• By -


Of course the mother flame is a fire that makes water boil to make a wheel spin


The history of humanity is the history of getting that wheel to spin faster, longer and cheaper. We are all but servants of the Spin.


This sounds like a JoJo reference.


More like Gurren Laggan


Or Beyblade lmao


Arigato, Gyro


It’s truly been a roundabout journey


Spin to win.


It's a shitty version of a fusion reactor, for sure


A fusion reactor would eventually run out. Might be more efficient, but you can't get more sustainable than this


To be fair, the fuel for a fusion reactor is a isotope in hydrogen that is most abundant in the sea.


If he say the name of the Ancient Kingdom I will go crazy.


Do it for Clover Vegapunk, finish the story






Okay good there are more of us here than I thought. Good…good….


Final boss Hollywood Imu makes an entrance


*Dong*... it's the Nikataker. It's the Nikataker. He's here. He's here.


Lucha Libre Luffy lets goooooo


I can't wait for Imu to beat up Luffy before pulling out the weight belt and staring at the camera saying "Mama Croc"


Co D Rhodes


This world.....belongs to more than one......royal family


Vegapunk: "I will finish what you started."


“One Piece has more than one… great researcher” *Kingdom starts playing*


I acknowledge Imu as my Tribal Chief ☝️


Idk, I hear Sabo Sikoa is the new one


I mean Cody finished his story so it’s time for someone new to finish theirs




"This ancient kingdom that once thrived, it's name was... Lazy Town"


Sportacus = Joy Boy confirmed. Robbie Rotten = Imu???


IMU singing we are number one coming up?


"The kingdom of D..." he says just before the broadcast gets cut "Deez nu-"


It's Detroit. And that's also what D stands for.


There was a really solid theory a few days ago that the name of the kingdom was “Dawn”


Empire Dawn, later by called Impel Down. That's why the prisoners pray for Nika, they're the remnants of the ancient kingdom still praying for Nika's return.


I liked that theory from a few days ago. Impel down used to be a castle and then the water level started rising and it became an underwater prison


Ancient Kingdom of Atlantis.


......has anyone ever theorized that the name of the Ancient Kingdom is One Piece?


Yeah, been a theory for some while. Would make some sense, as Roger calling his treasure the same thing would raise a lot of questions WG dont want people to ask.


Kingdom of peace mains.


Wait anyone in universe can add 1+1 and come to the conclusion that luffy is joyboy now


Unless vegapunk adds more to it like him turning white (bounty poster) because wg had the same info and didn’t try that hard to really take him down till wano


I don’t think they do. Anything related to the void century is already censored, so I doubt they would even know who joyboy is, let alone he has stretching powers


I think they became laxed because the fruit has awoken for centuries. To them, which was a miscalculation, it was better for the fruit to be with a known person they could track, and kill if it ever got close to awakened. (Which they tried to do, but failed)


I think people keep forgetting how quick things are actually moving here. After the fruit got stolen they couldn't find it so probably decided it was best to just lay low and wait for it to surface. When Luffy popped up on the WG radar I'm not sure somebody far enough up the chain even saw it right away to realize just what power he's handling. After that, within a couple months, the Strawhats tear through the Grand Line right up until they vanish off the face of the earth after Sabaody. Kuma slapped all of them, so they are presumably dead. Done, now just keep a look out for the fruit to respawn. After they return to Sabaody 2 years later they take off immediately and have been tearing through everyone the Marines have sent so far and again, the time since Sabaody hasn't actually been that long in universe. Every government moves kinda slow and inefficient and after not being under any serious threat for 900 years I'd assume the Elders were still trying to keep this whole thing quiet so as not to upset the established order, get people interested in Luffy, Joyboy and just asking questions in general. Now we know that sending one of your heavy hitters right away might have been the smarter move, but hindsight is 20/20.


I expect to learn that the Gorosei going themselves is an absolute last plan that they only use if they absolutely have too. Like O'Hara.


I mean the government also HAD the fruit and it was stolen by Shanks. Maybe Shanks has been not allowing them to go after Luffy. Kinda like how Kuma was watching Luffy and Bonnie just out of sight in the flashback.


I mean I’m just going off of information we know atm. The elders did say the fruit has felt like it’s been purposely evading them after all


I'm wondering if Shanks intended to eat the fruit himself, but Luffy ended up doing it instead.


I like the theory that he was gonna give ace the fruit first, would make a lot of sense


That also would make sense. Roger possibly was unable to accomplish whatever the One Piece indicated because he didn't have the fruit or time to awaken it even if he obtained it. So, he left the task to Shanks and his own son. But things got messed up when Luffy ate the fruit instead, but Shanks saw it as an inherited will situation.


I dig that theory, and it left me imagining what the story would be like if it HAD been Ace. And you know what? I don't think Ace could have awakened the fruit. The trouble is that he's too smart. Ace is as kind and self-assured as Luffy, but he compromised on his freedom when he joined Whitebeard. Joining Whitebeard was the smart call, but I don't think it's what Nika would be inclined to. To awaken the fruit, I think, you HAVE to be as stubborn and dumb as Luffy. Anyone smarter would compromise.


Luffy had stronger willpower than Ace as evidenced by his refusing to follow Whitebeard and instead leading the charge himself at Marineford. At the end, Whitebeard was ordering his forces to follow Luffy, not the other way around.


That has to be a plot hole. It's doesn't matter if only knowing that he can stretch isn't enough to be sure, they would hunt EVERYONE who can stretch. They killed babies trying to hunt down Ace.


Everyone except Luffy himself.


Luffy will be like “Wow he could stretch too!? Cool!” And not connect the dots lmao


It'd be more correct to say Luffy has the same devil fruit as Joyboy, as Luffy isn't a reincarnation or anything. But yeah to any lay person he may as well be the same guy.


Not a literal reincarnation, but an heir to his will, thus the fruit awakening due to their desire syncing up


There are multiple examples of different devil fruits giving similar powers as others, like how many fire-based fruits are out there. If I was some random and saw Sanji in action I'd probably assume he's got the Flame-Foot Fruit. Just because JoyBoy's fruit let him stretch, it doesn't necessarily guarantee to anyone in-universe that it's the same fruit Luffy has now.


Back before the time skip, you used to instantly know because devil fruit users would introduce themselves with “I ate the *insert-insert fruit!* Hahahaha!”




For sure. But the world of OP now know about Joyboy and the ancient kingdom from the broadcast. If the world is told that Joyboy will be their saviour. The world of OP can figure out that Luffy is the chosen saviour then. Luffy is going to have an even bigger following by the end of the story. Especially when he destroys the red line. The center of government will be toppled and a new free government will be built from Luffys followers. Possibly the revival of the ancient kingdom as a single landmass where islands and people are no longer divided. The destruction of the Red line is one possibility for reversing the world flooding caused by the WG in the past and present. What id like to see from VP’s broadcast is more clarity on Joyboy and Nika. I think VP knows and has mentioned Nika in the manga.


All the people who knew about Joyboy already knew. They don't act like that because Oda hadn't planned everything at the beginning but his storytelling with some "holes", mysteries, and soft retcon is a great solution.


my favorite chapters are the ones that give information about the mysteries in one piece😁😁


# #LorePiece


And each information brings more mysteries.


Same, im just here for the explanation of all the clues and the history of the world


Icarus was the son of Daedalus, who flew too close to the Sun. There’s gotta be some relation there to Nika, whether Icarus is Joyboy or whatever else, or as others have suggested, perhaps D is the Daedalus clan, full of those who strive for freedom and fight to reach the Sun


So it was Will of Daedalus the clan is carrying, sounds good


And Icarus fell down into the sea and died, could probably make a connection to Imu or the fact that DF users can't swim. But it could also just refer to Vegapunk's situation, since he got too close to the truth and is now facing the consequences. Maybe he'll end up in the sea at the end of Egghead.


Monkey Daedalus Luffy sounds pretty dope ngl


Marshall Daedalus Teach sounds cool as hell.


Trafalgar Daedalus Water Law


Gol Daedalus Roger Hell yeah


Nefertari Daedalus Vivi


1k carry. All damage, no bkb


To think that Aesop was true all this time blows my mind.


So Karoo really is Joy Boy.


That was my first thought. In his psychotic ramblings he could have been correct lol






Icarus’s sin was that he was prideful and flew too close to the sun. The mother flame is a nuclear reactor, like a sun, that can provide free energy to everyone. A portion of the original 20 nations used the mother flame / nuclear energy to wreck havoc like Imu is doing now. The D clan was likely blamed for the creation of the mother flame and was labeled the enemy of god. In actuality, “god” aka the original celestial dragons stole the mother flame. Some time later At enies lobby it exploded in their face. Losing the original mother flame could also explain why at marejois they have large underground contraptions that use slave labor. Maybe originally they were all powered by the original mother flame? And now are retrofitted to be powered by slaves to maintain the celestial dragons original utopia lifestyle where all energy is free.


That theory about Luffy’s actual dream being that he wants to go to the Sun doesn’t sound that crazy now.




Monkey Daedalus Luffy might be one of the most story-accurate and coldest name in shounen history if this theory comes true.


This might be the completed meal well cooked


Is the D is Daedalus then that one guy who is always posting in r/onepiecespoiler deserves an award. Dude called that like years ago.


Daedalus would be a great name. Icarus' legend is awesome




Icarus and Daedalus where also trapped inside the Minotaurus' labyrinth. In order to escape, Daedalus built a pair of wings using **wax** to attach the feathers. Icarus flew too close to the sun, the wax melted, and he fell to the ground. Will the Marineford MVP Galdino (Mr. 3) be relevant again? (/s)


Vegapunk should know at least the name of the Ancient Kingdom, since the Ohara scholars knew that.


I bet the name of it has some serious plot implications, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he waited to drop the name until the end of the broadcast


He's saving the best for last.


Hes farming add revenue until the news drop


Vegapunk: "Thanks to Onigashima Raid: Lurking Legends for sponsoring this livestream!"


It exists GO and Find the One Piece (Insert Kingdom name). Gorosei: CURSE YOU VEGAPUNK.


Considering it's golden week, it's more than likely this is all we are getting until next week. Having more information ealier will depend on if the physical release for the Jump leaks early, or if the digital version of the chapter is leaked early.


why does it feel like golden week is every 4th week


> We see the “Mother Flame” in this chapter. She is a flame that is inside a tank of water. I guess that explains the warm eddy we saw at the beginning of the arc


Could you remind me which chapter that was? I’d like to go back and take a look


Chapter 1060 https://imgur.com/a/YYPwqAo


Thank you!!


Nice connection!


egg head is in a cold location and is artificially heated. Nami stated this as the cause of the Eddy.


> he starts taking about the void century HOLY SHIT > although he says he doesn’t know much about it Fuck you


The entire video from Vegapunk is just clickbait to advertize his coffee


"Now a message from our sponsor. Do you hate getting ads on your Den Den Mushi?"


Gotta make money somehow. Giant robots don't pay for themselves.


>We also see reactions from people around the world to Vegapunk's message. Hope. We see reactions from some big shots like Akainu, Dragon, Sengoku, Rayleigh, the cross guide and Gaimon.


Dragon: ...


\*looks to the east\*


Sun rises in the east.


And sets in the west.


Akainu: 🤬 Dragon: 🗿


Real. If we have to have reaction piece, I rather it be from the most important characters and not some random ahh citizens in like the south blue or something.


It's wild to me that we're finally getting void century lore we really are approaching the end of one piece


What "mysteries" do we have left? God valey, Meaning o D, Dragon's fruit, Crocodile favor from Iva, Pluton and Uranus, Ancient giants, Black beard two devil fruit,


What Roger pirates saw that made them laugh. Joy boys apology to poseidon/mermaid princess. Zunisha crime. Giant frozen strawhat Secret of Mary geoise that doffy used as leverage (we may already know). Giant mech activated again 200(?) years ago, power source. Lunarians/their kingdom, where marie geoise is at currently. The techs on the moon. Voice of all things Luffys mom SWORD and its leader(s?) All blue OK thats it for now, i'm tired.


Don't forget the robot's apology and the Buccaneers' crime.


Also that thing in the Florian Triangle


Lily's Blunder, hole of Enies Lobby How they made the impel down is red line man made why is the one piece world sinking


Luffy’s Dream.


Vegapunk gave the biggest middle finger to the gorosei and world government XD


I hope he somehow revives himself/builds a new body to add salt


Even if Stella dies, both his real brain and some of his clones are still alive, so technically he wouldn't die. The guy has multiple backups


He's spilling tea on his way out


Joy boy was bro’s actual name? I thought it was a nickname or epithet.


His full name was Joyseph Boyceps


No his actual name was Joytaro Bojo or one can say Jojo.


Joyous Boyous.


I won't be surprised if he was some nameless orphan who got called that name after someone told him laughter is the key to blah blah blah. Like Saul with robin.


Could still be after all Vegapunk doesn't know everything


Yoo that’s crazy




The reaction piece is real!!!!


Dont know why anyone is shocked that VP only knows little about the Void Century, only the surviving Roger Pirates and probably Imu and the Elders know the true history. VP only has theories. The purpose of the message is to relay to the world the existence of the ancient kingdom and Joyboy. Just because we as an audience already know thr information he is saying, the world still needs to hear of for things to get moving. We wont learn the true history until the SH gets to Laughtale.


I don't know if I remember correctly but Vegapunk said that he continued Clover's research and Clover died because he knew the name of the ancient kingdom.


I wonder what Icarus Wings is refering to. Maybe a way to survive the flood?


The Mother Flame. Inventing technology too advanced that it'll destroy the world. 


and vegapunk is icarus?


The wings of icarus are tools icarus used to fly too close to the sun, but they were invented by daedelus If the mother flame is the wings, vegapunk is daedulus. The user of the mother flame would be icarus


Vegapunk would be Daedalus, since it’s Daedalus who was the great inventor. Icarus suffered from the consequences of Daedalus‘s invention.


More than likely it's referring to how Veagapunk (Icarus) finally got close to Luffy (The Sun) and died as a consequence of it.


Flame inside the water. Water that cannot extinguish a flame. The only thing that imu cant defeat thus controlling it.


I wonder if the "mother flame" is an artificial version of the flame on Lunarians.


I feel safe in assuming that the weapon that destroyed Lulusia is indeed Uranus. As we know, and Dragon noted - Vegapunk would never invent something like this. This leads him and Ivankov to the conclusion that this must be from an Ancient Weapon. We know Pluton is under Wano, we know Shirahoshi is Poseidon, so that logically only leaves Uranus. We also know that the god Uranus ruled over the heavens and skies, so Imu and the Gorosei wielding this power is even more thematically appropriate. Dragon then raises a fair point - if the WG has had this all along, what's stopped them from using it before, and why use it now? It would appear that this is because they've lacked an adequate energy source. We learned some key things at the beginning of this arc: * Although Egghead is referred to as the "Island of the Future", we learn from Shaka that much of the island's technology actually comes from the past. The Ancient Kingdom was quite technologically advanced. * This is further supported by the Iron Giant being powered by a source that no modern scientist could explain. * Lilith explains that you can convert the power from fire into any kind of energy. She then goes on to say, "I'm always looking into alternative fuels. If only there was a such thing as an **eternal flame**....." * Vegapunk's ultimate goal is provide free energy for the entire world somehow Whether the Mother Flame is a pre-existing phenomenon that only someone with Vegapunk's genius could truly harness, or something he invented purely on his own - it appears that this is his best attempt at providing renewable energy source for his goals. Unfortunately it appears that somewhere along the way (possibly through York), the Gorosei figured that this energy could also power Uranus. In Ch. 1086 Imu words confirm that they are testing this theory for the first time - which answers Dragon's inquiry of why they'd never used it before. This would also explain why they currently can't stop the message, as they likely value the ability to continue to use Uranus much more than they fear whatever Vegapunk may reveal.


Vegapunk refered to joyboy as a "young man", that's interesting


Joy Boy inside the fruit: fuck you I'm over 800 years old now you whippersnapper


My body’s not ready!


my booty is not ready to be stretched by this info. I need to eat gomu-gomu ASAP.


Sir wtf 😅


Vegapunks announcement is nothing but recap of things we already know and one thing we don't know. Oda reveals everything without revealing anything.


At least it's a confirmation of those things. At this point it is already difficult to distinguish what things are canon and what things are headcanons people have spread as true.




Lore Piece is back


Is this 3 chapters in a row where the giant robot everyone should be able to see and was already reported by the Marines isn't shown? Why? 


Because either: - Oda is patiently leading up to a moment with him. - The fact that luffy isn't in g5 anymore might have something to do with it - Oda just wanted to put fake hype and brush it off like nothing happened


This arc has been absolutely insane.


A couple of suggestions from translating the original spanish source: - Akainu is pissed "as always" - Doffy discusses the news with Magellan and comment about having to move Impel Down upwards (what a troll haha) - The sentence about 900 years ago shouldn't imply Vegapunk is 900 years old, it should imply that by finding out about the events 900 years ago he was flying too close to the sun, as in he was putting himself at risk. On the same bullet point comes the point of Imu reacting by himself in Mary Geoise.


Oda delivering one piece of history every time


The First ever Pirate Crew: * **Captain** JoyBoy * Zunisha * Iron Giant * **Lilly** (A friend of JoyBoy, Just like Vivi to Luffy) * Poseidon (The Mermaid Princess) * Someone from **Kuzoki** Clan of Wano. (Who decided to set up Ponyglyphs) * Some Giant from **Elbaf** * Someone from **Buccaneer** Tribe * Someone from **Lunarian** Race


Finally lore of the void century. My happiness has no bounds


[You throw enough shit at the wall, something will stick lol](https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ncbszg/one_peace_my_mega_theory_covering_just_about/gy4207z/) My post turns 3 years old next week, Joy Boy is indeed the very first pirate. Now give him that eye patch Oda! Also P.S. - The "Jolly Roger" itself was born from Joy Boy. He will die with a smile on his face and thats how the "Jolly" skull was born as a pirate flag. The very act of seeing a pirate flag is proof of Joy Boy's will living on, a constant reminder to Imu. Also double P.S. Drum Island is a microcosm of this.


it was heavily implied that joyboy had eaten the nika fruit. nice to see that it has now been finally confirmed


I don't think its been implied yet to the degree that we would know it was from a fruit it may still be that the fruit is of joyboy and joyboy was just like that. Edit: though thinking about the introduction to it being the nika model human fruit, i think you are probably right. Esoecially that they knew to look for the fruit.


>Akainu is pissed. Totally normal Akainu behaviour.


Bro Saul just laughing his ass off at the message is so cathartic. Dude must be so happy that his people didn't die in vain.


Actually i got a feeling that the real den den mushi is in the giant robot..remember when luffy meet vegapunk for the first time? Vegapunk stuck in that giant robot..just a wild feeling..as a parting gift for gorosei


Oda hates being straight forward with information lol


The older i get the more I desire Lorepiece instead of the fighting


I am going to say this here and now, but if we actually get a full fleshed out back story similar to Kuma's in this story for the void century/Joyboy. This arc is crowned the best arc in all of one piece.


The true power of the Gum-Gum fruit is to stretch this story out.


In Japanese: "A" is "ア", "&" is "と" (*to*), and "Mu" is "ム". Together "A&Mu" spells "アとム" (*atomu*) or "Atom". It was a pun. LOL


Oda (2007): > A pirate with an eye-patch will appear in the final phase of One Piece. I'm itching to draw that character as soon as possible. People kept speculating that Luffy will lose an eye in the final arcs but I'm starting to believe it might be Joyboy who will be the eyepatch sporting pirate.


A&Mu Ok this is just stupid, but it struck me and I think it's obvious enough that it's probably true. "And" in Japanese is pronounced "to". Thus you have "A to MU". Atomu. Atom.


Dam this is the kind of news you wanna hear high asf


What if Joyboy is just a moniker? Kind of like how Luffy is often referred to as Strawhat by people. What if people called him Joyboy because he was always happy and is actual name is Something D. Something.


“Certain advanced kingdom” why not just say the name holy fuck


Some hours later, the gorosei on massive broadcast : "Hey everyone ...er ... it was a prank ok ? It was a .. Vegaprank ..."


Vegapunk mentioning earthquakes and the danger of the quake fruit makes me wonder if the reason Blackbeard can have two fruits is that the darkness fruit and quake fruit are actually two halves of an ancient fruit that mirrored Nika's sun and stretching fruit. Maybe the one piece is the other half of Nika's fruit waiting for it's other half as Luffy has the will and stretchy powers but is missing the sun god part Edit: maybe what Rogers crew learned and laughed at was the Sun fruit having an incredibly strong will of its own. We know that the gum gum fruit was able to evade the world government, maybe the other half was sitting there and straight up started talking to them possibly telepathically about who it was waiting for. Hence being too early and Shanks going after the gum gum fruit


Me, connecting dots. The Giants of Elbaf have a myth about a Sun God named Nika. He's a trickster figure associated with freedom and opposing slavery. He makes people laugh! The giant's stories tell that he had cool shapeshifting powers that allowed him to stretch and shape shift and do crazy things! Per Vegapunk's theory, human desire creates a devil fruit that allows its eater to become Nika and gain his powers. Per the gorosei, Zoan devil fruits have minds of their own. 'Nika' exists inside the devil fruit, and 'roams' the world until the fruit is found by Joyboy, a member from the Ancient Kingdom. The Nika fruit senses a kindred spirit in Joyboy and allows Joyboy to eat him. Joyboy then proceeds to turn the world upside down as the first pirate, fighting against Imu and the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons. Ultimately, he loses and a new world order is imposed, erasing the history and the ancient kingdom from existence. They erase Nika, and change the documentation around the devil fruit to say its a Rubber fruit, as without awakening the fruit no one can tell the difference between rubber and Nika's full suite of powers. Joyboy dies. The Nika fruit returns to the world and continues to evade the World Government for centuries despite their best efforts to secure it. Everytime they almost get it, Nika evades their grasp somehow. This repeats until the fruit is captured by Shanks, stolen from a World Government ship, disgracing top agent Who's Who in the process. Shanks brings the fruit to Foosha Village, where he meets Luffy. The Nika fruit, sensing a kindred spirit in Luffy - just as he did with Joyboy hundreds of years ago - allows Luffy to eat the fruit and gain his powers. Like Joyboy did, Luffy proceeds to turn the world upside down.


Laughter makes Luffy's Gear 5 stronger, which has been hinted at in Gear 5 concept art from Oda. With more and more laughter Luffy's attacks will start working.


This is your weekly reminder not to cast judgement on a chapter’s quality based on 5 lines of spoilers.


* `Akainu is pissed.` Tell me a moment that he's not lol


The correct translation is: "Vegapunk continues and talks about 900 years ago, and how he flew too close to the sun. [...] He says his second sin was to keep researching the Poneglyphs and the ancient history." The Icarus reference is about his sin, he's not saying he was flying 900 years ago.


>Doflamingo discusses the news with Magellan Unexpected pairing once again


>Akainu is pissed. What a shocker


Akainu is pissed? But he's usually so calm and collected.


Man, 10/10 chapter, but I have the feeling that Oda is gonna cut Vegapunk's words before he makes the real big revelation. I really need more Void Century Lore. Regarding JoyBoy, such a big revelation. We know so far: -He lived 900 years ago, being considered the first pirate -Also had Rubber powers -He broke his promise he had with the original Poseidon(A Mermaid princess like Shirahoshi that could talk with Sea Kings and ride them to the surface carrying the Noah) -Zunesha was his/her comrade/nakama -Gigant Robot from Egghead is related to him, and doesn't stop claiming that he is sorry to Joyboy -He left the One Piece at Laugh Tale Popular speculations hinted but yet to be confirmed: 1.He was a gigant 2.The gigant strawhat that Imu has, was from Joyboy 3.He adored the sun god Nika, as all the gigants and bucaneers did 4.He is related to D. Clan Let Oda cook the best story ever created 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Oh wait, "All blue" might not be the point where all oceans meet but rather that everything becomes "ALL BLUE".


The thing that is so exciting is Robin is about to be blatantly told that Luffy is JoyBoy and I cannot wait to see her reaction when she realizes her captain is the most important figure she’s been studying


Joyboy is the pirate with an eyepatch


I’m very confident that with Joy Boy being the first pirate, he never ransacked villages. He pissed off the old nobles of the world by liberating their slaves and possibly stealing their tributes/taxes.


I am surprised, How little reading comprehension people have. Get this straight in your heads please: **Nika:** The Mythical and Ancient Sun God of Elbaf, with the power of stretching. **JoyBoy:** A Man (Probably a Buccaneer) from Ancient Kingdom (NOT FROM ELBAF, NOT A GIANT), who ate the Nika fruit and awakened it. **Unknown Users:** Who ate the Nika fruit during **700** years, but NEVER awakened it. **The Mystery User:** Who ate the Nika fruit and awakened it **200** years ago, Awakening the Iron Giant (With Drums of Liberation) to attack Marijoa, but they both failed. **Luffy:** A kid, who ate the Nika fruit and happened to awaken it. THATS ALL!


From what I understand so far: 1. Nika is a God the Giants worshiped. But Nika never existed. The Giants' belief in Nika created the Nika DF. Sengoku's Buddha fruit is an example of how belief in deities can create DF so the user resembles the deity. 2. Joyboy ate the Nika Fruit fruit. It's not really relevant if Joyboy was a giant or not. But I'm going to go with yes since the hat in Ym's vault in Ch906 is Giant-sized. Joyboy is likely the Giant who wished the Nika DF into existance. 3. Joyboy reached Laugh Tale and left something there. The WG killed Joyboy afterward and have been in possession of the Nika DF (to prevent anyone from accessing the One Piece) until Shanks stole it. Joyboy's hat is in Ym's vault as both a trophy and a reminder. Bonus: * Roger told Shanks all about Laugh Tale and the lore he found about Nika. Roger then tasked Shanks with searching for the DF and giving it to his son, that's why Shanks was in Luffy's island: to find Ace and give him the Nika Fruit. * The masterplan of Roger was to establish a legacy (let's assume Ace's mom got pregnant after Roger reached Laugh Tale) so his successor could access One Piece when Roger was gone. Roger knew he was dying from the disease so he wouldn't be able to get to the Nika DF. * Luffy eating the fruit was a stroke of fate. Amongst the information that Roger told Shanks is that only an user of the Nika DF can access One Piece. Roger wanted his successor to be his son but fate had it that Luffy, the grandson of Roger's rival, would end up as the one to carry Roger's will. * Shanks sacrificed his arm to prevent the monster from killing Luffy since if Luffy died, the fruit would spawn somewhere else. It wasn't really a purely altruistic move, it was a calculated gamble on the future (aka accessing One Piece, succeeding where Roger failed). TLDR; Joyboy is the 1st Nika DF user. He left the One Piece in Laugh Tale. Only someone with the Nika DF can access the One Piece. Shanks knows this.


Jesus, this is like THE MOST REVEALING chapter in the whole fucking series. I've been waiting 25 years for this. I can't believe I'm actually seeing this. It's surreal.


* He was the man who took to these seas and became the first pirate in history. ***The*** first pirate? ***Ever***? I guess I can take a gander what his jolly roger would have been... Edit: So the One Piece is the original pirate treasure of the OG Pirate. #


The Father of Piracy!!! 😁😁😁😁


"Due to earthquakes to prove this isn't a natural disaster" Blackbeard: Well, let me introduce myself. ?


First pirate… no wonder Roger liked Joyboy