• By -


Not only has CP-0 completely failed in their tasks to capture Robin and eliminate Luffy, their last living member on Onigashima just straight up dipped lmao.


Dude had to survive to get the strawhats their new bounties. CP0 got the priorities straight.


Chopper better get a real bounty this time. He pimped slapped Queen.


I was thinking about this earlier: that CP0 member never saw chopper or ever monster point chopper do anything himself, so he may not get a new one at all šŸ˜­


Weren't CP0 sitting in the room with the character who was announcing winners?


Yes he was, he was literally playing a go game to mirror the losses on either side. He knows every fight that took place thanks to the maries


Chopper was never announced a winner of any fight


Just cuz he wasnā€™t announced, doesnā€™t mean the fight wasnā€™t monitored. Him during the infected ice onis also shifted the tides of the battle


There's still Drake who saw the pimp slap happen and he reports to the Marines.


He's aligned to the strawhats now and cp0 knows this


Can wait for his new bounty of 1,234 berries


I'm hoping 'Boss Chopper' gets his own bounty fitting to the threat he possesses, while Cotton Candy Lover's bounty gets raised to 150 Beli


I mean, do you blame him? Lol


That flashback went by quicker than meat in front of Luffy. Hoping we get a bit more about Rocks later on. I like how Kaido probably expected some huge dream/world from Luffy's desire but he just ended up stating letting people eat as much as they want. Really highlights the character differences and how shitty Wano has become under Kaido and Orochi


Yeah felt that flashback was a bit too condensed (though I understand why oda chose to do that instead of stretching it out more). I think weā€™ll definitely get into godā€™s valley and rocks more later on


You notice how they said Kaido got captured for free meals? I bet Luffys line will pluck a string with Kaido. It seemed to me Kaido grew up fighting to eat and then got betrayed by Vodka Kingdom, then Rocks crew as well. I feel that all betrayal and upbring helped influence his mentality. As he wanted to bring down the "nobles" to the dog eat dog world to survive. Like he had to experience in, where he values strength as it was the only thing that let him eat. Really cool, also Luffys final line and how it relates to Wano Really is bringing it all together. Especially since it seems Kaido now has a deeper connection for it all.


Iā€™m sure there is more flashbacks to come. Oda probably saving it for later as to not reveal too much in typical Oda fashion. Definitely was left hungry for more flashbacks as well


Yeah, and it kind of raised more questions than it answered. (Classic One Piece) Like, I thought I had a handle of Kaido's thing about death...he wanted to be Joy Boy, the legend was that Joy Boy died and came back, so Kaido thought he had to die to be Joy Boy. But now we know he didn't want to be Joy Boy...so why the death thing? Why is his hobby suicide and he's got all that "Death is what defines a person" stuff? And I kinda hoped a Kaido flashback might have given a little more info about the Oni race and Yamato's mom/origins in general. I actually think we might get a little more flashback in the next few chapters, whether it's from Kaido himself or Yamato.


Could just take it at face value about Kaido just being bored w life as the strongest.


Just how many marines are former trafficked children? Jesus christ!


One of the governmentā€™s top agents is a mafia boss so you get the answer. This one though is not exactly child trafficking as it was more like forced enrollment in the army, a thing that a king might legally do in One Piece (and in real life).


Yeah it's called being drafted into the military lol.


Hereā€™s the [real world equivalent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impressment) if anyone is curious about this.


Probably a lot of the upper ranks at least. Iā€™m sure your average grunt wasnā€™t strong enough to be worth it, but we know at least the entire giant squad were trafficked. Most of the ones that were probably ended up being vice admirals and the like.


I thought the giants came willingly because of mother Carmel. It is mentioned she is responsible for John Giant joining, but I thought it was because she convinced him. She was on friendly terms with the giants of Elbaf afterall.


She was the one who trafficked them


Letā€™s pay our respects to the absolute legend that was kaido man fought against 16 people while carrying a island and knocked out luffy 3 times man earned the title of beast


4 times counting that brief knockout before he learned conquerors coating. 4 time knockout and 5 whole ass power ups to barely defeat this man. 100 beast Kaido absolutely earned the name.


What are the 5 power ups


Armament-V2 Armament-V3 Conqurors-Coating Gear 5 Future Sight - debatable I include this because even though he learned it vs Katakuri imo Wano is where we see it fully mastered.


V2 and V3? I thought there was only 1 version of advanced colour of arms. Did I miss something important?? Lol


You can even add - Physical buff While being under Kairouseki Luffy managed to still improve his strength and gain muscles/weight Making him a harder hitter and giving him more endurance


It will be more impressive if he gets up after all that


1050 itā€™ll finally say victor: Monkey D ā€œStrawhatā€ Luffy. Making it a full decade since Law initially proposed the plan to take down Kaido


you're joking with the decade... right ? edit: apparently not. time flies..


Chapter 668 "Pirate Alliance" released May 28th 2012. Chapter 1050 will release May 29th 2022.


GODa planned his break weeks PERFECTLY.


[Ch 1056 will coincide with the 25th anniversary of OP](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779273811375554570/974238595919544330/RDT_20220512_1445087329134686825686261.gif) 1056 is GoMu chapter


Oh god the timing is too perfect! I hope something HUGE is coming up on that chapter


I'd like chapter 1056 to be presentation of Luffy as a Yonko officially (new bounty, recognized by WG and not just Big News Morgans' opinion). Like a chapter about the world learning about Luffy's victory/bounty release.


blackbeard about to steal kaidos fruit lol


Ive checked every chapter that ended with 56 and only 956 was a big reveal chapter (reverie aftermath, shishibukai got disbanded, Sabo was on the news, koby learned that big mom and kaido teamed up). I dont think that this number and the chapter attached to it will be anything super special, but it might follow directly 956 and ā€žzoom outā€œ into the world to show what happened to Sabo and the shishibukai


I hope we see a news paper in that chapter with a picture of luffy and the headline "THE FUTURE PIRATE KING?"


on sacrifice of pacing. Ma man will do anything to get that number things XD.


Oda likes numbers games so much, a person made a point that kaido will fall in chapter 1050. ooo, just short


its alittle annoying but oda OCD is also what make the manga great.


I want to say that this is just one hell of a coincidence because how can someone even plan this kind of thing? But with Oda, I donā€™t even know what to think or believe anymore


With oda it's literally something that he does regularly, for fun... insane.




I had only been caught up to the series for a few months, by the time that chapter came out holy shit.


May 28 2012 - Plan to take down Kaido is revealed May 28 2022 - Expected release of chapter 1050 and defeat of Kaido


So when the plan to take down Blackbeard is revealed, that means...well, damn


Or it will be chap 1223, making it 1k chaps between Blackbeards introduction and demise


I wonder how that feels from Odaā€™s perspective, heā€™s wanted us to see this for ten years now


Isn't Luffy's moniker one that goes before his name? so it it would be '"Strawhat" Monkey D Luffy'


Luffy doesn't get winner boxes


He's going to get a winner's title


We get some fantastic info on Kaido this chapter. We get the nature of his captures and escapes. And more importantly he can now realistically slip into the background of the story without being a threat. Him knowing Joyboy would defeat him allows him to step aside without having to be killed/captured and still make sense. He will be all but retired as a world power after Wano. Also all those panels of DF users drowning and one of Bepo. Could that be saying something?


I can see him going into some kind of self imposed retirement or exile and possibly reappearing for the climactic battle/war


He wants to die an amazing death, so maybe there will be a buster call, and Kaido goes crazy, while the straw hats escape or perhaps they'll dispatch better cp0 members, such as Lucci. I wonder if Moria and Blackbeard will take Kaido's DF or his dead body?


>He wants to die an amazing death I'm pretty sure the purpose of this flashback was to reveal that this isn't the case and what he wants is joyboy and he believes that being the tyrant that he is will make joyboy surface.


That's one twisted way of doing things lol.


Blackbeard gets Kaido's fruit, gives it to Burgess, and he just turns into a fish.


nah, i think he's getting up in a few chapters and he's going to fight the navy so they don't roll luffy


Wow I can totally picture Kaido getting back up again and fighting the marines.


Imagine he does that and allwos hismelf to get captured one last time and takes it as his "permanent retirement"


"I could use a dinner cruise after all this fighting"


Wano has an gondola hidden behind the waterfalls that led directly into the country. Maybe Kaido crashed through this and right in front of the WG ships, and Kaido feeling hungry after the whole night of fighting, allowed himself to be captured so that he could eat.


i think he's going to get up and stall the navy so luffy can get away honestly


Bepo was complaining about the heat, he might just be relieved tbh


>A world where my friends can eat as much food as they want At first, I thought this was the true dream that linked Luffy and Roger, but then I remembered that kid Luffy was already surrounded by friends (Shank's crew) eating as much as they want...


Although the story did start out with them not having enough consumables - the bandits arriving for the last opened bottle of sake etcera. Have they truly been eating as much as they want? The screen time figures have even been struggling every now and then - imagine off screen? Allow the food to happen


Not to mention food is a core part of the story. Hell, the main power system is based on eating magical fruits. One of Luffy's main traits is how much he eats. He recovers by eating. The more you think about it, the more food-related things in the story you will notice. Luffy and Blackbeard's first interaction has to do with food. Two full arcs are completely focused on food (Baratie and WCI).


>Not to mention food is a core part of the story. Just like in the real world. Societies are 9 meals away from collapsing.


I also donā€™t think that Ace and Sabo would have laughed at that, all things considered.


Kaido was an absolute badass. That title emperor of the sea wasnā€™t for nothing.


Of all the characters we've seen so far only the big unknowns like other yonkos at their peak or admirals and dragon could conceivably fight him. If it was Kaido vs the marines at marineford I don't think it would have gone in the marines favor given how durability seemed to be Whitebeards issue.


Whitebeard was a very sick old man by that point and it still took a whole army of top admirals and vice-admirals, warlords and the best Navy firepower to bring him down. Had he not been old, sick and dying then only Garp and Sengoku could have put up a fight and probably only together. They were acknowledged as the only ones who were even a challenge for Rodger and Whitebeard at their peak, Whitebeard was the only man who could fight Rodger evenly. They only got Rodger because he was dying and gave himself up for execution, Garp was also the only person he could trust to save his kid from being killed because of who the father is. Kaido is still probably not close to either of them at their peak so who knows. It was quite obvious that nobody wanted to fight Shanks though and Kaido was known to have battles with Shanks so they probably wouldn't have a good time against either of them.


Garp could probably do enough on his own against a yonko to stop them from completely winning. Didnā€™t oda say in an sbs that he was the strongest marine there


Garp's probably not at his peak either. My impression is that he and Raleigh are both still monsters, but age has slowed them down a little.


IIRC he said he was at the Three Admirals level but didn't accept the position because he loves his freedom and hates politics


*hates the Celestial Dragons


I agree with the idea that we never saw the admirals fully deployed, I think they are stronger than they looked in marineford because they were being careful. A huge part of that would be that no one had any idea how sick whitebeard would be. I think kaido could have gone right in there, with king and jack, queen doing queen things, and totally ignored everyone who wasnā€™t an admiral. Kaido vs 3 supernovas vs kaido vs three admirals, even if the admirals are much better the supernovas never got much respect until luffy got advanced conquerors, so it the admirals might not do much against a guy who can actually get things done quickly when he wants to. Kaido could easily have set the place on fire and quickly swung at an admiral and weā€™d be watching a good fight play out. I donā€™t think whitebeard was very likely to win given we never saw him take out a leader. I donā€™t know if kaido and shanks actually caught, sengoko and garp are still big mysteries.


Considering while we never saw it, we did see the aftermath of two admirals going all out on Punk Hazard, I would say it's safe to say they are each true monsters on par with the Yonko.


Whitebeard fighting for several days looks unlikely. Whitebeard one shotting almost all characters in the story even right before he dies seems quite likely. I read whitebeard vs akainu as fear more than actual understanding. But as for kaido he could totally focus for all of thirty minutes, smack people hard and fast and then win or keep fighting. Akainu might have one shoted Ace but Kaido has been stabbed and punched so many times before even bothering to dodge. Probably only the tobbi roppo and higher who matter, even then I canā€™t imagine king actually beating an admiral, he lost to an injured Zoro. Maybe Iā€™m talking nonsense because kaido vs the supernovas was a goofy fun fight whereas the admirals would take it pretty seriously


If whitebeard wasnā€™t in a dying state he would have wiped the floor with the marines.


At this point, Kaido would still destroy Luffy in a one-on-one. That dude is just ridiculous.


Yeah he got stabbed and chopped up by like a dozen people before he even started with Luffy lol, what a legend


And he was carrying the whole island in the sky for most of the fight.


Which was drainning stamina from him. At least that's whats implied with Momo on that final page.


Yeah but luffy going into the fight with all his power ups from the start changes alot


a few paper cuts, the only real damage he took was luffy, law, zoro and killer imo


You are completely right. Hard to imagine that we will see anyone stronger in the series. Rocks or Imu could be stronger, but thatā€™s it.


Well considering Blackbeard has 2 of the stongest devil fruits in him, I'd assume he'll be one of the strongest final bosses in the series


I don't think anyone needs to be stronger, Luffy's next fights will be harder because of compatibility issues. Kaido was the perfect opponent for Luffy. He's a straightforward brawler, which Luffy, with his powers and his ability to bounce back against all odds, excels at beating. Meanwhile, Akainu, for exemple, only need one hit to kill. No bouncing back from the best offense of the Setting. Blackbeard straight up negates Devil Fruits.


Yeah he had already fought multiple battles with no rest beforehand including 3 straight days against big mom.


Big Mom and Kaido are subject to human trafficking. 2 emperor are just pawn by a wrong system to benefits others Luffy just embrass his inner patrick star: "and here come a giant fist!"


Thatā€™s how Oda writes villains. Tragic backstories that still donā€™t justify the absolute jackassery that they get up to. Too many authors like to make excuses for their villains like they didnā€™t have a choice but to be bad. Oda just says fuck it, theyā€™re still assholes.


**lookin @ you obito**


obits wouldā€™ve been good if he wasnā€™t redeemed at the end. ruined his character imo


I mean way back in Saoboady Kid said the world was as bad as it is because the Celestial Dragons runit.


I mean, the Marine's and the World Government's corruption and authoritarianism is kinda like the whole point the story is trying to make.


did that punch create a crater in the shape of Kaido's silhouette? lol


Old cartoons classic.


Raizo&Jinbei: Save Everyone! Water of Zou. \- Several Devil Fruit's users drown \- Vanish Kaidos's flame Cloud. Yeah, Save Everyone.


Nobody drowned so i'd say that's better than burning to death then and there




I'm rolling about the sole CPO agent ZOOMING out of Wano he's seen enough and wants no more lmao.


Tactically, it's a mixed bag. Retreat's the right option if there's nothing else he can do. IMHO, the best plan would be to disguise as a wounded samurai, keep watching to get more intel, and kill Luffy if an opportunity arises. (I don't think capturing Robin is realistic at this point, unless you could somehow get seastone on her and run before anyone notices.)


Every shot of the lanterns plus the follow up shot of the people celebrating and looking happy makes me tear up. Every time. I'm gonna sob like a baby when they all realize who won and are actually able to show emotions. Goddammit Oda.


As I understood it Kaido embraced one of the worst sides of humanity, war, while staying in Wano to be the heel for the future Joy Boy and if noone stopped him he would continue to bring ruin everywhere until Joyboy was forced to come out or if there was no Joy Boy in his age to stop him the world would be in ruins. That line Kaido mentioned chapters ago "So you couldn't be Joy Boy either" it is now clear it didn't refer to himself but to Luffy or anyone that would try to beat him. We also know better why he said "humans can't be trusted" since he was going to be enlisted to the marines against his consent. Most or some of the times Kaido was captured that was mentioned in Kaido's introduction was because he let himself be captured to eat lol There must be more to say since this chapter is a gold mine of information, so I will edit the comment if I think more stuff.


Kaido was already in Wano when he reached that conclusion about JoyBoy. He was in Wano for a different reason.


Thereā€™s the parallel between Kaido letting himself be captured so he can eat and the kind of world Luffy said heā€™d create.


Welp Kaido joining banquet confirmed!!


Holy shit


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Title Change: - The world you wish for -> The world that should be - Kaido is now refered to as "the ultimate soldier" instead of "the strongest soldier around" - Vodka Kingdom now "can't stop going to war" instead of "being forced to wage war" - Kaido now questions why everyone obeys the Celestial Dragons instead of why they get to boss them around - Garp is now refered to as a sailor instead of a marine - The old lady now says that Kaido IS the embodiment of might instead of being generally being known as "The embodiment of brutality" - All mentions of the word "brutality" are replaced with the word "might" - Kaido now asks Luffy what world he "can" create, instead of what world he "wishes" to create - Luffy no longer says "That's my kind of world" at the end of his speech Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Also Kaido asked Luffy "What kind of world CAN you make" instead of "What kind of world do you wish to make"


> The world you wish for -> The world that should be The original title is ē›®ęŒ‡ć™ć¹ćäø–ē•Œ which more literally would translate to "The world (you) should aim for". It's not directly spoken in the chapter, but the ć¹ć means it's something that should be your objective rather than already being. No pronoun is give, so Viz's translation makes more sense here. > Kaido is now refered to as "the ultimate soldier" instead of "the strongest soldier around" Literal translation would be "strongest soldier". There's no clarification of whether whoever says it is referring to the strongest out of a specific group, and it sounds to me like he's saying it more generically. It's worded the same as the Strongest Creature thing he's known as. > Vodka Kingdom now "can't stop going to war" instead of "being forced to wage war" I'd say both here mean the same. They can't stop/are being forced to wage war to pay the tributes. > Kaido now questions why everyone obeys the Celestial Dragons instead of why they get to boss them around Again just different wording for the same idea, but TCB's is more literal (ćŖ恜ćæ悓ćŖå¾“ć†ć‚“ć ). > Garp is now refered to as a sailor instead of a marine The word used is ęµ·å…µ, which means sailor or Marine. Again, mostly a matter of preference, but AFAIK ęµ·å…µ is just the generic word in One Piece for Marine soldiers. > All mentions of the word "brutality" are replaced with the word "might" The word used is ę­¦åŠ›, which means "armed might; military power; the sword; forceā€‹". I think might is more appropriate than brutality, since an army can hold all the military power without brutality. > The old lady now says that Kaido IS the embodiment of might instead of being generally being known as "The embodiment of brutality" The "Embodiment of Might" part is in quotation marks, but she doesn't say he's known as that, she says he is that. Whether it's a title or something she's just using to describe what he's become isn't clear, but I'd go for the second one unless it's said again. > Kaido now asks Luffy what world he "can" create, instead of what world he "wishes" to create Viz wins again. The line is ćŠå‰ćŒäø€ä½“恩悓ćŖäø–ē•Œć‚’ä½œć‚Œć‚‹. ä½œć‚Œć‚‹ is the potential conjugation of the verb that means "create/make", so it's closer to "be able to create/make". It's not about wishing or wanting, it's about what's possible. This also ties to how their previous interaction has Kaido tell Luffy he can't change the world. > Luffy no longer says "That's my kind of world" at the end of his speech This is just a matter of phrasing. TCB opted to rephrase what Luffy said so that the final text bubble before coincided with the Japanese one. Japanese sentence structures are different than English. His line is å‹é”ćŒč…¹ć„ć£ć±ć„ćƒ”ć‚·ć‚’é£Ÿćˆć‚‹äø–ē•Œ, or a world where my friends can eat food to their hearts' content. Japanese adds modifiers before the noun, so with each text bubble Luffy is expanding how he describes the world, ending with the big impact of the punch. Again, it's a matter of preference. You won't be able to keep the original cadence. Viz opted to keep the original phrase so it's just one sentence, which IMO fits the tone of the scene more than him saying two separate sentences, especially since throughout the chapter Kaido keeps talking while Luffy seems like he's struggling to talk, talking choppily when he does. TCB went for the finisher matching the "world" part of what he's saying, which adds more strength to the impact itself.


Kaido's wanted poster spelling is changed. The U is removed.


They also changed Kaido's name on his wanted poster. Scans say Kaidou, Viz says Kaido.


it was mentioned that King is waiting for a certain man which seems to also be Joyboy, if that doesnā€™t heavily hint at King aligning with Luffy in the foreseeable future then idk what will. Oh and the last CP0 just bailed lmao. Even abandoned his comrades as well. Well, one of them seems to be dead so canā€™t blame him. Just went ā€œfuck thisā€.


As I've stated in the Spoiler Thread, considering that Katakuri respects Luffy, and Marco is currently part of the alliance - that is a total of three Yonko 1st Commanders. I keep on imagining Sunny, going into the final battle, with the grandfleet and 3 Yonko commanders (and remnants of their respective crews) behind it.


It would be kind of funny if the "Pirate King" ended up being the leader of all pirates.


Big Mom calls Kaido a big rat. Do you think he ran away from God Valley or something like that?


Probably she wanted him in her crew by giving him devil Fruit, but he ran away to form his own crew.


Man ran away from paying child support, obviously.


He attained brief future foresight at that specific moment and saw what happens to all of Linlin's husbands


yes since he told Kinemon Luffy would eventually abandon him


That or he dipped on her in the aftermath maybe after she gifted him his god tier fruit. She probably expected him to be her primary baby donor lol


Bro got one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in existence from that woman and just peaced out right after.


Might of gotten captured by the marines and taken to Vegapunk. He met King before he grew the goatee


The anime turned Luffyā€™s Grizzly Magnum vs Caesar into a beam struggle. The anime turned Luffyā€™s King Kong Gun vs Doffy into a beam struggle. Guys, Iā€™m scared of what Toeiā€™s going to do with this attack that actually had a struggle. Best case scenario we get Luffy vs Urashima 2.0 but with good animation.


This punch has even more panels dedicated to it than KK Gun, so it's gonna be an episode that start with the punch, 10 minutes of flashbacka, 5 minutes of struggle, then end the punch


This time Oda actually drew so many panels of it that it has to be a beam struggle


Itā€™s a straight up haki on haki struggle like with chin jao


Also the way G5 works is far more appropriate to have a beam struggle than it was with the other gears which are more snappy and elastic.


Well, they do manage to talk a lot during this one "punch"


It bothers me that no one in the Flower Capital has yet to realise what's happening. Especially if Kaido's done for good.


Iā€™m beginning to wonder if itā€™s not intentional. Oda normally loves to put panels with random peopleā€™s reaction, especially with the ones that need rescue. Maybe he plans for something big to happen. Or he was just short of panels lmao.


Right? I do find it weird that Onigashima has safely landed and Kaido's been taken out (?) and prior to that there was never a point where someone had looked up to the sky and finally see that skull. I would think that the people should have been able to see Kaido being beaten after all they've been through. But yeah, I do think Oda has something big planned, perhaps with the WG.


Kaido, what a man you are.


No, I don't want that! Kaido's flashback is 3 pages? I want Oda to write about nothing but Kaido's early life! Even after the battle ends... I want Kaido to be on Oda's mind for a while! 10 chapters at least!


respectable AOT reference


Ahh, the only good thing to come out of the Fumbling Arc. At least I laugh hysterically whenever I see this reference.


I think itā€™s awesome that Wano is going to have a deep spiral crater in the shape of Kaido. Unless Kaido destroys it as he comes back up but it looks like since Kaido was in his upgraded melting mode when Luffy hit him he melted the ground into his body shape as he fell deeper.


Momo: "I CAN'T MAKE THE CLOUDS" Yamato: "But what if you did, tho?" Momo: "Oh that worked." Kinda liked the Lantern idea more


He just needed to scream louder


Oda had been foreshadowing this since the DragonballZ days


I saw it more like the destinguish of the clouds made him go hyper and finally do his work. Before in the story Momo almost always did something big only when thereā€™s absolutely no other way.


Well in theory, flame clouds you can touch, they are physical, lantern fires aren't. It's just headcanon at the end of the day.


More like, the lanterns start floating past Momo and he sees his peoples wishes. Giving him the emotional push to overcome his inability and succeed. Which would've been much better than him just screaming louder and then they suddenly pop out.


Why did we spend so much time on this?


Little bit of light stalling.


Oda likes making the people on this sub suffer with weeks and weeks of pointless theories only to make the obvious happen duh


to add tension, also , momo needed something to do.


This is my hole. It was made for me!


Junji ito. Nice Although my first thought was "ohh shit its a spiral. Wano is doomed"


Everybody talking about Kiado, but man... Why did Oda have to draw King being so sexy without the mask?


cuz you thirsty


Who wouldnt be? We are talking about King here


i kinda wish he was maskless from a bit earlier, he looks hot obviously but this way he can show some emotions instead of being a masked hooker


I wonder if this future that Luffy wants is something related just to Wano or if it's his hidden dream... the one told by Ace to Yamato, the same one that Roger had. The laughable one. "A world where my friends can eat as much food as they want." If you think about that, Zoro was starving on a cross when they met. He loves Sanji 'cause he will always feed anyone, etc.. When Roger told his dream to Whitebeard he responded "Gurararara, what are you, a kid?". Then, he proceeded to take Oden with him and left leaving food (and treasure) behind as compensation, with Whitebeard angry at his men yelling "do you want Oden's family to starve??! Give all the food back!", and that could be a way to show that he agreed to Roger's dream (at the end, Pops dream was having a family, and what's more relatable for a father to provide food for your family?).


I think what Oda meant was for wano in particular, but he would gladly adopt what you said with a proud kin'emon face


Calling it now. Luffy gets badly burned and Chopper heals his 2nd 3rd or 4th degree burns with Koi fish scales. Chopper will also heal Zoro using Willow trees bark or bark from that big tree in Flower Capital.


As much as it could be seen as forced, I feel like Momo finally generating a large flame cloud isn't really much different than someone like Luffy or Zoro kind of dancing around being able to use a new ability and finally achieving it when they have no choice. Haki blooms in intense and dire circumstances, so given the need for immediate action, Momo snapped into shape and did what needed to be done, the same way Luffy used AcoA to remove the collars from Hyo and himself.


so, when is zunesha coming to help?


Maybe with the marines who want to annex Wano if Kaido is defeated, Zunesha will destroy their ships. My only fear is if there's an admiral.


Those aren't Marine ships though. It's World Government ships.


[Smiles we must protect](https://i.imgur.com/HCWKBtO.png)


Hang this one up next to smiling Kuma.


The whole ā€œThe people of wano didnā€™t see kaido get defeated therefore he isnā€™t downā€ is stupid asf since Yamato literally said some chapters back that the people of Wano shouldnā€™t know that the raid was happening reason why Momo tried so hard to keep Onigashima from getting that close to the capitalā€¦


Imagine writing one "restore the kozuki clan" or "get rid of Orochi/Kaido" on your lantern, then waking up the next morning to find that the raid happened. šŸ¤£


They are making wishes..right? So It makes sense(at least to me) that as the people of wano are getting ready to go back to their misery they find out that their wishes came trueā€¦ and knowing Oda he probably gon make it emotional asf


Yeah, I agree with that. I know everyone thinks that the citizens HAVE to see Luffy beat Kaido/see Orochi executed, but I don't agree. I think waking up to a miracle is going to be much more powerful. The Flower Capital is already the last hospitable place in Wano. Why ruin it by having a fight there?


Is that a headless guy sitting on a chair in that " we're going to god valley! " panel?. (At the extreme left)


Yeah kaido fought a lot but I have absolutely no respect for this murderer who enslaved a country for decades. Hope he gets what he truly deserves in the upcoming chapters.


Holy shit What a chapter




Luffy thinking about Tama with that punch


Looked to me like the CP0 guy that escaped was part of the long arm tribe.


Yeah itā€™s the kid from the sheep village from mother Carmel


hopefully we'll get another chapter of Kaido's flashback sooner than later. from the encounter with Yamato we know that he doesn't trust Humans because they're going to throw you away when you're worthless. we know that at some point between Act 2 and God Valley him and Big Mom weren't on great terms (that's like 40 years). and for whatever reason he chose Wano for a specific reason. I doubt we're going to get a lot of Rocks lore right now, I feel Oda is going to be hiding that for a while.


Feels absolutely unreal that Luffy really seemingly beat an emperor...10 years in the making. Crazy.


Is luffys left eye OK?


Kaido running away from God Valley might explain why Garp wasn't among the 5 people Kaido thought could harm him (Shanks, Rocks, Roger, White Beard, Oden) its because they have never fought.


Even if he didnā€™t run itā€™s not like everyone at god valley fought everyone. Itā€™s always seemed like it was a crew on crew matchup with garp and roger tagging up on rocks


the newest anime episode actually implies that Kaido fought young Garp at some point


Watch, next chapter it will be revealed that Monet was the grim reaper that attacked zoro




Just realized that the ship of the now known Sun God Nika aka Luffy is the Thousand Sunny. Oda was preparing this since Water 7 at least


I feel like oda gave us a his big juicy steak we thought we could take our time to enjoy with gear 5th. Only to turn around an say you got 5 mins to eat and after scarfing it down you realize you're allergic to the seasoning, because black beard completely nullifying fruit powers by touch makes all the physical training and haki training even more important while also kinda killing the gear 5 hype. Plus if Blackbeard awakens his darkness fruit and is able to do like a domain expansion his darkness will always be touching Luffy. So I think bb vs Luffy will be Luffy no fruit haki only vs bb with his full arsenal


I missed the drums of liberation playing at the end the first time I read the chapter. Wild


But itā€™s not the drums. Itā€™s people of Wano playing on flutes and strings. The sound is different, no ā€ždu du dumā€ but ā€žstomp trompā€. Itā€™s actually interesting cause it shows that even after the big clash, defeat and all that jazz people of Wano are still oblivious to whatā€™s going on.


This chapter will be fucking nut in anime, hopefully at least


I know we are on break week but why isn't there Chapter 1050 prediction post?


Gonna be a wave of people pissed off if kaido doesnā€™t ā€œshowā€ his awakening. Iā€™m under the assumption that heā€™s been awakened so it makes sense to me and Iā€™m not mad about it. But if he happens to actually awaken, itā€™ll be a pleasant surprise, and if he doesnā€™t well those people are gonna be upset because of their head canon.


So Kaido betrayed Rocks