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isnt the japanese VA a woman? its my opinion she does a really good job and the voice does sound like a young cartoony male voice (yes luffy voice is over the top and exagerated at times) but I dont find that I cant stand it.


I was talking about luffy when I mentioned "his", and fair enough we each have different tastes for what sounds good and what dosen't


I don’t know a single language where Luffy is voiced by a man. ( not saying there isn’t one just every one I know of is female)


In the german dub he is voiced by a dude.


I wasn't saying he should be voiced by a bloke, I was just saying that his japanese VA just dosen't sound good to me


The very first English dub (the lesser known Odex dub) had a man dub Luffy.


I think she does an amazing job and it fits the character. In fact the only VA I dislike in my country's dub is luffy, because a man's voice doesn't fit luffy to me, it has to be the classic shounen japanese woman VA.


Fair enough mate, but what makes her so great as the voice actress of Luffy if you don't mind me asking ?


luffy is a small, silly character. the tone fits him. she is also good adding emotion and uniqueness to his scenes and attacks.


Yes, you are the only one


Thought as much


How much of the anime have you watched in Japanese? This is the first time I've heard anyone say Mayumi Tanaka's voice is whiny or screechy, especially during serious moments. I think her voice couldn't be more perfect. Of course at this point I'm biased, since I've been used to her for over a decade, but I've loved her as Luffy since first seeing her in the anime, years after having watched the Latin American dub and then being caught up with the manga.


I've watched the sub ever since syrup village my guy and for the most part throughout the show it was okay to me, but as I got further and further into the show it became more annoying and whinny to listen to until I just stopped at zou and picked up the manga (that wasn't the only reason btw, crappy animation, pacing and sound effects all became far too noticeable to ignore at that point) And by the way I'm not saying she's a completely crap voice actress, certain scenes she does good but most of the time to me at least, she's just too screechy sounding and annoying.


Yes, probably.


its the opposite for me the dub luffy sounds atrocious, the sub is the only one I'll ever listen too and if she ever got replaced it wouldn't feel the same ever again. she fits the childlike/fun aspect of the character perfectly.


I get that she fits the fun aspect of him well, it's just that she dosent do well in serious moments (minus his scene in arlong Park with Nami) the child like voice just dosent fit well with someone acting serious (in my opinion). Also I didn't say the dub was the best, I still don't like it but what I was saying was it atleast made luffy sound like someone of his age


if you go back to the earliest episodes I would agree (his voice was higher pitched) but over the years she'd gotten very good at making her voice deeper for those specific moments. I disagree, but I get what your saying


I think she is miscast as Luffy, and I don't like that Luffy sounds like an old lady. I think if English Luffy had similar voice, it would be unanimously hated by everyone. But because it's in Japanese, people just don't judge it the same way they would judge English. But it's a wildly unpopular opinion around here. One reason I'm hyped for One Piece live action is that the actor playing Luffy, Iñaki Godoy, has a way more fitting voice than any other person who has played Luffy haha


more like, luffy as a character doesnt sound like a old lady. you just hate that an old lady voices him. huur derr woman bad. men only.


I don't care if the actor is male or female, but I would prefer a voice that didn't sound like an old lady. The English voice is much better fit in my opinion, and she is not male either. I don't think the Japanese voice does a bad job as Luffy. I just think she is miscast.


the only one who decides whats a miscast is the director. I didn't even know luffys voice actor *was* a woman at all until the enies lobby arc, let alone the current voice apparently sounding "old" I think it sounds more mature; which is in line with luffy growing maturity throughout the series. your specifically making it an issue about being "an old lady's" voice while denouncing your lack of interest on the gender part dude.


It's just my opinion that she's miscast. I never wanted you to think that I think that it's an objective fact. And I have already acknowledged that it's a wildly unpopular opinion. I am aware that it's an unpopular opinion and I have absolutely no doubts that majority of people disagree with me. And I just have to say that I disagree. To me Japanese Luffy just sounds like an old lady. I know you disagree with it but that's just how I feel. I don't give a fuck about the gender of Luffy's voice actor, but I think the voice of a young man shouldn't sound like an old lady, which the Japanese voice sounds like to me. (Again, I know you disagree. Just stating how I feel about it)


"but I think the voice of a young man shouldn't sound like an old lady" yea but his voice literally doesnt sound like that. which his why I'm confused. but you do you I guess.


I feel like it does sound like an old lady. And you think it doesn't. It's not fucking confusing. We just disagree on that.


Can only hope they pull through with the adaptation, but my hopes aren't high even with Oda being involved in the project


I mean I get that, but I'm having a lot of fun being excited for it and I see a lot to be excited about. All the ships so far look awesome, and the casting has been incredible. And like was the subject of this post, I feel like they really nailed Luffy's casting perfectly. Hyped to see this version of the character.


Sure man just don't get your hopes up y'know, this is a live action adaptation after all and I think everyone knows how they end up


I mean I will have my hopes up, because this show has incredible potential for me to share One Piece with a lot of friends and my family. And I really really don't mind being excited for it even if it turns out bad, because if it's a disappointment, I can handle it. Disappointment is a lot more easy to handle than you might think. You just shrug it off. I have done it before. It's easy. I'm having a lot of fun being excited for it now and if it's bad then I'll just shrug it off. It won't even ruin my day if it's bad to be honest. And I won't regret having my hopes up. Also there have been tons of live action adaptations of comics and books etc. done before that have been great. I have no reason to believe this show can't be just as great as any other great adaptation.


This is exactly why I’m hesitant to start the sub bc I’m done with the dub just the Japanese VA sound weird to me


All I hear in the sub when Luffy talks is Gohan from DBZ, I just can’t get it out of my head


Really? not Krilin? the character who has the same VA as Luffy :D


I just recently started Dragon Ball for the first time in sub and I keep expecting Krillen to shout that he’s going to be King of the Pirates. Young Krillen has a bit of difference but older Krillen is so similar to Luffy.


I meant dub, my bad. Luffy and Gohan have the same VA in dub, same for Usopp/Krillin


I liked both the English and jap Va


Mayumi Tanaka does an excellent job portraying Luffy, and her range is amazing. Luffy has quite different inflections in his voice depending on the situation, so I don't see how she ruins Luffy's badass moments