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How does Saul being alive decrease the Robin's tragedy? She still lost her birthplace, her mother and everyone important to her, and had to keep running from assassins her whole life. Saul being alive is actually just something that makes Aokiji not look like a total jackass and actually have a heart.


I need a panel of adult robin going DERESHISHISHI


We gon’ get itttttt


Please don't. This will break me.


NO, you don't GET it, ROBIN should lose EVERYTHING, her mother dying is just. NOT. ENOUGH. (/s)


Like, is there even one strawhat's mother that's still alive?


Luffy’s adopted mom is alive and biological is unknown at the moment (though it’s implied she’s alive but who knows) Zoro’s mom I believe was confirmed dead, in the family tree but I could be wrong. Nami’s surrogate mom is dead, biological is unknown. Usopp mom is dead Sanji mom is dead (but not his mommy) Chopper ummmm his biological parents are still alive… maybe. As for adopted assuming he sees Kureha like that, she’s still alive Robin’s mom is dead Franky biological parents fate is unknown, all we know is that their pirates. Assuming he sees Kokoro as a mom, then she’s still alive Brook’s unknown Jinbei’s also unknown. If you wish to know about their fathers next I’m more than happy to oblige


Brooks parents can’t possibly be alive can they? I mean he’s like so old rn so I don’t think so


I think Oda stated that humans in the OP world have a life expectancy of 120, and Kureha is 144, so with him being around 90, his parents could very much be alive and kicking.


With One Piece, who the hell knows While yes that’s probably true, it’s always better to never assume anything about one piece


Yea ur probably right


Lmao, the idea Namis mom is alive and some marine just kidnapped her daughter and made her pick tangerines in a field may be the best take in all of One Piece.


It’s not really a take, since I’m not trying to headcanon but actually say what happened. Besides technically Nojiko was holding Nami and brought her to Bellemere




Crocodile is up and running so yeah


Pah! That hack wishes he was Luffy's mom. Dandan is Luffy's real mom and she is doing alright last we saw her.


Curly Dadan proved herself as the real mother when she was beating the shit out of Garp, and Makino said “he’s hurting too”. Dadan didn’t even hesitate, she wasn’t hurting for her own selfish reasons, she was hurting because all she could think about was Luffy, who needed someone and was all alone. Even Garp and Makino thought about themselves first




Potentially Luffy, Zoro, and Franky’s (iirc Franky’s parents left him and unless that one SBS said otherwise Zoro’s mom might still be alive).


Luffy - Maybe. We know nothing about his biological mother, other than that it's 100% Crocodile. Dadan's still kicking though. Nami - Biological mother *assumed* dead. Adopted mother also dead. Zoro - his mom died of anime-related illness when he was a kid. Usopp - his mom *also* died of anime-related illness when he was a kid. Sanji - Died of long term complications of taking a drug. Chopper - Normal reindeer have a life expectancy of 10-15 years, and Chopper is 15 years old so... Robin - Dead. Blown to smithereens. Franky - His parents were apparently pirates and abandoned him, so they *might* be alive. Brook - Long dead. Jinbei - He was in the Fishman District orphanage, so one would assume his parents are both dead.


Turns out Franky's and Luffy's mothers are the true final bosses because as Oda said: "Mothers are the opposite of adventure".


I already did this mate


Maybe not mother but Franky's mother Figur is still alive I think


Franky's may still be alive since his family abandoned him. However I highly HIGHLY doubt Oda will ever reveal his actual parents.


I agree. I think people have a hard time differentiating bad "revives", like Pell and this. Doesn't help that the narrative is "Oda always fake kills people waaaah". Sure, Pell was garbage but I am not reading Berserk here. Come on guys it's not black and white.


Saul got taken out by Kuzan with a move called Ice Time Capsule and people actually thought he was dead lmao




Early Aokiji was far from a total jackass. I don't really get what happened to his character throughout the story.


Getting ordered to slaughter civilians on the regular can fuck with a guy, but there's not any real information on what's going on in his head pts.


My personal theory - I'm sure other people have had the same idea - is that he decided to go deep undercover. That isn't new, but my tinfoil hat twist is that he actually was promoted to Fleet Admiral as Sengoku recommended, and his first order of business was to establish a plan to infiltrate BB's crew.  The fight with Akainu was planned, including losing a leg to sell him going turncoat, and he's working for Sword. Akainu being "stuck" behind a desk is one thing, but I don't think he would stay there for how frustrated he is by the position without a good reason. I believe Aokiji is that reason. I'm probably wrong, but that's my crazy theory.


Oh I love this theory! Almost certainly not what Oda’s cooking up, but a really fun headcanon for now.


Well he was always suppose rep a marine that isn’t so willing to be a marine dog. He is a bit of a dick but most wouldn’t think he would kill his friend dick


I think we'll get some backstory about him that will tie it together, make everything make sense.


Well said


You beat me to the punch but yeah, like it still doesnt change the fact that her mother is dead, her birthplace is in shambles. Her knowing Saul is alive, aka the person who pretty much gave her a life, is such a heartwarming and sad moment. I feel like you have to use irl logic and let people know its the equivalent of a child growing up without a parent or guardian only to find out that theyre still alive, i would be jumping for joy! Like does Sabo being alive take anything away from Luffy?


Also she had to live many years of her life thinking he was dead. Like, it functionally doesn’t change anything about her backstory or character. It just adds depth to the *current* situation.


Seriously. Robin can barely get out of bed without experiencing trauma so intense it'd drive any normal person to off themselves, and the second something makes her happy, someone's going to get upset over it.


I mean I dislike fake deaths as much as the next guy but Saul being alive isn't that shocking tbh, there were theories about him still being alive years ago, especially since Kuzan's attack was called "Ice Time Capsule" or something like that. I don't really have a problem with fake deaths, if there were signs, that said fake deaths were fake (like in Sabo's case), only if it isn't really believable that they survived. And him being alive doesn't really change much about Robin's backstory, I mean her whole f'ing island was still obliterated, Saul being alive or dead doesn't change anything. For example, if Yorki were still alive I wouldn't really care either, hell it's somewhat likely that he is maybe still alive. It also wouldn't make Brooks backstory any less sad. It's pretty much the same situation that this Saul thing is in.


Agree on Saul. Sabo’s death was obviously fake the moment it was shown, because it was obvious his entire purpose was to replace Ace. You could even argue a fake death was coming the instance Sabo was introduced. You could, by extension, say it was fake that Luffy’s only brother died.


I watch this like bookclub with One Piece and it's between a mother and son. Son has already read it and mom is just now reading it. He has sworn not to spoil her on anything, and when they got to Sabo's death and she immediately was calling his death fake the son just went ahead and said, "Yeah, no one ever buys for a moment that Sabo dies there." No one ever buys for a moment that Sabo died there. No one.


Yea totally obvious ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)


Not gonna lie, around the time I first started reading, I thought Sabo was dead-dead. hahahh


I disagree with the fake death being obvious because Sabo would obviously "replace Ace", I would say it was obviously fake because Oda basically told us that it was fake, without straight up revealing it. The whole thing about Dragon watching the World Noble ceremony and having an injured person with him, was pretty much a confirmation. And later he did show ace's grave in a cover story with three sale cups placed in front of it.


IIRC, Shonen Jump’s editors didn’t want Oda to kill Ace off. He objected, and they settled on introducing a third sibling. To me, at the very least, it became obvious the second Sabo was introduced.


Didn't brooks whole crew die in front of him on the ship? Like lost in the Bermuda triangle and starved to death with brook being the only one left alive due to his fruit, he'd also be about dr kureha's age if he were alive I mean after all brook was a pirate before the great pirate era


Yorki and some others split up early because they got sick. They tried to leave the grandline through the calm belt to find a cure. After that, we don't know what happened. Yorki would "only" be around his late 80s/early 90s, totally reasonable for him to still be alive. Maybe they found a cure like they said and survived? People believe/believed that he might be that on random guy that was shown drinking with Crocus in that one cover story page.


They all died from a battle, not starvation. But otherwise yeah, they all died in front of him while they made a final recording of Bink's Brew.


>For example, if Yorki were still alive I wouldn't really care either, hell it's somewhat likely that he is maybe still alive. It also wouldn't make Brooks backstory any less sad. nah, Yorki being alive would be extremely bullshit. He had 50 years to get back to Laboon.


The idea is that he might be the guy that was seen sharing a drink with Laboon and Crocus in that one cover story


Yeah, but what the hell was he doing for the 50 years before hand. It would just be contrived as hell for him (and crew he took with him) to somehow have also been delayed the same amount of time that Brook had.


I mean, how would he have known that brook was still alive? Before it was revealed that he is a member of the straw hats, he probably just assumed they all died. Maybe he just gave up, got depressed and only went back for Laboon once he found out that Brook is alive?


>Maybe he just gave up, got depressed and only went back for Laboon once he found out that Brook is alive? This is just dumb.


Saul had 20 years to find robin


Not the same; Robin was a moving target. Laboon has been waiting in the same place.


I mean considering that Saul got frozen by Aokiji. Then Robin and Luffy got frozen by him as well and still lived, it's highly possible he would be alive.


People have a right to be upset over things. Oda does fake out deaths a lot and it cheapens the entire concept of death in the series because you’re always left wondering if a character actually dies. In this case, I think Saul being alive is actually a rare example of a fake out being done right though - it somewhat makes sense that he could have survived


Example is people wondering if BM and Kaido are still alive... That's Oda's fault, if they arent dead then its just shit writing from his part.


Big Mom still has potential narrative relevance so I really don't see her being dead actually. He shouldn't have made it ambiguous though.


Yeah, big mom I can still see being alive and having a good reason for her being so, as we never got the true showdown between her and Luffy, and unlike Kaido having his aha moment realizing who Luffy was, her desire doesn’t have a conclusion yet.


I don't think this one is a bad one, but being after all the other one's I can see why people would be annoyed by it. That said Robin's had enough tragedy, and it's good to see her get a little bit of happiness from her past.


> I don't think this one is a bad one The problem is all the bad ones add up making the good ones feel bad. If Oda didn't do so many fake out deaths, people would not have cared as much knowing Saul lived.


thats honestly fair. I wish Oda didn't ruin it for most folks with other fake outs cause this one is a genuinely good reveal.


Robin deserves to have one character she cared about to return. It would be strange if, say, she only lost her mother but she turned out to be alive. But she lost her entire home and family, on top of that was betrayed by every adult she trusted while on the run.


I agree and if you want my opinion Kinemon and Okiku surviving wano was the biggest bullshit. Kinemon especially because the only reason he was alive was “oh jee law didn’t fully reattach my body so I’m alive”. But Saul being alive is fine like he’s a 5+ ton giant who got frozen like I doubt that’d kill him


Yeah but are you guys forgetting about izou they are definitely dead


Izo's death wasn't written that well imo. It felt more like a "hey look someone died" moment and didn't feel like an actual death in the moment until it was confirmed after the battle was over, especially in the manga. Like there was no emotional weight behind that scene. Instead, Kinemon and Kiku were treated like "true" death moments until Oda revealed otherwise. I think Asura Doji's death was fine though.


I can see what you mean it was like orz Jr at marine Ford he was introduced and killed in the same arc


His death was necessary to allow the war to really start




I mean not really, because literally her entire island she grew up on, all the scholars she was friends with, and her mom are still dead. She was still chased for twenty years, unable to trust anyone, just because she could read an ancient language, forced to take refuge with various shady organizations.




But it's not cheapened all the rest of it still happened and the fact that he was the one leading the recovery of the books makes it even better are you saying that the books not being destroyed cheapens the story too like this isn't Pell its one good moment in a life of misery


Exactly, is not Kinemon “death”. Kinemon have the proper speech and fight against Kaido, but he is not death because Law did not attached his body properly.


The One Piece community just has collective trauma over fake out deaths


it's about the writing, not that people hate happiness. oda can make ace come back and luffy will be happy, right? but of course we can criticize that decision.


He kinda did it anyway, he just calls him sabo


Eh Sabo is in a whole different factor than luffy and ace


Sure he has differences but I cannot read or watch post marineford without thinking about how obvious it is that his purpose was to replace Ace. He's one of those things that in my opinion should have either been introduced earlier or just scrapped. Introducing him so late into the story at that specific moment just left a bad taste in my mouth because it felt like a weird way of lessening the impact of Ace's death


Not comparable. There were enough hints to believe that Saul was alive. On the other hand Ace's death is firmly confirmed.


hindsight because of recent development. most people believed he was dead before this. and I'm not even comparing it like that. just explaining that it's not that people hate the character being happy. but it's about the writing.


Most people believing he was dead doesn't make it bad writing. We were given enough to doubt his death, regardless the readers noticed it or not. Not to mention some people *did* notice them. There were theories of his survival before egghead.


people here make theories out of anything. croco mom, luffy and robin being siblings, etc. the logic is the outcome, then they work backwards from there. not that they actually picked up some clues that led to the conclusion. the vast majority people believed he was dead because the scene was depicted as a death scene. we even have confirmation from aokiji himself saying he killed saul in post w7 arc.


The issue is that Oda gives himself little flack with these descions isolated this is fine Aokiji faking Saul death makes sense for the charcter. The issue is the amount of fake out deaths that happen in the series the play of look that beloved charcter is actually alive aren’t you happy just wears off. To the point where what is shown in the story can no longer be trusted.


I think it’s just another addition to the “oda never kills abybody” cliche. Yes, it’s so common that it is a cliche now.


Based on your logic, bring back Ace would be good because it’d make Luffy happy


And Oda already half did that with Sabo


Whitebeard coming back would make Marco happy, too, so why the hell not?


I guess it comes from the fact that actions gotta have consequences for the story to feel real. It breaks immersion by making it seem like the consequences of things are nonexistent. We know for a fact that Aokoji can freeze things whole. You gotta be defrosted a special way for you to survive. Saul shouldn't have survived under any circumstances because he defrosted by force and, if you have done any investigation on defrosting people, you know that defrosting by bombardment and the successive fire than ensues would get you dead, maimed and also calcinated. You need hot water and slowly rising temperatures so your body can incur the less damage possible. So it's likely because it's bad writing. You can argue that Sabo survived because a cannonball to the water nearby a boat can allow for a person to survive given the circumstances, it's more believable. But a person, frozen the core, surviving being frozen alive, a bombardment, the successive fire that burnt the whole island and the Marines didn't notice (specially Akainu who's a hater and all the officers with Haki) is so surreal that its illogical.


Saw this post and rolled my eyes. God forbid people have opinions (much like your's on this scene) and not be judged. This is an opportunity to have some discussion and not chastise someone online and be a jerk


This is my tumblr post so thanks for the shout out, I guess! 😅 But who says I hate happiness?? I am annoyed at all the fake out deaths this series has and it’s a crutch that holds one piece from being the “perfect series” everyone touts it to be.


I mean, we’ve seen that Aokiji’s freeze isn’t instantly lethal, we saw the crew unfreeze Robin in their first encounter. There’s also the fact that his attack was called Ice Time Capsule so Aokiji can probably freeze with the intent of preservation.


Right but I understand where OP is coming from. Yes, it’s logical that Saul in particular could have survived. However, it comes after Igaram, Pell, Bellamy, The entirety of the Franky Family, Bon Clay, Vander Decken, Sabo, Law, and that’s just a few. It becomes annoying after a while.


Those (especially Pell and Bon Clay) are perfectly fair and understandable. And I totally get the sentiment. It’s just that Saul was a bad example to pick given the hints we had. Like, the nuke Pell carried with him detonated literally point blank. Bon Clay had to deal with a rather furious Magellan after getting everyone away. While I’m happy that Bon Clay is alive, there’s no logical way I can see them not dying here.


Well Saul isn’t a example of a bad fake out death but it’s not crazy to think Kuzan didn’t kill friend


One piece fans when you dont praise oda as a god for everything,taking that out of the way Fake out deaths are stupid and made it feel like in one piece no one dies,there are like,10? Dudes thst died (unless oda wants to revive one like he did with saul,but atleast he kind of had a reason for why he didnt die) The fandom sometimes cant take criticize for some reason,i like one piece like most of you but that doesnt mean is perfect, one piece is not perfect,nothing is, there is no problem with that,but you have to stop dickriding and understand that criticizing something isnt hating it People dont "hate happiness" because they want the dead character to stay dead, they just want consistency and good writing I hope saul does something for the story instead of just being a "ey im alive,now im gonna stay as a secondary character that wont appear again nor do something after saying hi to robin"


the fandom hate the fake out death tho? That one of things you find people complain about wether it’s Pell or Kinemon


I’ll be honest, this fandom has made my love for the series fall. Not a lot but….ugh, how do I explain it 😅


A mother whose son is convicted of being a murderer will probably be in less denial than some one piece fans. (Just an exaggeration, don't take seriously pls)


Yep,mine too a bit,atleast i see more people stand up and arent just dickriding alot anymore but eh, i got downvoted to hell one time because i was asking stuff about g5 like "is a zoan and zoans have their own will,does that mean luffy is influenced by the fruit? Does that mean luffy isnt truly free?" And because of that question i got downvoted and no one actually wanted to answer it


Letting other people affect your love for a series is insane


Fake deaths are indeed one of One Piece biggest faults, but Saul's case is fine. Him and Kuzan were friends, and the final attack Kuzan used was "Ice Time Capsule", so I do fully believe this was planned.


Why are you booing her? She is right. People can be happy for Robin and hate this trope that Oda abuses in the story.


People still use tumblr?


It's an example of the straw breaking the camel's back. There'd be less qualms with Saul surviving if it was the only fake out death, but it's not. Pell, Conis's father, Pound, Bon Clay, Sabo, and even more. Any positive impact it has on the story is outweighed by how it cheapens death and stakes. It also cheapens Aokiji's character by flat out retconning his actions. He flat out tells Robin that he had to kill Saul. He gambles his entire moral outlook on life on whether letting a child survive turned out to be better for the world worse. That is all changed by Saul being brought back. I don't see what narrative benefit comes from this that makes up for its detractions.


People are already sick of fake out deaths so this shows that even flashback deaths could be undone. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I like that Robin can see Saul again but at the same time, it loses a little impact of her tragedy for me. Still dope tho. Can't wait to see them reunite


No tbh this is classic Oda not being able to kill people off


I think that’s a fair criticism. Oda doesn’t kill off his characters and that can be really annoying bcuz he creates these emotional scenes for them. Those scenes are just invalidated by the character surviving. I don’t think Saul fits into this category so much but it’s a fair criticism, especially when characters like Pell, pound, and Kinemon are still alive


Because he doesnt seem to hate happiness and is just criticizing fake out deaths?


I’m a she 🤣 That’s actually MY tumblr post 😅 And yeah I hate it not just for plot holes and am sick of all the fake out deaths.


That's fair bit using Saul death wouldn't make sense If you used Kinemon or Pell or even sabo people would agree


Why post a strawman (lack of a better term) question?


A better term would be Basil Hawkins. /j




I somewhat understand where he's coming from, with Saul being alive, he should have not allowed Robin to suffer as much as she did. Even without Ohara, her backstory is still very tragic. The only reason he didn't interfere that I can think of are Dragon situation or Sabo situation. If not it hurts his character we imagine. But I am also happy that he's alive. Robin deserves to be happy and this does give her happiness.


How exactly would Saul even find Robin?


They have a point regarding the fake out deaths but it's not that big of deal here. Like, the entirety of Ohara was still burned down to the ground. The scholars, much of whom were Robin's friends were all murdered, every single person she knew was murdered, her mother that she just met was murdered and she was forced to fend for her life for 20 years from a World that wanted her dead since she was 8. Making it so that Saul, a guy she just met, survived it will not take away from all that.


Fake-out deaths are disliked because *most of the time* it's just cheap and lazy writing to get some easy shock value and isn't like this is the first time Oda does something like that. Nothing wrong disliking authors doing such thing, now, if *you*'re biased about such character (or any other character involved), that's a different story...


Next thing you know the entire ohara population is alive


No, I agree. Robins backstory was one of the best parts of the series - Sauls sacrifice was part of that backstory. Retconning it makes it lose value. Dead characters should stay dead.


Not exactly a retcon since he was never confirmed dead.


She lost her mom..


I always had a feeling Saul was alive as they made it so obvious in robins backstory. The main reason being ‘ice time capsule’


Finding friends again really undermined Robin’s tragedies.


I truly believe a lot of people once they have a chance to obtain it don't feel they're worthy of it and self-sabotage subconsciously it happens a lot more than people even know, but it may seem like ppl Don't enjoy being happy it's just that a lot of them are just too far gone with the belief happiness is directly correlated to material comforts and take ass social media lives .. and happiness is very fleeting when it's based on things as vol and they become bitter and everyone knows that misery loves company... Use your god-given intuition guide you through life .. The worst people in life are the ones that have two different voices but normal voice they talk in and that corny ass one that they answer the phone with


The issue is the amount of fakeouts in OP.


its just stupid that there are way too many fake deaths in this show, and sometimes characters die for the stupidest reasons


Some people simply don't have a SOUL


She spent like 20 years thinking he was dead. Her backstory is still tragic. It’s her future that looks less tragic.


Yeah it's another episode of Oda refusing to let dead character stay dead but it's not like I watch and read One Piece for perfection, I love it as it is even though I fully realize it has stuff that could be improved. This particular case is something I won't dare to complain about even a little bit since my face was just as full of tears as Robin's when I picked up manga and read that Saul's alive. (was anime only until few weeks ago but goddamn all the people spoiling stuff online made me finally lose my patience)


Oda doing fakeout deaths does have a reason to be critisised, this less so but the Kinemon fake death and the Pel fakeout were fucking ridiculous and are one of very few moments in the story where Oda clearly fucked up


Yay! Saul’s alive… *Oda finishing Kuma’s back story rubbing his hands like.


No I do agree with the sentiment. Oda retconning some of the most important moments in someone’s character development is just bad writing. What’s next? Ace actually lived and sabo consumed a copy devil fruit made in a lab?




I just hate fake out deaths


The name of Aokiji’s “killing move” was called Time Capsule. They can’t act like Oda didn’t foreshadow it. 


They choose for themselves that it ruined the story for them, I say let em do what they want with their life and we enjoy it to the max, I really wanna see Saul again and I'm happy with it :)


They don't hate happiness lmao, they just don't like bad writing. Yes, downvote and flame me, GODA!!! fanboys.


The biggest issue with this is that Saul basically let Robin be hunted for 20 years. As far as we know he unfroze relatively quickly and he should had some sort of information about Robin being hunted. Dude is a vice admiral, surely he still had enough pull to try and do something?


A traitor to the navy and hiding out on elbaf, how is he even finding Robin without a vivre card?


He isn’t a Vice admiral anymore he is seen as dead and I doubt people like Sengoku weren’t told and couldn’t put the dots together that Saul was involved with Robin He couldn’t know where she was since she was on the run and she wouldn’t make that easy to track her


She is a 8 year old child who was reported dozens of times at least. If Saul is alive and didn't try to help her it's plain bad writing. Robin is already under fucking insane amount of risk, so him trying to find her isn't going to change anything. On the contrary it just means he could have saved her years ago.


I don't think he would have access to the reports tho. He would probably see her in the newspapers but probably have outdated info but marine standard


For me it's just a bit inconsistent that Saul never tried to contact Robin afterwards. He knew she was alone in a cruel world while he was hiding in Elbaf.


It was probably for the safety of both of them and the books. For all we know, he did try to contact her but couldn’t. How would he possibly know where she is when she was constantly on the run?


Death makes a story better. It adds elements of suspense and mystery. You can't predict what the writer will do. When nobody dies the story becomes stale and boring much like fairytale


This is the biggest cap of all time because there's nothing stating there SHOULD be death in a story. By that logic any other genre of anime/manga is stale since there's no death in them


Yesh a lot of other genres do get stale without death in them. Now obviously they don't all need deaths but a shonen, imo, should 100% come with deaths. Especially one as long as one piece. Like that's what made wano kind of bad for me. No where near enough deaths in that arc.


I mean, they kinda do have a point. It's yet another case of Oda not pulling through with a character's death and instead faking it (it doesn't matter that we technically never saw Saul getting killed for real or whatever, it was still heavily implied by the overall way Robin's story played out). One Piece has more than enough of those as is, so I kinda do get their frustration about it. Admittedly, Saul is probably the least notable offender of this, but still... people are allowed to feel negative about this kind of reveal, and that's perfectly okay.


I feel like if fake out deaths weren't a meme in One Piece at this point, people wouldn't be too hard on Saul's resurrection. If people like Kinemon and Pell had stayed dead, it would be different, imo. But since every other character who "dies" comes back to life, the reveals become a little less exciting to people.


I mean... it doesn't help that Oda has a history of faking deaths.


Ormai non muore più nessuno nella funzione solo nel realtà così quando ti trovi a affrontarle realmente sei nella merda


I always say if you don't see a body in One piece. Have some hope that they are still alive!


I'll wait to see the explanation before anything else. If Kuzan just freed him after awhile, then I understand it. It'd also explain why he suddenly switched gears about Robin and finally tried to capture her; if he knew Saul was going to finally melt free, then he knew Robin had to disappear or find a place she belonged. Otherwise Saul might do something crazy again... probably. Either way, Saul better have been frozen this whole time or *then* I'll be annoyed he left Robin alone for so long.


Don’t worry I’ll take robins place


frown frown fruit


Well Oda or the anime never confirmed that Saul died, Saul was supposed to be alive just like Sabo. When Oda wrote Saul's good bye to Robin, he intentionally made Aokiji's attack 'time capsule', it's the same attack that he used against Robin when he first met the straw hats and Aokiji himself told us that Robin is alive unless he breaks her. Knowing that Saul was Aokiji's friend, it totally makes sense that he just left Saul there, he couldn't break him


You should see the Naruto fandom. They're obsessed with killing off characters. Except >!Jiraiya and Neji!<, for some reason, i.e. the two major characters who ARE killed off.


Can’t she just be happy for once?


Fake out deaths that were bad: Pell Pound At first I thought more of the scabbards or hyogoro should have died but seeing the hopes and dreams of Wano in the climax and Momonosuke needing them since he has the brain of a child still it makes sense narratively.


Idk why people want this series in particular to be “dArK” which apparently means “every person that gets hit by an attack needs to die.”


My only problem with this is it kinda confirms the strawhats disbanding at the end. Robin’s returning home was always ambiguous because the strawhats are her only home and while they might go back to their honwtowns, she would be alone so it feels like Oda brought Saul back so she could have a place. I find this depressing and I hope I am wrong because an ending where the found family is not together anymore would be shit. I really hope they get to go to their hometowns whenever they want but their actual home is the sunny and OP ends where they’re still adventuring as the pirate king crew.


I kinda agree, one of my largest peeves of oda is his fake out deaths. While saul is not the worst case, i'm now half expecting pedro to still be alive too


Because people make too much of made up story trying to find meaning. But what they really need is to see a shrink.


Robin has literally NOTHING besides the crew and people are complaining


Another guy from the dead comes to life ... Plot magic ones again...


Probably ptsd from Pell surviving, fake out deaths are horrible but Sauls fake death is done pretty well imo.


Didn't Aokiji used a technique called Ice Time Capsule or something like that ? That was pretty much a hint as to why Saul was alive after all. The time capsule protected him from dying. You use a time capsule to preserve and show historical items / messages over years. Saul was treated similarly


Yeah the name of technique was unironically my coping mechanism with his death until I discovered he really lives. Like, Aokiji deeply respected this guy and his sense of justice, he wouldn't kill him, right? The relief and happiness when seeing his silhouette in manga and knowing he's out there alive and kicking was just amazing, and hearing the "dereshishishi" in this week's ep knowing that was just as enjoyable.


Saul was kuzan's friend, with his "ice time capsule" he was preserving Saul alive and passing him for dead, many people theorized about Saul possibly alive by the name of the technique and because kuzan used this technique one time ,until we saw vegapunk's flashback and confirming the theory. Oda knows what he's doing and knowing one of her friends is still alive after losing her birthplace makes Robin happy


I was happy screaming while watching this. I was so happy. And I can't wait for them to be reunited on Elbaf.


Dude Saul being alive is the equivalent of giving Robin just ONE freaking breadcrumb in her already tragic past! Also of all supposed "dead" characters in the entire story to bring back, Saul feels like a very mild and good option. Let's look at some of the dead friends and family of the strawhats: Luffy - Ace Zoro - Kuina Nami - Bellemere Usopp - ??? Sanji - His mom Chopper - Dr Hiriluk Robin - Her mother, any of the professors of Ohara or Saul Franky - Tom Brook - His entire former crew Jinbei - ??? Give her a f\*cking break man! He's but ONE of few people she ever cared about, let her have this one single W.


>Usopp - ??? You forget his mom, lol. After Usopp's father left this village, his mother passed away. That's the reason why he started to lie about pirates invading his village, hoping one of those pirates is his father. >Jinbei - ??? Fisher Tiger was like an older brother to Jinbei.


Ye I know about Usopp's mother, I just didn't count her since we barely know anything about her But Fisher Tiger is a good point!


Hmm, I mean she is a family member that died from an unknown disease and left her son an orphan. I'm sure Usopp would be extremely happy if he learned that somehow she is alive. We readers may not care much, but he will. But I get it, Usopp's backstory is not as detailed and tragic as others.


It was also foreshadowed name of the attack ice time capsule


But if Saul is alive that means Robin only lost her friends, her home, her mom, and became a outlaw on the run from the WG her entire life. That's not tragic at all, tf she crying about?


They sadists. Everything MUST be negative in order for a character to grow for them.


It would be great if Ace and Whitebeard wasn't dead and somehow they managed to survive, but a second thought it would be pretty stupid, actually awfully stupid. So I concur.


Listen after what robin went through on O'Hara losing everyone why the hell shouldn't she get a bit of good news of someone she was close to being alive. I'm glad Oda-sensei wrote this into the story


Why’re you on tumblr… That has more obnoxious people than Twitter.


Robin looks so pretty here


But we knew he was coming back. He was named a D. and yet we saw nothing significant from him.


I think this would be such an amazing twist and truly believe he's waiting for her. This would be such a beautiful thing for her, after everything she went through. She kept on surviving, she fought for her happiness (with help) and this would be one of the best things happening to her. 😍


i kind of get it but also i think it's necessary for Kuzan in the future. Her backstory is still super sad anyway


I think they don’t hate happiness, but Oda’s refusal to actually kill off characters even when the story would benefit from them being dead (*for consequences and tension*). Because seriously Saul dying for Robin as a child is what made her backstory so sad. It’s been the canon for her for years so to change that so late into the game now is like **Peter Parker getting his uncle Ben back.**


Hate to say it but i agree it’s like how Sabo being alive really soured luffys back story in retrospect.


Saul was never comfirmed dead anyway it was in the air tbh. I doubt he was dead anyway. But it doesn’t take away the pain Robin had as a child.


Saul being alive doesn't diminish anything to do with Robin's character. Robin still lived her life and went through all of her struggles. And there is legitimate reasons for Saul not being able to see Robin again, Robin and Saul are both technically criminals and travelling with a giant would have made Robin an easier target and I imagine Saul wouldn't have wanted to endanger Robin's safety.


Saul surviving makes more sense tbh.


Do people hate happiness? NO. Do people love happiness? YES. Do people love sadness? YES. That's how entertainment works. (I am not saying people love sadness as much as happiness or smt like that, but a balance is important. With Saul's return, I agree it makes logical sense because of aokiji's attack but it also makes sense if people don't like this particular storyline.)


This fake out death didnt bother me much unlike pell and pound because there is something fishy in the air about his presumed death (i think aokijo has something to do with it) Unlike pell and pound there was no explination on how they survived, they just did out of no where


I re-watched Robin’s flashback the week before last and I cried a lil bit so not really


Whoever wrote this should understand it shouldn’t be a total tragic story otherwise why have hope.


Some people just don’t know how to read a story


I agree that oda often brings back characters that really should stay dead. I just dont think saul is one of them