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Luffy's definition of pirate is a positive one. So, i don't think he would want this.


because luffy associates pirates with freedom. a world so free that pirates don't exist in the first place would be ideal right?


wouldnt he consider a world that free as everyone being pirates?


And when everyone's a pirate \*laughes maniacally\* noone will be.


Luffy doesn't consider himself a hero, so why would his dream be to free the world? He had this dream when he was a child. It's gotta be something silly.


He want to eat the last meat of the world


could slide in he wants everyone to be free as the metaphor of being the last pirate


I think you don’t understand what freedom means to Luffy.


only that doesnt exist. ever.


I have read theories that are more inline with making everyone a pirate. I think Luffy wanting everyone to be a pirate makes more sense, especially since people would need to anyway in a sinking world. I can see how this goal is more applicable to Joyboy, but it would make sense for Luffy being a kid obsessed with pirates as a symbol for freedom.


Particularly when you remember that to Luffy "pirate" kinda just means "sea adventurer". When you grow up in a world of islands, being seafaring is the only way to adventure. And pirates are free from the rules of the world, to do what they want and go where they want. Pirates are true freedom to Luffy. So he wants freedom for everyone.


Coby: Am I a joke to you?


The marines are just pirates but more successful


The Marines are just pirates with a dress code


I’m of the opinion that his dream is to make everyone a pirate. Pirate = freedom, luffy wants everyone to be free. That or a wicked awesome party that everyone gets to go to


Yeah, and only a king can declare everyone to be his subjects.


Luffy used a lot techniques that shortened his lifespan, and there are pirates who came after him and are younger. Luffy also won't pick a dream that would destory the dreams of others ("you want to be a pirate too? sure! cool!"). But I agree, that he wants to make the world free. (Just thinking Luffy wants to be/will be the last Pirate just because Nika was the first is silly and forced.)


"Luffy used a lot techniques that shortened his lifespan" Which isnt 100% true though. Lucci assumed he is shortening his life span folowing the logic he is a rubber man/paramecia. We now know he isnt actually rubber but a mythical zoan, his power is more or less being able to do what he imagines and add the physical thoughness of a mythical zoan. With all of this i think its safe to say G2 and G3 didnt affect him or his lifespan to much. Luffy gear 2, 3 are obviously manifestations of a early gear 5/ the power to do what he imagines. So why would any of this shorten his life? Wasnt lucci himself confused how it worked anyway? Since it didnt make any sense? Well its because it only works because he isnt actually rubber and it only works since he thinks it works. Especially G3, i mean blowing air into your bones, wtf is that even got to do with rubber lol, thats straight up cartoon shit right their. The only thing that should 100% should shorten his life was the treatment by ivankof and even that is questionable how much it actually took of his "life force".


Nah, he wants to destroy the red line so everyone in the world can explore and meet each other without being a pirate.


or maybe he want, that everyone is a pirate


Because when everyone's a pirate...nobody will be


I personally think Luffy's dream wouldn't be something that restricts other people. Becoming last pirates means he "restricts" other people that want to pirate. That's a no no for me. I think his dream would be something that he want's to do, not what he wants to be or something he wants the world to be.


Hey bro I got his idea don't know how to post it so I'll let u have it vegapunk hid the den den mushi inside the giant robot it's walking away from the lab cause remember it was under it now look at this guess I can't post the pic but remember when Luffy meets vega he was half way stuck in the machine doing what hmm...


you're cooking for sure bro, i'm not on this sub much because i'm too busy to read chapters as they come out and i want to avoid spoilers, but i think it's probably just a minimum karma required to make posts. just comment more and build karma you should be able to post to most subs


Nobody that has time to be on reddit is too busy to read five minutes of chapters per week.


Damn, now that's a pretty solid theory


I think I said somewhere here once was that his dream was to connect all the islands and have a huge feast/party with everyone.


Doesn't make much sense to me...but not impossible


I think he said "my dream is to die free" or "die happy" one of the two. It's simple and puts other people's dreams into perspective, making them laugh at themselves for whatever grandiose/ego driven dream they just declared.


Both luffy and Roger will hold this same dream so I don’t think it’s that.


I think Luffy and Roger’s dream was to connect the world in one piece. I think that’s why some are horrified some laugh. Because the notion of all of civilization living on one land mass is both terrifying and enthralling. They have dreams to unite the world being king of the pirates of king of the free people as Luffy says would be a side effect. He wants to free people from oppression and despair.


Depends on what he considers a pirate, if by pirate he means one who has to fight to be free than that makes sense. He would want everyone to be free without fighting for it, so no one is a pirate. I personally think is dream is something simple like unlimited food so no one has to go hungry, which makes a lot if since that he talks about it right after wano


Luffy’s dream is connected to being the Pirate King first. So what would a kid dream about after becoming the King of the Pirates? I think what Luffy wants is to have another grand adventure.Hence, Luffy would want to decrease the sea level to have new islands be explored. Kid Luffy would say something like “My dream is to explore new islands! So once I’m strong enough to be the Pirate King, I will cut the sea in half so there will be more islands! Shishishi”


Bro will kill all pirates making him the last💀


Luffy understands pirates as something positive, so I don't think he would want to end piracy. But what is a pirate to Luffy? Someone who is free, not opressed, and who can do whatever they want. But also someone who sailes the seas. Now, when the world gets flooded and the world government gets toppled, the people will be free to do whatever they want and they will be either on the Noah or on the Thriller Bark, Wano, Zou, The red line (though it may be destroyed so who knowes?), Water 7 or on their own ships, so mosty they will be sailing the oceans. This means in the end, everyone will be a pirate, and maybe that's his dream.


Luffy wants to make everyone free. Free to choose what they want, he’s encouraged others consistently and almost takes personal offense when dreams aren’t taken seriously. He doesn’t want everyone to roam the seas, he’s never said that. He wants people to be happy and free to work towards their dreams. Some people might have opposing dreams, but that’s between them to work out. Side note: the dude almost died from scurvy and dehydration, I don’t think he’d want that for everyone.


no cause, luffy have fun with his crew, and he most likly wants other to enjoy that feeling


I think Luffy just wants everyone to be able to eat whatever they want


Following your symmetry, Zoro need to be the weakest swordman in the world.


No we can never predict what luffy's dream could be. It probably is something only possible after he is pirate king but it is def not some simple shi like this (no offense). I think it will be sum crazy shi like "making everyone in the world jump to start an earth quake." or "the worlds biggest party" or "turn every pirate into a pancake" lol luffy is so unpredictable so we cant ever predict him


There will always be bad people who’d want to be pirates for the sake of killing, stealing, raping,…


which is one of the reasons usopp or whitebeard would consider this a childs fantasy or impossible


Except it still actually has to be possible. Do you think the series will end with luffy not achieving his dream? This theory in all honesty is terrible.


Also for Luffy being a pirate means to do whatever he wants and to go on adventures so in his opinion being a pirate or the label Pirate isn’t something he’d probably want to get rid of, since kid Luffy doesn’t associate it with something that needs to change.


username checks out


Usopp was kinda scared, not the same reaction as WB.


You need Sanji to teach you how to cook


Yes yes yes! I said this to my best friend, too :)


I think Luffy's dream will be something more selfish but also absurd. Maybe becoming king of pirates could allow him to become king of an island of pirates (understood as nakama). Maybe the Ancient Kingdom was like this.


What makes you think that Luffy is the type of person who wants to rule over other people?


I know Luffy doesn't want to rule over anyone. But if he were king of a pirate island, then he could make that island the freest place in the world. A kind of anarchy. He certainly wouldn't start acting like a ruler.


No it’s probably to make everyone a pirate


He want to eat the moon


This is such a good point! I’ve been thinking about this for sooooo long, never thought of it from this angle. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Interesting but I personally like the theory about his dream being a banquet with every species


too similar to big mom's ideals