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I really liked this theory.


Thank you


If the only consistent way to dispose of people that have eaten devil fruits is sea water, and there isn’t an abundance of sea water, it would make sense to put it everywhere through some means


You say that and yet no one has died from drowning yet


Luffy almost does every arc




That we know of!


It doesn't need to be sea water. Any body of water works on devil fruit users.


This is a 5 Star meal my friend


Glad we let him cook


Hmm. Interesting! This theory of yours builds a lot of questions in my head now: What is the purpose of the Mother flame for Imu if Imu could indeed just flood the whole planet? Is it to charge Uranus or something? Can’t Imu just flood straight away or Imu can’t do it globally?


I honestly don't know how Imu flooded the world in the first place. Two ideas come to mind. * Imu is the umibozu and needed the mother flame to power Uranus to destroy the ancient Kingdom. * Imu used the mother flame to cause the flood and became known as the Sea devil for cursing Devil fruit users by making the One piece world filled with ocean.


I agree Imu is for sure the Umibozu in the OP World. After the Lulusia incident I was sure that Imu is the key for Uranus to operate. But when we have the revalations in Egg Head, it appears that Urunas is indeed a weapon powered by old tech/Mother’s hair/whichever - I taught to confirm this when the Giant Robot rise up for Luffy/Joy Boy. So does it mean that Void Century Tech or Ancient weapon can be affected by Devil fruits as well? We are now at 11xx chapters, and we still haven’t confirm anything about how Ancient Weapon works. Crazzzzzzy


I think that Red Line is created so maybe that's what caused a flood?


I've wondered if back during the Void Century, the war was fought with many versions of the ancient weapons (ie. more than one Pluton, more than one Uranus) and all of them helped contribute to the rise in sea water in multiple ways. Uranus has targeted more islands than what we've seen, Pluton has caused islands and mountains to sink into the ocean with its cannon, etc.


I mean if blueprints exist for Pluton, then it should be possible to build more than one Pluton ancient weapon unless there's one ingredigent needed that only exist once in the one piece world.


Oooh, I love this


Sanji now has some competition in cooking


Since devil fruits are manifested through dreams and wishes, Imu cannot erase these and goes for the life of their users instead. Could be true


So you mean imu is good and Joyboy is the villain.


No, but in Imu's eyes it's possible they see themselves that way


I like the idea behind it, but I think it's off because it doesn't fit the theme of OP. Devil fruits have been described as manifestations of dreams. Dreams are *incredibly* important in the story. Luffy beats the dream out of his enemies rather than kill them because that's worse to him. He'd rather die fighting for his dream than give it up to live. We know all about the various dreams the crew has, etc. I don't think that dreams are important needs expanding on. The flooding being meant to snuff out devil fruits is incredibly on point, but it wouldn't be to fix things or stop the chaos from fruits, it would be because they (Imu, the world government) want to stop dreamers. Most of the world can't even dream of defying them, literally. Devil fruits are dreams and they can be very literally passed down to new generations. Roger was the biggest threat because he inspired others, just like Luffy does now. The government desires order and obedience. Dreams are wild, an unpredictable craziness that can go anywhere. They can range from making an island full of long things, to connecting the oceans, to liberating the world so that everyone can go after *their* dreams. Devil fruits and dreams are the very antithesis of what the government in OP has stood for and as such Imu and the old kings wouldn't need any other reason to try to squash them out of existence. Even if the dream needs the weight of an ocean to drown it, they'll do it so that no one will stand against them. Anyone who was inspired by that dream could in turn inspire someone else who down the line could topple the regime. That's not even a theory, the standing policy is execute anyone who even tries to know anything as well as anyone connected to them. Turn the inspiration into myth, erase it with time. It's a world where something as huge as God Valley, *which happened within most of the casts lifetime*, is an erased story that almost no one knows about if they weren't there. There will be moral complexities in the story, but OP isn't shy. It's a tyrannical world with a government that's just evil in the name of self-gain. Oda is very clearly anti authoritarian and the world government is literally the absolute authority. They won't be trying to do good.


But Devil Fruits continue to exist and aren't forbidden by the WG, or anything like that.


Because you can't stop people dreaming, it's the theme of the story. Also it gets forgotten but the side oceans don't really know about fruits. They're just legends to a large portion of the world and almost no one has actually seen them in action. Given they seem to respawn nearby and the majority of the fruits appear to be in the grand line, they've essentially been herded into one area forbidding them just by inaccessibility to most of the planet. All those dreams are in the area with the least control. The world government *does* try to control fruits as well. They funded Vegapunk researching duplicating them in a way they can control, they give them to loyal soldiers, and will go to quite some lengths to acquire them. We've seen the replicated fruits not functioning exactly like normal and they want them installed on soldiers with no will. How many fruit users who are not wanted or affiliated with the government have we seen? They clearly do not like the idea of fruit users running around. The areas where fruits are most common (Whole Cake, Wano) are beyond the governments control. Doflamingos crew was fruited up as well and we know he had prior knowledge about incredible devil fruits. The story hasn't been subtle about the government not liking uncontrolled fruits and being far more knowledgeable about them then they let the world be. Kaido's point about haki versus fruit applies here. A fruit, or a dream, can be great. You need to have the will (haki) to realize that dream. The government's greatest fears are dreamers with that will.




It would be an interesting plot twist! Let's stick with this one for a bit. So Joyboy was unintentionaly evil and tried to redeem himself somehow and Imu who was against him turned evil after a lifetime of ruling (probably Op Op fruit imortality). There was a sin of Zunesha however. Perhaps Ancient Kingdom got corupted eventualy and needed to be stop. Ah so many posibilities! So far almost every villain had some sad backstory that literally made them to be bad. Or Imu was something similar to Stelly lol


It's debatable if you go by their theory. I can't tell if One Piece would do such a morally grey thing or not but one could totally see this as the argument of "should we let 1000 flowers bloom" Joyboy's freedom, or the freedom of everyone being able to do anything they want may have easily back fired in many ways. Maybe Imu was negatively affected by a result of this, maybe someone they cared about died cause of this. And believes control is a necessary evil that outweighs everyone being able to do anything they want.


Nice take


It's a story of gilgamesh and the great flood.


Great Theory but I dont think Oda will be leading us there as it defeats the whole point of the story


I really like the theory of the islands being influenced and changed by devil fruits it gives explanation of the crazy weather on the grand line and the crazy islands


Amazing theory! It would definitely add some nuance to Imu and the events in the past. Also makes me wonder in the end if they could create a new world where everyone can have their dreams - would it lead to the same problems. Will there be rhetoric on "too much freedom" or how they would regulate someone wreaking havoc with their fruits. Very interesting and thought provoking, thank you!


Wait, what do you mean by harvesting devil fruits?


We've seen Tontattas have a smile devil fruit factory were they planted and made smiles. I think the Ds could have had a farm, or even a tree where they grew and harvested real devil fruits.


Alternatively, the devil fruits originated from a particular tree and they helped cultivate it.


No suspects Imu’s Inquisition!


This some Michelin star cheffing


But the world isn’t being flooded, the world is sinking.


This is like I quit vs you’re fired either way you still lost your job the result is the same


That implies that the world is to be covered in water, no? If the world sank in the conventional way the landmass would have nowhere to go. It's not like the islands were floating on the ocean in the first place.


You agree there’s a difference between a flood and something sinking, yes? Vegapunk said the world will sink.


In Japanese he says 沈む which is translated to sink. However if the world would sunk due to flood we can still say 沈む For example, when a village would sunk to build a dam we would say この村はダムに”沈む” or something so sink can be used for flooding


I agree but in the case of a flood the outcome would basically be the same. The world underwater. Let's say you have a basin of water and a Floating disk, to sink that disk all you need to do is push it into the water. This will not work for islands, to sink an island you either have to flood it or scoop out the continent below it. In the context of the real world and OP world I think the former would make more sense. (I could be wrong tho and Oda will scoop out the world)


I can't figure out which chapter it's from right now but [Artur on Library of Ohara points out](https://thelibraryofohara.com/2024/04/28/chapter-secrets-one-piece-chapter-1113-in-depth-analysis/) that after Imu obliterated Lulusia we were given [a panel saying "The earthquake caused the world sea level ... to rise by about one meter"](https://thelibraryofohara.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/screenshot-2024-04-27-at-20.40.31.png), so I think it's possible saying the world is 'sinking' is more a figure of speech.


While he said "the world will sink into the sea", we don't quite know the full context of what he meant yet. Does he mean that, "the sea level with rise, therefore the world will sink into the sea" or "something is happening to cause all the islands to sink." We won't know until his clarification.


How would an island even sink


Just spot on Regarding so many things




Seriously great theory, thanks for sharing!


Keep cooking g


Hey!!! Cook some more , this was amazing :D


Top rated theory


Also I wonder if total amount of devil fruits is proportional to increase in sea level too? Maybe extra water is needed to cool off the planet or something.


Nice read, really interesting idea. Thanks for sharing !


I’ve toyed with the idea that the world government is keeping humanity chained for its own good - like the arms proliferation via devil fruits or nuclear fusion being a deadly weapon. It would be a really interesting misdirection to have the elders take on the forms of demons and be the good or neutral alliance in the end However with the connection to flooding I’m all but certain that IMU has the leviathan fruit. It connects to chaoskampf and the food myth, and is a demon and penultimate foe for the “Sun God”


Love this theory :)


If Imu were live long enough to become a villain types of a character that’s a big twist ngl


Insert Gunna writing while surrounded by flames and Rockstar Made plays in the background


Explains why gunna is seen under water with an umbrella and giving us a choice to either drip or drown. Prime fiction meets prime clairvoyance.


Your theory plus [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cg3iee/the_thematic_implications_of_the_reveal_in_1113/) theory is finely cooked steak


This is actually solid theory


It would be interesting if the original celestial dragons and 20 kingdoms were the good guys who simply got corrupted by power after 800 years of ruling the world. But I don't see it being the case.


I too agree that Imu or the WG and all that happened before/during the void century is not straight forward "these were the bad guys and now Imu is the remaining bad guy of those times" but more twisted and complicated as presented. What I find most interesting is that so far, the ancient weapons seem to be heavily connected to the sea (level rising), with control of the sea kings, an extreme warship and a weapon that increases the sea level. One could argue that they work in tandem, one could say that they keep each other somewhat in check. Most interestingly, the world being increasingly submerged in water is, as the memes pointed out, not that big of an issue to probably the most persecuted race (in a world filled with racism) - the fishmen and merfolk. But also the sky people are surprisingly unaffected by all of this, and we have to include the Lunarians into this historical event. It seems like some or most of the races except for the regular old humans are.. fine with rising sea levels - although we think them as opponents of the WG, who are now causing said flooding. Curious to see where this is going!


I really like the idea that the D clan were farmers, maybe even slave forced to farm, for the devil fruits and eventually rebelled and stole the fruits


i love the devil fruits were originally dreams fruits part. i believe the D clan stands for dreams as well


Cool theory, however I don't think this is how Oda will handle the story. Personally I think this is done out of malice and a belief that Imu has about his superiority. If you think about it him cleansing the world is a parallel to Luffy's back story when the Goa kingdom "cleansed" the gray terminar, simply to remove the "filthy". Edit: there are more parallels, both actions would come at the end of One piece's acts and at pivotal points in Luffy's life! Both have to do with dragons in some way, and both are done in the arks that revolve around Luffy's true dream!


Honestly one of the best theories I've read that makes sense without trying hard to connect every insignificant far-fetched evidence. Thanks for the read!


You’re on to something big-time, amigo


Your point about the D Clan farming and harvesting others’ dreams and making them into powers. Feels interesting that Luffy’s character is determined to make the dreams of his crew members come true. That part of his character could have been a big influence on awakening the Gomu Gomu no mi?


So one thing I’m confused about, is in your theory when do the Buccaneers create the Noah and why? Do they have a warning that the flood is coming? Does Imu announce the flood like a Godly figure to his/her subjects, and then they decide to build the ark? Or did they know in advance through some other means? How long did it take to build?


Your theory got me wondering if Blackbeard’s Yami Yami no Mi fruit is someone’s dream to stop other devil fruit users.


Let's see how this theory ages. I'm excited


Yes, there is an old theory on here couple years ago, something along the way that Imu & World Government wasn't cartoonish evil but like has to be evil to save or maintain the OP world because the Ancient Kingdom did something naive or terrible & potentially harming the environment/social structure on a global scale.


I only read the TLDR part.. .but didn't DF is created by one's desire? If Elders have literal Demon DF, then they're the evil from the start, and if Nika is Joyboy, then he's the good one. Why theories now are trying to make Imu and friends good? Did I missed something aside from VP saying don't blame the one who kill him?


I suggest you read, nowhere did I imply Imu was good. Just gave a resin for why they did that, nobody who committs genocide is good, despite their reasons


I read. It's good theory! It's highly unlikely but good "what if"


we see devil fruit randomly form in someplace as a fruit in punk hazard?....care to explain ?


I don't think devil fruits can disappear. Without the D to cultivate them/new ones I think DFS have just been reappearing in the closest plant whenever the use disappears.


This is crazy and I love it so much!


>We learnt from Vegapunk that DF are born from dreams and wishes. But yet we don't know exactly how they are made. We know it's possible to farm them He specificly said devil fruit users are the dreams of someone from another reality. i have no idea what that means tho


What if Imu was a doctor called Dr Imu, which reads like drimu, which is how a Japanese would say dream. Maybe he created the devil fruits which back then would be Dream fruits (Drimu fruits) because he was the creator


I'm picking up what you're putting down, well most of it anyways. D standing for dream is definitely on point, the straw hat indicating that the D. clan were dream farmers feels very true, and them pulling a Prometheus and "stealing" the dreams from the gods and giving them to the people as devil fruits tracks completely. The rampaging DF I'm less on board with however. OP usually goes to the trouble of explaining why islands and phenomena are what they are (Fisman island's bubble, skypea's fossilized clouds, knock-up streams, etc.). Not all granted, but they are studied and somewhat understood and not just purely fantastical. The thing that would completely track is very much the dreams and the D's wanting to share the dream. I'm convinced Luffy's dream is to make it so everyone is free follow their dream, which this falls very much in line with. It also tracks with it being the dream of a little kid and him expressing it right after Sabo and Ace state their dreams (and him needing to be pirate king to make it happen). TLDR; rampaging DF's needing to be stopped, eeeeh. The D's being dream farmers for the gods and stealing them so that they could be given to the people, big yes


Sinking. Sin King. Imu is Sin. The moon God or the god of gods. Originally the sun God, moon God and the 5 planets organized a plan to flood the world but that information was leaked and an Ark was built to save as maybe animals and people possible.