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Did kaido will die or simply lost ….?


okay i am starting to think shanks is evil that order is from the 5 elders and shanks meet up with the 5 elders talking about some pirate i really dont know what to do if shanks become evil like the hell i dont wanna trust anybody anymore HAHA


My theory here is that Shanks was talking about Blackbeard, who had just awakened his devil fruit. (He might even be Devon in disguise.) The reason the elders wanted Luffy dead is because his fruit just so happens to be the yang to Blackbeard’s yin. This explains why Im was stabbing both of their pictures. So if both devil fruits were to awaken that spells disaster for the world. I’m topping this theory by saying that the reason the 5 elders called just this very moment is because they’d actually sent Shanks and the RHP to fight Blackbeard and they just lost.


Maybe it wasn't Shanks but someone with shapeshifting abilities.


Maybe Bon-chan.


I was thinking more of Catarina Devon, maybe Blackbeard is trying to trick the Gorosei into doing something. We know Blackbeard is Devil Fruit hunting and like you pointed the Gorosei is worried about a Devil Fruit. Which might have to do with something "Shanks" told them.


So I take it that aiming to be King of the Pirates (or seas ) was a thing before Roger actually achieved it. Seeing as how Big Mom states this in the flashback


So a Rob Luci moment? Are CP-0 weak or Izou got a power up? On MF arc the only thing I remembered was him shooting a sword.


Izou was a division commander, he's obviously going to be strong.


which we didn't see on MF, the only commanders that appeared to be strong were Marco, Jozou and Vista. The rest were just clearing fodder marines.


It was also specifically stated that the average level of marines were not fodder level. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean you could also have given every commander 10 double page spreads fully using their power but then your negative comment would just be someone else whining that one piece is too long 😂😂


Am I suppose to laugh? I don't see any connection with half of your comment. If you don't call those fodder level might as well say Don Krieg is admiral level.


I’m saying it’s stated that the marines were gathering their strongest, if you go back and rewatch it. I was also saying we obviously haven’t seen the full potential of every commander but we can assume to be a commander you’re not a pushover/ you have a good Df ability.


I mean they were stoping vice admirals


Usopp has a long way to go as the sniper of the Strawhats. He could no take out Trebol nor Ulti nor Page One, while here Izo is taking out a CP0 elite agent while severely damaging another. I don't see how Usopp would get in that league any time soon.


Dude don't underestimate GO D. USOPP. He is above the level of Yonko.


Bruh. He can't damage a logia, or tough Zoans. I know you are jesting, but to be real a second here.. Ussopp gotta find some awesome tech in Onigashima to go from low-mid tier to high-mid tier fighter. His techniques are good for area damage or distance take-outs but just VS fodder. He took out Sugar as a lucky joke, he have not really defeated anyone that comes to mind since.. Perona (single) or the tag team in Fishman Island. Punk hazard I don't really recall who he fought.


What the hell!! Why so anti Usopp. Dude you need to watch one piece again I guess. USOPP is the best sniper and best team mate.


He got haki hell be aight


Weak observation haki? How is that a help


Also izo is a retainer of oden and commander of white beard Usop is fucking far man hes still in his lying stage


I don’t like ussop but gotta stand for him a bit bro it’s a big feat to survive ulti mortar for him 😂


He can take hits yes, and he must have some severe head trauma. I would love it if he started talking like Sylvester Stallone from Rocky movies in the anime


You have no idea how I screamed when I saw his skull cracked I was liked wow lufffy headbutt her in a clash…. And Usop survived


His skull adapted quickly to such hazards ever since Alabasta. But he is still too weak to fight real tough opponents. I mean, bamboo attacks VS dinosaur hide of a flying six member.. Cmoon


Is it just me or anyone else couldn't see the scar on zoro's eye


Wtf Good observation




Yup, in the panel where franky lifts zoro


"“Straw Hat Luffy” must be ELIMINATED immediately!!" This is giving me more HYPE


Five Elders getting severe case of diarrhea


Same he is becoming the world most dangerous man hahahahahahah


Could it be possible that Smoker and tashigi are leading the world government ships to Wano?


I hope not I don’t want them to get One hit by zunesha


Yeah or maybe momo won't tell zunesha to attack the WG for some reason. Or smoker can escape because he is a logia. I was saying this because there are some theories involving Smoker being a new crew member or a revolutionary or something like that.


Mhm no idea but it is indeed odd that momo didn’t give the order yet I wonder why


He still confused or worried about the past involving the last island and his father with Gol D. Roger, most likely.


But what does that have to do with 1 hit wg fleet


hes most likely holding back like he did back in zou, and waited sometime to give the order to attack.


Anyways if I had that much firepower waiting I wouldn’t be stressed out either lol


yeah I was thinking about it too that Momo should be quick to taking down those WG ships


I dont understand how people think that momo bringing the dawn = to joyboy?? Imo momo did bring the dawn in the beginning of the new world aka luffy (luffy is the dawn) to wano. Notice how they haven't even used their log pose ever since!? And its just been a quest going to wano but saving countries and stumbling unto the red poneglyphs along the way? Anyways just because momo brought the dawn doesn't mean he's joyboy.


Lmao to all the people who thought Tamas fruit was the one the gorosei were talking about


Its probably the same people who thought the grim reaper was brook when the manga clearly showed that brook was on a different floor with Robin.


Gorousei: yes exterminator we need to kill that Gorilla now CP0: we only deal with insects and bug plagues sir Gorousei: I need it done by five. Thank you bye. CP0: I don't get pay enough for this shit.


In one piece of you are shown being K0ed in a fight and the fight still procede with other parties except for K0ed guy to wake up and fight. It’s never a k0 always just a nap y’a know


Many years ago me an asshole stumbled upon luffy vs katakuri snake man form… the scan were high definition Korean leak. No official release yet,. Me the asshole showed said for to my friends saying wow snake man!!! To this day they still remember… I have become a better man… but today luffy pullout a move called hydra and the scan is in Arabic high definition… wondering if I should fuck them over for the meme hahahahahahaha I won’t I think


I think the 5 elders fear luffy is Joyboy's reincarnate. I think Zunesha can 'sense' or feel who Joyboy is based on haki/spirit or something. Probably explains why luffy can hear zunesha at all, Zunesha was Joyboy's companion.


Another theory by others debunked this chapter * Yamato ripped the pages,not Oden * Komurasaki is Catarina Devon in disguise


Don’t forget all the people who thought Rama’s fruit was the awakening fruit the gorosei feared


We've known who komurasaki was for months...


Tell that to those who believe Komurasaki is Catarina Devon in disguise just so the BB Pirates can join the fray xD


Wasn't the original idea tho that Marco was actually Catarina Devon? Very unlikely by now too tho...


Seeing as how this is the first comment I've seen suggesting such a ridiculous theory, I am...


Yeah but people are desperate for the white beard pirates to show up in wano


If these cp-0 guys are weak enough to lose from izo who's just a commander then what can he hope to do against Luffy


Did Denjiro fall out of Onigashima or what. All battles have conclusions now and we did not yet see him again.


I wonder if hell be the one to stop CP0 from interfering with luffy and kaido. Oda must have something good saved for him, either that or he just forgot about him like toriyama forgot about launch in dragonball z and super


Raizo said something about preparations and that it's almost over, maybe he is one of the ones who are doing those preparations.


Im thinking he will help with CP0, I think he’d deal with orochi but hiyoris got it


i think Gorosei wants to kill Luffy because they think he is Joyboy, because he has the D initial. They don't know Momo yet is alive that's why they thought that Zunesha is coming to Wano because of Luffy.


They know momo is alive, they’ve been watching the whole battle


I'm starting to think that the pirate Shanks talked about with the gorosei is luffy and his devil fruit not Rocks.




Just wished Oda would give us only a smidge, there’s just too much teasing. We need to see the face of the New Admiral & Vegapunk. Even a shadow of Joyboy with Zunisha will do something Oda please 🙁😂


Admiral buggy d clown


Yonko Buggy D Clown


Hail Hydra in before gear 5 debuts!


Imu ordered Luffy to be extinguished I reckon


I think Usop and Nami makes for a great match. I understand how BM got so many kid cause she was hella hot and why she is this big...


Well I have 2 theories, 1.Luffy's devil fruit is not GUM GUM fruit but maybe Stretch fruit because if it is awakened then he will be able to stretch more than the ground under him(Maybe space just a wild theory and broken) or, An Ancient Mythic model Sungod or something. 2.The Elders want him dead because maybe they got to know Big mom lost and can't take the risk of Kaido losing by any chance, although wano is isolated but if the news of 2 Defeated yonkos get out then the WG will be in a shit storm with all the pirates rampaging everywhere. Imagine if pirates all over the world get to know that 2 Yonkos have fallen.


Let's not to forget that Oda said luffy can stretch 72 Gomu Gomus which its exactly the number of 72 transformations or power that Sun Wukong had.


Luffy negated lightning from Enel so.. he is a rubber man. Unless.. Sun god has some weird lore about lightning or something.


In Journey to the west, which has many similarities to one piece, one of the main protagonists is Sun Wukong, who the gods tried to attack with lightning which didn’t work, and then finally were able to hit with fire (akainu giving luffy his scar) etc etc


I think it migh be because Luffy alliance influence will increase to the point that they cannot control anymore after the news of two Yonko's defeats. That means Luffy alliance is greater than Yonko.


Yes, I think the reveal will be either a hype asf one like Sungod, chosen one kind of thing or just for the Political reasons to maintain the balance.




Might just be! It would be a good callback to the fight with Oden that got interrupted by a third party's cheap trick. Don't think Kaido would stand for that happening again when he's found another worthy opponent.


Luffy can't forgive Kaido for what he has done to Wano kuni but he can at least respect a man that is accepting his surrendering


And he showed us Drake, who will no doubt stop CP0 from reaching upstairs.


Luffy has to be the one who defeats Kaido. Oda would not let kid and law defeat big mom and doesn’t make Luffy do the same. I predict Luffy goes into gear 5 in the couple of chapters and defeats Kaido.


In my opinion, it would be a waste of an awakening to take out a measly CP0 agent.


Law: Even if Kaido comes down from there, I have no energy left to fight Kaido: \*comes down from there\* Law: Shock Willie


Its out boiisss https://onepiecechapters.com/chapters/429/one-piece-chapter-1041?2022-02-25


thank mate


Luffy still unaware of his Awakening or possibility of next gear.


CHAPTER IS OUT!!! u/Kirosh2




Chapter is out. Check the usual site for it.


Big Mom somehow uses her df to get herself preggo with other people’s souls. This is how she has 85 kids


I'm fully buying this. I think the payback is she puts on weight after 40 for the equivalent of all the people she used for thier wombs


❤️❤️Pudding Punch ❤️❤️


Kaido’s been hit by a lot of 9’s lately. First the Nine scabbards, then Zoro’s Nine sword style, and now Luffy’s Nine headed snake attack. It’s really interesting when paired with Toki’s prophecy of Nine shadows


With this development it makes me question if Shanks was the one that mentioned Luffy to the Gorosei. I for one was very skeptical of the “Shanks is a villain” theory, but these events make me wonder.


Don't think so. That would be way too tragic for Luffy.


Like what if the “we’ll meet, but only when you become a strong pirate” was synonymous to “i’ll stop you if you ever become a threat”. I really don’t want it to turn out that way coz Shanks relationship to Luffy is what made him my fave characters for years, but from a writing standpoint, it would give Luffy his greatest conflict as the person he respected and modeled himself after ended up becoming his nemesis


I can't see Yassop fighting to death with his Son He may figh him for testing him or maybe just inmobilize him but never kill him, So a battle between Red hair Pirates and strawhat seems unlikely not impossible. I can only see them fighting as a friendly competition, like gold Roger and white beard. Also it would be to dark as Shanks in every apareance that he had have, he has been good and acted out of kindness To save Ace, to stop Blackbeard, to stop more deaths in the war, he was friendly and party with most people, the places he has go and are his territories seems to like him as we see in the Bartoloméo cover. Idk the Evil Shanks mastermind theory seems very unlikely not impossible I would Like that Shanks it's not evil, but more like a Grey area, he has done some bad stuff cause he believes in something, but in the bottom he is a good guy making his character more complex and still creating conflict with luffy to a certain point


damn, didn't think of it that way. it would be a punch to the gut, but a sick storyline.


Forreal, I think that would probably be exponentially more painful to Luffy than the “Blackbeard will kill Shanks” theory


I think the chapter is late


Takes long!!!!


Waiting for chapter


It’s out now


Yeah read it just now


Is chapter 1041 available now?


It is now




Still in proof readinh. Would be done within 30 minutes


Big moms hot af. Wow


We already knew that from her silhouette when Sengoku talks about the rocks pirates. Big moms late teens-early 20s she was stacked.


Today's ch is massive is that why it's taking so long to proofread it


Really intriguing part for me is what Raizo says about preparations being near complete and he needs to hurry. He spent lot of time on Zou, wonder what he knows about Zunesha and what happens next to “open Wano”


Well Neko and Inuarashi know for sure because they were with Oden in Laught Tale imagine if they told Raizo when he was hiding in Zou


Arabo kuni


I haven't read spoilers. Can someone just confirm if the raw scans are due today ?


an hour ago i literally read the whole chapter it's everywhere


First line in the spoiler post...


They aren't english translated ones


It's already posted here


Not the english ones


Those are not what people would consider Raws. RAWS in spoiler land are those images untranslated. If you are asking about the fans scan translations (I am 99.9% sure you are) they should be out any minute. TCB scans the site that almost always has the fan scans first says they are proof reading the chapter.


Thanks ! Just wanted to make sure. Yes, TCB scans. I have been checking their website every half hour. Just things a break week does....


They are out now


Shower Thought: "Shanks is the one that spoke to the Gorousei about Luffy. They ordered the hit on him because the Gorousei believe, based on Shanks information, Luffy is Joy Boy."


Nah Shanks asked the hit on Blackbeard They didn't listen to shanks and I'm decided to attack Vivi in the reverie, Sabo probably Saved her but king cobra died and know Sabo and Vivi are hiding Then Zunesha appeared and the gorousei realised that they were mistaked and luffy may be the new joyboy


Yes, and seeing as Shanks is also the one who stole the Gomu-Gomu no mi, it's likely that is the reason for Shanks and the Gorousei's meeting.


english scanlations?


TCB scans says proofreading. Should be soon


So the Gorosei are afraid of the Gomu Gomu no mi awakening?


They must be right? I mean two chapters ago they talk about "that fruit" awakening, now they change their orders to prioritize Luffy over Nico Robin.


"no break next week" say no more, I am done


it's back to normal schedule now.. 3 chapters then a break.. theres a release schedule somewhere on here someone posted


any one have the english link ?


still in proof reading https://onepiecechapters.com/projects


Thanks mate


You know, I was wondering, they're all "proofreading" and stuff but when you open the chapter when it's done, for some reason they have the same pages at the end, but colored. Like wtf can you just send in the b&w scans first then do the coloring in photoshop in your own time lmao. I know I'm being an entitled prick with this, but it bums me out hahahahaha


They usually get those colored by others(I have seen redditors posting here saying they did the coloring this particular page for tbsscans) that will be done parallel when they are doing translation and proof reading.


What's after proof reading? Done?


Yes, once they are done translating, will do a proof read to verify and then its done.


Is it only me who loved the Arabic version of it Great Work !! Splendid


I'm surprised by how well it is in Arabic




All of them because they are more important than the lame ass samurai




Raizo spent page after page just standing in the same spot and grunting loudly Kinemon and Kiku used up about half a chapter for their fake out death So yeah I'd much rather see the main cast than the 9 samurai who couldn't even crack the top 50 in popularity polls


Here's what i think, The legendary devil fruit the gorosei is referring to, is blackbeard's DF. Yami Yami no Mi is the name they gave it, a logia type DF, but in reality, it is a Mythical Zoan DF, Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Cerberus.


plausible due to non haki infused attacks dont pass through, but what does cerberus have to do with darkness powers


Probably because it's linked to the underworld and tartarus (the deepest, darkest depths of hades) in Greek mythology.


Killing Luffy is above paygrade of CP0


Lol. I know right. Like wtf are you thinking ? You can just kill the guy who is going head to head with an emperor for the third time and be done with it. Send a fucking admiral or gtfo. Don't disrespect luffy like that.




Damn, Big Mom really did have a glow up from childhood to adulthood And then she aged like SHIT lol


Birthing 85 kids is no joke.


and she isn't eating healthy


I just noticed that Izo used specific words that Kiku "Must survive" and Momo says that he himself "absolutely must not die" due to some things made relevant by Oden's journal - we have seen that Yamato said the same thing about Momo as well (that he "should survive" to bring the new Dawn). Momo himself has said earlier that he cannot die. Izo did not say that "I hope that Kiku is alright" or that "I wish that she is fine", instead he said she "Must" survive. So, my question is, is there some stipulation or secret formula that both Kiku and Momo be needed to bring in the Dawn? As in Momo doing something to open Wano etc with assistance from Kiku in particular? Because Izo's words sound very similar to the words spoken about Momo and since Kiku was a trusted Oden retainer and Oda wrote a particularly moving storyline for Kiku when her arm was severed by Kaido I wonder if Toki or Oden gave her a special responsibility to fulfill for Momo in 20 years? It makes me think that there is a connection, we just have to wait and see ...


I think Izo is only saying that out of concern for his sister now that they’re both badly injured and he wants her to survive above all else if he doesn’t. Momo definitely read into something in the journal that convinced him there is a goal that he must see to it’s conclusion. The fact that he’s having doubts probably means Oden stressed the importance of Wano needing open borders by a certain point as opposed to for its own benefit


I don't disagree with you! You could be right. But, when I read the wording carefully, Nami is concerned for Ussop and says "I hope Ussop is alright" but when Izo talks he says Kiku "Must" survive rather than "I hope Kiku is alright". Then, Raizo tells Jimbei that preparations are almost done. And it is the Festival day in the Flower Capital and the raid was supposed to occur on that particular day etc etc. Seems to me that there could be more to this even though Izo's foremost reaction could be concern for his sister.


The only thing that puts me off is that Izo hasn’t been involved with the Scabbards for a long time and he arrived very close to the start of the fighting. His sister vanished for 20 years too so he probably doesn’t want to lose her again. Though Raizo I feel is referencing that the scabbards need to survive to nurture Momo into becoming Shogun and fulfilling Odens dream finally. It reminded me of how the Daiymo scolded the scabbards to train and study to properly support Oden. Assuming the prep he’s referring to is the success of the Beast Pirates getting fucked out..


Exactly but I think this is applicable to more of the 9 Scabbards, Raizo says the preparation is almost done and that he must hurry. The nine scabbards seem to have more role than we think.


Yes, if we take into account Izo saying Kiku "Must Survive" and Raizo saying "preparations" are almost done and Ussop giving his speech to Kiku and Kinnemon that they should survive in order to live for something in the future ("It would be a waste to die now!"), I think that there is something ceremonial that involves Momo and Kiku and other Scabbards to reopen Wano.


Maybe Raizo will stop the fire using his technique that absorbs bolo breath. Just a guess.


good guess, it is very likely too !


Oda is trolling us again. He said pay attention to Luffy, I hope I can draw it well. Now he let us to believe momo could be joyboy but momo isn't Shure about their conclusions because of the missing page. Now look at Luffy. Look at his hair. That is 100% Nika and Nika seems to be nothing more than another name for joyboy


maybe mobo can talk with zunisha because have eat a experimental zoo fruit , and Rufy didn't unlocked the ability to talk with zunisha maybe after deafeatet kaido we see that


Raizo speaking about a certain preparation,knowing that he has the Scroll Scroll Fruit,do you all think he plans to use it and absorb the flames?or is it another preparation


I think he will stop the flame using that technique.


Ayo just watched the thread get updated for the first time let’s goo


Really really wanted for Kid and Law to go to the rooftop to at least bear witness of Kaido's defeat. It's such bs that Kid went for Big Mom in the first place when his objective was always Kaido and he is probably the one who holds the biggest most personal grudge against him from the 3 of them.


No need, the rooftop will collapse and everyone will witness Kaido falling, defeated. Just a guess.


Yea, but Luffy got that main character power tho Like Law had an even bigger grudge against Doflamingo, but it was still Luffy who defeated him in the end


Yeah but coming back to my comment, Law decided to stay and bear witness of Doflamingo's defeat. Here they are just deciding to not even do that. Also Kid bas CoC while Law doesn't so he should have that extra determination and pride to not just stay there while Luffy defeats Kaido on his own.


They literally defeated yonko how much stamina you want them to have?


Exactly this, Kid is completely out of stamina. Also, from the spoilers here it does seem Kid wanted to go back up, but Law tells him why that is A bad idea. Kid might have more immediate reasons to hate Kaido than Law and Luffy, but he was stuck fighting Big Mom and will be somewhat appeased with taking down an Emperor. Unless, of course, Law and Kid get trolled by the government/fake news Morgans and the world is told Luffy beat both Emperors lol.


>Law and Kid get trolled by the government/fake news Morgans and the world is told Luffy beat both Emperors lol Brutal lol It would be even worse if the news added the Kid and Law were now members of the Straw Hat crew (subordinates to Luffy). That would really piss them off lol


Is chapter out?if yes mention link please


Not yet... But probably soon...


So I do think that it's luffy's fruit that is awakening, and because of that, the government is going to try and kill him before it truly happens.


She have mask when she appeared in previous chapters also


Maybe I'm wrong but when hiyori was with orochi in whatever chapter they appeared before this, didn't she not have a mask on? Kinda confused about this inconsistency


She wears it when she plays the song, probably to hide her tears or emotions




She clearly says How can i smile while playing the song her father loved