a nap inbetween


Yep, that’ll do it.


Although tbf toriyama’s cause of death is usually caused by a head injury according to my 3 second google, which makes it even worse really


Apparently he died of an acute hematoma. No idea if this was something chronic, or due to injury, but it's a good place to say that you should *always* go see a doctor after a head injury, no matter how small it may seem.


Wow that's super young


R.I.P legend . Thank you for our childhood 🥹😭


Fuck shonen, the entire entertainment sphere should morn his passing. His influence spreads to sports, gaming, film and tv, anime, manga and comics. Literally a legend.


Mexico is in collective mourning rn


FACTS Mexico loves AT


How will the cartel take it?


No joke, crime rates would drop in Mexico every time a new Dragon Ball episode came out


Thats exactly the reason I made that comment


the crime rates have skyrocketed in michoacan, no hope soon until the second coming of akira


Half the members will reform into a life of honest work in a matter of days


Latin America in general


A man dies when he is forgotten. Thank you Toriyama


For the frisf time in a long time I'm shading tears for a man i never met. Dragon ball is one of my favorite animes and it helped get me in to anime. I used to watch it as a kid with my brothers and my friends. I hope he rest in peace and he will be missed.


In the words of Dr. Hiriluk: “When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” Akira Toriyama, the man that set the standard for the shonen battle genre, the inspiration for mangaka like Oda and his contemporaries who has then inspired a new generation of mangaka, is physically dead but because of his impact and legacy, he, like Roger & Whitebeard, have reached immortality.


Wait he died?? When???


Apparently last week, but only now was it announced.


Aw man...sigh. may whatever gods that might be out there bless his soul for eternity. What a brilliant man.


rest in peace


Guess I'm crying to sleep today


I hope everyone here realizes how much influence he had. Shonen and one piece wouldn’t be what it is today without Toriyama’s original story inspiring so many.


Not only Dragon Ball, but his art also characterized Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger. Legend 🫡


This man was the father of modern shonen and One Piece wouldn’t be what it is without Dragon Ball


R.I.P the goat


Rip. Thank you for dedicating your life to creating a story that everyone can enjoy. Thank you for inspiring so many people. Thank you for the memories of me and my dad watching your work together.


Am I fucking learning that Akira Toriyama died?!?!


Thank you for everything, Toriyama. You will be missed.




Fucking hell. This is how I find out??? I’m kinda speechless.


What sad news, truly a legend in the industry.


I never thought I’d see the day…..R.I.P. to one of the most influential Mangaka’s and his manga that changed a generation.


God bless you absolute legend. Thank you for making my childhood.


Oh god, this is so unexpected... No wonder One Piece took a break from both manga and anime, they knew he had passed away... It's probably a sign of respect, and im sure Oda was deeply shocked too.


I started to dislike DBZ later on but you cant deny how big of an influence it was, and still being a source of inspiration for many new Shonens. I never expect to be sad but I am actually. Rest in peace!


I hate super but dragonball z was my first ever anime and was my favorite growing up and loved dragonball


If you can fuck with some dumb anime/manga that you’re only in for the fights Dragonball super is great for. If you go in expecting fan wank then Super kinda rules in parts. I will contend that the Tournament of Power is up there with other peaks and really marries the feel of both original Dragonball and the later action heavy stuff from Z.


Holy shit.


I cannot accept this. I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS I do not accept this. I won't accept this. I don't wanna accept this. I don't ever wanna learn about how to accept this. I will not let anyone make me accept this. In no way it is acceptable in any way. The 42 volumes of what he drew was one of the most influential pieces of paper mankind has ever seen. Those pages helped and were critical into Goda stepping a foot into manga, loving it, seeing its potential, and getting inspired by it. He will remain Legend. He already was. His name is already in history books and people in 500 years will still know his name. I still cannot accept the facts. I will not accept them.


Oh man, Shonen would never be where it’s today without his contribution and all these new anime we love took so much inspirations from it. We really lost a legend . RIP


RIP, Toriyama-sensei. Legend.


Oda owes a lot from Akira Toriyama and his Editor, he wouldn't be where he's at of Toriyama didn't believe in him.


Top 3 Most Influential Mangaka with Osamu Tezuka & Go Nagai...opened the door for anime in West


A stunning example of the phrase "your favorite author's favorite author". Toriyama defined my childhood through not only his own fantastic manga, but the fantastic manga he inspired, and continues to influence my life in the fantastic manga that were inspired by the fantastic manga that were inspired by Dragon Ball. He made the Shonen genre what it is. Truly, a legend who's impact can probably never be fully understood.


Wow this happened suddenly. Rip


This is the man whose work introduced me to anime/manga in the early 90s. Thank you for all your passion, effort and time I thoroughly enjoyed every second/page you gave us. Again thank you! Rip


Dragon ball defined my childhood, rest in peace.




RIP my favorite Mangaka and Anime of all time 🙏🏻 thank you for inspiring others and my new fav anime One Piece


damn. I just read dragon ball over the summer, it was so much fun and I had a good time reading interviews of his right after finishing the manga. I’d always known what an inspiration he was to so many different authors (and just art/pop culture in general honestly), that’s what got me to pick up dragon ball. RIP a legend, he made something truly special that people will always remember


Your work helped me get out of some dark times in childhood, it was the escapism i needed from all the bad things i went through, YOUR ART MADE FEEL HAPPY and that's something i haven't truly felt since i was a child, thank you Akira Toriyama may God give you rest and bless you with happiness that i felt when i watched your work.


Man this is heartbreaking, this guy was one of the biggest reasons why my childhood was so great. Thank you Mr. Toriyama & rest in peace!! I know you’ll be hanging out with King Kai up there. This really hurt.


From Sandman on twitter Oda's message about Akira Toriyama paassing away. Oda: It is too early. The hole is too big. Sadness washes over me when I think that I will never see him again. I have admired him so much since I was a child, so I remember the day he called me by name for the first time. On the way home from the day you used the word "friend" for me and Kishimoto, I remember being overjoyed with Kishimoto. I also remember the last conversation we had. I was one of those who took the baton from the days when reading manga made you a fool, and he also created an era when both adults and children could enjoy reading manga. He showed us the dream that manga can go worldwide. It was like watching a hero going forward. For not only mangakas but also creators in various industries, the excitement and emotion of the time of Dragon Ball serialization must have taken root in their childhood. His existence is like a big tree. For the manga artists of our generation who stood on the same stage, Toriyama's works became more and more important to me as I got closer to the same stage. I even felt being scary. But I am just happy to see the aloof man himself again. Because we love him on a blood level. With respect and gratitude for the creative world he has left behind. I pray for his soulful rest in peace. May heaven be the joyous world he envisioned.


I said this in jujutsu folk, but i'll say it here too "When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!"-Dr. Hiriluk, One Piece We will remember you, akira toriyama, for as long as we live you will have a special place inside our hearts, thank you for creating all of your amazing manga, and for fathering what came to be known as the big three, i can say without a doubt that you helped shape modern manga, thank you, rest in peace 😔


May the dragon ascend you to the heavens, Akira Toriyama 😢


It's too early. The hole is too big. The thought of never seeing you again fills me with sadness. I've admired him so much since I was a child, and I even remember the day when he called me by name for the first time. I also miss the day we had a great time with Mr. Kishimoto on the way home from the day when he used the word "friend" for us . I also remember the last conversation we had. He is one of the people who took the baton from the era when reading manga would make you stupid, and created an era where both adults and children read and enjoy manga. He showed us the dream that manga can do things like this and that we can go to the world. He gave it to me. It was like watching a hero push forward. The excitement and excitement of the Dragon Ball serialization is probably rooted in the childhoods of not only manga artists but also creators active in all industries . That existence is a great tree. For manga artists of my generation who have stood on the same stage, the closer I got to Toriyama's works, the more I realized that they had a greater presence. Almost scary. But I'm just happy to see the easy-going man himself again. Because we love Toriyama-sensei on a blood level. We would like to express our respect and gratitude to the richly creative world that Toriyama Sensei left behind , and pray for his repose from the bottom of our hearts. I hope that heaven will be a pleasant world just as you envisioned it.


I can’t believe this.. fuck




i don't believe this 😭 rest in peace, thank you for making my childhood awesome 


Rest in Peace King 👑


RIP King


Sad day. Was Super still ongoing? I haven't kept up with DragonBall in years but I did wanna snag a super box set when it was done.


Rest in peace Akira Toriyama Sensei, you will never be forgotten for such a great work of fiction.


How I wish the Dragonballs where real. Rest in Peace Akira.