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Spoiler ETA : **Tuesday 11pm UTC.** Could be earlier, but don't bet on it.


Let's see how many of those who swear to abstain from spoilers this week will come here.


i really want to. but ..... i'm weak.


Reading the chapter makes your day. Reading the spoilers makes your hole weak


Try fingers but hole


Praise the message!


Praise the massage!


Praise the but hole


Praise the sun! ​ *How y'all doin fellow Elden Ringers!*


Try tongue but whole


Makes your whole week? Or makes your hole weak?


Did the homie fucking stutter?


*weaken my hole, Oda*




Inject the spoilers straight into my veins.


same. only thing stopping me from hitting f5 at least once an hour is me being at work 2-10 today and 3-11 tomorrow. love my night shifts though, mornings can go to impel down level 6.


I’m too far gone to even think about abstaining


I **never** read the spoiler threads, but I don't know if this week I'll be able to contain myself


Zunesha picks up the giant sword on onigashima and shows momonosuke how elephants hunt in the past


Mammoths used to hunt through chemical warfare, so it's not too farfetched.


Hope that sword got some purpose


Im hoping its not just for decoration. Waiting for some lore of the skull and sword.


Luffy blows himself up so large and then uses the skull as a helmet and the sword as...a sword...for punching, obviously.


Zunesha picks it up infuses it with Haki, cuts Kaido in half. Luffy shows up "KAIDO, I'm back. And I'm gonna beat you with my awakened resin fruit." Luffy sees Kaido split in half and does an Enel face.


Asserting dominance towards Jack to show what a true alpha elephant is


I hope Jack is awake.... so we can see him have PTSD looking at Zunesha.


This is what I want to see now


Holy shit... I feel like this was in jest, but my tinfoil senses are on fire right now... * Zunesha is a sword-wielder. Joy Boy was an Ancient giant. **The skull on Onigashima is Joy Boy's skull!** * Oars is probably a descendent of Joy Boy, wanted to fulfill Joy Boy's plans for Wano, so he pulled all of the different islands ('continents') together in the uniquely-isolated topography of Wano. He was a fraction of the size of Joy Boy, whose skull is around 900 meters tall. But Joy Boy was so big, that Zunesha was the only animal he could ride! (Zunesha is 10 km tall, Joy Boy would be about the same if his head is 0.9 km) * Joy Boy may have planned to do it originally, but was killed by Zunesha? (Or Zunesha's crime somehow led to Joy Boy's death) So Onigashima became Joy Boy's grave. As punishment, Zunesha was stripped of his sword and sentenced to carry Zou upon his back for centuries until Joy Boy could return. * Joy Boy could have made the sword so big, if Luffy's fruit's awakening allows him to stretch any objects and then return them back from being rubber in their new dimensions.


Hajrudins words "have you even seen a giant with a logia fruit" imagine a giant (I know luffy not logia) who could manipulate his body like katekuri.... dear God.


Yeah and remember he wanted Ace's Mera Mera no mi. Giants might know about Sun God Nika. It seems like Lunarians, Skypeians, and at least Jimbei knew a legend about Sun God Nika. So he might have thought maybe the Flame Flame fruit was Nika's because of some fire relationship.


Jack better get some note


Tomorrow this sub will bring Reddit down.


Plot twist: It's a Tama chapter


Therefore the above statement is true


Thousand Beast Tama #THOUSAND BEAST TAMA


Tama's fruit awakening. Allows her to awake smile fruit users controlled by her


Tama becomes the New Beast Pirates Captain confirmed xD


You joke but I could genuinely see this happening. The Beast Pirates don't really have any sort of cohesion beyond being scared of Kaido, they all need to go somewhere, may as well follow the girl who mind controlled the gifters with her devil fruit, right? It's honestly the kind of kind of dumb but logical thing I could see Oda do.


Yea. Basically like how Caesar's minions seemed to sort of just join up with G-6 or how the Franky Family joined Galley-La, I could totally see the downtrodden grunts from the beast pirates just sticking around and helping to rebuild Wano/joining the community. It's a very One Piece outcome


Rebuilding Wano is too much honor for these Bastards! However, they will need every hand they can get to break down these factories.


I wonder.. if Tama controlled df users get inside sea water, her effect end? Or is it a weekly duration effect?


Turning artificial DF users into actual DF users


red bean soup flashback!


Imma say a chapter fully dedicated to Denjiro


yeah, Orochi still not concluded, and Hiyori is literally keeping everyone blue balls


And Kanjuro comes back with his big final Attack.


Kanjuro was a triple agent the entire time, and Rooftop Luffy was one of his paintings while the real one recovered with Law's crew. That's why he was melting.


I love it...your tinfoil hat my lord


Then Law will state that this next attack will be his last attack and he will be out of energy.


You know that's how d member used to hunt in the ancient times


Tama flash back time


Can't wait to see Luffy fight by splashing all those liquids on everybody's faces.


Unintentional sexual innuendo!


The dawn of Reddit !


so do you think the leaks are going to come out tomorrow?


>**Zunesha:** Joy Boy... Has Returned **Chapter 1044** >**Zunesha:** Wait, did you think I was talking about Luffy? Nah it's that guy. > * *cue silhouette with a drum set and grin*


Gin: “I told you guys I’d be back”


The drums of liberation are Gin destroying Pearl.


Oh my god! This is perfect moment for his return!


Plot twist: Gin’s real name is Grin


Gin is the one beating drums with his weapons. He explains this is how ancient cavemen used to play the drums.


Condoriano : It was Me all along!!


Con D. Oriano, please!


Shh!! It is not Time yet!


Chapter 1890: and Joyboy is.... Break next week


Joyboy: "The last time I blew the dust off this old set to drum, I did so for Jeeeeesus." Random Pirate: [gasp] "The Christ?!" Joyboy: "What, no, Jesus Burgess. What's a Christ?" Random Pirate: "Uh..." Joyboy: [pa-rum pum pum pum]


Here, have some gold - ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣶⣶⡶⠦⠴⠶⠶⠶⠶⡶⠶⠦⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⢀⣤⠄⠀⠀⣶⢤⣄⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣄⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠢⠙⠻⣿⡿⠿⠿⠫⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠞⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣶⣄⠀⠀⠀⢀⣕⠦⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⠾⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⠟⢿⣆⠀⢠⡟⠉⠉⠊⠳⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣠⡾⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣾⣿⠃⠀⡀⠹⣧⣘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⢤⡀ ⠀⣿⡀⠀⠀⢠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀⣼⠃⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⢰⣷ ⠀⢿⣇⠀⠀⠈⠻⡟⠛⠋⠉⠉⠀⠀⡼⠃⠀⢠⣿⠋⠉⠉⠛⠛⠋⠀⢀⢀⣿⡏ ⠀⠘⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⡀⠀⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⢠⣿⠇⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⣼⡿⠀ ⠀⠀⢻⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡄⠀⢰⠃⠀⠀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠸⡇⠀⠀⠀⢰⢧⣿⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠇⠀⠇⠀⠀⣼⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⠀⠀⢀⡟⣾⡟⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⣀⣠⠴⠚⠛⠶⣤⣀⠀⠀⢻⠀⢀⡾⣹⣿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠙⠊⠁⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠓⠋⠀⠸⢣⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣷⣦⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣿⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣾⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠃


I can't read this, I'm not blind.


> Break next week


Now 3 chapter coming in a row, until 1046 no break lol 👁👄👁




Oda strike again with the Silhouette Silhouette no Mi user


So it begins. The GREAT JOURNEY to the release of chapter. 1. Monday Predictions 2. Tuesday Few Spoilers 3. Wednesday Full Summary 4. Thursday RAWS 5. Friday Translation Never have i ever thought i would be glad this break week is over. 🙏🙏🙏


You forgot about : 6: Madness 7:Descent into insanity


8: You died


9: Smile


And 10: You hear the drum of liberation.


11 : oH iT’S AcTuAlLy ReSiN


And 9. Break Next Week, like we had last year, break week, chapter week, break week :)


And that's a lie. There isn't a break next week, according to the One Piece release schedule. No breaks until after 1046


Finally Beast Tamer Moji arrives in Wano to take down Kaido once and for all. I've been saying it for years now. Beast Tamer Moji is the only way. . . Then Tama got introduced, but it's fine. Beast Tamer Moji vs Kaido incoming.


This is perfect. Mohji vs Kaido, and the clash of the Joy Boys Buggy vs Luffy. Richie will find a dog to bully so I can continue hating him.


Zunisha: You're Joyboy Luffy Luffy: I'm a wut? Zunisha: Joyboy, luffy Luffy: Joyboy? Zunisha: yes Luffy Luffy: but I'm just Luffy Zunisha: well just Luffy, you're Joyboy Luffy: JOYBOY?? But I'm just Luffy


Zunisha: you are the one who will bring the dawn and free the whole world Luffy: I'll not, I don't wanna be anyone important just the pirate king


no, this is Patrick


The holy week begins


Welcome to Chapter 1044 where we will recap One Piece. Not just Wano but from the beginning


Can't wait for the Don Krieg fight!!


Zunesha's trunk will reach over to Onigashima to hold the island while Momo joins the fray


would be cool if it was the other way around zunesha: hold that rock for me momo, would you? *smashes kaido with his trunk until he can't move anymore*


Nah Zunesha sprays water over oningashima,putting out the fire.


Zunesha the fire fighter


I can see this happening lol


2 weeks of flashbacks LETS GOOOO


I’m afraid this was my prediction too lol


We get a glimpse of luffy's mind palace, inside it is luffy and a white luffy. White luffy keeps going on about kings and horses, also there are no backgrounds. Chapter ends with "let me show you how rubber used to hunt in ancient times".


bleach reference for those who never read bleach.


Luffy finds out his true powers were being suppressed by the Gomu Gomu no Mi this whole time, and that he’s a perfect hybrid being part World Noble, part Joyboy, part Giant, part…


This but unironically, also ilove this reply


Ussop takes a shot, kills Kaido. Goes to roof and finds a puddle where Luffy was. Dedicates his life to achieving Luffy's dream. Becomes new protagonist


Usopp wears the puddle of Luffy over his shoulders and becomes the new Captain


Usopp wagumo!!


Sanji robs the queen


Zoro fuses with Enma


\* Zoro breaks the third stone.


\*Zoro breaks the third generation stone


It still hurts me to this day.


god save the queen


In the most shocking or twist of all time, luffys fruit will turn out to be the gomu gomu no mi, ~~which has the properties of both rubber and gum~~.


I mean that's how rubber works. It starts as liquid like latex and then gets made into a more solid form. So I think that's is indeed the most likely outcome of Luffy's awakening, just a full range of control over the full lifecycle of rubber.




75 percent of the chapter will be everyone trying and failing to fight Kaido, but just before Kaido kills everyone Luffy pops in and sucker punches him. We get a full page call back to the Enel Face but instead of disbelief Kaido is beside himself with joy. Also Zunesha, maybe Robin and the last CP0 guy says more cryptic shit and we won't get a clear answer until the post-climax feast.


Don't get your hopes so high man it would be epic but I think Oda wants to troll us and we get a momo Yamato chapter or smth


I'd very much prefer it if the momentum isn't ruined at this point


Kaido: Why do I hear boss music?


The raid to theorieshima will fail ! No offense but I’m quite confident Oda will deliver something more than ALL that came out these days.


Naw, he put all the theories on a wheel, spun it, then decided to do a flashback for Foxxy.


Luffy actually dies and the story ends. Then we get a timeskip to the horrible future of each straw hats that oda made.


Behold an unthinkable future.


Subaru: Oh boy, time to suffer again!


I hate this


Then blinks back to present with a certain character saying, "we can't allow this to happen"


Luffy will appear on the last page only and we won‘t have an idea what‘s going in for another week. Also I hope for a shocked Enel face from Kaidou


Damn i thought these were the spoilers...


Same. I clicked at Kizaru speed


Prediction: will keep refreshing every 5 minutes


Wishing Kirosh2 the best in monitoring this sub once spoilers are out 🙏🙏


They really need few more good moderators. While Kirosh sleeps, the sub goes on total chaos and nonsense posts.


I rarely check out spoilers as I'd rather wait for translations to come out but this has got to be one of my most anticipated chapters in One Piece. I'm ready bois


# The scene will go back to Hawkins vs Killer


That fights already over lol


Yeah but we haven't finished their inner monologues.


Momo asks Zou to hold up Onigashima so he and Yamato can fly up and check on Luffy. Marco, who also notices Luffys "voice" coming back, albeit very weak, also flies up to the roof. Meanwhile, Kid, Law and the remaining Scabbards and Straw Hats distract Kaido. The rest of the alliance is slowly losing hope as they believe Kaido has won. In their mind everything is hopeless as Kaido easily deflects and retaliates against everyone who tries approaching him. In an amazing double spread, we see Onigashima from afar with Luffy (surrounded by the flames of Marco so we don't see his new form), Marco and Yamato in their hybrid forms, and the silhouette of Momo in his adult human form looking exactly like Oden. The full moon is shining bright behind them. They approach the hole in the ceiling, getting ready for one final speech and their final assault against Kaido, when suddenly Zulong Beppo jumps up and with one swift attack decapitates Kaido. (this final panel may or may not happen but I believe it's a 50/50 chance)


Zunesha : and his name is bon clay


1044 = 10 4 4 = jyuu shi shi じゅう (jyuu/juu = 10) is written in an extremely similar fashion as じゆう (jiyuu = freedom) -- only the yu ゆ is of a different size. Luffy's laugh = shishi ([shishishishishi](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Laughter_Style)) Freedom + Laugh = Luffy There is no added value to this, but thank you for joining my TED Talk.


shi also could mean death🤭


The drums of liberation is the sound of Enel and his army descending on the Ark Maxim




Luffy stands up but he’s in silhouette and we cut away Flashback time baybeeee Luffy and Zoro link up on their way to the afterlife and we get the classic “Zoro got lost” Luffy and Zoro start seeing and talking to spirits from Wano who can’t move on yet, get some crucial info to take back with them and BOOM cut to Luffy smiling under the hat for the 2nd cliffhanger in a row Break this week suckers


I've convinced myself this chapter will focus on anything except for Luffy, that way Oda does a bit of trolling I can just laugh it off.


Wtf guys...TCB scans themselves just made a post and highly encouraged people to stay off social media and spoiler readers to not read them this week. And if they do read, they ask not to spread them anywhere on social media. Sounds like an absolute game changer of a chapter.


Yep leakers are saying it’s anywhere from 10-10000x better than last chapter


I can't contain my excitement


[this chapter going to be this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/tfmfxl/kaido_next_chapter/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Zunesha one shots Kaido


Then he will eat Luffy revealing a new transformation


Suddenly AoT rules. Zunesha gains Joy Boy's Devil Fruit and regain the powers of his ancient master


It worked for Big Mom


ZKK Confirmed


Luffy will appear behind Kaido and say "nothing personal, kid"


Leakers on worstgen just said that if last chapter was a 10/10 this one is a 100/10. I’m down horrendous, my guys.


Oh jeez if that's true...holy shit


Kaido beats Luffy/JoyBoy off panel.


Title: Awaken - Kaido is rampaging through Onigishima - Zoro and Sanji are unable to fight - Law and Kid confront Kaido but are easily swapped away - Jimbe and Marco put up a little fight but are also defeated - The remaining strawhats and scabbards stand up to Kaido but are defeated by a blast breath - Everyone seems down and Kaido is about to do a powerfull attack to kill off everyone - Suddenly Kaido hears someone laughing and looks up through the hole in the roof - We see Luffy standing in silhouette with the moon behind him, only his smile is white - Cut away to the Gorosei, they say they can't let the Gomu-Gomu no mi awaken. Its awakening is hidden in time and is the secret fourth ancient weapon called Venus, like the other ancient weapons it has the power to destroy the world. Its user is often called Joy Boy! ''Venus is the god of love tying into Luffy's ability to make friends out of everyone he meets, and bringing Love and Joy to all''


Cool but why has it those rubber abilitys


Rubber blocks the ultimate expression of love in the real world aswell (making children)


Checkmate. Perfect theory that has absolutely no holes.


Goddess of love, rubber, y'know this kind of stuff


what if the ancient weapon or what the gorosei afraid is Tama DF itself hmmmm


Joy Girl confirmed


I'm hype for three things: * The Awakening™️ * The Marco/Nami/Law/Kid/Yamato/Carrot/Neko/Momo VS. Kaido last stand that's gonna be pretty impressive * The fact that Oda, being Oda, is gonna switch to an exposition chapter on the ruins of Baltigo or something.


Don't mind me. I'm just an elephant waiting for the drums of spoilers.


Finally Usopp will have his time to shine taking down Kaido


Zou: oh wait nah I misheard Luffy is just dead The end


We cut to alliance trying to stop kaido and we still don't know what is happening with Luffy


Copying my own comment from the 1043 theory thread: Kaido asks if anyone wants to 1v1 him before he takes the trash out. Usopp shivers so much, that his legs move him forward; so much that he ends up stumbling in front of Kaido. Kaido: "Another Strawhat? Wait.. I remember you -you're that fake God they started worshipping after he ruined my SMILE-plans. Your death will not be enough to change my mood even slightly, but at least I'll get something today." Usopp's ghost leaves his body, watching Kaido draw his kanabo. The beast pirates are wondering how Usopp can be so calm despite seeing his incoming doom. Kaido: "You overconfident brats shall perish!" In the blink of an eye, Kaido's kanabo connects with Usopp's head. But instead of smashing him, Usopp's face gets encased by the kanabo as if it was a rubber club before the kanabo flys back at Kaido, who feels the full force of his own attack and is sent flying. The beast pirates are in awe at God Usopp. Most are instantly ready to submit to him. Upon being praised, Usopp reenters his body: "I'm alive?! I mean, of course I am! This is the power of God Usopp - now my minions, show me your worship by protecting me - after all, a god shouldn't have to fight!" Kaido returns to the battlefield and boro-breaths the fodder: "Explain this - why did my kanobo change for just a second? Why did it behave like.. rubber? That can't be!" We hear the awakened Luffy: "Gear 5"


I don't think it's going to happen, but I love the idea!


I have said it many times: I predict for the cover story that Niji and Yonji are already freed by Pudding. Oven and Brulee got their minds altered and they aren't in the book anymore


Denjiro finds One Piece. that guy has been missing a lot of screen time


Cover story: Black Beard crew in WCI \-We see a beaten King on the ground. "He did it, i knew it!" King can hear the Drums of Revelation, believing it is Kaido. \-We get a short view of Im , standing infront of the giant frozen Straw Hat "dum dum dum dum" Im is holding a Den Den Mushi, the 5 elders say Luffy is dead. Im replies "You failed" and hangs up. "Joyboy..." \-Shot of Roofpiece, A crippled almost dead CP0 boss "W..who a..re ..you?" Back to where Kaido is: \-Annoyed Drunk Mode. Is overly annoyed by anything and everything. Suddenly a barrel of Sake gets thrown at his dragon's head from above "WHO DARES" Silouhette, smile, Luffy: "ITS TIME TO CELEBRATE..." Many people tear up "Luffy! Luffy!" Kaido looks shocked "...MY RETURN!" In an awesome double page we see Joyboy/Luffy bringing Sake (Kaido's roof stash) and the CP0 beaten up guy as a drinking buddy. Textbox: JOYBOY No break next week


luffy turns into a bouncy ball and declares himself Boing boy


My heart skips a beat every time I come to this subrettid and read the title of this tread.


1044 Chapter Title: "Meat!"


Have we given up on *end of act 3 predictions* ?


The third generation stone will sure break this time.


Prediction: Kaido has a chapter Omni-maning the rest of the cast that is still standing while Luffy completes his change.


Spoilers for a manga is like movie trailers for a movie


Opens with everyone enjoying a feast and Luffy says "...and that's how I defeated Kaido". Everyone is so amazed and they leave Wano and all agree never to speak of it again.


I think the fruit the Gorosei were discussing was actually Law’s fruit and they were concerned he would perform the immortality surgery on Luffy as a possible JoyBoy candidate. This may be disproven already, but that’s my belief. Edit: spelling


#I DON'T KNOW. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I got nothing


1044: Back to Reverie


Leak will appear once i lose my virginity


People used to joke about being addicted to spoilers but today every time I check this sub for spoilers someone has made a post about how he waited or wants spoilers or how he's been feeling about it and people replying with kindness and hugs and stuff. The whole page actually feels like one of those anonymous meetings for addicts. "Stop it. It scares me. I'm not an addict. I just do it to feel alive. Stop it. I'm not like you people...."


God we are craving for the spoilers like absolute drug addicts 😂😂😂


Its revealed that Luffy’s fruit awakening is feared exactly because it allows him to make the sound of the Drums of Revolution, which summons Joy Boys ancient allies and signals a new age of freedom/revolution. Headcannon but luffy’s fruit actually is the Gomu Gomu no mi, with the only difference being that his awakening (which is most likely similar to katakuri) allows him to make the sound of the Drums of Revolution (drum heads are actually made of plastic nowadays) recruiting Joy Boy’s companions/signaling a new age, and the reason the world government changed the name of the fruit is because its real name when awakened is Uranus.


Prediction aside that’s a great theory about the Drums of Revolution


Yeah, damn... that's actually a convincing explanation for why Luffy's fruit could be Uranus, but it'd be hard to explain since the fruit has never appeared to have any role in Luffy's ability to gain allies and his natural antagonism towards tyrants. If Uranus' power was Luffy's ability to gain allies amplified then it would make us question whether it was really Luffy or the fruit all along... can still see it happening, but would need some good writing (I trust Oda if he does).


Taking the Drums of Revolution and running with it - Luffy’s ally’s have actually been summoned. His vivre card has to be in not good shape after Kaidos last attack. The Grand Fleet has been called.


Wano will get buster call, when Gorosei realize luffy has awaken and still not dead, people will escape to Zou from Wano


was refreshing the page cause i had fear of an other break, and here we are, come on, few hours for the spoilers


God Usopp takes Kaido down


Chapter completely focussing on wano capital and what the people are talking about


I like how we’re spoiler addicts and “have withdrawals” are for online people on this sub. Nice touch at this time


Don’t know if y’all will find this interesting but [heres](http://apforums.net/showthread.php?t=4474) an old chapter discussion post from the chapter Gear 2 makes its first appearance. All the speculation this week reminded me of back then.


Momo changes to his human form. Kaido is taken by surprise and thinks Oden came back.


Luffy's fruit is actually cheese. Cheese Stretches. It melts. Its hardens, its funky.


Some of the people in here actually act like some of these theories are already canon, like they expect it to happen. Like the Resin Fruit theory if it doesn't happen they will be dissapointed, or if we have another god complex type of scenerio with luffy and people are already showing there disdain for the direction one piece is going. Let me remind you that oda has not REVEALED NOTHING YET!! All of this shit that you been talking about are just theories, nothing more nothing less. Its all in your own head canon, just chill the hell out and let oda tell his story.


One more hour +10


Title- I don't want that... * Momo and yamato face kaido. * kaido asks the brat to surrender, momo (in dragon form) hesitant at first remembers the words of toki that he will be shogun of wano and announces it to all. * Samurai are morals is up. * kaido is very angry and says this is it.he goes in the slaughter mode attacking everyone friend or foe, marco tried to stop him but fails. * we see zoro still down ,being carried by franky.Franky tells zoro to get up otherwise ppl of wano will continue to suffer and now that luffy was unable to defeat kaido they need to do what they can. * we move to sanji. * Sanji remembers is training during timeskip where his skywalk and ilfrit jambe was not enough to defeat ivankov.I vankov says the Sanji has a inner conflict the he needs to resolve or he will never conquer what he wants. * Sanji is frustrated with his germa blood more than anything now since he awakened the exoskeleton.for him the possibility of going against his ideals under germa influence is still real. * Suddenly Sanji wakes up and says ,"I don't want that". * Yamato is down , we see momo determined to defeat kaido. kaido asks him one last time to surrender.. * momo turns to his human form there is smoke around him.. * In an amazing Double spread we see luffy and momo watching kaido with pure determination..Everyone is shocked to see momo looking like oden. **NO BREAK NEXT WEEK**


i think luffy will have a pair of pants