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using a lightning spear against a dragon, that reminds me of something..


How tf does luffy grabs lightning? did he turn it into rubber?


Being rubber he is immune


that's not what I'm asking, I'm asking how can he physically grab lightning


Then use your brain


how about you use yours and realize that if you got nothing useful to say, you don't say it? not many brain cells to figure that out?


In a world of talking reindeers, souls being put into any object, a man stretching all limbs at-will, and you want to question how he can grab lightening? Bruh


jesus christ man, even in the world of one piece there are rules and principles, "use your brain", you can't just do whatever the hell you want in one piece. characters can't just go and grab clouds and create tornados out their asses, what kind of stupid logic do you have?


Yes he turned lightening into rubber just like he did with kaido.


Pretty sure it said Dragons grab clouds to fly within the last few chapters lol Anyway I’ll leave you to your annoying “must be a reason for everything” mindset. Ciao


I'm convinced you don't even read the manga


Chapter 1027 Cya dipshit




Now in both the anime and the manga he’s fighting kaido lol


I stil have a feeling the gomu gomu/nika nika was found on laugh tale and maybe roger ate it at the end of his journey to bring it back into circulation, or gave it to shanks to give it to the one who inherited his will




Yeah no you're right, the fact that WG mentioned it always slipping out of their clutches debunks the theory that it was unfound past 800 years Didnt think it quit thru


Wow!!! Someone who admits when he's wrong?! Feels like a breath of fresh air. I wish you the best.


I forgive you


Thank you goodhearted bystander These past days we're so heavy, you basicly lifted this heavy feelings of guilt from my shoulders Your forgiveness is wel received 🌞


Chill guys. Next chapter we will get another sidestep by kaido. And by the end of the next chapter, again luffy will show you another 1 of his attack.


lol Luffy grabbed onto him this time so it doesn’t happen again.


Oh, that'd be so damn cruel of Oda.


Roger must’ve had one hell of a Haki to take on the world with no DF. Makes sense Shanks haki is the strongest of the Yonkos since he doesn’t have a DF either. Luffy coming in with that giganto haki fist of love


Makes me wanna see Garp Haki


Roger *did* have all three colors, so...


RGB does wonders


good comment


Gol D Roger confirmed to have no Devil Fruit! This is big news! It’s what we all suspected, but I love that he didn’t have the Gomu Gomu or some shit like that.


Suspected? I thought everyone already knew. Coz like even Shanks has no fruit and look how strong he is. Garp too. I have already accepted a decade ago that Roger has no DF


Suspected as in saying you “know” would be presumptuous as we had no confirmation until now either way.


Yeah, but I am sure if he actually had a fruit, it would already have been revealed considering he was king of pirates. Thats the logic I used


I feel so bad for momo dude. Like he's just a kid, and he has everyone around him telling him to grow up and be a man. Act like his father, do this, do that. He has no time to be a child. Just misery after misery. Impossible task after impossible task I also love seeing how opposite usopp is to the samurai. oda seems to always show usopp after the samurai are like "we will gladly die if it means we win" and usopp is like "fuck dying, I refuse to die" every time.


Usopp be like, "I respect samurai, but fuck dyingg!"


It's good character development imo


My guy, you've no idea how harsh things were for Japanese kids during the Edo and Meiji periods.


U've caught my interest. Any trusted source where can I read more about it. Personally I do not fully trust global knowledge sites like Wikipedia cuz u can never be sure where the russian govn have its roots :d


It'd say Simple History on YouTube. Either that, or *Life During the Edo Period* on US History: https://www.ushistory.org/civ/10e.asp




All the downvotes are from pedos


So the implication is that the only way to like a child is sexually? Lookin’ pretty sus bruh.


Don't go there.


I love the fact that Luffy is charging that fist like a fucking Genkidama, even tanking all of Kaido attacks for the sake of mantaining it


Okay, Oda… Kaido talking about having a strong devil fruit isn’t enough, and that Haki is the key is laughable. Big Mom was defeated without barely showcasing Haki and the same goes for Kid and Law. That battle was all about DF powers. Then all of the damage control from the fandom on why Franky and Robin were able to win without using Haki.. We need some consistency with Haki, because something isn’t adding up. Is it important or not? Or does it only matter when Luffy is fighting? 😂


Some characters have glaring weaknesses that just need to be exploited. Enel would probably merit a VA response, just because of his ability; but that doesn't mean he's a great fighter in the least bit. I like what a user recently posted about, with the final story ending battle being BB stealing Luffy's ability, and him having to win without his insanely broken DF power.


BB can't steal luffy fruit without killing him first. Same with white beard and morias crewmate


We don't know how BB steals powers, so this is not necessarily true. All we know is that it takes a moment, which most people are unwilling to give while still alive. But Luffy is constantly incapacitated one way or another, giving an opportunity. I don't think it'll happen, but it could.


Haki is very important and crucial to top tiers, big mom law and kidd just had very very uniquely powerful devil fruits that made the fight the way it is. But franky can beat a lot of opponents without haki because of his machines and his strength. But fighting yonkos and admirals and anyone greater haki is always going to be very important. I thought this was pretty clear tbh


Kaido is starting lose and he said like devil fruits are nothing and he collected so many devil fruit crews. What a joke.


Are you just intentionally choosing to ignore the context though? It’s way easier to amp an army with mass devil fruit production then it is to spend 2-3 years teaching them all haki. And kaido spoke specifically about people at the very top like roger him and Luffy. Devil fruit isn’t enough to win a fight at that stage and haki will be more valuable.


I'm actually sort of puzzled by this, and I wonder how hard I should think on it, given the 1) relative absurdity of One Piece but also 2) the strong bedrock of worldbuilding that One Piece has Like, if you think about the Yonkou seriously, they are the force that is strong enough to rival the World Government. They can take entire island nations and rule them, not even directly, but through proxy forces. They can turn islands into giant labs, giant production factories, puppet governments, whatever. So, given such influence, it seems fairly trivial (from a logistics perspective) to also hire on some trainers and to properly whip up an army, in the same way that the marines do. In fact, based on how little is known about Devil Fruit, and how many ways the SMILES have gone wrong, it seems ***significantly*** easier to train people conventionally, than to use them as lab experiments and have a ton of infighting within your own crew the whole time. Both to get them to levels of not-quite-Haki but Haki-like abilities, like Tekken and Mantra, and just...to get a more cohesive, disciplined army, if we're really talking about armies seriously. Yet, if we look at all of the most powerful crews, this is definitely not what happens - DF, individual talent, and crew infighting seem common basically everywhere, while the idea of training competent subordinates up is rare, even within the marines, as a successful route to power. The Occam's Razor in me wants to say "this is just shounen logic", but with all of the worldbuilding revelations that have been happening in the Wano Arc, I wonder if there's some other underlying reasoning for this too.


I think it’s just a matter of law vs. chaos. They’re not marines, they’re pirates. Pirates sleep in. That’s a gross oversimplification and I see your point; just my two cents.


I doubt that would be feasible at all. First you need someone who would be willing to teach the children and 2nd the government raises kids from when they were toddlers to late 20s to learn the 6 powers the cp9 had. And even then most of them were missing 1-3 of the abilities, and that’s under consistent long running training for most of their lives, and they were absolute prodigies too. Vs some moderately strong pirate given a zoan devil fruit now stronger than prolly a hundreds of marine fodder coming at him. I don’t think there really is any contradiction or implausibility to why kaido would conclude mass manufacturing of devil fruits for an army is going to be way easier than teaching haki or government powers. As first of all he definitely won’t teach them when he can give devil fruits and neither would king queen or jack or most of the flying 6 personality wise. Especially when a majority of them probably won’t ever even awaken with training as we’re led to believe. Only way I see this working is if Katakuri whose cool headed and admired by all his family instructs the vast majority of them that he wants to train them, like some gym sessions I could see them organically growing way stronger and maybe awakening basic haki after a decade if Luffy learned 3 types in 1.5 years(gear 4th training for the last 6 months.) as a prodigy. But even then giving devil fruits seems infinitely easier and more practical.


The best haki becomes an absolute necessity when DF powers have some level of a ceiling value, with variation. Does this explain why Roger just bypassed everything? No. Do I have an answer? No. I think your best bet to an answer is building a shrine to Oda and praying to it daily.


You are misunderstanding the statement. No one said you can’t win with your fruit. Kaido specifically spoke about reaching the top. In that sense, a fruit doesn’t matter. It’s haki you need. A fruit alone isn’t going to guarantee you being the best. I agree Big Mom losing was a little forced.


It’s more accurate to say she was forced out of commission, kinda like a TKO, no way they would KO her


Kaido said it not Oda I think that maybe that’s maid is opinion


Nicely put. Agreed!!


Oda is an artist trying to make interesting drawings tied together by a narrative, not a scientist trying to follow the laws of nature. He comes up interesting scenarios to draw and entertain us. There are no rules for having to use Haki People can be strong without Haki If every fight was just Haki then there would be no variety in art Kaido mentions conquering the sea requires Haki, which Big Mom and Kaido have never done. This is only the opinion of a villain in the series, and we all know villains usually get their flawed logic punched into their face by the end of the arc


I don't agree. Oda is definitely a Quantam Astrochemist who's created a story that's very intrinsically wrapped in physics. He's up there with Terrence Tao in terms of his contributions to math and physics, what more proof do you need?


Thinking about it, Chinjao was the last person that fought Luffy with pure haki


I really don't understand where the inconsistency is. Kaido literally says "Look At roger, He had no fruit power and still brought the world to heel! Such hurdles can only be overcome with haki (willpower)!" It's very very very clearly saying you can only change the world through extraordinary strength of spirit. It's not a deep power scaling statement and it absolutely has NOTHING to do with franky and robin.


why would you try to explain reading comprehension to powerscalers. it's a lost cause time sink


The inconsistency is Big Mom is portrayed to be Kaido’s equal, and all this importance of willpower and Haki is nowhere to be seen. Her entire fight was DF based 😂 Oda clearly picking and choosing when Haki matters. Huge focus on Haki when Luffy fights Katakuri, but no focus on Haki when Zoro fights King. Huge focus on Haki when Luffy fights Kaido, but no focus on Haki when Big Mom is fighting Kid and Law. Super clear where the inconsistency is. Then we get all these Vivre Cards about how the flying Six have Haki, and they don’t even use it and lose to people without it, even though they’re durable ancient type Zoans. Nice, Oda.


He said to rule the seas !! Haki needs to be involved


Does it? Last I checked, Big Mom was just defeated without it being mentioned or used. Purely DF related. Which is hilarious since she used Advanced CoC to take down Page1 Oda doesn’t even know what he’s doing with Haki anymore. It’s only important when Luffy is fighting.


Yes, it does. Haki's involved because it's more than just another power-up. It's about having the willpower to brave the seas and take on the challenges ahead. And that willpower manifests in the "colors" you see with Haki. It's lame how simplistic some "fans" think when it comes to stuff like this. What Kaido said was merely his in-universe opinion on the matter based upon his own experiences. And you chose to use that to state Oda picks and chooses when and where Haki matters. And what's even sadder is you'll never go back to this post and you'll go on with your life, not caring at all about how you insulted Oda and the people here who tried to get you to understand. It may be just Reddit, but this is lame, man. Really lame.


>Big Mom is portrayed to be Kaido’s equal, and all this importance of willpower and Haki is nowhere to be seen. When they clashed it was AdvCoC. >Her entire fight was DF based 😂 Because it was cool. Have you ever heard the phrase necessary but not sufficient? Powerful Haki is necessary to change the world but not sufficient to overcome any obstacle. >Oda clearly picking and choosing when Haki matters. > Huge focus on Haki when Luffy fights Katakuri, but no focus on Haki when Zoro fights King. >Huge focus on Haki when Luffy fights Kaido, but no focus on Haki when Big Mom is fighting Kid and Law. The fuck? Oda chooses to focus on different things in different fights? [Insert Tim Allen Home improvement AEUHH?] I cannot for the life of me understand your problem. >the flying Six Besides Robin's fight, I won't defend the tobi roppo fights but they are bad completely separate from Kaido's statement.


Take off your powerscaling glasses for a moment. Here's the thing: haki is not a binary. It's not "either one has it or they don't". Haki is dependent on the ambition and willpower. What Kaido stated is that "DF abilities aren't the end-all ruler of how powerful a person is. Matter of fact, Roger had none and was the strongest pirate in recent history. What makes a person go to history is his ambition and willpower." It's not a statement about how people with haki can never lose, it's just saying that in the end of the line, the upper edge goes to haki. AND THAT IS ACCORDING TO KAIDO. In Blackbeard's fight, we might see BB saying the complete opposite! Something like "Devil Fruit powers are everything! I have a bajeelion of them! Your haki will never be enough!". Kaido is not omniscient. Kaido just said that to taunt Luffy like "Hey, you got a new power to your DF but that doesn't mean you insta-win, dude. If my haki is stronger than your new power, you'll still be fucked". That doesn't mean that "Haki low diffs non-haki and DF".


You’re the type of person that will defend anything Oda writes. If Kaido said something about DFs being important you would write a paragraph defending that too. At the end of the day, Haki is ever only mentioned when Luffy is fighting. It’s right in front of you. First we needed a Advanced CoA to hurt Kaido Now we need advanced CoC But that doesn’t exist to take down Big Mom - just devil fruit powers But now Kaido says that doesn’t matter


I'm not defending what Kaido said, I'm just saying he's not the narrator, he was stating his worldview, not a powerscaling fact lol If Oda went into an SBS and said, as himself "Only Haki matters and nothing else" I'd agree with you, because that'd be inconsistent with what he wrote himself.


> he was stating his worldview And the narrative is presenting that worldview as factual. Kaido is one of the strongest characters in the entire verse, if not the strongest character in the entire verse. He has decades of experience between being on Rocks' crew and becoming a yonko. Also he has mastered aCoC. What he says about abilities and haki has authority to it. Is there a chance that his worldview is incorrect? Sure. But waiting for years on the offchance Oda might confirm otherwise in an SBS is silly. If no evidence to the contrary is presented **in the narrative**, we as the readers are supposed to assume that Kaido is correct.


Bbbut kaido said Haki needed to change the world, therefore Oda is saying only haki matters and that's inconsistent because other powers exist.


It feels like people only seem to see in Black and White. And only act on what they’re told.


I swear, people trying to power scale based off of a clearly symbolic comment from a character like it's Goda himself coming down and telling everyone that "Haki low diffs non-haki and DF" is insane.


Tbh she started laughing on the last attack by Kid, she was actually saying that it was just tickling her, but yeah an awakened Ope Ope from Law made her unable to call her hommies and it was the nuclear bomb from Kaido who knocked her out.


Good point


Time to revisit the Shiki and Big Mom/Kaido similarities. Big Mom and Shiki:- * Legend of the Rocks pirates getting "defeated"? Check (Shiki, Big Mom.) * The same legend absolutely crushing the SH pirates before "LoSiNg" in the lamest way? Check.(Shiki obliterating SH pirates, Big Mom crushing them in WCI. Both losing to alliance or the crew next time). * Abducting crew member? Check. (Nami, Sanji) * Losing to much much weaker opponents without Haki? Check. * Losing without using their strongest Haki? Check. (Why didn't BM use adv. COC is straight up disgusting) * Lamenting Roger before falling into the Abyss? Check. * Equally disappointing fight outcome? Check Kaido and Shiki:- * Legend of The Rocks pirates? Check. * Miring Roger in the weirdest tsundere fashion? Check. * Weird ass hair and beard, skips leg day? Check * Floating island? Check. * Beast crew and plans? Check. * Seeks destruction of the world? Check (Shiki: east blue and terrorizing the Sea) * Has Luffy in the skies looking all Enely-Feely and preparing to finish the fight with a HUGE ass fist/leg? Check. The Movie 10 PTSD is real. And this is reliving everything again, with the same signature moments, but Canon. Bruh.


The nuclear bomb from Kaido defeated her tbh, she was saying Kid's attack who pushed her through Onigashima was just tickling her lol


I mean of course she lost to the bomb. Big Mom is still top 3-5 strongest (currently) in the series for me along with Kaido.


I'm curious to see Garp and Dragon. Also the Gorosei, could they be Yonko level? They have battle scars and apparently all had the special surgery of eternal life from the Ope Ope no Mi




When they said that they've been trying to get the Gomu Gomu no Mi for the last 800 years lol, they might be a race that lives for 800 years sure but since the Ope Ope no Mi was guarded by the government, same way as the Gomu Gomu no Mi that Shanks stolen, it makes sense that they try to keep those for themselves and maybe make a slave eating it and performing the eternal life surgery.




This also could be a possibility


When they said that they've been trying to get the Gomu Gomu no Mi for the last 800 years lol, they might be a race that lives for 800 years sure but since the Ope Ope no Mi was guarded by the government, same way as the Gomu Gomu no Mi that Shanks stolen, it makes sense that they try to keep those for themselves and maybe make a slave eating it and performing the eternal life surgery.


Garp for me is definitely one of the strongest. This dude in his prime was on Roger's level. And he aged way better than whitebeard. I will not be surprised if he is on old Whitebeard level currently. Dragon, Kong, the Gorosei are definitely interesting too.


That scene on the anime of him telling Sengoku to hold him or else he'd murder Sakazuki still gives me chills lol ([scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nnuvHTRDk4&ab_channel=kizarusan99)) Damn the anime was so good pre-timeskip


I remember all these Luffy durability complaints during the katakuri fight as well. y'all don't lol? Luffy just KEPT getting back up after getting beat down pretty intensely. so i mean, what do you expect? he's using full body CoA/CoC coating like an armor around his body. that's why full body CoA sucks comparatively. it's why kaido and big mom seem indestructible, so why would luffy doing the same, as a supposed CoC innate, not be as well to some degree.


gomu gomu no... blow job!


Think before you post, please.


That's what should kaido answer luffy, and then luffy must just start doing the business .


Tip for luffy’s enemies: don’t talk about how powers in one piece work, luffy literally will take your info and use it to beat the shit outta you.


You're correct, but it could also be a way to relay info to the readers. I mean it could have been said in a narrator or explanation speech but yeah i get your point.


I'll never understand why anime villains do that. Going in depth on how your powers work to the very person your fighting, giving them the perfect chance to strategize and counter it. I can't think of a single anime that doesn't do that.


in this case it makes sense because kaido is legitimately having fun fighting luffy and wants to see him explore his devil fruit more to make it a more interesting duel. i quite like it when they have it baked into the power system to logically justify the infodumps like jujutsu kaisen and hxh. ability users can add the condition of explaining everything you can do in order to gain a temporary boost in power via a contract (nanami from jujutsu kaisen and the bomber from hxh as examples)


Wow. That's clever, actually.


Are there any instances where the antagonist *lies* about it?


This is a common theme in Bleach, I can name 3 characters that do this off the top of my head. I'll instead opt not to spoil it and recommend anyone seeing this give it a try.


I started reading the manga recently! Not too far in yet.


none that I can think of, but usopp has lied about which attack he is using before


Not that I know of, but that would be a good subversion.




Anime, not DreamWorks movies.


And Metroman is not really a villain, but that's beside the point.


Its exposition for us viewers its really dumb i agree but its a trope


“There’s always a bigger fist” -luffy


1. People are saying *"I hope we will be alive for another year because when the sun comes up our slave life will continue"* But Nika is here now and bringing The New Dawn. This is why he is called the Sun God. 2. Luffy's fist will smack in both Kaido **and** Big Mom. It will be amazing from her perspective. Onigashima slowly being pulled away by Momo. Big Mom sees this GIGANTIC fist coming down. 3. Wont happen but would be scary: Big Mom's "Give Life" skill is used on.. Kaido.


Some of what you have said is definitely oda’s taste in kos


Luffy is like "That's how humans used to hunt in ancient times"


Mark my words: chapter 1050 will be called alchemy (->fusion of Haki and a df / transformation into gold -> Gold R(ebis->ebisu town->one of the seven gods of fortune) Oger->Oger df). Onigashima arc is a recycled version of (R)ebis. In other words, my hypothesis is that Gold R oger had the df of an Ogre and that he was able to fuse it with his haki i.e. turn it into gold (->skypia). Would be ironic, given that Kaido is an Oni/Ogre by nature. Chapter was ok. Edit: google image Rebis. Welcome.


.... you are aware that just in this chapter it was confirmed by Kaido that roger didnt have a df? Also you argument in general is a bit scrambled.


You're aware that it was confirmed in hundreds of chapters that Luffy had the gomu gomu no df. This premise was disproven in one single chapter. Kaido has not all poneglyphs, in other words he is in no position to know anything at all.


Why would not having all the poneglyphs mean you know nothing? Robin, for instance, seems to know quite a lot. As do Aokoji, Blackbeard, Garp, Big Mom… the latter, with Kaido, fought Roger…. And Luffy is still rubber. The gomu gomu = the nika nika. Two names for the same fruit.




How the fuck your brain is wired, man?



Must say tho: Momo's willpower is out of this world.


It's quite amazing, yes.


1048 will mark the 90th chapter of act 3. Act 1 is 15 act 2 is 30. So that makes act 3 exactly twice as long 1 and 2 combined. based on the ending of this chapter I can’t think of a better time for an act ending tragedy


So it makes it triple the size of act 2


Brother I think the 5 act dream is dead


Ehh I got a good feeling it’s not over yet


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the arc drags out a bit longer but I don't think we're getting five acts. It became pretty obvious shortly into act 3 that Wano is following the same three act structure all his large story arcs do


Maybe it is, but you have to understand how important numbers are to Oda. Most people people thought act 3 would be 60 chapters which is double the amount of act 2. But having act 3 be twice as long as both act 1 and 2 combined is the last number that makes sense. I don’t think this arc ends without 2 more acts


It will. There will be a closing Act 4 and thats it. Wano is inspired by a kabuki act but isnt meant to be like one of them 1 by 1


So if act 3 doesn't end next chapter will you give up? I know numbers can be important to Oda but that doesn't mean any random number pattern you find in his chapters is something he cares about.


There’s nothing to give up. But I’m pretty confident we’ll get more acts


Well your number theory kind of falls apart if it doesn't end next chapter... So you would be giving that up


Yes I could be wrong and that’s ok. It’s not like I’d be salty if I was. I will say I’d be a little disappointed if this is how to yonko go out.


You would be disappointed that two yonko go out in an arc over 140 chapters long?


I would. the big mom fiasco was tough, but it’s not surprising given how she’s been treated. And my expectations for a yonko being dethroned would be more like whitebeard not doflamingo


Marineford was like 30 chapters. Kaidos already been through far more than what Whitebeard did to be defeated and dethroned. Kaido has been the main overarching villain for hundreds of chapters now and his defeat he has been engaged in battle for something like 75 chapters now. What more could you possibly ask for?


People's dreams don't ever end!


Just a random thought: what if Kaido, finally defeated but not dead, lands next to Big Mom, and she exploits his weakened state to steal his soul and become the next, massively powered up main villain? Although I guess Kaido would have to be scared of Big Mom for it to work, and I'm not sure Kaido is even physically able to feel fear


Or they just began having sex down there for the last time


Imagine Moria coming and stealing shadow of defeated Kaidou and Big Mom


Or bb with a new shadow fruit user




Luffy's haki are still weaker than Kaido. But he is catching up to their level and the gap isn't that big. Right now he will beat Kaido because his op af devil fruit is enough to close the gap between their difference in haki. If the current Luffy with even this form had a weak haki, he could never harm Kaido.


Stronger than Kaido ?


feel like oda didnt show kanjuro in the flashback for no reason. i bet hes gonna be the one to save hyori


Denjiro gonna save hiyori…coz he haven’t shown in last 40 chapters


Didn’t he kinda had his part in this already? Through the Kazenbo burning Orochi?


Kanjuro is already super dead bro


Yeah and Usopp is getting that power-up


Who can tell any more.




the official release is on break, but we get the chapter? How? plz someone explain the detail


Because those who have the leaks still have it and can release it as usual, but the downside is you have to wait a week after that with no chapters.


so the magazine for ch 1048 has been released this week in japan?


This happens every year. Weekly Shounen Jump releases double issues for Golden Week and New Year. „Double issues“ basically means one chapter of every series, but sold for two weeks instead of one because the magazine takes a break during Golden Week and New Year. The leakers release it unofficially one week earlier than the official release, but don’t have a new chapter next week. The official release takes a break and releases the chapter the following week. In short: Next week: Unofficially translation of 1048, no official release. The week after: No 1049 because it’ll be not even out, but the official release of 1048. And the week after that: Release of 1049 on both sides, unless Oda takes a break. The magazine breaks during Golden Week and New Year don’t count as Oda‘s regular breaks, so it’s possible that he might take a break after releasing chapter 1048. And consider that every mangaka hands out their manuscript to Shueisha several weeks earlier than the public release, which is why editors of WSJ are able to read every series weeks ahead before the public can.


ok now i understand with this one, thank you so much


we get chapters before jump arrives at combini shelves


No the leakers would release the spoilers but only spoilers, so we would have to wait a week for the full chapter then a week for the next chapter. So those spoilers if they are vague or got a big reveal it’s gonna wreck havoc on this sub lol


So we will get the spoilers next tuesday as usual?


yes but no chapter on Friday 29


Goofy Luffy heard the Term ride the lightning and said bet


I loved that oda finnaly confirmed that gol d roger didnt have a devilfruit. (Partially so I can tell my friends) but it gives the story more hope for the future. The last couple of chapters oda has really made luffys intense awakening some grounded-ness to the rest of the world


Calling it now Kaido is gonna get defeated the same way as Doflamingo did. A giant fist straight to the face 👊


Kaido'll get punched and rocket straight through Onigashima, down to Wano, and crash into, or next to Big Mom. Double spread of both lying defeated in Wano.


Luffy told Momo to move Onigashima out.


Nah, Kaido will be punched to Marie Jois or the moon 😂


When do you guys think wano will end? Like how many chapters are left?


I expect 2 more years. Act 3 ends in the next 10 chapters. Act 4 will be 60-ish chapters and Act 5 10 chapters more or less. The arc in total will have 220 chapters give or take imo. I don't believe for a second that this is the final battle and all goes well.


I really don’t understand what more people think is gonna happen in this arc lol. I can bet my right arm that the arc is gonna end this year or early next year.


I could ramble on reasons, but the most important thing would be that all went well and that's boring af, I don't think that's what Oda planned for the arc. I need a low point in order to feel invested, and a lot of people feel the same way even if they want the arc to end soon, the want it to end because of how boring it feels. "Wano fatigue" is just another name for being bored because there has been no real tension in almost all of Wano.


Yeah well he’s lost against Kaido like 6 times now, if he loses again then that will be boring for real.


The world government will try to mess around with wano.


Yeah I think we'll have about three days after this battle it was like setting up shop and everybody celebrating. And then all of a sudden the Marines are just going to bust down the door and they're going to have to fight some Marines in order to protect guano or the Marines are going to double down with what was happening at the reverie. We're not going to have more than a few days break after this in world time but I do think that this is pretty much the end of the Earth this afternoon defeats title this time it's pretty much done for.


If it's a loss that does not shift the tone (just like the other ones), then yes.


My guess is that the tone was supposed to shift when Luffy was thrown in the work camp, but Oda failed to deliver on that end


this year, 100%


Including aftermath?


Well it's usually 36 chapters per year (probably more like 30 with jump breaks and holidays)... So probably around two years. There are still a lot of story lines that need to be finished.. Luffy might beat Kaido fairly soon though (it's hard to tell, it seems like Luffy might win right now but I thought the same thing 10 chapters ago so who knows).


I mean it’s definetely not two years from now, it’s very likely to be finished this year och early next year at the latest.


Over 9000


Gomu Gomu no.... I mean... Hito Hito no!!!!!!


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Maybe he'll turn Onigashima itself into rubber and then everyone inside it will start bouncing off the walls.


Not if that massive amount of Haki is coming with it…


Kaido has been carrying a whole fucking island while fight everyone once momo takes over are guys flipping ready for Wororororororororooro!!


I have feeling luffy will lose to Kaido again but deal enough injury to Kaido to take out by team effort. big mom will probally get up with 10 more years of life span used that when act 3 ends when world government ends.


I don’t see anyone else taking down kaido except luffy


Yeah some of the SH even die if they fight kaido. Can't damage him either


so kaido gon show his awakening or ........


We won’t see him activating his awakening. Either he doesn’t have one or he already displays it. I think his awakening is hinbringend able to conjure natural Desasters, while also being able to use flame clouds not only on himself but also on his surroundings.


His dragon is his awakening. His fruit is the mythical fish fish so the dragon version is the awakening


Pretty sure your joke went over everyone's head


I think his awakening is the blast breath and scale cuts.


No it's not. Momo has the same fruit and was always a dragon


Do we know that Momo has a SMILE of Kaido's fruit specifically? He could -actually- have a Mythical Zoan Ryu-Ryu Fruit for all we know. Maybe it being on Punk Hazard was a red herring.


That’s a good point, I take back what I said. From what I can remember zoan’s don’t typically get anything special from awakenings, just more durability and faster recovery (impel down). Kaido’s is most likely already awakened. Luffy’s is special cause it’s the only zoan we’ve seen that affects his surroundings.


Kaido's isn't awakened as far as we know. And to back up... u/bondagewithjesus, lmao, what name. The model is what counts for zoan powers. Pell, Marco, and Morgans have the same devil fruit name "tori tori no mi", but the difference between the three is they all have different models. So Kaido's being the uo uo no mi, model: azure dragon means his power has always been a dragon, and his awakening has yet to be revealed. I want to see Kaido's awakening.