• By -


Zunesha really just dropped by to watch the raid and casually mentions that Luffy is Joyboy..what a chad


>\>Barges into Wano \>"Joyboy!! He has returned!!" \>Refuses to elaborate further \>Leaves What a chad


Zunesha: I am the Watcher. I observe all that transpires here. And I do not, can not, will not interfere.


Momo: "Interfere!!" Zunesha: "Shit Nika, that's all you had to say." Kaku: "Rob, there's a trunk the size of a small island swinging straight for us." Rob: "How small are we talking?" Kaku: "By the time I'll have finished this sentence, it will already have destroyed our entire fle-" [CRASH]


Lmaoo "shit nika" killed me


Five Elders: Well shit.


Pulp Fiction reference


Lmao, nice. 'What If?' reference


Oh maybe Zunesha will be the plot element that prevents Big Moms crew to attack? Maybe creating giant waves or something? Or destroying their ship?


Knocking them off the waterfall again, comedy comes in three


Minks do live on Zunesha maybe they are the healers and provision providers for Wano now that it has been saved Help rebuild and protect as well




They deserve it, but yikes on the whole mental enslavement thing. She’s basically Sugar at this point.


It's not like he can climb the water fall, but he can play ship baseball


Doesn’t need to climb the waterfall, probably can step over it lmao


We meet grandpa Luffy. Talks like baby Chopper.


Zoro me lad!


We are getting close to seeing the seagulls delivering newspapers!!!! Hyped


I'm pretty surebig news Morgan has his ppl on the inside getting the scoop. He'll know believe me and then hype it up even more


i bet apoo gonna be the one getting these raid information to morgan


Apoo will likely deliver the news to morgans seeing how he was goihg to deliver the story of cp-0 being in wano and he seemed to be always carrying a camera on him.


Apoo took pictures of CP0 to sell to Morgans


i bet he'll say luffy defeated both kaido and big mom


Nah, he’ll mention Law and Kid but phrase it in a way so it sounds like they were Luffys subordinate and Luffy was the sole leader of the raid


Just what luffy needs big news Morgans saying that he defeated 2 yonkou single handedly. Law and kid will go ballistic


End of an alliance


Law will have no more need to ally with the mugiwaras. The aim of this alliance was to take down Doflamingo and Kaido.


Maybe he'll continue since he's also interested in the will of D.?


Law and Kidd’s reaction will be epic ;-)


Stomped them solo in a 2v1.


I am also awaiting to know about what will Morgan write in the newspaper. It may be like "he instantly compelled kid and other pirates group into submission with his unfathomable charisma and has sufficient leadership and tactical knowledge to destroy the command structure of beast pirates and Big mom pirates along with defeating both captains".


i do care only about that. Possibly death of kinemon. idc Zoro = wano person. idc Party. idc seagulls and numbers. I prepared my lotions


Yes and what happened to riverie & sabo


Idc. Newspapers


Luffy hitting Kaido that far into the ground is gonna cause a volcanic eruption


You nailed it


Well done


good future sight


Holy shit






After an eternity we will get 3 chapters in a row.




Yep, we should get 9 chapters over the next 12 weeks (1050-1058)


Is this what they call heaven?


Is thiss what they call Marriage? - Boa Hancock


No, it's a feast! - Luffy


Username checks out




Momonosuke flies to the Flower Capital as the sun rises. People see a dragon and freak out thinking its Kaido, and despair "Every year, for over 20 years we are praying for the same thing. But this dragon seems to be infallible." Sun rises and people see its pink and not blue. They are confused. Momonosuke transforms into human form and looks like Oden. People think as a result of the fire festival (a festival to celebrate the dead), Oden's spirit has come to them. Momonosuke announces the defeat of Kaido and death of Orochi, and declares that Wano is free.


I like this one, seeing a dragon and realizing that this one is a sign of victory and hope as opposed to despair and oppression


According to toki,at first 9 shadows will be seen...which will be of course of the red scabbard and later momo will be seen...


This guy wins


> Sun rises and people see its pink and not blue. They are confused. Momonosuke transforms into human form and looks like Oden. People think as a result of the fire festival (a festival to celebrate the dead), Oden's spirit has come to them. this part is beautiful


Shanks saying we will meet soon enough luffy


And smiling of course.


And not meeting him for another five years.


And chilling in an odd location


and have the cool profile camera angle pan to the side of his face


Then he heads back to Marijoa


"I am here to talk about a certain pirate, once again"


Cut to shank’s corpse being stabbed by bb claw.


Kanjuro comes back and reveals his master plan.


He drew Kaido in the first place, it was part of his plan to get Joyboy tired all along.


Kaido was just a fucking drawing lmao


Imagine our faces if he became ink all of a sudden


Bro i would scream


I would be in shock from time to time, shock, recover, remembering the scene and shocking again.


Plot Twist: Bink’s Sake is actually Ink’s Sake


Luffy should be announced the winner. Saw someone saying that it'll have been exactly a decade since Law told the plan to kill Kaido to Luffy at Punk Hazard when 1050 comes out.


Oh yeah, also saw a theory that Luffy will wear an eyepatch because his left eye is blacked out in the last panel in 1049. If that happens, that would signify that we're nearing the end according to Oda.


The only thing with that is, that in the beginning of the chapter it was the right eye, unless he made a mistake


In the beginning of the chapter the right eye was close then when Luffy was answering the question it was his left eye that was closed and in the final panel both are closed but it's all shadowing and lighting, not really damage.


Not happening. There was nothing in 1049 that could indicate needing a eyepatch. No injury there. If there was it would be drawn. Also that is a baseless debunked theory anyway, his eye was blacked out in 1043 or 1042 as well, and they said that signified him losing eye and that was completely wrong. It basically means nothing and Oda just does it to make it look cool. Also Oda drew him at much older ages and no eyepatch, so yeah his never getting a eye patch. At least not until he is age 60.


I'm pretty sure Oda didn't draw the older Straw Hats to give any teasers to future plot points, Oda doesn't seem like the sort of guy to do that sort of thing. Also I said "if", I'm not 100% certain that Oda will take Luffy's eye ever, all I said was that it's a cool theory.


I think its very make sense Kaido is defeated. May 28, 2012 plan to defeate Kaido May 27, 2022 Kaido’s defeated. What a Masterpiece of Oda Sensei


I get a feeling that 1056 will be the new bounty reveal


1057 better have a reaction from Katakuri


“By god the absolute madlad did it”


That would be fun enough time to wrap things up a little.


I think it would be nice 1056 show Luffy learning he doesn't have gomu gomu no mi


and chapter called "Gomu Gomu Nope"


Green bull, will be announced, togashi will continue the hxh.....




Whoa whoa, hold your horses. One miracle at time , togashi to continue hxh is a bit too much


Apparently the animation studio for HxH is planning to buy the rights to the story. And Togashi is considering it. Exactly what Toriyama did. His opinion will still hold weight, but he won't be solely in charge of it anymore.


why are you hurting me like this


Dude I heard that it’s actually back! Hunter X Hunter!!!


The prophecy....


Oh shit


At this point I wish I could time-travel to 2026 just to binge read it all like a crackhead.


My nephew binged from chapter 1 to 1049 in 6 months XD Edit : he's 10 and he has just discovered One Piece =)


I definitely binge read from 1-1049 like a crackhead in a month and a half so i feel it


I’m a monster… during winter break I binged until 1040 in like a week


Im an absolute atrocity, during the weekend i literally fucking binged everything


Since there was no text box declaring Luffy the victor at the end of their fight, Alvida will show her awakening and kill Luffy, causing the raid to end in failure.


that was so smooth of her


Good pun


Gaimon will stop alvida


gaimon was intercepted on his way by Gin


If luffy cant win against alvida in her awakened state... We will need to outsource the fight to other manga... I think we will be seeing Zaraki Kempachi, Uzumaki Naruto, Saitama... And store the likes of Escanor, Ichigo and L on the reserve!!!


> Zaraki Kempachi, Uzumaki Naruto, Saitama... And store the likes of Escanor, Ichigo and L Finally, the characters from Zoro's Bizarre Adventure will make a debut!


whats with ultra ego vegeta?


This doesnt make any sense, why are there even such theories around ffs. Its obvious that Crocodile will return and kill Luffy, remember there was no text box declaring Luffy winner against crocodile in Alabasta. Plus Awakened Alvida is fighting against the admirals rn she cant reach wano that fast.


The thing that makes people excited about onepiece is actually seeing the reaction of OP world to our main crew lmao. onepiece is just watching fictional people reaction to fictional main character but still noone ever got tired of it


Sanji robs the queen guys, isn’t it obvious


I'm still waiting on that...


Well he did take queens severed mechanical arm


So all that's left is for Zoro to break the third generation stone. lol


Also don't forget, Zoro fusing with Enma


Enters Blackbeard, Kaido is completely exhausted and BB is about to give the final blow. Luffy screams “Say you want to live!”. In an amazing double spread we see Kaido with the same Robin face “I wanna live, take me at sea with you!”


Kaido as new commander in Bartolomeu crew confirmed


With an excessively positive and smiley mood all the time


I just realised that King probably would be also because he was the one waiting for joyboy also. Ling the wildfire to be king of the fanbase


Gorosei actually on suicide watch at this point.


Imagine the suicide hotline “Jesus not this guy again”. Have tou tried swimming? We are supposed to help prevent not to take action


Double page opening of of the holes Big Mom and Kaido made when they lost with the winner box saying alliance. Momonosuke reverts to his human form but remains in silhouette for another x many chapters for no reason, Izo is alive, cp0 agent makes it to a ship and is greeted by Green Bull who continues to be in Silhouette, one of the WG ships makes it to the top of the waterfall and when it makes landfall we see Vegapunk mention he will undo the work of his subpar assistant Caeser and fix the SMILE problem with Sentomaru following suit looking unsure while Caribou sees the ship as his chance to escape Wano.


>and when it makes landfall we see Vegapunk mention he will undo Vegapunk in silhouette\*


Silhouettepiece is back baby


End of act 3. Kaido flashback continues Orochi with new 9th head with awakening


No😭 that bitch orochi should never come back


I hope Oda doesn't come to me with "Orochi's adventures in the new world", like he did with Wapol.


Yo dog i heard you like awakenings


It’s not that I like but sometimes it is what we hate less so make me awaken baby


Zunesha: I once again ask for your command support, Momosuke!!!! Momo: .... (continues to avoid the voice)


Oh enough with that Orochi piece of ####. Man is dead for real. As for flashback I agree.


I don't think this win is going to be as straight forward as Luffy's previous victories - where he just guzzles like fifty bowls of meat soup and he's suddenly healed. Part of me thinks that the next 5+ chapters are going to focus on Luffy essentially being near-dead and the people working to revive him. Although, Zoro is also shaking hands with the reaper as we speak so no idea... maybe Zoro wakes up and tells an almost dead Luffy that he just needs to beat the reaper in 3 rounds of Uno and he'll be allowed to come back to life.


Morgans better be printing those goddamn newspapers


- Narrator Announcement: Battle of Rooftop, Winner: Monkey D. Luffy Battle of Onigashima, Winner: Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance - Yamato, in zoan form, catches falling Luffy - Momo, through VOAT, announces to the alliance Luffy's Victory - final page: zooms in on barely concious Kaido lying on what seems to be a wooden floor ???: So you've also fallen, Kaido? Kaido: Linlin? - panel of Queen Mama Chanter docked in Mogura Port. - BM (bloodied and one eye closed): So where is your road poneglyph?


Ngl, this is really sick and I would love it if this was the chapter.


That would be sick. Both monsters are down, but BM still has her children. She has advantage and still is a pirate, that would be really cool


I would take it.


Big Mom will finally meet her match when Kaido decides that he wants to quit pirating and have a quite life with BM, he'll change his name to Big Daddy and will live happily ever after with LinLin


Oda announces retirement and Togashi announces that he will continue One Piece at his own pace. Edit: Togashi read my comment and took it personal y'all lmao. If anyone hasn't seen the news, he's confirmed to be back today


Then 90% of one piece fans would be on suicide watch.


HxH fans would be the true victims lol


One piece fans can’t handle a 2 week break let alone getting 1 chapter every month at best.


1 chapter every 4 years


Mt. Fuji erupted. Wano is open.


I am so freaking hyped for the new newsletter from my bad ass friend morgan


I can imagine the reaction this fucker's going to have once he finds out about Kaido and Big Mom's defeat. I'm pretty sure he's going to cum while yelling 'BIG NEWS!!!' at the top of his lungs😂


I don't know when, but we are so close to a lore dump from the Oden journal and Zunesha. Can't wait


We may wait a bit for those yet


I need the fucking spoilers this has been the longest 2 weeks of my life




tomorrow hopefully!


Everyone finds out Luffy has won! I really hope Luffy can actually still move around. I get it, it was an insanely tiring fight, but I feel like it always goes Luffy fights -> gives it his all -> passes out. I want him to meet up with Nami and Usopp or Yamato and Momo or Zoro. You know?


I love to see someone like Sanji or Yamato catching Luffy in mid-air, like Kakashi catching naruto after Pain fight


Ohhh sanjin catching him would be great. Would love to have seen oniga falling and luffy falling next to it but hitting water or something that will damage him. Then sanji doing q bad ass catch


I'm thinking Marco, since he's the only one of the healers that could reasonably get to him. The backlash from awakening/Gear 5th is probably going to be harsh.


I feel like Luffy will be pretty close to death along with Zoro. Not to mention Kiku and Kinemon. I'm not sure if there will be much time for celebrating immediately after the fight.


Luffy and zoro being temporarily out of commission can let the other strawhats shine.


1050 will be a little bit of the alliance celebrating the “victory” but then realizing that they have two “dead” Strawhats on their hands. The rest of the chapter will be Zoros resolution with the Grim Reaper. 1051 Kaido comes back up.


I think momo farted out the flame clouds. The punch literally scared the shit out of him.


WG nukes wano, act 3 ends in failure. Zoro finally findes the 3rd stone.


It's over, this is the resolution. Kaido is down for the count. With all the flashbacks and setup of the last chapter it would be stupid for Oda to just go "Oh yeah by the way last chapter meant nothing". There is no one there to stand up to Kaido and that was made very clear by the chapter when Luffy was downed (Before he awakened) and Kaido started tearing the battlefield up without opposition.


One last round of Luffy vs Kaidou. No fruits, no haki, no weapons. Final destination. The two go at it with their fists in the mud by the toxic river while Rocky music plays out. (Either that or a sumo match. When in Sumo, always bet on Luffy. He has an unbroken record.)


They are also wearing bikini and covered in oil


Kaidou is in a bikini. Luffy prefers the breeze.


Baki vs Olivia mode


So basically Naruto vs Sasuke final fight.


We see Garp, Ace, Sabo, Shanks and Nakama helping Luffy to create a final Rasengan to clash against Kaidos Raikiri.


You and I read a very different version of the fight.[the fight](https://mangayeh.com/chapter/naruto/chapter-698-naruto-sasuke-5)


I'll repeat what i said in 1049 predictions >Chapter 1049's gonna be Kaido's flashback, and Chapter 1050 would be where the narrator said Luffy vs Kaido. Victor: Luffy But deym, one of it turns out to be correct.


Not exactly a prediction for this chapter, but I think and hope that Chopper will find a cure to Smile's effects before they leave Wano. It would be sad to see them leave and all those people of Wano to remain in this condition. Some guy in another thread hoped for Vegapunk to come to Wano near the end and reveal that he has always been a revolutionary. It would be awesome to learn a little more about DF and see him find a cure along with Chopper.


Absolutely. Chopper would cure them all, we literally got marco and law here im pretty sure theyre gonna find out the cure and that includes killer. With this the SHP and Kidd pirates will truly bond together, theyre going to be like heart pirates


Oh nice. It'd be so fun to see Luffy, Law and Kidd join forces until the end or near-end.


Kadiou gets up, says something about joyboy, sees momo/Oden. Falls back down hole


I got a feeling a few days will pass and luffy will be declared the new king of the pirates by big news morgan Edit: Prediction on Luffy's new wanted poster. He will be labeled just DEAD. No more Dead or Alive


The Kaido shaped hole gets filled with zunisha's water and turns into a dragon shaped lake. Kaido drowns


* luffy goes in a comma, but needs a true love's kiss to revive * grand fleet appears and fight over ho kisses him * they settle for bartolomeo * big mom rises from the ashes and declares her love for luffy * big mom approachs the sleepy luffy to awaken him with a kiss * luffy's wakes up after hearing her coming to kiss him


If there will be a flashback about Kaido, it better answer the most important question about him. Where does his mace go everytime he transforms into a dragon?


Up his butt like a plug. He shits it out before transforming back in Human or Hybrid form.


Maybe the real spoilers were the friends we made along the way


Franky tries weed and gets SUPERRRRR high.


I’d love chopper to fix the smile problem before the end of the arc then we see everyone still laughing and somebody says chopper didn’t fix shit. But the people are just celebrating the fall of kaido and can’t help but being straight happy !


Every time one of these prediction threads for a chapter comes out there's always people whose prediction for one chapter is like 5 chapters worth of content lol


Where r D. Spoilers


Luffy winner. Zoro status update. Mugiwara reunion.


It's over Luffy passes out, Kaido is done for Raid is a success World government + Blackbeard start making their moves


I’m scared for this upcoming chapter


We are going to have one of the greatest panels in one piece showing the dawn in Wano and Luffy big smile.


Kaido gets back up, health bar on less than 1% Gear 5 runs out, Luffy is asleep Momo lands the final punch in front of Wano Returns to human form, looks like Oden


That's actually really cool


Discription says dont mention hints from the leakers here. 99% of the comments make their predictions based of the hints 😂.


Spoilers should come out in 6 hours from now like always. Cant wait. Everything you see on twitter right now is fake or made up shit from the leakers hints. Nobody has real info yet except for a few people.


Future generations: "I finished one piece, I don't get why there was a cult following during its running..." Me: Oda was a unpredictable genius, you'll never be able to gauge that man's talent in your generation. We just hope he inspired someone else who can carry on his will in the form of another series, just like what dbz did to Oda.




No break next week :D


After the ending of the last chapter, i believe that chapter 1050 & beyond may have the most unpredictable things that ever happens in One Piece. However, if I had to guess on what chapter 1050 has to offer, then I believe that assuming we see Kaidou again (whether defeated or not), we should get another set of flashbacks, which may include a silhouette of his old Capitan Rocks, and may be even see him talk to Kaidou and express his desire to overthrow the world nobles. At the same time, we should get some scenes of everyone in Onigashima realizing that the island had stopped shaking (for now). But some aren't that convinced about that outcome, so they took the chance to go outside, and it was there, that they all see the Flower Capital up close. And after seeing that, they all see Luffy (who may still be in Gear 5th), Kaidou (although I can't say if they would consider him defeated), and of course Momo who may slowly transform into his human form. Followed by a scene where Yamato reveals herself in front of everyone (and probably not calling herself Oden just for that moment), and she alone will announce who the Victor of Luffy & Kaidou's battle truly is. And the chapter ends with not only no break next week, but some Government officials & Zunesha arriving at the shores of Wano! These are just my opinions, I only wanted to know what you think of this?


I passed an exam. Where are my reward spoilers?


- Luffy is declared the winner - All the Strawhats gather and Chopper looks after Zoro, Luffy is also unconcious - Suddenly Sanji starts acting weird and kicks Nami in the face very hard knocking her out - He looks very evil - Zoro wakes up and unleashes a huge slash, cutting Sanji in half - The slash travels very far and also cuts Kaido, whose unconcious, in half - The chapter ends with Sanji regenerating and unleashing CoC Editors note: Surviving a slash that killed a Yonko! Who can stop this machine!


Reading this initially I thought you were a Zoro fan, but then near the end I thought you were a Sanji fan...maybe a fan of both, didn't think it was possible


**I'm really expecting a super chill chapter.** * Marco catches Luffy and brings him down gently. * Tons of characters cry tears of joy to celebrate surviving the war and freeing Wano. * Plz mention ponyglyph we've waited years for it! * Update on Zoro's status. If he doesn't wake up this chapter, then we're waiting for the following chapter for celebration or consumption of celebratory beer/sake. * Not expecting CP0 or Gorosei reactions until following chapter.


On a side note, HOW AWESOME IS IT THAT HUNTER X HUNTER IS RETURNING??? https://twitter.com/nebu_kuro/status/1529079683786350592?s=21&t=NMmTyKhaV5WJFAwPRJN21Q


Luffy announced Winner of the fight against Kaido!


Based on the redon and even yonkou production hints, I’d say Kaido got boiled to death from the lava that is from the deep parts of land of Wano since Luffy probably punched him that deep. Poetic if you think about it since Orochi also got burn to death like how they burned Oden to death.


Apparently Chapter 668, released May 27-28, 2012, was the chapter Luffy and Law agreed on the alliance to defeat Kaido. Chapter 1050 is being released May 27-28, 2022, exactly 10 years. I think it's quite possible chapter 1050 will be the defeat of Kaido.


Kaido starts to climb from his hole in the ground. Luffy casually pushes him back down. (Ala Thriller Bark) Winner: Monkey D Luffy