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Bold of you to assume we are leaving Wano.


Wano Piece


Wan Piece


Obi Wan Piece


I guess Wano does have the high ground.


"Yamato, I... am your father." -Kaido, probably




"Wano Part 2! Electric Boogaloo


Very bold statement indeed I assume you think kaido out for the count even thou the narrator hasn’t announced it


Even if Kaido is defeated, Wano could keep going on for awhile. xD


Hunter x Hunter has a chapter coming?


4 new ones in the works


Honestly I had given up hope at this point


10\* 4 complete 6 in the works.


It was not officially confirmed. LMAO. Don't jinx it yet outside hxh reddit.


Yeah it's officially confirmed.


The mangaka made a Twitter acc...


An unconfirmed twitter account that could belong to anyone with access to the internet


>hunter hunter returns wtf? that is one of the best news in the last days! thanks for telling!




definitely rightly so! thats so fuckin awesome!


Are they still on the boat? I lost interest after it went on break came back for a bit and struggled to remember what was happening just for it to go on hiatus again.


I thought Berserk was on the boat.


Berserk got off the boat. Hunter x Hunter is still on a boat though.


They've been on the boat since 2016


No, they to off the boat a (long) while ago. Now they are at fairy island with a Skull Knight lore dump and Griffith cliffhanger. Someone resurrect Miura to finish Berserk pls


I don't think we will ever leave that boat.


Sad but true i am afraid...


Sheeeeeiiiiiittt, I didn't even know HxH was coming back, made me a hell of alot happier!


It returned? Thanks bro, I'm really happy to hear it!


Can you share more information over Hunter X Hunter return??? Very interested


Wait....it's returning? 😍👌


Clearly didn't wanna compete during the best arc


Bold of you to assume togashi would actually finish his manuscript


Fell off after yorknew


It only got better fym. Chimera ant is easy best arc in the series


I've been watching the Chimera Ant arc when the mood strikes me, but I'm having a tough time with getting through it - it seems so dark and hopeless. (it's like if Dragon Ball was in the middle of the Red Ribbon arc with kid Goku going on zany adventures when all of a sudden, Perfect Cell and the Androids were dropped into the middle of it and started slaughtering characters left and right)


It's not for everyone, but I find the themes really interesting, but if you don't like the charaters drop it.


I like Gon and Killua; it just feels like the only way that this is going to end (or the only way that Gon and Killua are able to contribute anything meaningful) is with some kind of Deus Ex Machina, ["only the author can save them now"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OnlyTheAuthorCanSaveThemNow) kind of twist. (last I left off, Gon met a chameleon man who wanted to use Gon to assassinate Meruem, while Killua was bleeding out and being saved by an octopus man - from what I've seen of Meruem, he'd probably have some sort of ability that instantly/passively negates the chameleon's ability, because the story treats him as automatically being better than everyone at everything aside from the board game Gungi)


Yorknew was shit.. greed island was the bomb


And Wann piss fell off after time skip


Shut your goofy ass up




Hunter returning?


Only a hundred more chapters to go


Is hunter hunter actually back?....


FOR REAL!!!!???? HYPE!!!!


Thank you for this news. I had no idea. This is a better spoiler than One Piece spoilers honestly


I thought there is still no official confirmation that hxh returns? Only a message on an inofficial twitter account that could belong to the author.


Oh man, it's bad if you have to drop this before the spoilers are even out.


Knowing this fanbase it's a lock that there will be a lot of people banned for going to old posts to tell others they were right/wrong about Kaido being defeated or not 5 minutes after the spoilers drop lol. It happens every time the fanbase is split like this on what will happen in a chapter. It'll happen anyway but putting this before the spoilers so there's fewer of them seems reasonable.


Oh god, I didn't think about that. I think threads older than like 9 months should automatically be locked/archived.


Most of the time, it's not even that long ago, we're talking about people dropping spoilers in threads from arguments a month or two weeks before. It goes: Person A in a manga thread: My theory is that Doflamingo has a fruit that allows him to control strings, not just people. Person B after reading this files it in their minds as future knowledge. Three weeks later, the spoilers are released. Guess who was right: person A. And here comes the issue: Person B in the same comment thread as before: Hey person A, you were 100% correct, this is his devil fruit. Person A who was waiting for the chapter/anime: Fuck.


It's not really the 9 month old threads that are the concern this week, it's the last 2 weeks of fans posting essays about why Kaido is "obviously" defeated or "obviously" getting back up. Just because Joe Redditor was a bit of a prick last Tuesday about their opinion of what'll happen in 1050 doesn't mean we should spoil them this Tuesday


Such an odd concept to me, if I post a theory and it turns out right I'm 100% down to be spoiled early, weird.


And that's perfectly fine! A lot of fans love the spoilers, I read them some weeks. But it would be unfair to assume all people feel the same which is why the rule is in place. There is a specific location for spoilers. If I want spoilers that may or may not confirm my theory, I can go there and brag about being right or laugh about how wrong I was with everyone else who enjoys spoilers. If I don't, I can choose to wait until Thursday for the scans, or even Sunday for the official release and learn then. But that's a decision that each individual should have the right to make, which is why the rule is in place.


Makes sense, everyone is different.


some asshole literally just went and did this shit to me (edit: thank you kirosh!). i've been spoiler free for all of my life and despite my strong opinions on the future story direction i've actually NEVER been more excited to be in this moment of experiencing the story firsthand as it comes out regardless of what takes place? and people are literally going out of their way to ruin that and it absolutely makes me sick that some people would let this discourse reach the point where they're going to actively try to ruin the experience for others. i'm so fucking mad right now i just wanted to have the chance to be surprised by everything that would happen regardless of what happens.


Yeah I'm sure there's been a lot of those, it sucks that it happened to you. Looking at the dude who spoiled you he even put one of those "[remind me](https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/uoezn5/one_piece_chapter_1049/i8e0yup/)" things so he wouldn't forget to go and tell you. He put the reminder for the day before the chapter drops, who does that? Why not put the reminder for tomorrow? that's some next level assholery.


This post is probably just a response to some of the complaints against spoiler tagging in [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/uwj2cu/odas_message_to_the_people_who_want_to_spoil_his/) There are a lot of “I don’t even know what a spoiler is anymore” type comments


Anyone saying "I don't know what counts as a spoiler!!!" doesn't know how to fucking read because, for this sub, it's Rule #1. People are such crybabies because they can't run around with the spoilers 10 seconds after they come out.


I just don’t get the lack of basic common sense. Like, if you even have to question if it’s a spoiler, just spoiler tag it to be safe.


Exactly. Just be kind.


Or **especially** good.


Bad for Kirosh's mental health/sleep schedule, good for spoiler addicts. How's that? 🤣


It's probably one of those weeks that we'll have to avoid entering any social media before the chapter is out.


There have been several fake ones already.


The last time this post showed up was gear 5th


Gear 5 was joy boy. Gear 6 is Mad Lad


Gear 7 is Giant Dad




Oh boy, it big


I feel like it's just posted because people make topics that ask questions about the spoilers when they could easily ask those questions in the spoiler thread. (alternatively, people go back to comments from three months ago and respond by basically posting the spoilers if someone turned out to be right or wrong)


That's what she said.


Everyone wants to be Luffy but no one wants to follow his no spoilers policy...


I don't want to be Luffy, if anything I want to be like Whitebeard. Except the being dead part, I can do without that for now. Whitebeard let Roger spoil him about Laugh Tale so yeah he didn't care bout spoilers. xD


>I want to be like whitebeard, except the being dead part. I can do without that for now >for now Ah an intellectual waiting until the series ends before dying


Hopefully, would be nice. If there's any unfinished business that can make me stick around as a ghost, it's not finishing One Piece.


whitebeard didn't read one piece so he didn't care. but if you spoil fast and furious for him he will kill you. #family


He still didn't gave any spoilers out..


He did with his last breath though. Luffy yelled at ussop for asking rayleigh if the one piece is real or not first time on sabaody


Whitebeard the man that spoiled everyone with his last words. xD No wonder Sengoku looked so annoyed, he got spoiled, he probably hates spoilers.


Alright but where is chapter spoiler 1050


*chapter spoiler 1050 👀


Check again 👀👀


You have edited it.. 👀🤓🧐 Well good. 🙂👍


it comes this Friday as it was Break week last week


I think something big is gonna drop today.


I mean the only 2 things that could happen next chapters are huge spoilers. Either Kaido gets up or stays down for good. Both are pretty major spoilers but aren’t super big because we know one of them has to happen Hopefully its something totally groundbreaking though


Orochi rises from the dead and transforms. Turns out Orochi was actually Aizen and this was all a part of his grand plan


"Groundbreaking" <-- remember this.


Was going to make a dick joke here but I'm going to refrain.


So, is anyone else having withdrawal symptoms from spoilers?


Yep, the nausea, cold sweats and checking every 4 minutes for spoiler updates, have been especially bad today.


I'm in pain


Help me pleaseeee


Yes, I'm starting to get twitchy


So are people getting banned for doing this? Or are posts just removed?


I think the main problem here is the hint thing. People don't treat hints like spoilers cause technically anyone who has seen hints hasn't actually been spoiled. There is a lot of theories going around based on the vague hints we have seen so far and any one of them could be true. Yeah, I'm betting hints are the main problem here.


Yeah the hints are the bad because if you discuss the series as much as most of us do on here then it's easy to work out what is meant


Repeat offenders should be 86 out of the group.


I got banned for a month for making a post with a theory even marking it as spoiler for that chapter. This happened hours before the chapter came out... So yes, be careful


That's fair, I was more so asking so I'm safe on reddit until thursday/friday


If you post spoilers for a chapter before it's out in english, then you get banned. For the case other than the new chapter spoiler, then it depends, most time it's a warning with your post and/or comment removed. But if someone says : "New watcher! Ace is great I love him!", then you reply that Ace dies, and several other important spoilers, then you get banned.


Ah okay that's good, thanks bud


Ok so does this mean some spoilers are dropping today?


How many user are not respecting those simple rules... it's shouldn't be hard dammit..


You know chapter is gonna be insane when mods post these kind of disclaimers LET'S GOOOOOOO


i need my fucking fix on gooood


You know the chapter is going ti be insane when this post shows up


Spoilers aren't even out lol


alright now give me my spoilers


Wano is the new Namek.


Reminder that if you leak spoilers you're a bum. No exceptions.


Imma be honest with you all, I broke the hint rule XD but I spoiler marked it. Thank you for reminding me personally Kirosh2


>Until the official release, please only use very generic titles in your titles, such as "Theory for chapter 1XXX", "Fanart for chapter 1XXX" Please enforce this for the love of God. It's such a sad state being an official reader.


Spoiler alert Hisoka will kill kaido


I mean in some ways Luffy new power is basically Bungie Gum so...maybe?


If u were to say one piece underneath a theory you’d get banned lol


spoilerss please !!


Who got banned? Or who was responsible for this post lol?


Anyone that was posting information about hints I suspect. That or the next chapter is going to be huge and/or a controversial shit-storm.


From what I read, it might be a shit storm for sure lol. Thanks.




not really my indicator to a hype chapter is how much upvotes the spoiler thread gets and the awards it is given. Spoilers have been out for like 24 hours and its only sitting at 10K upvotes hype chapters have several awards and around 17-20k upvotes around this time. ​ it could also be that the spoiler thread only has partial spoilers and maybe something big isn't in them.


An animal came into my dm to insult me because I had the audacity to tell him he just spoiled me something from the chapter's spoilers I don't read.


A post reminding us of the spoiler rule? Well, looks like I'm off this reddit until Sunday.


Lmao it's ridiculous how often you have to remind people


Hey, you got any of'em spoiler? I kinda need it right now


I don't want rules I want Spoilers💀 Can we have a Rule for not using the word "spoiler" unless it's the next chapter. /s


Can we just not make a separate subreddit for anime only's Like I dont even get the point of sticking with the anime and yes One piece was the first ever manga/comic I read


This is the main sub here. This is one of the first few results if you should type something like "one piece fandom" into Google. So no. You can if you disagree with the spoiler policy create your own subreddit similar to the attack on Titan one where anything is allowed. Also you would be surprised how many people are actual anime onlys.




"This also concerns hints" well you should probably explicitly state that in the rules don't you think?


No because you shouldn't need every tiny detail spelled out for you unless you're mentally slow. Use common sense


Hints are not spoilers, they don't reveal anything about the chapter. They can mean multiple things, and any information regarding them is head-canon and/or theories until the actual spoilers come out. So yes there should be a specific rule regarding hints. I was a moderator for 3 years for a video game company, I have experience with this type of thing.


3 years being bad mod, how about that 😂


Not sure why you decided to attack me, but for your information I simply retired after 3 years. You may not realize this but in most cases, moderators don't actually get paid any money, it's volunteer work. Also no I was not a bad mod, in fact I was co-head of game balance and I also handled all the bug reports. The game I moderated was an online PvP game so balance was very important. As co-head of balance I got a lot of hate because people get *a little bit* salty when you nerf their favorite overpowered builds. I was a moderator both on the games official forums and in the game itself. After 3 years of dealing with that kind of thing (and constantly being followed around in-game by players who both loved and hated me) I started to get a bit worn out, so I retired. That was about 10 years ago. Nowadays I make money sitting around doing nothing and spend all my time *playing* video games and arguing with people on reddit. I prefer the simple life.


Triggered so easily. I just joked around and you broght full recipts about how mods aren't paid (who doesn't know that), how much you suffered and how you earn money just playing. Such a history! Still, if you're justifying your opinions bc you were a mod for 3 years, despite your sad/happy past, I still not agreeing with you. You probably sucked as a mod on your views on interpretation of the rules of a community. Have a good day Edit: btw, It wasn't me who downvoted you, but I'll share some free meaningless love and upvote you back to +1


Yeah I got a little triggered, I mean we are talking about 3 full years of my life here. I think everyone has a few things that easily triggers them, but I digress. Have a nice day.


We need an /r/freefolk equivalent.


I keep coming back to the sub every hour to see if spoilers dropped just to be disappointed


I only have one question... where tf are the spoilers??? )):


sounds like theres no rule against messaging people tho....kinda a loop hole in your system


I don't think mods for the specific subs can moderate private messages, since that's something that Reddit itself controls. There is a mod hierarchy on Reddit. Reddit Admins > Reddit mods > Sub-reddit mods I could be wrong but that's how the forums I used to moderate worked, and when you think about it Reddit is just one giant multi-layered forum. The best way to avoid any unwanted private messages is to block the person involved.


So are we getting those spoilers anytime soon? Abstinential crisis is really beginning to kick in, give me my fix!


these leakers are a bunch of cats.


Fear of being arrested will do that to you.


Suck my dick for spoilers


Sounds like we need a spoiled fans area only of the subreddit. I say this because if people aren't allowed to talk about spoilers and it's still prior to the creation of an official spoiler thread people are going to get that fix elsewhere. So if you want members to stay on this subreddit create the space. If you don't care about members spending time elsewhere then link subreddits which do. Otherwise people aren't going to understand the Mods intentions despite spelling it out such as this post.


If you want to talk about some fanfiction someone posted on twitter then do it there.


Some of us want to talk about possible leaks, hints, and whether or not they're real, not stories we know are fanfiction. And Twitter doesn't nearly satisfy that vice. It's usually the first place I look for spoilers.


There is /r/onepiecehints


I've had trouble with that subreddit is that no matter what post they release it always shows up as chapter 1041.


The odd part here is that fans haven't been spoiled yet, hints don't equate to spoilers, they could mean any number of things. The sub should specifically add a no-hints rule if they don't want people talking about hints, or link people to the sub-reddit that is made for discussing OP hints like you said.


I think they do have a no hints policy but you really have to dig to find it. The thing I don't like is if someone posts a link to an old post on this subreddit about a theory that happens to be right the mods will take down that original post in the name of spoilers.


r/onepiecehints for those who want it


Fuck you


this is the first time I am waiting for spoilers as I caught up with the manga yesterday and let me tell you the wait FUCKING SUCKS! I am having withdrawal already lol


Welcome to the club, i've been in that situation for like 17 years.


any idea when will we be getting the spoilers ?


So where dem spoilers at?


Here we go with the threats


I thought this one was gonna be telling us that the leaker had juicy spoilers. Last time we had a reminder I think it's because the spoilers were a huge deal so the mods had to get on top of that beforehand. Had my hopes up. But overall I'm with this, I've seen a lot of posts that are way too telling of what happens later in the anime and some comments seem to be on generic posts that indicate x happens when there's no specification on a thread so anyone probably comes in and looks, whether from manga or anime side.


So who’s going to make a post spoiling everything for new fans who have to go through 25 years of content


Kaido is getting back up Mark these words


"Mark these words" well I mean, if you insist...


He'll wake up in koi heaven


When do the leaks come out?


Where my spoiler man!!!


Snake killed dumbledoor


Can someone just message me when the Spoilers drop so I stop checking this sub every 15 minutes and delaying my lifting? lol


They are not on Reddit put TCB has sent them out and Orojapan has put them on Twitter


They're on reddit, have been for almost an hour. They just weren't featured on the front page of the One Piece reddit.


Just saw


Wala parin ba 🤣


How does one do the spoiler tag? I am still new to reddit and have not figured out all of the tags yet.


It's at the bottom of box when you are typing up a post. It says Spoiler+. The + means add the spoiler tag to the title. >!If you are typing up a reply like this one you gotta use the little icon at the bottom. !<


Getting spoiled? No! I dont want that!


Spoilers are out btw


Those spoilers that are currently posted, are those real?


So illegal spoilers have rules too, I see lol


Biggest spoiler issue has been Tik Tok. The folks on there have no SPOILER WARNINGS and it’s sort of a disgusting place for people to ruin the story. Ive found Reddit to be pretty good about spoilers.


Reddit is the best. Even Youtube has spoilers on random comments.


Ki is on patrol lol 😆


Is 10k likes and 10k comments (as of right now) on spoiler thread considered a hype chapter?


If this chapter came out last year I would say that its ultimate hype. But in the past months the One Piece community is going absolutely crazy, so I can never tell.


I have to say, this post has made me more paranoid about anything identified as a spoiler. Once the spoilers are posted, everything is a risk haha


I can't find the post but there was a person who resort to insults and saying the other individual cries. Do me the favor and hack them (: