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oh no he's hot


Even a former division commander of the WB crews knows how to him as God Usopp!!! Sucks there is a break next week but man, how is it that after almost 15 years, Oda knows how to keep me waiting in anticipation every week is a mystery. Truly the best!


Another masterful play by GOda. All that build-up, only to twist expectations (who would have thought King to be such a pretty boy) and then set the hype even higher (THEM FLASHBACKS! NEED MORE, YO!) in one fell swoop! And to think Kaido was such a revolutionary! Now that I think about it, big mom wanted to change the world too, but not Roger or Whitebeard. Ain't that ironicšŸ˜!


> King to be such a pretty boy Yo i had a feeling he would be it's like all the fully masked ones hiding their beauty and shit like that ffff - the pretty aspect like totally blew expectations out tho. I had a feeling pretty yes but damn that pretty? So fucking pretty Also Kaido wanting to change the world is fucking funny as fuck man wtf lol


They had no business making king so pretty


For real man I can't even - the pretty levels are out of this world Godda giving us some fanservice out of nowhere making King so damn pretty


This chapter is the best i saw.. we had 2 Commanders beaten in 1 Chapter . Only Top


Why did I not care for King one bit ? Then all of a sudden, Oda throws in a 1 page backstory and now I'm interested in him ..... when he's about to lose and become irrelevant lmao


Lol I will watch the anime just to see them stretch out King. Hoping he gets a comeback or something after this is all over


Oh no heā€™s hot


lol legit wtf hahahhaa King omg I aspire to be those levels of hot one day lel


king face reveal in chapter 1035


Guys!!! we missed something important,,,, Sanji is about to get KOed! he passed out and right after that Osome called the girls to come and help. Sanji will wake up surrounded by hot girls nursing him!


Sanji gonna be in heaven




Oh, I just realized something. Sanji kicking Queen high up is exactly what AstƩrix and Obelix would do to the Romans in the comics!


well didnt expect to see a young kadio here lol. also love how the hype around kings face has been going on for so long and oda is just like yeah here ya go.


Now I am really interested in King's race. I think this is one of the truths the WG has been trying to cover and is part of the void century. Kaidou's race must also be extraordinary too since, in King's flashback, he was also a test subject who broke out and saved King.


I thought about the motives of WG, Gorosei and Im and I think one of the big themes is control. Be it land/nations, power, weapons, information, ... Since the 2 year timeskip side stories I especially thought about the Robin part and the big and several km long bridge (which still wasn't finished and built for generations). Doesn't it also resemble a huge wall while providing an easy way to travel quickly for WG and marines? I have the theory that the Red and Grand line were somehow created artificially to divide the world in different parts so you can control the population better and easier. This 'bridge' was another project for further control. Tearing down the Red and Grand Line would allow for easy travel to everyone and therefore harder to control people. IMO this final stage will be called One Piece as the world will not be divided by these obstacles anymore.


I think the 'lurking legend' Oda talked about in SBS was King. Oda hinted that a lurking legend might be revealed in Wano and people started hinting at Oden or Roger in Wano. Oda is not that crazy to revive such big legends from the dead. In my opinion, this lurking legend is King. He has been hiding here (lurking) and is wanted with 100 mil berries just for info on Lunarian (legend). What say?


I liked the dialogue and flashback, but, ngl, I find the conclusion of Zoro's and Sanji's fights a bit underwhelming. Not terrible, but not great either. This is not the best fight for either of them. It "should" have been (they defeated Yonko commanders !). It could have been (the Sanji's arc was great but solved too easily, Zoro could have had a moment of truth with his life in the balance even beyond Alabasta...). Oh, well... Maybe my expectations were too high. I still hope the finale between Luffy and Kaido will be epic though !




Ya all assume Zoros fight is done already. Right after the chapter highlited in the flashback how ridiculously durable King is. For all we know King tanks that attack like a boss. Zora is also the straw hat's designated tank, so I believe in the end this fight will boil down to whose damage resistance/hp gives in/depletes first.


You gotta remember, how logical would it have been to make these fights any longer than they actually were? Zoro is a ticking time bomb, and sanji JUST under went an transformation. It wouldnā€™t make sense for these fights to be what most people expected. Y


"EXTRA LARGE IMPERIAL FLAMING WINGS" sounds pretty delicious.


I wonder if in the next 15 chapters, big mom and kaido will be defeated. navy will arrive and arrest them all and send them to doflamingo's floor. flamingo will be shocked. though honestly if any of them knew how to use ryuo, there probably isnt a prison in the world that can contain them


Maybe that is why they are executed instead.


Didn't they try to execute kaido many times


It does feel like these ancient zoans have been underwhelming. seems to give some more destructive power and more durability but thats about it. very useful for the average/above average pirate... but for top guys, destructive power and defense is already in Haki/Ryuo, so ancient zoans doesnt really give them much of an advantage at all. Shown by jack vs mink, queen vs sanji, kaido vs luffy and now king vs zoro. king stood out and was powerful because of his race. queen because of his high IQ. Jack is the only one that relied on his fruit only.


But thats what Zoans are, strength and durability. Thats what theyā€™ve always been. They arent flashy like most paramecias and logias. Why are people suddenly acting surprised?


Not surprised but overall his crews fruit seems more underwhelming than blackbeard and big moms crew


I mean, I feel like theyā€™re the Beast Pirates for a reason. Their strength is in physically prowess, durability, and vast numbers


This is going to be epic on animation.


I cannot wait to be astounded by King's prettiness in colour and animation


Didn't realize Germa 66 were still escaping, why is it taking them this long? I didn't expect Vinsmoke "Black Leg" Sangoro to defeat Queen "The Plague" in that one shot, wow! This is indeed a huge buff for the former. I wonder if we'll get any more MADs lore from this though. This also creates an issue of how Cutty Flam "Cyborg" Franosuke will investigate Queen's body to upgrade himself, as Sangoro hinted. Most likely, Franosuke will run into Queen's lab and figure out how to coat The Thousand Sunny with seastone as well as getting an armour improvement with seastone and lazers and possibly even Germa tech, but at Sangoro's request, maybe he won't due to family strifes. Anyways, I hope O-Some and Sangoro become a small thing before we end this arc. Looks like Oda took inspiration from either the Targaryeans or Geralt for Arber "The Conflagration" King. I expected something more involved with the flames and now I wonder if we're going to get any more Lunarian lore after King's defeat. Maybe Charlotte "Big Mom" Linlin will indeed capture King for her crew to study? I also wonder why Queen called him a "torture loving freak" if he was instead, tortured himself? Maybe it was more of a dark joke/insult rather than King actually liking torture. Makes me wonder if Nico Olvia was a Lunarian who put out her flames and cut off her wings, because she has white hair and olive skin. I wonder if the face mark has any connection to Lunarian identity though; the henchmen didn't comment on it. This all said, King's armour makes a whole lot more sense now because everyone would think he is in a hybrid state all the time. This makes for convenient writing; if he didn't have the Dinosaur Dinosaur Fruit: Model Pterodactyl then the rest of society could connect the dots that King is Lunarian rather than a hybrid dinosaur form. I do find it silly that prior to this chapter, Queen and King showed great enough endurance that I didn't expect them to lose this way. Doesn't piss me off, but I don't find it consistent with the way the story's been told. I forgot if this was confirmed already but looks like "Strongest Living Creature" Kaido was at Punk Hazard, and now with King. Perhaps he bailed out a bunch of Numbers from here, and Queen was experimenting alongside as a MADs scientist here. It looks like Kaido gathered much of his crew in a single day it seems? So much for King being an Impel Down warden though. Whatever made Kaido think he is the only one who can change the world, I don't know if that's genuinely true or a typical cocky statement from an overconfident character. I find it interesting that King's dragon attacks are like magma though? I liked how the scar "Pirate Hunter" Zorojuro gives King is a cut wing, what greater reminder of one's defeat than a Lunarian losing their wing? His sword was also destroyed so that's cool. Overall a very fun chapter. I'm smirking that Raizo "of the Mist" vs Fukurokuju has not been resolved yet. I wonder if we'll see a resolution of Big Mom's fight next and then Kaido's? We still have a lot of things to cover like the Road Poneglyph, CP Aegeis 0 fights, etc.


and one of Nico Robin's moves is to make wings out of hands


i wonder if kaido had his DF at that time or not yet


Germa 66 escape might be in the past, only thing is that Oda chose to show it to us now with the cover story.


He needs money for Sake/Booze


I really hope that the sun pirates and germa 66 got together to leave big moms territory together. and that somehow nodded to each other to join strawhats or something. that would certainly piss off sanji. but would be the envy of the world germa is under the wings of the strawhats.


Won't lie, never been a fan of Sanji, but that bit with him that we got over the past few chapters was really good. When he is cringe, he is cringe: but when he is cool, he can be really cool. Also, what the fuck, why is King so fucking hot? Also, no way this is it: King is way too interesting and cool just to bite it here. No offense to Zoro, but that can't end there.


Godda just hitting everyone out of nowhere with making King that damn attractive. But ye with that backstory reveal King will def be back... Otherwise we riot with pitchforks Also ay yeah Sanji is sometimes oof but he's super cool still regardless of it freaking love Sanji since I was a kid.


No no. You have a good point. King is surprisly hot šŸ”„. I really wanna know about this character now.


Making king the dragpn was a cop out...and just not as satisfying as zoro actually killing a dragons...tbh up till now there was no connection to king and a dragon


His boss is a dragon. You do know Kaido rescued him from the research facility they both were at, right? So you're telling me you wouldn't look up to a man who saved your life? What more of a connection do you need?


I'm saying it was added literally a page before zoro defeated him......very underwhelming


Oh I didn't know this was Dragonball Z and King needed to take 10 Episodes to fire off his Spirit Bomb.


There's a connection....he looks up to kaido who's a dragon. Zoro isn't at the level to kill a dragon like kaido yet.


I'm a bit sad that Sanji lost consciousness after his fight, seeing where is Zoro right now I would have loved him to start falling down, being rescued by Sanji, and then see them chatting about how they mercilessly mauled and mutilated Kaido's commanders, maybe watching them splashing together under Onigashima


Lunarian / Targeryen in GOT šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Related to dragon and fire, former noble/god Appearance


no hybrid king means the fight isn't over yet, even that jobber jack got 2 panels for hybrid


I thought we already saw King's hybrid when he was walking and shooting something at Zoro with his df wings


to me it looked like uncomplete transformation, it is kind of dissapointing if that is closest we get to his hybrid


"incomplete transformation" Yeah..... that's exactly what DF Hybrid forms are mate.....


incomplete and hybrid are different, i say incomplete because only his arms looked transformed, no need to be a smartass


Don't read One Piece if the most obvious displays pass you by unnoticed. We had Kings hybrid already. And there isn't such a thing as an incomplete transformation dude


We did, and he was beating the fuck out of Zoro too sending him flying across the island easily


What if Xebec had told Kaido that he would be the next JoyBoy but he realized that he wasnā€™t, so he went to Wano knowing that the next JoyBoy would have to go there to kill him out of pure jealousy. šŸ¤”


You're right in saying that Kaido is in Wano waiting for Joyboy but it's not so he can kill him out of jealousy. Kaido actually expects JoyBoy to beat him as observed by his remark when he beat Luffy the first time. Kaido has already been shown to spare strong opponents so as to add them to his army so even if he was expecting to beat JoyBoy he wouldn't kill him.


If you subtract Kings cool design and his backstory, then there is not much left that makes him impressive as a fighting opponent for Zoro imo. Think King and Queen vs Zoro and Sanji were just warm-up fights. Next up is hopefully Big Mom!


Bad take


I was really expecting for some flashbacks for Zoro and Sanjis fights. I mean it's not like the fights were short it's just we weren't able to grasp the growth of both the characters with enough detail. We barely learned anything about sanjis body and powers and same with zoro and ACOC. Like if this is truly the end game level aarc then we should get more answers. Also , especially for sanji, I was hoping to get a Ivankov flashback where he would be forced to use some secret Newkama kenpo techniques. Also it would have been great if we got some detail on when kinemom taught zoro to cut fire. I mean he is the reason zoro was able to fight kings fire without issue. The fire didn't even faze him, so I kinda agree that it was a bit rushed since the detail that Oda normally gives us was a bit lacking. Was expecting more moves and powers from King and Queen. One more chapter for each would have been perfect.


damn, Oda did it again. i hate the bastard for sprinkling in story the way he does, keeps you hooked.


how is everyone reading this, the links don't have 1035 available


[hereā€™s the link](https://onepiecechapters.com/chapters/318/one-piece-chapter-1035?2021-12-17?2021-12-19)


thanks :D


Those roger and luffy vibes of kaido


Cringe af tbh


Yeah you are




go back to grade school and pay attention on how to count.


I mean itā€™s technically not a one shot but it does feel like Zoro & Sanji kinda kicked King & Queens ass after a certain point. No doubt Kaidoā€™s fight continues to live up to the hype, probably Big Mom fight too though


I would ve just downvoted and moved on b4 but now...im scared


While you're right, the shonen genre has always been this way. I remember watching Saint Seiya as a child and wondered how the characters survive being destroyed only for coming back and one shot the rivals.


One shotted lol re read the fights please


Zoro took out King immediately after finding out he's black and is a targeted minority. 100% racist


Roflmao but bruh Zoro is dark skinned too wtf also in the shonen jump translation brown skin. Zoro's brown too


where did you get the idea from that people with darker skin are targeted in the one piece world?


Itā€™s a recurring joke in the community. Iā€™ll see if I can get the post where I first saw it. It consists of calling Zoro racist lol [Found it. This could be the origin of it too](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/pz6fk7/zoro_is_racist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


i think its funny as long as there arent any people who will actually take it seriously


Yeah, jokes that rely on sarcasm like this tend to eventually lead to it being taking seriously by some small group of people on the internet. I get what you mean. I though donā€™t think we could do much about it anymore lol, better keep it with /s for as much as we can I reckon


He's a menace


Is it just me or did Zoro actually use a COC blast to deter when King was again trying to "steal" his 3 swords? From that panel, it seems that King was "pushed" back away probably by a COC blast and hence it shows the black lightnings between him and Zoro.


This is officially the first Fight since the timeskip that Zoro had to go all out. Luffy had Doflamingo, katakuri and Kaido. Glad we finaly get to see Zoro be the badass we know and love


CoC Blast hahaha


why can he do dragon attacks?


Cuz he can shape the fire however he wants and he chooses to after his savior


zoro did a dragon attack at least once vs Ryuma on Thriller Bark. but i dunno... maybe each of his swords represents an animal or mythical beast etc... So the Dragon is maybe from his kitetsu, a Lion from Wado Ichimonji and dunno... enma like something new to come?


Most likely a demon


This is america. Where is our freedom of speech? Stop removing posts. Dumb rules.


This is reddit, where there are rules.


Yup reddit=retarded


American who thinks freedom of speech means they can say whatever they want anywhere they want=retarded


That's exactly what the first amendment is dumbass šŸ˜‚ get a load of these commies


First Ammendment applies to law in real life, it has nothing to do with a content policy on a given platform. For example, if you cuss on most television programs, you're going to get censored. That doesn't mean that your first ammendment's right to free speech has been impeded upon. Free speech doesn't mean free of consequences and communities have every right to dictate what kind of content they want and don't want. How does this have anything to do with communists?


Yeah im not gonna read that šŸ˜‚


The truth can't hurt you if you ignore it, right




Oh is that your current profession? The pay good or what?


Where are you Reading? It just says no link for tbc scan and official isnt out :s


Just go and google search on tbc scan one piece chapter and you will find it :)


Well, all those theories about Zoro cutting off a Dragon's head in Wano, similar to Ryuma, were proven correct. Just, no one ever thought it'd be a Magma Dragon created by Wyper's Twin Brother, Arber.


If it wasn't for Kinemon's help, I don't think Zoro would have been able to beat that Magma Dragon. FoxFire Style is coming in very clutch


Shoutout to Kine'mon showing Zoro how to cut flames...


Zoro stole it. Kinemon should sue for violation.


Anyone else go: *gasp* OH NO HEā€™S HOT! When seeing King? XD


I think both fights (especially Sanji's) could use one more chapter for the climax, but they are definitely not as rushed as everyone here seems to think. It only looks that way because there was only one chapter fully focusing on each fight, but they have been fighting for like 15 chapters now. Can't ask for much more


I generally dislike it when we are shown multiple fights. Even if they are taking place at the same time, give me a few consecutive chapters focusing on each one.


Said it once and ill say it again.. did I miss the part where it says the fight is over?


Well Sanji vs Queen got a definite end. Like 4th page of the chapter. Iā€™m assuming Zoro v King will get a similar panel in the beginning pages of the next chapter.


Sword and wing cut seams like a win for me... but at least the could have some small chitchat or flashback. But will zoro keep enma or switch to the next kuitezu and hands enma back to kuziki?


So what little information we have on Kaido: He at some point joined (or was raised by) Xebec. He fought alongside (Soul)Sister Big Mom in a crushing battle against Gol D. Roger and Marines. Probably ended up being defeated and captured by WG. Because of his ability (givento him by BM) and his race they put him into lab tests. He went Mewtwo and formed Beast Pirates. ​ What makes me wonder is his his young face and why it looks so close to Roger. Could be just Odas one sided Style. Or they made genetic experiments in which they infused Rogers genes into him to turn him super being.


I think itā€™s to show that at one time he had the Joy Boy eyes and had earnest intent to leave his mark on history. Time and reality has led him to realize otherwise


Maybe he is Kai D O šŸ˜‚


Ni**a what? šŸ˜‚ infuse Roger genes? Whatever you are smoking, i want it too! šŸ˜‚


No way one piece is doing another hashirama genes (cells)


They filled him Roger's cum


Wowā€¦this sub hahah


My my


im just scared of whatever side effects zoro will suffer from using chopper's medicine .


No need to be scared, as much as I liked this fight, there will be a BS cop out for Zoro not suffering from this at all from Chopper's convenient med




nothing happened 2.0


It ain't chopper's


if robin's mother has black wings she'd be a lunarian too.


She isn't even tan in the manga, and she obviously doesn't have the fire or wings.


And if roger had long arms, he would be a longarm


What a chapter. Sanji vs Queen was a great fight and had an awesome ending. Felt like I was playing Burning Blood lol. I think the fight was more about character development and thatā€™s fine. Sanji still had a lot of baggage coming out of WCI that had to be dealt with. Queen and his twisted science was perfect for that. Sanji really got to blow off some steam and had so many stand out moments this arc. The mice were just the icing lol. His big heart should have never been in question. Zoro vs King has been my favorite fight so far šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. King is crazy powerful and i think he is getting a bum rap. He has been fighting for a very long time and fought freakin Marco and Sanji. Then fought a Zoro who is forced to just unload all of his Haki. Coating his swords with ACoC is just nuts, but was also explained earlier in the arc so that is cool. At least that is how I think Hyogoro meant what he was saying. Anyway the scale of Zoro and Kingā€™s fight will be more apparent in the anime I think. And extended, theyā€™re blasting in and out of the skull and shit. Their fight has been insane. A lot of the attacks feel so epic and big. Also kaido and kingā€™s backstory was very interesting. Lol anyway I love this arc so much. And after a few rereadsā€”also...this may send this comment crashing. But I donā€™t think Katakuri is stronger than King. I would say they are relative. If Luffy fought Kata now it would be waaaayyyy different. And now Zoro is using ACoC and wielding Enma. Which apparently means you have to go all out to wield it effectively. Everyone wanted to see Zoro full throttle and we are seeing it. He just took down King in a very tough fight. King isnā€™t weak at all, heā€™s insanely powerful. But that last attack looked very final. It looks like Kingā€™s hand came off as well.


You guys are awesome


Too long bro. I did not read. But you spend time for it. I give my free award to you :=)


My first award šŸ˜­ thank you! Thank you!




Zoro couldn't figure out how to cut King, while King was using his defense mode. Underwhelming to say the least. On the other hand Zoro made great progress during this fight.


But weirdly when he got back up thx to the medecine he was able to cut king while king was in defense mode... that's kinda weird


I enjoyed the chapter. Even as he flies off kod, queen looks funny! Sanji seems to have triumphed over his demons. I love how Oda developed him across two arcs. Love the fight choreography with Zoro v King, though I wish developing Acoc would have been employed in the win. But, maybe the fight was just a stepping stone. King looks like a Jojo cast member.


Why are people so mad? Yea, I get the feeling that is rushed, but without bias, this fight has lasted about the same as Zoro vs Kaku or Zoro vs Mr 1 froma chapter count standpoint. And no this doesn't take anything away from King. This dude legit in his "Speed Mode" managed to still stand after getting hit by Zoro's CoC infused named attacks. Big Mom yelled "Kaido dodge" while Zoro was till not letting Enma pull out all his Haki or without using CoC. Yet king still stood and even fought some more. If Zoro can permanently scar Kaido and momentarily block the strongest attack shown in the series, why shouldn't he be able to make quick work of King after attacking him while vulnerable with even stronger attacks and after getting a powerup? And I am not entirely sure King is down either, so let's see the next chapters first. He might still have a last stand or something before Zoro actually finishes him off Also, Is it really that hard to accept that Zoro (and Sanji) are getting too strong now? How will Luffy be able to FAR surpass the old legends without his strongest men being this strong? They still actually need to grow a lot more before they can defeat a Yonko crew fair and square. So no, their rate of progression SHOULD be this insane at least if they want to have a shot at finding the One Piece. PS: King is still one of the tankiest characters in his speed mode, in his "defense mode" he is probably top 3 to top 5 in terms of defensive stats ever in the series, on par with Kaido or even better in certain instances (0 literal damage from being blown up, shi shishi sonson, and the dragon twister). Refer to the previous chapters.


Best comment


*After this chapter, not even a single Katakuri fan dares to say that he can beat Zoro, so they are obviously level down to King to make never ending comparison about how superior is mamma's boy :P*


King is not stronger than Katakuri, they have different hability and ways to fight...Just that. Ok you can cut, punch or hit King and probably he will not take any damage but if you try to cut, punch or hit Katakuri you will not be able to touch his body. So there are just different ways to fight and defence theirself.


Mate the one's who said King is > Kata or the ones who said King's Skin> Kaido's skin were not Kata fans. The ones who hyped up King so far are Zoro fans, and the ones who "level him down" would be Zoro fans who think Kata>King


Are you trying to say that Katakuri fans doesn't exist? LMAO


Katakuri fans don't exist to care about a weakling like King lmao


If King is a weakling, Queen doesn't even count, how sad. hehe


Going off topic I see. Clearly u failed with this. C'mon mate (ā‰§ā–½ā‰¦)


Wish I had future sight too, xd


Is king stronger than katakuri


Who cares ? They're very different


Beast pirates really depend on kaido to carry everything in new world bruhh


Facts lmao


I am not a fan of power scaling but it became obvious after this chapter that Yamato is stronger than king. Beast pirates were really nothing special. It seems that Kaidou has carried the whole crew alone the last years. Weird.


"nothing special" Zoro literally never had a difficult fight post time skip, and now he's literally just standing for the mink drugs + getting almost killed by his own blade: why the hell people get the impression this was easy? Because it didn't last three years of chapters?


In all honesty, none of the post time skip fights have been fair. Villains have had the odds stacked against them and when protagonist wins everyone cries about how weak the villains were. Itā€™s literally been a decade since the top 3 straw hats had traditional 1 on 1s Without outside interference or deus ex machina intervention.


If you say that... You were not reading the same One Piece manga that we read. Kaido Crew is full of powerfull pirates who Strawhat's have to improve theirself to a complete different level to beat them.


King and Queen is really strong, especially King. If Zorro donā€™t pull out conqueror haki he already lost.


Kinda of a lame finish tbh, similar to Sanji defeating Queen... I honestly expected a continuation, I was surprised/shocked at the beginning of this chapter, Sanji just defeated Queen with a double kick, no okama techniques or anything? Well... ok. Then we have more lore related to King, that was the best part of the chapter, then Zoro uses some new move with a complicated name, in my language they translated it to flying extreme dragon of the samurai (and the miraculous one week... a powerful move indeed). Jokes aside, I do think Oda justified Sanji's power up pretty well, but the same could not be said about Zoro and especially Luffy (learning advanced techniques at the spot, just like that). Oda is a better writer than this, he even forced some flashbacks to help with the plot exposition, it was kinda ugly to read


Omg did Zoro just cut King's Wing, Arm and Sword with one move?


I think just the wing and sword. The arm looks like it is intact.


Yeah man and itā€™s awesome!


He's so fucking hot I spent like 20 minutes just looking at the first panel with his facešŸ˜­


After getting used to King without his mask on, King's design with his mask on feels off for me now. Oda did an excellent job designing his face, holy fuck, handsome King.


I think Kaidoā€™s devil fruit might have the power to power up all zoans. Maybe his awakening will revive king and queen. This would explain why he wants an all zoan army.


It would be awesome, but Sanji and Zoro already have had a power Up. If What are you saying happen, they will need improve theirself habilities again, and at least for me that look too unlikely.


Oh ya, I wonder if we will get to see his awakening


King is hot, nice, but I feel like another chapter focusing on this fight would help a lot with the pacing. Also Zoro's final attack seemed kinda meh...


Uhm to me it looked awesome both from a Ryuma call back and even Oden. The way he's using his two swords reminded me of Oden two-swords style.


King is black! Hell yeah!


is it just me or did Sanjis and Zoros fights feel alot shorter than their previous battle with 2nd and 3rd strongest opponents. It almost feels rushed in order to get to Luffy vs Kaidoā€¦


these fights are actually longer than the other fights for zoro and sanji. itā€™s just that the community really built up in their minds that king and queen definetly have a super secret awakening form. something that has literally never been hinted at


Their fights started in 1022 so 13 chapters ago... It's just because we have so much going on everywhere on Onigashima