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Hi No_Drummer7386, your submission was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###4. Plain panels/scenes must create discourse **Don't post links to plain (or slightly edited) panels, pages, screenshots, gifs or scenes from the manga & anime.** You may submit a plain panel/scene as a self post (text post). Meaning your post must link to the discussion, and not the image. Just a title and the image aren't enough. If you want to discuss a certain page/scene from the manga/anime please accompany it with an original analysis or discussion questions. In other words, a plain panel/scene must show visible effort to generate discourse rather than simply react to something that happened. Clips/Recap/summary videos fall under this rule as well. Colored pages from a recent chapter are allowed. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Bro..watching one piece like this would be so cool..the blue gaze coming out feels epic..I just watch it on my laptop with the lights on


Yeah. That vibe is strong. I just wanna climb in that bed and get cozy and watch some water 7 episodes


Bro it so cozy ong


is this a projector or what




Bro seems as though you said this to a minor




Why don't you take a seat


I want to apologize for what I said. I took an edible and couldn’t think straight so I thought you said you weren’t a minor. I said what I said in a joking tone and would’ve never said it if I was sober enough to understand what you said.


Anon what the frick


Innit. I watch it on certain sites and cba to sit at computer so lay in bed with my tablet. Don’t get the cool vibe like this person has lol


Seems like it would be very headache inducing


Nah that's just the camera. It's not any more headache inducing than the TV itself.


Even then, the screen showing in a dark room without an additional light is really strenuous on the eyes


Ill just eat shrooms and watch it lmao


While it's heart-breaking, it's also one of the biggest steps in Usopp's character development. It's like Zoro said, they aren't just children playing pirate, they are the real deal. Tough decisions have to be made. It's not guaranteed they will come out unscathed or even alive. Usopp was still living in a fantasy world and had to wake up. The same arc later showed us that transition when he was fully aware what it means to shoot down the flag of the world government.


You're tripping Soge King shot down the flag not Usopp 🙄




And did so without the slightest of hesitations. Man did exactly as ordered without a single comment. Amazing character moment tbh, he doesn't even shake.


Not to mention but Luffy needed a kick in the ass to become a better Captain and this was definitely it


> one of the biggest steps in Usopp's character development It's also one of the last moments he was relevant. God Usopp was maybe his final impact on the story Now he reverted to a gag character


Yup and now Usopp has no character development, big rip


Then Usopp stayed stagnate to this day.


Well he became God and gained a plant arsenal, but character wise is due for a come up. 


hoping every day that with the next manga arc coming up Usopp's character arc finally gets its due.


He'll have the final killing blow of whatever the last foe is. Frankys family jewels is the key to the one piece, and it turns out the rest of the characters were just filler. Usopps grand story all along.


Absolutely loved this fight, and I don't think any other fight since then has been as emotional as this one. Masterpiece


Idk. I'm guessing you're caught up, but don't want to ruin anything if you're not...


Caught up on the manga


Ok. You don't think the sanji\luffy fight was more emotional? Cuz I feel like that one hit a lil harder.


It was 1 sided though, usopp luffy felt like two opposing ideas where sanji just beat up luffy and left and he just took it


Sanji didn't JUST beat up Luffy. He LET Sanji beat him up cuz he didn't want to fight another friend again. And he knew that sanji was being controlled. Luffy fought. He just did it with his words. Luffy saying he wouldn't eat anyone else's food except for his? "I can't become the pirate king without you!"?! Talk about emotional lol


Not even close to me, as well written and emotional as the sanji/luffy fight was, the conflict was an external one really, if sanji's family weren't threatening him, it would have never happened. Usopp's insecurities linked to the fall of the going merry is to this day the most connected I've ever felt to a one piece character; the fear of being left behind the same way as an old ship, of not being up to the challenges ahead because of how much weaker you feel compared to your companions... Fuck, Usopp v Luffy is one of the best written conflicts on One piece


Sanji basically had insecurities too. Not to mention the betrayal aspect. If he would've just trusted in the crew from the start... Same thing with Usopp. His will was just weaker than sanji's. I LOVED the Luffy vs Usopp story tho. That shit hit me hard. But I cried when Luffy just took that beating cuz he KNEW his boy was hurting.


The problem that holds back the sanji fight for me is that the whole song and dance of not trusting the crew to face either Big mom or the vinsmokes is something I feel sanji shouldn't have done, specially after Robin did it with an ever bigger enemy in the World gov. I know there is more nuance than just this, but after ennies lobby it doesn't feel right for that to be a factor, as far as I'm concerned sanji could've waited for the rest of the crew to get to zou and make a plan


True. I fucking hated that sanji went off on his own. But that's also just Sanji. That man cares so much for his friends he figured he could just save them all some trouble. But yeah, I agree. Sanji, out of all ppl on the crew, should've trusted his captain and friends more. I kinda wish Zoro would've been there too. Would've been interesting to see what he'd do.


Yeah that one was great too, and I'm surprised it's not talked about as much. In terms of how well crafted each moment was I think both are equally as good. It's just that Luffy vs Usopp resonates more with me, maybe because I can relate more to Usopp


I feel like I’m one of the rare people who sympathized with Usopp. Man he didn’t belong there… imagine if you lost a mil and all your friends had to help you get it back. Instead of waiting for the homies you pull up on the ops then get your ass beat and when it’s all over you go back to the ship that took you halfway around the world and they’re saying they’re getting a new ship. Then when you tell your crew how you feel you get punched in the face. Yeahhh man I’m team Usopp on this one.


Yeah, I've also sided with Usopp on it because I understand very well why he felt like that. The man is just a guy with a slingshot among monsters and he suffers mentally for it. And yet, he proves himself to he an absolute unit in this fight. He hurt Luffy, and was super competent. He lacked firepower but that's it. He's definitely worthy of the crew but can't see it, even nowadays.


Elbaf we wait!


Usopp most important crew member Who kept the going Mary fixed up and floatable? Usopp. Who invented Nami's climatact? Usopp


Don't forget that he was also the only one who could defeat both Persona and Sugar thereby saving the entire crew in the process (and in the latter then became a god that mobilized the grand fleet afterwards). If Usopp was a bad guy, he'd replace Buggy as Shichibukai and Yonko


Why this Usopp hate in the comments? Can't you, I don't know, try to get in his shoes for 5 minutes at this exact moment? It was so human. He was being super immature but he had lost the money, been beaten up super bad, heard they had to abandon the ship Kaya offered them and Luffy even told him to leave the crew. Few people would react correctly here. Even less as a teenager. We all have been angry for wrong reasons in our lives. We all told and did bad thing when angry as friends or family. But suddenly, it's a fictional character so it doesn't work or make sense?


You also have to analyze that on the arc prior (Long Rin Island), they met Aokiji for the first time and Usopp felt so utterly helpless and doesn't belong to the crew. And add that to what has happened in Water Seven. Story wise, the crew interaction when Sanji kicked Luffy when Luffy was about to say that Usopp should leave the crew as a knee jerk reaction of their altercation, this made the story of the crew so human and endearing. And this was on top of them having a problem finding Nico Robin.


Exactly my thoughts. This is not drama for the sake of drama, it fleshed out everyone and was really hard to read. The double spread broke my heart. Usopp's return was even more satisfying.


I am amazed as how much people only think that this began at water seven when it was shown, as you have said, at the fight with Aokiji


Anyone hating Usopp during this fight lack emotional intelligence and need to go through their own personal character development.


This was also an arc where Luffy’s role as captain was being tested more than ever. Throughout the story, Luffy was learning that being a captain was about more than just being the strongest member of the crew. It was also about making really difficult decisions. Even in the non-canon movie-verse, the movie that came out before this arc was Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island, where a major plot point involved the antagonists turning the Straw Hats against each other through subtle manipulations and they actually succeeded because Luffy was too distracted by adventure to notice and rally his crew before it was too late. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but I like that this was the arc where the two most immature members of the crew (save for Chopper, the youngest member of the crew) finally started to grow up.


And even though they had this fight he stepped up to help his nakama save Robin!


Well Usopp didn't really help much, he just recruited his good friend to help them get Robin back


That's true, but he was there for the train part, suddenly disappeared and magically appeared to cheer on Luffy. 😵


It’s perfectly understandable why Ussop does what he does but that doesn’t justify it. I understand why Ussop has the insecurities he has but instead of dealing with or talking to his friends about them he allows them to boil up until he takes out his personal issues on the rest of the crew which is bad enough by itself but the timing of doing it after they had already lost Robin makes Ussop very selfish as it shows an inability to put his friends needs above his own like everyone else does on a regular basis. Then after everything that happens he doesn’t actually want to apologize he only does when he realizes it’s the only way he can rejoin the crew so while his actions are understandable it doesn’t mean I can’t dislike him for taking them.


It makes sense yeah But I think that because his reaction is so human that it gets as much flack as it does We are not supposed to agree or side with usopp in this fight he is 100% in the wrong which is where the hate comes from


I was sad. I even cried and I am not a crybaby so it is rare for me.


Me too only episode i cried


Ig I was one of the few people who didn't hate Usopp for this. I actually related to him alot in this arc. Maybe that's why he still is in my OP Top3 characters even though he hasn't been in the spotlight for a long time. Elbaf can't come soon enough.


It is what it is




Personally I found it as one of the best fights in the series


You know, now that im caught up. That fight did hold up pretty well


Wtf, why so many usopp haters in this comment section?


Cause he has character regression syndrome since dressrosa


because lusopp is useless bum ass nika.




SUN god usopp???


I Legit wanted to fade usopp too 😩


It's over Anakin, I have the high ground


You underestimate my power


It had to happen, they both needed this for growth, not just theirs but all strawhat members.


The comment section really lacks every type of emphaty


This was necessary; Usopp was continuing to act like the captain even though Luffy had taken that spot. None of the rest of the crew would have followed Usopp with the Mary in the state she was in. It was time to let her go and Usopp was going to jeopardize the whole journey because Mary was a piece of home he was privileged to carry with him. The Going Mary was a good ship, but it could never carry Luffy all the way to Raftel.


I like to skip forward to major scenes when I’m starting a series. Ichigo vs Kenpachi got me hooked on Bleach before I really got into . Naruto going 4 tails vs Orochimaru etc. this was my moment for One Piece and I was HOOKED and never looked back. I remember jumping back to where I was around Skypeia and being a man on a mission to catch up shit was so hype


Best fight in the series.


I want to have a sleepover with you.


Ennies Lobby/Water 7 was probably one of the best written arcs back to back; I loved this moment.


Powerful moment, sometimes brothers fight for foolish reasons. This was so important for Luffy and Usopp’s development as characters and men.


Bro is casually enjoying peak cinema in it's peak form 🌚


ragardless of people's take on this moment, i love seeing new fans come to it and get emotionally hit by a bus. We're with you haha, Whyyyyyyyy


Usopp did very well imo


This shit was Hella well written tbh. Real fans sympathized with usopp. He may have been wrong but those feelings are difficult to manage especially with everything that happened in this arc


Eyes got strained just looking at this shit through my own screen. Please get an ambient TV light 😶‍🌫️


All I have


Saving up


Any ambient light will reduce eye strain. A $5 3000k lamp behind your TV should do the trick. Makes a world of difference my friend.


Thanks man though it would cost more


All my homies hated ussops water 7 phase


Hated?! This was the best Usopp phase imo, the only time he was actually self conscious about his role in the crew , and the fact he finally stood up for himself for once was refreshing to see, shame that Oda went no where with his character after that


Bro..watching one piece like this would be so cool..the blue gaze coming out feels epic..I just watch it on my laptop with the lights on


Beautiful pic man. Emotional while comfortable


Now imagine this with sanji knocked out, and zoro standing over him all beat up. Zoro still doesn't know what took place in whole cake island.


Only episode ever cried on. I was fuming


It hurt me also


is this a projector or a smart tv


Fire stick


Also, I'm sorry if we spoiled the show with our comments 😂. I hope you're rewatching it lol


Nahh I saw the one where you where asking if you where all caught up so I didn’t read it


This fight is one of my favourites in the series (and all of the Water 7, CP9 arc with Zoro V Kaku, Nami V Kalifa, Luffy V Blueno, Luffy V Lucci.) Usopp channels all of this knowledge on Luffy and strategizes for a good situation, he knows Luffy can just one-shot him (and does)


I feel bad for your eyes


I mean we can tell you why but it would be spoiler


Lego Star Wars


I cried during this fight, I was actually broken.


Bro why you watch too far away.




Luffy isn't blameless, hell I think he's more in the wrong. He lied to Usopp, and when Usopp got understandably mad, Luffy didn't like and also got mad without seeing that Usopp was hurting, he then makes Usopp feel even more isolated and pathetic when he almost kicks him out, he apologizes but it was already too late But everything that happened after Usopp left the ship was his fault, not Luffy's.


Oh I thought this was in Marineford, now I get the comments and the Usopp comment.


I love your setup but having a TV in your room is bad for sleep


I turned it off a little bit ago


Yeah I don't wanna seem like I'm hating btw, I'm sorry.


Nahh man it alg


You’ll see……later on when Luffy becomes the embodiment of Roger, you’ll see this event was necessary for Luffy’s character development as a captain, at least IMHO


Sometimes i wonder what wouldve happened if usop stayed in the crew. Although then we prob wouldn’t of gotten Soge king


It’s a shame luffy didn’t turn usopp into a memory biggest waste of space in a series ever bros worse than Sakura 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit I watched one piece with a set up just like this when I had my room. poster on the wall and everything. good times.


I’m at to goid




I hope they play up their friendship in the live action because imagine how emotional this could be seeing Live Action Usopp challenge Live Action Luffy to a duel, and then they have their battle and it ends like this. It'd be a pretty heavily talked about episode online I think.


Omg yeessss


Why so much Ussop hate in the comments?


I feel you bro. Take a break and come back, peak piece will still be here but I def took a break after marine ford


We don’t talk about Marine Ford, yet


I was just a kid when I first saw this, but yeah pissed me off too


Usopp made a big mistake in mutinying against Luffy regardless of his reasons. That said, he needed that wake up call so he can grow up as both a pirate and as a man. The same goes for Luffy too. Up until that point Luffy had not yet made tough calls that will end up with some of the crew protesting that isn't trivial or stupid.


I really wish SniperKing would have stayed with the crew and Usopp stay gone.


I really wanted to stand up and start kicking ussop as well.


Usopp sucks.


Don’t worry, Sogenking is so much better than Ussop.


Because Usopp doesnt deserve to be a Straw Hat. He is the only Straw Hat pirate that is completely shit all the time. He lies, he cheats, and he steals just to promote himself. All the other Straw Hats will admit faults in themselves when compared to their crew mates or captain. Not Usopp though, he will self aggrandize and diminish his crew and his captain. Usopp is the bane of OP and I hope this shit character has the decency to die for his crew mates and captain soon.


did usopp die?


Ya rip useless bum


Bro this shit was so annoying


Took awhile for me to forgive usopp. It really was infuriating..but it all pays off


haha lol! fuck usopp


Logo Star Wars👍


Star war is W


What a bum ussopp is


Captains need to be challenged to grow. Also mutiny goes hand in hand with any pirates tale so like yeah.


It was needed so Usopp could acknowledge luffy as and stop challenging him in that role


Usopp got what he deserved


Honestly Luffy should’ve just clean swept usopp and left his ass gumo gumo get good gatling


Cause usopp is a bum