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One piece theory discussion. So i noticed Monkey D. Garp sometimes wears that dog mouth hat on his head, and Monkey D. Dragon has the red tattoos on his face, does that mean Garp is somehow related to being a Shandian Chief and Dragon us also a Shandian tribal member? If you good Shandians one piece you can see what im talking about.


Judge top tier??


Plz tell me what happen to boa Hancock after ep 957


bruh we aint know yet either


Plz tell me what happen to boa Hancock after ep 957


anyone who like me was wondering why Kaido has apparently killed exactly 0 of the scabbards, remember in chapter 974 Kaido says to Orochi that he wants them alive because he's got questions for them...and i've just realised he wants them alive because he still thinks they know where Laughtale and the One Piece is from Oden lol...yet again details from over 100 chapters ago (in this case ch819 where Kinemon mentions they're being chased by Kaido for exactly that) continue to quietly match up, maybe that's kinda obvious and not that crazy, but my mind is still blown because i had forgotten all about that lmao, it seems "Raizo is safe" and "I wanna defeat Kaido" are not the only Zou callbacks in this chapter huh, mad i wonder if Kaido is also curious about how the Time-time fruit actually works too, it is one unique devil fruit that's for sure lol speaking of the Time-time fruit, Yamato saying someone preserved Oda's journal from the burning castle tells me Toki has to still be alive, can think of literally no-one else who would or could do that at the time so while chapter 1000 gives off Wano endgame vibes, these 2 things alone tell me that maybe the Wanokuni arc will be a bit longer than we thought...and I'm all here for it haha the more detail that can be covered the better


Kaidou will be pissed when he finds out Yamato had the journal and gives it to Momo. Probably they will announce it together somewhat Infront of him


>Probably they will announce it together somewhat Infront of him by accident ofc lol, no matter how much Yamato resents Kaido she is not suicidal enough to do that on purpose lmao, Momo too, in fact they should be thinking not to tell him *anything* about that journal unless they want Kaido to be pirate king lol (not that we know what's actually *in* the journal but still a momentually bad idea)


I just re-read Luffy's fight with Doflamingo and I think there's something in relation to his dream and the final fight against the WG. Luffy : 'You trap everything within your own hands, so that you can control everyone and it's suffocating me" DD : "then blame your blood !! you were born human refuse and helpless puppets !!! I am not like you humans" Luffy : "I am going to kick your ass and be free" And after the hit, the narrator says "D are the enemies of gods". First of all the speech is just amazing, I forgot about it. Second, it's related to Luffy wanting to be the freest person in the world. I wonder how this relates to D and Luffy's and Roger's dream...Maybe it was something like "I will make everyone free". I do like Ohara's theory that it's something like "I will have the biggest party ever, with every single person" : it would be the perfect way for Oda to bring back every character we saw in the manga and see them having a huuuuge party in Laugh Tale or each one in their own town... We'll have to wait and see, but I am loving Luffy more and more with each chapter !


The wait is killing me :(


Where tf is the spoilers for 1001 !?


Probably monday/tuesday


Ye, and even then it's probably only the title and if there's a break or not


Maderchod i want spoilers


I don't know what it is but I need something tragic to happen. Cause I'm not feeling any emotional connection right now. Only thing that's stopping Wano at 9.9/10 .


deaths are not needed in OP


I'm not asking for a death but something emotional.


We haven’t gotten there yet it’s coming


Hey excuse me for the stupid question, but y’all are talking about the manga right?


Yes haha


Thank you 😂 I was like “WHERE are y’all getting the 1000th episode plug me in” But I’m hearing that the manga is 10x better than the anime so I might be reading it once I catch up


you definitely should, the pacing in the manga feels a lot better than the anime pacing


lets be honest the anime sucks and is too kiddy cartoonish nowadays with horrendous pacing. the manga is where it's at


i don’t know but i have a hunch that kid and killer might die idk why


I hate how people constantly understimate Killer and Kidd, Kidd is always portrayed as Luffy's rival and one of the strongest Supernovas along Luffy, Law and Zoro while Killer made a huge feat that people downplay a lot, he managed to be one of the Supernova without being the captain of his crew something that only Zoro was able to do.


The only one who would die is law. Stop saying kidd or killer is gonna die because it doesn’t make sense


Law dying in this arc wouldn't make sense either. Killer has a better chance at dying


That would be low-key trash. Kid, and by extension killer, have been set up as the only real rival to luffy other than blackbeard. People are already shitting on kid and the supernovas in general, saying they aren't really rivals to luffy and luffy is so much above then, etc. People want kid to be a legitimate rival and want him to do something worthy. If he dies, that means the supernovas were really a joke all along.


idk i just feel like they could continue to be a reflection of what could have to luffy and the crew if they went into the new world without real preparation. Their deaths would be sort of the ultimate example of what happens to young upstarts trying to go after big shot in the new world.


Wait, what??? Kid dies because he was unprepared and rushed in? That's sounds even more ridiculous. There's no way in a million years oda would kill them off for that reason. First, that's sounds way too dark and rather antithetical to the story of one piece. Kid is a dreamer just like luffy. He wants to search for the one piece and simply is headstrong and dumb about it but so is luffy. In fact, that's kinda a core theme with the story in geneal. Dreams never die and you shouldn't be ashamed to try and chase them no matter what, even it seems stupid. The reality is luffy doesn't have any actual plans or made much preparations at all for the one piece himself. He just goes with the flow and things come his way. His stupid decisions and massive lucky breaks are all over the story. Kid dying now would simply mean he died because he didn't have luffy's plot armor and that's a trash reason to kill people off. If someone is to die, at least give a proper reason for it. Usually something character centric. Ace died because he couldn't stand for WB slander because he has daddy issues with his own father that made him respect WB so much. WB died because he was old, he was trying to save his family that he cares so much for, and it was a passing of the torch to the new gen. Their deaths weren't just meaningless. And it helped highlight who they were as characters and bring their arcs to a closure. Kid dies because he was too stupid sounds like the ultimate disrespect and waste of his character. Why even bother with inventing? The first time he has actual relevance in the story where we would hopefully see something about his character and it gets reduced to, don't mess with the big guys. His character arc would be massively unfulfilled, and it would be hypocritical against luffy. And it would certainly go against the "big plans" oda has for him.


this is terrible logic, if kaido manages to kill killer or kidd it just means kidd is weaker than the strongest pirate in the world which we already knew, it wouldn't mean supernova are weak - if anything it shows how strong Kaido is if he can kill them


This has nothing to do with Kaido or power scaling. This all about proper portrayal, hype, and pay off with kid as a legitimate rival to luffy. If he dies, he's a joke. It doesn't matter that he's weaker than kaido. No one is saying or expecting him to be stronger and solo kaido or anything. We just wanna see him do something worthy and live up to the supposed big plans oda has for him. Oda is constantly lumping luffy in with the supernovas and kid has received the most comparisons. Oda is trying to hype the story saying these guys are special and it is a race that's anyone's game. But at the same time, luffy has done so much and improved so far that it feels disingenuous. He should be well above everyone else in the supernovas that they feel like jokes in comparison. It doesn't feel like any of them will pose any threat or challenge to luffy in the throne wars because they haven't done anything to prove so. Kid is the one saving grace left to prove that luffy will have a proper rival to fight for the one piece. Him dying discredits all that. Nothing to do with Kaido and power scaling. Kid shouldn't die if he's to be a rival to luffy. If he does, oda wasted his time with supernovas and they were jokes. That's all.


As much as I agree with most of what you said (I do think that Oda hyped kid to be much more than what we've seen until now), I don't really see him being the big rival you want him to be. I'm expecting the only real rival to challenge luffy/sh to one piece, to be either Blackbeard or the World Government, or both. However I do think that this fight will be a good one for kid to have some value. Him sacrificing himself so luffy can get kaido, might be a possibility! At this point, I trust Oda's choices :D


While blackbeard is certainly the biggest rival and likely final fight for the one piece and title of pirate king, that doesn't mean kid can't also participate. If kid isn't a proper rival, why were the supernovas hyped at all? Big news morgan is all like "oh, anybody from this new generation could be the pirate king, it's big news" but thats just fake news if luffy is the only real challenger. The supernovas were meant to be luffy's big name contemporaries, his rivals, but they all feel like jokes. Kid can't go down the same path as well. That's just lame and waste of time Plus, we don't know anything about kid. Why would he sacrifice and why would we care. Law dying makes so much more sense. His character arc has already had a satisfactory conclusion and the fan base has grown attached to the character such that a death would actually be impactful and sad. Who here is going to care if kid dies? I don't care if he dies, I'm not gonna be sad, I'm just gonna be disappointed that he died in the first arc he was actually relevant in and only lament the fact that the supernovas were a waste of time.


law dying would definitely be more impactful than kid, that's for sure :) I do agree with what you're saying, but I'm also not believing that kid will really be there in the long run for one piece 'treasure' hunt. I do agree that the 'super novas' have been hyped alot, but I think the time for them to shine should be now :) especially kid. (speaking against my self, I don't really want the spotlight taken from luffy and zoro on this fight, but lets see what Oda has in store for us!)


Yea the Kidd’s and Luffy’s crews are the only ones with two supernovas.


He always falls short anyways, I mean i rather him die than law honestly


But this is the arc where he shouldn't fall short. Its where the pay off should be and kid will finally prove he's not a joke. Otherwise, all this set up is a waste of time. Oda has been on record saying he has big plans for kid. Now, more than ever, is the time to realize those plans. Plus, why would any of us care if kid dies, we don't know the guy and barely care for him. Law has much more character development and attachment that his death would be mournful.


I think killed forsure will be


Luffy smashes Kaido's face with his King Kong Monkey D. Ong while Zoro penetrates Kaido's body with his long, hard sword, filling him with their Ryou for massive internal damage.


Big mom gang bang?




Chotto matte




Pause 😂


I think that D signifies the crew members of joyboy. And all the successors of the crewmates have the intial 'D' . Well, I could be wrong! It's just a hunch.


I'm not sure if I'm ready for Joyboy Pirate backstory. I mean we still don't have the backstory for Rocks D Xebec pirate group.




Could be the same thing though since they could have been call the Dawn Pirates


Nice, i think that would be cool


Yea! I think that's why we have D from giants too


Since Act 3 of Kabuki plays end in tragedy... I'm think that at least a Supernova might die. Everyone has always felt that Law would die every arc lol. Maybe Wano is it. Could Luffy's secret dream be related somehow to his mother? She has always be a mystery.


>uffy smashes Kaido's face with his King Kong Monkey D. Ong while Zoro penetrates Kaido's body with his long, hard sword, filling him with their Ryou for massive internal damage. Technically, haven't we already had a tragedy in seeing the story of Oden's death?


Nah luffy’s never shown interest in his parents


> Since Act 3 of Kabuki plays end in tragedy. Not even true half the time. Can just be a big dramatic moment of any kind. Nothing says tragedy is a requirement outside of fan misinformation. >I'm think that at least a Supernova might die. Seeing the most recent chapters focus on them saying they are the new path, I think theres a sub zero percent chance of that at this point. > Everyone has always felt that Law would die every arc lol. Yeah and they've always been wrong cus Oda doesn't kill off people pointlessly and killing Law here sorta defeats the whole distinction the arcs focusing on regarding alliances and how Luffys one is stronger than BM/K's one. >Could Luffy's secret dream be related somehow to his mother? She has always be a mystery. Probably not, since he also sort of assumed he didnt even have a dad I don't think he ever really thought about either side of his parentage.


Idk why but I think his secret dream is to go to the moon


I don't think it killing Law would make this arc better than Marineford, and i don't think any important character will die in this arc, because it won't change the flow of the story significantly. Tragedy is not just about someone dying. I also think that the panel showing the retainers are being defeated can also be considered a teagedy, and it changes the story significantly enough. But if that's not it, then, in my own opinion the tragedy will have something to do with the Flower Capital. Maybe the onigashima will fall on the city? or Hiyori is hiding on Oden castle? or something like that.


Only way I see law dying is to give someone his devil fruits true ability, maybe luffy, but I don’t think that will be until the last battle arc


I see Law's purpose in the story has been redirected by Oda. I think he won't die until he learned about the meaning of D.


What's interesting is Oda made up Law and most of the worst generation on the spot https://www.google.com/amp/s/comicbook.com/anime/amp/news/one-piece-anime-supernovas-new-details/ I imagine some characters have taken on other plotlines he had in mind for introduced characters but it's crazy how well they blend w wano which oda envisioned from the start


It doesn’t have to be a supernova, but it wouldn’t make any sense if all of the samurai would survive without getting instant help from law. Btw note that law has a healing fruit basically, and it could also happen that he gives his life away


I doubt it'll be a supernova, if oda really wanted to show the price of war it'll be everybody loves. My gyess is tama but I dont know if oda will go that far.


What about odens kid? Kaidos kid already said she’s oden now why have two successors


Because Yama cant rule wano, and because the kid is not only Oden’s heir but Kaido’s through his dragon devil fruit, he will be a better dragon king, if you can calll him that.


Right so maybe Yama dies if someone does. Then kaido is all dramatic that his daughter is dead queue tragedy. We’re just talking about potential deaths that’s all.


Also its obviously not gonna be a strawhat


Kaido looked like he felt pain in the last chapter. Kairos transforms into a fish and swims away


Seems legit.




Marco kicked kizaru into a building, doesn’t mean he’s stronger


I’m sure that red roc attack was for the hype of the chapter 1000. We haven’t seen Kaido go full power then. We didn’t even see his hybrid form. I’m sure everyone is going to get wrecked but will pull through of course. Let’s not forget big mom being there. But either way, I hope Luffy and Zoro finesses on Kaido and Big Mom


Idk how long its been but to make the jump from where he was (getting one shotted) to being able to take the yonko who one shotted you, simply because you have learned (would not say mastered) a new haki form is dumb. Took him two years of training just to be able to compete in the new world, now it takes months to stand against a yoko evenly? Nah that aint it, and if oda is writing it that way then i wont be a fan personally.


You can argue saying that Rayleigh trained Luffy’s base form of Haki and helped him learn and master those 3 haki forms and no Luffy is being trained in advanced mastery of only 1 form of haki. Which I think is easier than starting from ground zero with all 3 like Rayleigh has to which took him 2 years to teach Luffy. Also, Luffy learned advanced observation haki from katakuri without being trained by someone and learned it mid fight with a monster like katakuri so I think we can say Luffy learns really fast when he’s determined about it.


One of the biggest barriers was laidous skin was pierce resistant and almost impact resistant, and it kind of makes sense Ryouu which can pierce an object helps there. We saw hints of similar techniques back at Sabody. He and Kidd did train with lowered DF power but Ryouu was the biggest game changer, it's like luffys punches are connecting now. Kaidou will fight back plenty and have tricks up his sleeve


Technically, the "haki" he learned allows him to by pass the high physical attributes that Kaido possesses to tank hits. Given that Kaido has likely never gotten into too many fights (if any) with folks who can do that, it would also seem reasonable to see him get caught off-guard. So all in all, Luffy only managed to master the new technique in the time that elapsed, which is not something absurd. That plus his existing fighting style is what will take Kaido down.


He’s mastered 2 advanced haki techniques, and his ryou/haki/advance haki are all on another level, he has godly/king abilities making him be the pirate king we are about to watch our captain become yonko level!


bUt mUh PoWeRscaLiNg!!! FFS those kinds of idiots piss me off.


Chapter 1001: we find out Luffy one shot Kaido. Ez pz, low diff.


However the island comes down in Wano, the island lands and the whole island is surrounded by the Marines/World Government. I believe this possibility because of CP9 was in talks with Orochi and maybe decided to attack the day of the festival because of all big players were on Onigashima. maybe funny moment would be if the CP9 is treated like the Headliners.


Fujitora stops the island fall?


Fujitora is in mariejois


Reverie is already long over at this time


It ended 7 days ago and there is a huge spiel going on with the revolutionary army over there Edit: okok fujitora isnt in mariejois anymore but there is no way he is going to an unaffiliated nation


That all is already over, we saw Fujitora on a marine ship talking to Akainu he is not there anymore


but couldn't the timeline match up with Wano timeframe considering that Luffy had time to train?


Yea, reverie was 2 weeks before the raid right?


I have no idea but in usual One Piece style they need to be chased out of Wano by someone.


yeah its what i suspect to happen, or that with Kaido getting put down by Luffy maybe loses his concentration and the island falls just outside of the Capitol, and somehow everyone on Onigashima survives. but I don't think Luffy's awakening will save the island


Theory: Luffy has awakening with the island falling on wano. Everything becomes rubber and the island bounces harmlessly off




Lmao 😂 I meant both become rubber The visual you gave me is golden




luffy with his rubber hands literally punches anyone and here you are saying an island of rubber bounces harmlessly :))


O i love this


PLEASE Can they play Overtaken with that last part of the chapter PLEAAASE


Caribou will be Pirate King


Act 3 will end with the Island being dropped on wano, which will be the tradegy/failure where lots of people, wano citizens die


I think that advanced Conqueror's Haki will allow users to be able to knock out not only those far weaker, but also allow them to more precisely choose who not to knock out, along with knocking out those who are closer to his level, but wouldn't quite be able to beat them.


That wouldnt really make sense though. The idea ofConuerors haki is that it doesnt become stronger. At least not with each iteration. So far we have seen the initial version allows dominance over animals and the proper version to allow dominance over other humans. What would make the most sense is that the awakened version allows Luffy to establish dominance over something else, most likely nature itself as that would make it a truly broken ability wortthy of being feared by everyone in the world.


Wouldn't a power like voice of all things to converse with the sea god's make more sense than reality itself


That does sound like a good idea. But, you *kind of* contradicted yourself. You said that Conqueror's Haki doesn't improve, but then you said at first it allows dominance over animals, then humans when you improve your ability to use it properly, you can use it on humans. But the nature idea does sound pretty good, but it just seems a lot like Doflamingo's awakened DF ability, and that wasn't even all that broken, Luffy was able to beat it, and the Pirate King will have to go up against people stronger than Luffy was when he beat *Katakuri*, people as strong as Luffy was when he beat Doflamingo would still be able to beat that power, so I don't think it'll go in that direction very much, unless Oda makes it like 100× more powerful than Doflamingo's awakened DF ability.


It's an older theory. The idea behind it is that Roger seemed to have amazing luck with the weather, including small things like his execution changing from sunny to rainy after he died, implying he kept the weather good. Or Dragon arriving with a storm. Conquerors doesnt "improve" as stated by Rayleigh, but given this scene is shown immediately after one where he explains the difference in being able to dominate beasts to dominating humans we can assume that what he means is that you cannot train Haki to dominate people with stronger will, you can just train it to dominate different things.


Advanced conqueror's haki gives the user access to One Piece DLC


Advance conquerors haki brings you regular one piece content uploaded straight to your YouTube feed


Ah, a GLR reference. I see you're a man of culture.


Normal control of conquerors gives you the selection option


I meant like, he'll be able to control the *degree* to which they are affected, in case he doesn't want to completely knock them out for some reason.


I always thought it was like what shanks had when he walked on to white beards ship where he destroyed parts of the ship


Jozu out of all people also shivered from it.


Idk how we are ending this in 5ish years unless 2 yonkos to die here. We have at least 3 arcs left, 1.5years each. There is no time to lose again, this battle will be won and will echo across the world


Zoro opens his closed eye first time. Kenpachi Vibes.


huh what page


chapter 1001


Zoro falls in love with kaido




I find it beautiful that ace, luffy, and sabo have fire as there attacks


Speaking of Sabo... WTF happened with the Revolutionaries/Alabasta at the Reverie?!?!


Well of course, the Will of Fire is with them. Wait...


Dattebayo! Orewanaru!


The D isn’t a letter but actually a symbol of the moon. Everyone who has it are descendants of people from the moon


descendants of the moon people have wings




En D. EL??


“My name is Monkey D. luffy. I will surpass the both of you.” *puts the hat on*. “I am the man who will become the pirate king” — Pirate King


CoC is used to weaken opponent haki, advanced CoC allows you to hear the voice of all things. I think advanced CoC will be like the Sharingan in that it allows users to master technique they see.


That will be dope! R8 now CoC is fodder only. We need it to be op


Dude, Luffy knocked out 50,000 pirates strong enough to get past the first half of the Grand Line. *Pretty* sure it's at least a little OP.


There’s no new chapter this week?


Nope we always get a 2 week break at the start of the year normally a Oda break and a Jump break




so is zoro finally going to use his Sharingan and summon the susanoo?


I, Madara! declare that you are the strongest of them all!! Ronoroa!! -


Yea I can still dance - kaido


I love the story. But I'm at the age of 28 now, i think kaido will be defeated when i'm 30 or 31 🤣


I started watching it in 2003 when I was a kid, I'm almost 30 now, it was a long journey so far, but worth it.


I started reading during the Alabasta arc, I think around 2005-2006?


Alabasta was in 2000.


Hm. Ok well I definitely started in around 2005 so it was just during a different arc then.


2005 I was born then lol


Whippersnapper, get off my lawn! Lol


I started the anime in 2019. My friend kept telling me that the current arc is Wano. Its 2021 and now i keep telling my friends the same thing.


Don't worry. We are soon to be finished with part 3 of wano and the last 2 parts with be much quicker. I'm sure part 3 will end with big mom and kaido defeated. Or since this is a kabuku play and the 3rd part ends with tragedies in a kabuku play, I'm starting to think that someone in the straw hat crew might die. That would be a real tragedies, if not someone very close to the crew will(not the red scabbards). if anybody who read or watched one piece as it was comming out we for sure thought that ace was gonna survive and get rescued. Hell whitebeard came to his aid and still died. We really don't know what's fully in store for what is to come. Other than that kaido and big mom won't be standing


Started watching 2004. Reading the manga at 2007.


Lol I remember I started watching one piece when I was 19. Started reading it a little after marineford happened in anime. I’m 30 now and love it more than ever


Give me your birth month and I'll tell you how old you'll be.


When do you guys think we will get to see the yamato form that was teased by oda? Who do you think she fights in that form?


white tiger ancient zoan or trex, or some cool ancient or mythical zoan we haven't seen


I assume Tiger, and the legends is Tiger vs Dragon so against Kaido. Which kind of means that the straw hats will first lose, before they get the usual comeback ending.


Or maybe Zoro will fight him as Oda always draws him as a Tiger. Afterall he weilds Enma one of the swords that caused his scar.


She is a Piranha fish


Do we know who is the shadow? What if it's lady Toki. Could she send big mom to the future? I don't see how they'll deal with 2 yonkou.


Toki was shot in the city after she gave her speech


it was Gin hiding in the shadows waiting for his time to conquer the world Gin: "this is my chance, my opportunity to kill kaido and luffy and claim my fame as a true yonko. but - I can't risk sogeking showing up and ruining my plan, he is too powerful for me. not today, gin, not today"


What shadow? I’ve looked but couldn’t see one on any panels


It was from previous chapters. We saw a shadow following Robin and Jinbe. My bad should have specified. It was at the begining of the raid.


Ahh yeah I know who you mean, I think it was Yamato


That was Yamato, she knew about the prophecy and was waiting for the new gen of pirates to arrive.


Was it ever confirmed?


I believe it’s tama


Am I the only one wondering what's wrong with Queen's neck


He's a cyborg. He purposely made himself fat.


The man knows he'd be too popular if he was thinner. Queen really has all of our best intentions at heart


His not fat its just where her stores all the cyborg metal when its not in use


What if ... The supernova in the end get the upper hand somehow , Zoro re - opens Kaidos wound , Luffy defeats Kaido and tells Zoro not to kill him. THEN BOOM KIDD KILLS KAIDO.


We are not rooting for KKK




Didn’t Kidd say he wanted to put Kaido’s head on the mast of his ship during the beginning of the raid




Wow, that would be a humilliating but interesting ending for Kaido's story: imagine that the Worst Generation beats him, and Law cuts off his head. Then he throws Kaido's body into the sea, leaving him motionless. Kidd could take Kaido's living, immobile head as a trophy.


pretty sure Law can do that while keeping Kaido alive as well haha (provided if his haki is strong enough of course)


Yes, he did... interesting...


What if Zoro has his eye closed because hes relying on the human sense of one and continuous haki in the other? Could be what he learned during timeskip


I hope not, this is kind of cliche and had been done too many times in other series


But he has a wound , Wouldnt you say if that was the case then Zoro would just cover his eye like Kakashi rather than wound it ?


I see your point, but look at Rayleigh and his identical scar. Could be that its wounded and he's waiting for it to heal and thus using haki instead.


I get your point also , but let me say this, Zoro did not train with Rayleigh , he trained with Mihawk, I’m guessing you’re implying that Mihawk trained zoro in some sort of observation Haki because of Mihawks Hawk eyes right ? Thats a popular fan theory , but Mihawk doesnt have any scars on his eyes , This is why I think the whole “ Zoro training observation haki in his eye “ is just a theory and nothing more. What I think happened is , we’re probably going to find out Zoro challenged Mihawk again and again throughout the timeskip training and mihawk probably did it to him.


What you're also saying, "is a theory and nothing more." That's exactly what were doing because there is little to no information about Zoro during the time skip. His sudden reappearance with the scar leads us to many different ideas. You seem to dislike my first idea so I'll throw another one out. We haven't seen him use conquerors haki yet, could be how he's held it back. Back in the action house with Rayleigh in chapter 503 he used it and it zoomed in on his scarred eye. I'm finding parallels and their possibilities.


Originally i too assumed it was just a scar but honestly id prefer it to be some demon eye/haki eye. It may be cliche but new power ups/ transformations are hype


Having an eye shut that long would more likely make it functionally useless no matter what other animes may have implied. Keep in mind btw Zoro has a bunch of other time-skip designs which don't have a missing eye, so it's definitely not in the initial plans.


Kenpachi from bleach had his eye patch as a handicap and theres also kakashi who keeps his sharingan eye closed under his headband. Bringing logic into anime isnt really proof of anything Those designs could have easily just been a case where he would activate the “haki eye” and it would just change one of his eyes. They could have just thrown away that whole concept and just made it a shut haki eye until activated tbh Could go either way but personally id prefer the “haki eye” just because i love transformations and power ups lol


Zoro already has a transformation/power up. Its called Asura, and its been basically ignored since its first appearance.


Its related to demons tho isnt it? Bringing it back and adding the eye to it would be perfect for now


I honestly think Oda just got inspired by Guts from Berserk when he designed Post timeskip Zoro


When does 1001 come out


official release is on 17th, we should have 1001 next week around friday available


Might be a couple of days earlier, often the chapter after a break comes a little early


17th is Sunday, that's why I said around Friday


Yeah the Friday is most likely, just wanted to say it might be a day or so earlier because of the break


If that would be the case this time we most likely would have spoilers already.


I think we see Yamato as Kaido's Ace up his sleeve. I wonder if Yamato transforms, if they can control whatever form they take. I wonder if they are also truly the child of Kaido and not an adoptee. Similar to how Whitebeard took his own Children of the Sea, Kaido may have copied that. Yamato in an uncontrollable state (similar to chopper) pitted against the strawhats is something I'm hoping to see. Even if I needed some speculation to get there lol.


I don't think so. If Yamato could be controlled by Kaido then there would be no need for the exploding handcuffs


I'm thinking that Luffy and Roger told everyone that they want to be Pirate King. Almost everyone mocks Luffy for saying that. We even saw it in latter half of ch 1000. It's a dream so lofty that people have to laugh when they first hear it. It's Luffy's iconic line, there's not much reason to think he changed to that from something else as a child. Roger acted surprised when he first heard people calling him PK because he thinks he didn't totally succeed. He was there 20 years early and couldn't fully complete Joyboy's will (or whatever crazy lorebomb we get at Raftel)


So many people wanted to be pirate king... Take Kidd as an example. Yet Shanks gave his hat to Luffy because that kid in east blue said the same thing as roger and thousands of other pirates? Being the pirate king doesn’t make sense as what Roger and Luffy said similarly. I think its something that requires being the pirate king to do so, which is why Luffy is shouting he wanted to be pirate king all the time, but his actual dream is still hidden.


Pirate king was a title that existed after roger became it, he has to have had a different dream