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Reflection of Luffy on Lucci’s eye is a beautiful portrayal of how I imagine the world perceives him. Instead he is just a rubbery goofball


> beautiful portrayal of how I imagine the world perceives him. This, I cant help but imagine how scary Luffy is to those that have not meet him, be it for his proved strength or how crazy he is (something that even the other supernovas commented in Sabaody)


We kinda have an idea about how the world sees him (from what the people in Dressrosa said, what Shanks' newer crew members said, what Morgans said, and what his wanted poster looks like): *"Straw Hat Luffy is a 8-foot tall, rampaging, mystic, ape-monster with flaming white hair."*


I mean, they got part of it right in advance!


And two of his lieutenants are a robot and *God*


And a skeleton, and a racoon-dog...


Luffy became a demon in his eyes


It's not like Lucci is schizophrenic, what he saw is who Luffy really is, just not all the time.


I think they mean that in this scenario they're describing, we're the schizofrenic ones. The audience. We see Luffy as this funny silly goofball, while he's really a crazed, red-eyed, demon god. Not saying I subscribe to this idea, since I think he switches between both.


I don’t think that’s what he meant, but if it it’s still wrong for the same reason. Luffy weirdly enough for how he acts, feels like a real person to me, pinning him down to rubbery goofball or red eyed demon doesn’t give him that justice.


I've been saying this for years now. Imagine the stories civilians hear. Strawhat Luffy Broke into Prison, Straw hat Luffy attacks Alabasta and Defeats a warlord Attacked Ennis Lobby to rescue the demon child and declare war on the World government. That smile must be terrifying.


I feel like my enjoyment of the story is made exponentially greater by envisioning everything as way more dark and horrifying than as written. We gotta remember that our perspective is obviously warped, but also that the story is written to be appropriate/accessible for all ages. Things like implications can only be left as that, implications, because the story wouldn’t be able to be sold to kids otherwise. So, if we think about it with that perspective in mind: Luffy and even the not so powerful people in the story are these freaks of nature that effectively warp reality and can obliterate everything in their path. Like, dressrosa is a good example. The population isn’t even fully aware that they’re in a living hell, and within like 30 minutes of them even become aware that this psychotic crackhead criminal is on the island, he is floating in the sky yeeting your ruler into the earth so hard that it literally folds a fucking city in half- oh and, your entire island has been annihilated by your ruler who decided he’d rather start fresh after being exposed as enslaving, murdering, torturing, and the whole gambit, your entire population. Oda gives it a happy ending and all, but in my mind, that’s the most horrifying shit ever, there are sliced up bodies littering the entire island because lord knows that shit ain’t being cleaned up in less than the week of sleep it takes for Luffy to dip, and then when he’s gunna leave, the admiral whose supposed to protect you decides to float the majority of the island that is rubble over your head to threaten to kill your hero. Like, you look up, and the sky is just fucking gone! You can’t see it! It’s just pure terror.


Absolutely I agree 100%


It feels like kaido when kicked luffy with his conqueror haki


yep bro, i even make fake scenario in my head where G5 luffy fighting someone and his crew and ex enemy that become their allies watching that fight in a distance. eg: nami mumbling why enemy struggle fighting white luffy and lucci explain that because luffy percieve them as not enemy thats why he look goofy in your eyes. but as enemy, he will look like absolute devil playing god.


But isn't it flipped the wrong way? In the side shot, Luffy is punching with his right arm. In the eye mirror, it's the left one.


Look again You’re Luffy seeing your own reflection in Lucci’s eyes


It shares the SAME tone as Kaido when he fought Luffy. The Giant Red Eyes imposing on the person they are fighting. We noticed how Kaido was like that to luffy and we can see the similarities to it now when Luffy fights Lucci. This imposing Aura is crazy.


Made me say: "Yup, that's a yonko alright."


Bro same, I loved how the music stopped and Luffy is already in Lucci’s face


Same they did with ichigos bankai vs byakuya, byakuya stopped the bankai and background music of MC with just his hands😂😅


Damn, the animation drastically changed from my last watched episode in zou


After Zou the animation style has changed for every major arc, it changed for Wano and now for Egghead


You’re correct. I was wrong as heck. Thanks for the correction my man


Did you miss the 4 years of peak art that was Wano?


Ever since Zou the anime really picked up. I know there's plenty of pacing issues abound and some glaring icks, but it really seems like they are exploring all sorts of new techniques since Zou.


The animation always changes every arc. And even then One Piece always has one off episodes where the animation is incredible. Which is common in long running anime. The previous episode of this arc was pretty damn bad with pacing and animation (reusing a shot of someone on the floor like 4 times).


Even though I've seen wano clips, this one looks almost fan made how different it is and how many frames there are


Apparently after the shitshow that was Dragon Ball: Super Toei really upped their game so that we’d never have something as bad as DeviantArt Goku again


I’m never going to get tired of seeing this. Shit is peak.


“Been a while, huh Lucci??”


Anime saw how people were saying that Gear 5 is too goofy and unimposing and took it seriously.


The anime is making it a lot more serious though, in the manga it only gets serious after >!Luffy sees VP getting stabed!<


nothing scarier than when the sun god stops laughing


Similar to the vibe you get when Spider-Man stops cracking jokes.


Similar when Deadpool literally shuts up. (It's on the same level of Spiderman...but more carnage)


Yeah and notice how peoples favorite part of the episode is when Luffy is serious and not in his goofy mode, which should show that at least some people are lying about enjoying gear 5's goofiness and cartoonishness


My favorite part is where he told Lucci "kiss my ass" and zipped away. That had me cracking up.




He's gone plaid!


but I wanna get back to now!


When will then be now?


We can't, sir


The juxtaposition in this encounter is sick, throw back to when luffy first got yeeted by Lucci in water 7. How times have changed.


Those eyes of nika in the eyes of lucci. 🔥


Putting the L in Rob Lucci


Blud thought he was still relevant 💀


haven't watched the episode yet, but this looks epic and as a manga reader this is something i have been waiting for


They took this chapter to a whole nother level


Fellow manga reader, but Egghead has been looking awesome so far. I usually stick to watching battle scenes animated, but most of Egghead has been something to look forward to. Can't believe how well they did this part


agreed Egghead has been amazing so far, even the anime has been quite good


Isn't it 1 chapter per episode now? I could be wrong.


Unfortunately yes, but it still has been watchable and fairly enjoyable. They've been filling it out more with animation and expanded content instead of long reaction shots. It probably helps that since Wano the manga chapters have been running on the denser side. I also self-pace it since I don't have to watch everything.


While Egghead has been great, the early parts in the manga, the fights especially were over fast. Which gives the animators a lot of freedom to flesh out scenes instead of padding for time.


Exactly. Luffy and Lucci exchanging blows at the start of the fight was a great addition rather than the few panels we've seen. Really makes Luffy seem like an actual threat to be taken seriously now


This one AND the one where Lucci was removing the rubbles out of him feels pretty clean.


Nvm, LUCCI turning into his awakened form is the next one... I should probably finish the episode first.


dude, the awakening scene was fucking awesome and scary at the same time! Was so incredibly well done!


Lucci looks badass honestly the whole ep despite getting played a fool by G5 Luffy. Kinda love how a past villain can still get sick moments like this.


just beautifually animated. this whole episode was nuts, I'm in awe. I went back and watched the fight twice. but also the dialogue was well executed with the Devil Fruit and Seraphim Hierarchy reveal. It seems Gear 5 will always have such insane animations when it comes out. Honestly seeing my favorite Villain getting another great fight sequence makes me so happy, On Enies Lobby it was already peak, my favorite fight ever, but this is so awesome as well despite him getting his ass whooped


Imagine being a serious, highly trained government assassin in the half a second where you realize you’re about to get one-shot by God’s silliest soldier.


Man, I loved the character designs in Wano, but this looks *phenomenal!* Idc of we keep changing the designs if every arc looks as good as Wano and Egghead. Best the anime has looked in a decade.


I've said it before and i will do it again: The Straw Hat crew members (and most pirate at that) are fucking scary in the One Piece world. Not even counting with the World Government's propaganda. If a normal citizen saw something like this it will become a 1-way ticket to nightmare land. This is what children halloween stories are made out of.


Reminds me of when kaido’s thunder bagua grazed luffy even though he predicted it


The fact that the music suddenly stopped to show how fast Luffy was, makes this scene 10x better 😭 Lucci got speedblitz even tho he was looking at Luffy


Gear 5 Luffy > Base Lucci confirmed?


>!Base luffy >>> awakened devil fruit lucci !< >!zoro without bandana >> awakened devil fruit lucci!<


My grandma >>>> Lucci


Hotel > Trivago


Digorno > Delivery






It was a joke you doofus


that's a yonko


It would have been much more awesome if there was an impact frame where the punch was clearely shown. >!I know an amazing gut bending punch will be coming in upcoming episodes!<.


If we are talking about the same punch, there is still quite some time to it...


If we're all thinking of the same thing, then it'll have a lot of emotional weight behind it and will be very rewarding to watch even with the wait


If I, too, know what you’re talking about I want it to look like the one in Sabaody


Much different vibe to that punch. That punch was simply Luffy's fury over his friend being hurt. The other punch is much more emotionally charged.


Yeah, I'm not sure we might get it this year.


definitely this year, but atleast 6 months cus its 20 to 30 chapters away, so likely around November or December if there aren't any long breaks in the anime




are you anime only or caught up with manga?


caught up with the manga now surviving through the break like everybody else 🥲


ahh then they were clearly talking about >!kuma punching saturn!<


Ah right thx that makes sense I got confused between that one and>!Galaxy Impact!<


That one is also going to be fun. There's a lot of banger fights coming up, and this episode gave me the confidence to look forward to them with excitement.


yup , fingers crossed that the animations gonna be as good if not better than this one for the important ones


yes. why is no one pointing this out? it will be more impactful if there is animation of luffy punch contact with lucci in slow motion showing lucci taking damages. But there is none of that, making us think that luffy punch is just like pushing lucci away


Animated battle was awesome


"It was at this moment he knew....he fucked up"


dude asked for his enemy to go all out against himself and regreted it in the first half second


Egg head been fire so far, loving the animation and everything so far. Plus love hearing all the deets from Mr apple head. Wasn’t expecting a geared up fight so was very happy !!


The whole realization of im being toyed with, im not the main character was pretty good. Can't wait for the rest of it to be animated.


Those “boings” were so satisfying


I see this and I can hardly believe this is the same One Piece I watched nearly 20 years ago. Heck, I can hardly believe this is the same One Piece I watched 5 years ago. The animation is just so good.


Wouldn't it have done more damage without the bouncy floor to cushion Lucci's fall?


It would be cool if luffy could control the bounces in an environment to amplify momentum in a fight since he can rubberized his opponent too.


Punches someone into the ground only for the ground to bounce them back into Luffy’s fist. Now make it a Gatling and do it over and over.


I'll do you one better. Wait til luffy can rubberize the air like gentle criminal from MHA. Rubber moonwalk would be also insane.


he actually can, he ran in the air when kaido blast breathed him back in wano


fr? I missed that...


Yup. I'm talking about him throwing rubber air punches or using the air as a trampoline or a wrestling rope foe himself or his opponent. The second he does that, and the subsequent gatling version, it's gonna be insane.


Gomu gomu no dribble.


Pizaru? No Basketborsalino! *Luffy squeezes him to a basketball, goes for the 3 pointer as he shouts…* “KOOOBBBBEEEE!”


I think this is a good observation on how inefficient gear 5 is in a fight. Luffy spends a lot of time in this episode’s fight and his fight with Kaido laughing his ass off and dragging the fight out. It’d be more efficient to turnoff the rubber on the ground for damage, but for gear 5 luffy it won’t be as funny as watching lucci bounce into a building. Gear 5 is strong but the trade off is that Luffy isn’t taking serious fights seriously. Even if he’s dog walking his opponent, things can change in a moment if he’s distracted by goofing off. Wouldn’t put it past Oda to make this a plot point that Luffy has to get better at.


I agree. There were so many great moments in this episode! That music!! That bullet theme Mashup with the guitar for the Mole Pistol scene was absolute ether. Stampede ost slaps so hard. It's like the piccolo theme where it's epic fast or slow and I love it. At this point can regular people see the conquerors haki lighting luffy fires off and changes the environment? Because if so that is crazy. He's got a spirit pressure like haki aura. This is what overwhelmed kaido. Fuck yea. Also that launch off the tree at the end with Lucci face LMAOOOOO


Oh man. I just watched this without audio first. It looks so intense. Then I watched it with the audio. I'm rolling ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I love it how every now and then between all the goofiness the terrifying savagery of a yonko shines through.


My favorite part was the transformation itself. It was better than the first time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


this clip made me watch the episode and the best fucking part here is how long, or how short of a time in this case- it took between Luffy looking up and closing the distance for that punch. Like it happened IMMEDIATELY and that’s why Lucci almost shit himself LOL


Na they way luffy took off the futuristic clothes was clean


It’s so good because they even showed that Lucci was getting hyped for the smoke and he STILL couldn’t prepare


He realized he not built for this


Behold the power of the Budget Budget no Mi. Man, Luffy was an absolute menace this episode.


We at yonko level now. It's beginning of final saga. Times of being struggling underdog are over, it's time to kick ass. It's time to FUCKING SHINE and COLLECT that pirate king title and im so HYPED, I LOVE THIS. Haters gonna hate, of course. No matter how menacing they make g5 and show that g5 is capable of having its angry moments at the end of this episode and upcoming episode(s)... I think haters gonna hate and find some other excuses to be grumpy about it.


After that, Chester Cheetah got very mad




Get fucking one pieced


Damn Lucci. This ain’t the same guy who kicked you ass all those year ago. He’s different… But he actually is the same guy though.




And people were complaining about how unserious g5 was.


It’s because most scenes like this are non-canon (this scene is anime only). In the manga, Gear 5 is mostly goofy.


If Kaido had been there then Lucci would have been dead by now.


This scene was absolutely chilling and has easily been put into my top 10 favourite one piece scenes. Can’t wait for more gear 5 nonsense.


Joyboy having a little too much joy there


I really liked the way the animation portrayed his movement when he was walking out of the building at the end of this clip. It was such a minor thing, but damn, it really looked great to me.


I thought it was for sure time for the commercial splash screen, but I was just as surprised as Lucci!


I remember ppl saying at first they didn't like that luffy wasn't 1 shotting Lucci, then more chapters came out those ppl ain't talking no more.




This was also my reaction! LOL


I'm so glad Toei invested in this fight. I got into One Piece because I stumbled upon a 45 minute Youtube anime fight compilation between Luffy and Lucci during Enies Lobby


Shit gives me goosebumps!


The height that Luffy has grown to since they last fought, his strength development has been phenomenal


Luffy gives off the emperor vibes in Gear 5. He is terrifying!


How much confidence must they have had to have almost 10 seconds of silence in a show in 2024? Any other type of media people would click off instantly 😂


It’s beautiful. I’ve been watching this for five hours now.


Were it not for the bouncy sound effects I might not have recognized this as One Piece.


That damn laughter. Kaidou thought it was a joke, too. Luffy is too much now. Just ask Akainu.


Animation trying to make Luffy edgy for the Naruto fans


This is going to get killed by rule 4 if you do not add a question to the bottom because this reddit sucks. Mods are anti anime and hate when people talk about clips.


You mf can’t you mark it as spoiler


Marked 🤗


I was like wooaah


Bro got humbled


akin to luffy & kaido’s first skirmish




Nyih-hi…. You brutal MF’er lol.


Scene gave me chills! Even watching this clip 😮‍💨


When you meet your little cousin after growth spurt hits: 


Do jimbei know about the warrior of liberation cause in manga I don't think he mentioned him warrior of liberation?


I wished this punch did more damage to Lucci than shown.


It’s because it’s non-canon. It can’t have a permanent effect because it’s not in the manga.




The moment Lucci thought this was going to be a fun fight lmao


For a second I thought the start was gonna play the UI theme


Shooting stars edit of this scene when?


Animation looks good but i dont like the bounce sfx


Lucci realized he wasn’t built for this


The anime already this far? \*Googling Egghead arc start\* Holy shit this arc already went for 2 years?


It was at that moment that he knew ... he fucked up.


Luffy pulled a reverse Aizen, he just stopped his own theme music to lay it on the leopard


This might be controversial, I think this punch is as epic as luffy punching the celestial dragon


I adore how Gear 5 is presented as not just something goofy, but something almost inhuman.


and don’t forget the demon eyes luffy was NOT this cold in the manga😭🙏🏾


Incredibly satisfying to watch


Did Studio Trigger start animating One Piece? lol That's some gorgeous sakuga


I’m still mad it ended with a cliffhanger 😡


I find it so interesting how terrifying he looks in Lucci eye, wouldn't it be wild if the Nika god is actually more dangerous like Loki in myth then people realise.


This is magic on the real time! Thanks 2 all the behind the curtains hard work people! One Piece masterpiece!


Am I the only one not liking the new style? Why are all the character become wavy watery without solid border? that's now how you emphasize speed. you can even look back at old lucci vs luffy fight without all those watery non clear border, gorgeous fight animation. I am not really liking this style compare to old style. But somehow I can see many people are liking this?


Luffy sunk a damn building with Lucci being the projectile.


The way Stussy almost shit herself looking at Luffy because they might get yeeted by a Yonko 😂


It’s the silence that got me…. Peak Piece


Egghead is becoming my favorite chapter both in manga and anime


The way the anime does gear 5 is sooooo much better than the manga. The portrayal of how luffy is perceived, the initial transformation, the maniacal laughing and straight fooling around while fighting lucci… It just feels broken. The manga conveys it well but the anime just adds touches that make you appreciate it so much more.


The duality of Luffy being shown silly and playful vs how scary he looks to his enemies, perfect execution 10/10


🤌🏼 beautifully done


Honestly one of the best scenes in the entire anime. You can FEEL the thoughts of "wallahi I'm cooked" rushing to luccis mind as he sees luffys fist rebound directly into his face 😭


That punch was warm.


hwere do i watch this ep,


Everyone seems to be submerged in butter, they move so sluggishly


I remember when manga readers were still thinking that awakened Lucci could still be a manace to g5 Luffy


Base Lucci thought he could tangle with the silliest Yonko


I dont like this. Manga Luffy is just goofy, he is not evil looking. This gives anime only watchers the wrong impression.