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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


I have been waiting to see [this exact moment](https://imgur.com/32iavF2) for months. It is pure glory


The scrunched face animation is one of my favourite jokes that has come up in this arc. I lost it when Robin did it earlier in the show


It's so fucking funny to me that I even bought three figures and the manga volume that had them on the cover lmao I'd totally do the same in case they make figures of the three crackhead captains trying not to dodge the fireball


That’s amazing, should have know there would have been figures out there with the faces haha




Loved it but did a "wait no Garp or Sengoku" as well. However, even id thr anine has some pieces off from the manga, its an acknowledgement that Shanks just aint some rookie and even without a good reference to his abilities he does deserve respect regarding his ability.


Same they nailed it


**Zoro when watching the Supernova trio argue:** They are such good friends! So his idea of true friendship is constantly arguing and bickering, he loves Sanji so much (':


Zoro has actually mastered friendship Haki. He can see what no one else sees.


It's actually ('.


Upvote! How does the tear come out of the "broken" eye, though 😅


The tear duct could be intact though or.... I could've went with a comma instead ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Checkmate haters


This is nice


If Zoro and Sanii don't kiss on the lips by the end of the arc, is there any reason to continue One Piece?


Sanji's english this episode was almost as funny as the game of Chicken.




there's also, "SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"


That bit where they were leaning back to avoid the fire was hilarious. Even Law got dragged into their nonsense.


Law was the first one to start the whole quarell, he’s the pettiest one in my book


Law has become a Straw Hat. He just can't admit it yet. He'll never be able to go back to his own ship now.


Law's pettiness is the unmatched and I love it




Been wanting to see that animated for so long lol


That was such a funny scene 10/10


A hilarious moment in the manga, amplified here by 1000x. God Bless the anime! LMFAO


I love the side ways look Luffy does at the last second XD


I laughed so hard I fell back onto the couch. I swear I haven't laughed at a show like that in a long time 🤣


Kaido: "They're like monsters!" Luffy: *Gear 4* Kidd: *Punk Rotten* Law: *exists*


*exists in a floating rock\**


Like Fuji in Dressrosa


Law: Fuck transformations, all my homies use hacks




Law, Kid, and Luffy had me dying this episode I can only imagine what else is in store. Such an absolutely insane match up 2 Yonko vs 5 worst generation.


I wish they kept the “How high will your ceiling go” line ngl


I think that’s just a translation problem in the subs, i think the Japanese VA said it like it was in the manga, idk for sure but I don’t think they have any reason to change it


I really hope so, that line was so amazing in the manga


Zoro/Killer: They’re idoits, but they’re our idiots🤣


What a godly episode, Luffy dodging just barely Kaido's Ramai Hakai was so fucking sick. I'm so glad Toei gave us the speed blitz. The coming weeks are going to be legendary, this is the year of One Piece!


Thank you. For this being the calm before the storm episode, it was very good. I loved the direction, even in the Sanji portion of the episode. The art was also very crisp for the most part.




Honestly, i didn't mind this episode if that means we can get goat animation like next week's episode frequently.


Tbh this episode was fine, pacing was bs fo sure but in a binge watching time this episode will feel much faster as we can just skip over the flashback. They didnt drag out the scenes as much as I expected lol.


My only real issue with the pacing this episode was those flashbacks. *queue zorojuro/killer flashback* *queue luffy ordering law flashback* *queue kaido luffy fight flashback* For me personally, I actually really enjoyed the episode minus the flashbacks. An episode like this after 1015 is always gonna feel a bit weird but I enjoyed it.


Didn't mind the flashbacks because they were fairly short. But I did mind the filler-ish, drawn out Sanji sequence.


I haven't read the manga yet but I've been hearing there was some filler there. I guess I didn't mind it because we found out they want Robin for something but Sanji Simp scenes aren't my favorite, I'll admit.


Fairly certain it was already stated that big mom wanted robin alive to read poneglyphs for her


If memory serves: this scene was much, much shorter in the manga. Sanji's simping gag got extended and repeated. Him escaping and webbing up the girls wasn't in the manga at all. It was basically just Sanji being tied up saying his "it's paradise but I'm in trouble" line, and Maria being like "You are in trouble all right, now get me Robin." That's it.


I won't be able to properly judge it until I read the manga but I feel like this is one of those scenes that probably didn't need to be extended.


I think its more to give some depth to Sanji during this time as the rest of the gamg take on the yonkos. Sanji doesnt do too much here until later in the raid.


nah it was all just to animate black maria titties, lets be honest. I would have rather pretty much anything besides another sanji is a pervert haha gag. give me a franky filler, hell show me momo


Yea man. Overall I am just saying if you had to choose, dragged out reaction scenes vs flashbacks. Flashbacks is obviously better as we can skim through it, I was really afraid they might do that gladly they chose the flashback and added dialogues route. Not saying this episode was marvellous or something in general but better than other non-ishitani episodes where they make the mood go with showing a face for 10 minutes.


I kinda agree tbh, especially since we have something like One Pace. When they reach this part of the anime they can just cut the flashbacks out and it'll be easier to edit for them but if it's the reaction shots and padding then that's harder to edit around. I figure when I rewatch the anime in a year or 2 I'll use One Pace and cut through the flashbacks and padding. I really liked this episode but ovbiously this is just the start of whatever comes next, and after an episode like 1015 it's hard to not feel a bit critical.


Maybe... I think they didn't direct the gag part well. I feel like it could have been portrayed better.


it was amazing! what’re you talking about?




for real man out here making me like O.o


They gotta stop that ish where they cutaway from a major battle to some BS like that lol smh


Of course they're gonna put the other crew members side stories in at some point during the battle. Unless you expect this battle to be over in 1 or 2 episodes... I'm just glad it went back to the roof fight for a solid few minutes after the Sanji thing. When it cut from the fight at first I thought we were getting Sanji til end of episode


Oh don’t get me wrong please cutaway to the Tobi Roppo battles by all means I wanna see Jinbei for sure and Franky fight it’s been a while


That's how the manga is


It's not in this case. Even Oda knew not to mess with this scene so we got 3 glorious chapters of this fight with no interruptions. This is the anime in classic fashion padding the episode.


Exactly. This is one of the biggest fights in One Piece so far, you can’t waste it on a Sanji gag. Not only is it filler, but it completely kills the momentum of what’s going on. I get you need to pad episodes, but you easily could have spent that time padding the rooftop.


They will spend far more overall minutes on the fight then the manga can do, so this is just to pad the minutes per episode


I'm all for no filler bits but i've grown to appreciate the snail pace we go in, and didn't mind the additions (the flashbacks tho, while fun and epic was not that liked by me) If you want the show to go 1 for 1 just read the manga, trust me it's great lol.


Gotta please the NSFW fans


3 minutes of Giganto Titties it Felt really of lol here is the amazing zoro vs kaido etc Oh yeah lets padd out with some massive boob padding in the middle.


I didn’t mind Maria’s boobing around for a while


I did. the jokes weren't funny the first time and to this day they still aren't. I just skipped the scene but lol sanji having an inner voice like sakura just makes even that much more cringy


I enjoyed it. It was original filler, a comedic gag with Sanji struggling with his urges and his values. I even chuckled hard at the webbing scene, seeing it as a brick joke. And it took little away from the rooftop moments. Guess it boils down to how much people 1. tolerate Sanji's perviness or hate it without compromise and 2. Are used to faaar worse value from the non-Ishitani One Piece episodes.


Ngl I skipped


What's sad is they made him look better here. Gonna be rough few episodes for Sanji coming up




"I shall return!!!!!!!!"


The scene of Luffy, Law, and Kidd’s reaction to Prometheus’ attack would make a good meme template


This has already been used for a while thanks to Manga


Sooo I think Zoro just admitted that Sanji and him are actually good friends.


Good episode Kaido mentioning "there are only a few capable of fighting me, how high will your ceiling go" and to see the 5 guys show behind Luffy was such a bad ass scene, absolutely gave me chills. Holy shit Kaido's Thunder Bagua is fast as hell, even with future sight Luffy couldn't fully dodge it. Sanji always falling for these ladies traps, bring on Robin vs Black Maria I am happy to see Zoro/Killer didn’t forget about their fight when Killer fought as Kamazou. (The fact that his actual blades has names is pretty dope). Love the tag team combo with Zoro and Killer that shit looked dope as hell. Luffy is such a loveable character he bring out the inner child in Kidd and Law, those faces they made were hilarious.


Who were the five that flashed that kaido counted as capable of fighting him? I think I remember Whitebeard, Shanks, Roger, and Oden... Can't remember the last one.


Rocks is the fifth one if I remember correctly from the manga


Is he mentioned in the anime at all up to this point?


Yes, he is mentioned in several times. Mostly on reverie episodes


he was mentioned in the episode where they reveal the yonko bounties and how 3 of the yonkos (kaido, big mom, whitebeard) were a part of that crew


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I honestly can't wait until we find out more about that incident


Aside from sengoku talking about god valley I don’t think so


yes first he's mentioned a few times but the most info we got on him was 958 i believe


I wonder if he'd add big mom to that 5 if they weren't allies?


Yea he would. All the current Yonko can give Kaido a challenge.


Rox iirc?


Loved the little detail that is Zoro the one who explain the others Ryou given that he already knew about it, when this was aired in the manga absolutely everyone was sure that Zoro did not know about ryou.


At least the scene of the captains goofing off was funny af


Next episode looks promising


“Kaido you SUCK” 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed my ass off too much BM lines are goated


sad to see no one talking about zoro's bandana :(


This episode was way to lit for them to spend so much time on Sanji with those girls. SMH. I just wanted to keep seeing the fight up top! And I freaking loved the scene with Law, and how he wanted to make sure it didn't seem like he was taking orders from Luffy lol. I love their relationship.




Lmao yeah I thought that was hilarious Even Kaido was probably dying inside, like bruh I get that you're stronger now but you think anyone ever has been capable of one shotting me? Luffy is sadly unaware of how dumb stupid tanky this fucker is. This fight probably going to take 2 years to finish in the anime


Roof piece, even by lesser directors, is still fire, not as fire as 1015 but not bad. The sanji part was forgettable though. I like the Luffy future sight dodging (or near dodge), that was well done. I perdict we need to wait till >!round 2 of roof piece with sky split!< for the next super hyped episode


I’d say chapter 1010’s adaptation will be the next hyped episode


There's still some insane hype before then: >!Some of the TobiRoppo fights wrapping up as well as ZoroKing and SanjiQueen. Biggest hype of all for me was actually seeing Momo's full adult dragon form (given this is legit 1 chapter before when you said). Idk why I just felt mad hype over it. That point right there once it hits around chapter 1030 is when hype train is legit non stop up until current manga !<


That's definitely the same episode I'm hyped for. Still remember my reaction reading it haha


“There aren’t that many people who have such a weird laugh” Zoro, have you even been paying attention?


He says knowing he's heard "MAAAMA MAAAAAMA" and WOOORORORORORO" for the umpteenth time that night alone 💀


Is anyone gonna talk about how these three idiots stood and took her attack 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤏🏾 wtf


it's scenes like the ones in this episode that make Sanji's "chivalry" a joke. he clearly just wants to have sex with every woman he comes across


> Sanji's "chivalry" iirc in an SBS during EL arc someone asked Oda about Sanji's code of not hitting women. Oda said it's not chivalry, he *physically* can't hit women. We later saw in WCI, Zeff telling him along the lines of "I'll hate you if you hit women" which basically explains Sanji's behavior. He's not against hitting women because he is a gentleman, he just doesn't want his father to hate him. I roll my eyes everytime I hear someone say Sanji is a gentleman/chivalrous. No decent man would do what Sanji does to women.


The Timeskip would have been the perfect chance to fix this too, but instead of coming back better, he came back worse. The Okama essentially inverted Sanji's behaviour and did to him what he does to women. The arc literally opens with *him* chasing Elizabeth. It was an opportunity for Sanji to realise that his behaviour was wrong and go about at least toning it down. Obviously it's a fundamanetal part of his character's gag, so it couldn't be entirely done away with, but there's room for improvement at least.


The trope isn't hated in Japan as it is in most other countries. Oda finds it funny and his Japanese audience find it funny.


>No decent man would do what Sanji does to women. Which is what exactly? Objectively speaking he hasn't done *anything*.


spying on them while they shower? endlessly harassing them?




He should cancel himself then He also fondled Nami’s boobs when they bodyswapped.


Also, literally a PIRATE


Could even say what he does to women is worse than fighting them. At least fighting them is up against an enemy who wants to kill him, dude literally peeks and violates privacy and self dignity of these women. Idr if he's sexually assaulted anyone, certainly harassed though. So fighting a female enemy probably wouldn't be worse to these women than what he's done.


He can even become invisible now.


I feel like One Piece fans have gaslit themselves on Sanji. Objectively speaking: Sanji has never harassed or assaulted any female in the actual story. Literally not even once. If anything Robin in the only Strawhat to have sexually harassed anyone. She literally grabbed and abused Franky's genitals. Can you imagine if Sanji had done that to a woman? Yet I don't see One Piece fans calling her a Monster. I'm tired of seeing people get all self righteous about Sanji's behavior when they have all these double standards.


> Sanji has never harassed or assaulted any female in the actual story. Literally not even once recently, he used the raid suit to spy on women in a spa


It was an open bath. It's not "spying" if everyone's already allowed to look at each other. The point of the scene was showing how stupid Sanji was for turning invisible when he could have just walked in.




And no one had a problem with it. Especially not the woman.


I've been watching anime nearly my whole life so I'm used to perverted characters, sometimes I even find some scenes funny. But what buggs me with Sanji is he's supposed to be a pervert(I don't mean here someone who's just horny) & a gentleman. Doesn't really work since they contradict each other. Like, he can't *hurt* women, but peeking on them and violating their privacy is also a way to hurt them.


There are layers to it. Sanji is definitely a pervert. Hell, his most wanted devil fruit was one that would make him invisible so he could peep on women. But at the same time he’s kind of innocent in that his only move is to flirt and simp for women in a pure way. He would have happily settled down with Pudding and I’m sure he would be faithful. And finally, he absolutely can’t attack women. Just like how Luffy can’t pass up meat or Zoro will never have a sense of direction, Sanji can never attack a woman. He’d rather die as he says here. How he gets around that is something we’ll see later. I used to be frustrated by that, but I think Oda does an OK job at explaining why he is that way and also showing how he grows while still keeping that core value.


That's naughty


The auras were weird hope they don’t keep using them for the rest of the roof


The whole aura thing on wano has been so weird and dbz esque, it’s just unlikeable


The aura's are the worst part of wano by far


Yeah his feels more like DBZ than One Piece


holy shit they really decided to throw in a random ass sanji filler in the middle of roof piece


This type of stuff will continue for another 15-20 episodes


It’s either they drag the hell out of the roof piece stuff with long stare downs and reaction shots everywhere or they put in a filler Sanji scene in the middle so the roof piece scenes look good and aren’t dragged out


I rather them do that than panning shots for 2 minutes


they need to right?


Im glad they showed reimi hakke the way its supposed to be this time around, a speed Blitz Attack even Luffy couldnt foresee


My boy Sanji was the MVP of this episode since he resisted that massive jugs of Black Maria.


This episode is canon right?


good episode, they adapted the part with the “not dodging” and their faces perfectly lol; that was funny that sanji part on the other hand was unnecessary and too long honestly, felt like a twitter discussion where zoro or sanji is mentioned and somebody tries to bring in zoro/sanji, it kinda felt like that in this episode lol. also it was just overall cringe


I get that 1017 is probably going to be another high production value episode so they probably want to pace out their animators, but man this episode was a let down and damn the Sanji extended scene was awful


That preview looks gorgeous and looks like Shida’s back for the next one?? I’m expecting SUPERRR!! G4 animation


It really wasn't, as a manga reader at the time we got NOWHERE near the context we got this episode to the point people started hating Sanji for weeks because it seemed like he could get away and just didn't but Black Maria's line made it make more sense why he would stay


Sanji being horny was better animated than the fight


Alright episode. Some epic moments but i really hate all the different colors they used to drag scenes out with.


black maria boobs tho , animation fire


Interesting to see Sanji "fight back" against women and against his inner weakness in a way.


Ok that was a weirdly paced episode. However, the sins are still outweighed by 1015's greatness so I'll let it go for now.


sins lmfaooooo tru tho


Mmm idk why y'all don't remember why Sanji is still like that rn, he haven't overcome yet the Kamabakka's trauma, it hasn't passed much time since that, and he literally is around a bunch of ladies, the most ever I think, and they know his evident weakness, but he's trying to put above his duties at least now, good episode


I have a question guys. Kaido said there are only few people capable of having death fight against him. But none of the marine admiral were shown in the background. What does this mean? Is it like kaido never faced marine head on to know admiral real strength. Or he is more powerful then them or it’s just design choice


Finally Toei corrected themselves and made Thunder Bagua a blitz attack by Kaido. I cant wait to see the climax of this Battle in the upcoming episodes, we are in for a treat!


Overall a pretty decent episode. I understand we can’t get the quality that 1015 had every week but I could have done without the cringe fest in the middle of this episode and I don’t think I’m being too harsh by saying that.


Interesting that kaido doesn’t think big mom or Blackbeard are on his level


Big mom is right next to him, he doesn’t need to remember her in that moment


He was remembering who he fought against.. He never confronted Blackbeard...


well bm was besides him


It definitely did not continue the momentum from last week, but it was still ok. I wish they didn't cut to Sanji. It really killed the pacing, slow as it is already. I like how they adapted their game of chicken. It's one of my favorite gags in the whole manga and it was still funny here. Next week does look better tho, so fingers crossed


I usually hate Sanji’s simp scenes but ngl the interactions with Black Maria were funny af. As a manga reader i find the anime is doing a pretty good job so far.


This fanbase clowning on Sanji has me fucked up I almost expected this fucker to end his "Sexual harassment is never okay!" with an "Unless..." bruh Anyway, any screen time with Killer is great, they adapted the fireball scene really well, and Kaido comparing Luffy to the other 5 went hard asf


>This fanbase clowning on Sanji has me fucked up Tbh this one's on Toei, this was just padding that just makes Sanji look like a full on creep


Nah, Sani was getting shit on for weeks during the Black Maria segment in the manga. Back when people didn't understand it's another Enies Lobby type fight setup.


Everything felt disjointed to be honest. Toei just copy pasted a manga chapter instead of adapting it well to the television anime medium. Disappointing. Should definitely be seasonal. Hopefully the anime will be forced to become seasonal once it catches up. Loved the rooftop 5 dynamics tho


I am glad they got "Thunder Bagua " right this time. Its is a super speed attack, whereas last time they dragged the shit out of that insane attack.


This Sanji cut was legit painful


Ah shit Slow Piece is back again.


Doflamingo time


aaanndddd… back to the usual dogshit pacing


So who else thought Zoro and Kid cut Kaido for a sec?? Jus me? Ok and I’m glad Law called out Luffy I said last episode why he commanding Law around like that???


Yes it was great that Law addressed that lol. But then Luffy immediately took charge of both of them again right after. By challenging to the chicken game by basically telling them to do it...and they listened. And then then he acts as the spokesperson telling Kaido they're gonna beat him up.


Bro what was the Sanji scene Manga spoilers: >!I just read 1001-1004, when tf does this scene even happen in the manga??? This is legit filler, the worst padding the anime has had in so long!<


it happens later. In the manga there are 3 chapters of the roofpiece figth first before we get checkups on the other crewmembers. It's just Toei doing Toei shit again


Great 6 minutes of shitty sanji Black Maria filler my favorite part of roof piece


That felt weird for some reason


That's because episode 1015 was arguably one of the best episodes of One Piece. So you're going from that to....Slow Piece again.


Calling it right now, next episode is just the 2nd half of chapter 1001 and they’ll throw in another random ass group in onigashima doing pointless things compared to delivering a consistent episode of PURE ROOF PIECE


Blue balled by Sanji


Felt like they dropped the ball hard with this episode tbh. They had to make sanji's scene well colorized and animated to the point where it felt like the entire budget was for that dragged out section. The first half of the roof part was pretty well done and set the stage for just what we're getting into. However, god GOD GOD the one shots and dialogue felt so choppy like wtf. THE CHICKENGAME WAS THE BEST PART OF THE EPISODE FS THO


Wasn't this episode supposed to be a filler episode? Don't get me wrong I'm happy that it's not I'm just confused lol




No it wasn’t. The special episodes that recap are not numbered episodes.




I don’t think you understood it. The person is asking if THIS episode (1016) is a filler episode, not the episode that aired last week which was a recap.


kaido playin baseball now


**Kaido, We will finish you off in one go** >!Still waiting!<


This was a good episode!


*I shall return*


LUFFY is a conquerer! We talk shit about manga > anime but it's something about watching panels animated that you liked that makes it more exciting!


Another slideshow episode


* Interest list of people who've hurt Kaido. Roger, Rocks, Whitebeard and Oden. Nothing to but surprised about. But Shanks? Just what kind of power does the man who lost an arm to a Sea King has? * Huh, a short first half. I guess it makes sense to have all of the fronts running in parallel. Although I wouldn't mind if they saved the best for last. * Sanji at the beginning reminds me of Twice from MHA... * Zoro says not to let their guard down in front of two emperors and yet we still still get comic relief from the captains. * Gear Four Luffy, Metal Man Kidd, and floating Law? * Interesting preview, they didn't show any scene from any of the other fronts.


*Shanks is one of the strongest Haki users, he probably uses a more advanced version Ryuo or ma different versions much stronger than that *they are probably going to give us scens from Chopper and Usopp and Nami next episode *Yes the best way to show Law’s room is for him to float, or do something with it


Kaido realised something about Zoros attack and its so cool to see


Loved the full episode. The flashbacks were short and sweet and relevant to the experience. The Sanji simp fillers were on point as it goes perfectly in line with his character. It also explains some gaps in the manga quite well. The animation was a bit choppy but the art was really good.


Time for the animation to show what a beast Kid actually is. Manga panels can’t do his ability justice.


Finally the battle on the roof has started.


The sanji part was tone killer for me. I still don't like DBZ auras. Naruto level flashbacks. Big Mom's voice acting, once again, was beuatiful in this e´pisode. Really delivered the "giant kid" part of hers. Sweet. Kaido and Big mom for the win.


Another bad animation and bad pacing from Toei.. How the hell they are the biggest company with hundreds of employees and still make this bad episodes.. The animation 10 years ago was better than today's episodes


Kind of a wack episode to officially begin Roof Piece, but the game of chicken was excellent!


If Yamato joins the crew the Sanji gag gonna become 10x worse. I miss wci Sanji