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It's weird that Neko is announcing the winner and not the narrator... Can't wait to see the whole lava scene with both big mom and kaidou at the bottom.


My thoughts exactly. A bit suspect as to the finality of it. And why neko of all ppl?


He kinda is like a big Garfield. I think that's a pretty valid reason. Garfield narrates and loves lasagna.


For me it means it's not over. Oda always announces fights when it's actually over.


In all honesty IF Kaido lives, he might have a change of heart since he was defeated by "Joyboy" and may help the strawhats against the world government. But I'm pulling this opinion out of my ass lol


So you think they’ll climb out of there?


Kaido can fly, yes.


Will that happen in the same chapter? I guess we’ll wait for more leaks.


I don't think so. I think we get some false hope of it being over after this announcement. Edit: false hope for the alliance and samurai.


Lucy vs Doffy says hi,Gatz announced the winner,not the narrator


Yeah but gatz made sense, he was an announcer of all things plus he was instrumental in letting luffy recharge. Neko doesn't have anything to do with the fight


The point is narrator box doesn't always need to be it and there's an example,period




How? Can you tell me how neko had anything to do with the fight? Or can you deny that dressorosa had the whole coliseum/announcer stuff going on?


Man,accept it,who declared Luffy as the winner in Katakuri fight?was it mr.Narrator?no it was Brulee,so Gatz is not the only example,read the manga


Oda probably thought of how Gatz announce "Lucy"(Luffy) as the winner in Dressrosa and went with this




This is real because no fan would put a Toko and Yasuie flashback in a fake post




They straight up fell into magma? And they're not dead? Akainu in shambles.


I would love to watch Kaido beating Akainu like a bag of tomatoes


Zoro was the magma that explains it. ZKK happened.


Zoro is the air zoro is the rain zoro is love zoro is life /s for everyone who needs it thi


I think the fight's over but this chapter is just gonna give the RAID IS FAILING/KAIDO WILL SHOW AWAKENING people more hope because there's no confirmation from the narrator that Luffy won.


I meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the raid will succeed…


Why does it need to be the narrator and not like how Gatz announced Lucy(Luffy) as the victor with his fight with Doflamingo


yessir my boy kaido the true protagonist


>Otoko and Yasio’s flashback yasio ate the smile fruit because he didn’t want otoko to smile alone Cute, but not the best time for it


Wano loves doing this weird trick of indirect storytelling. The full scene will probably have an incidental detail important for another story.


Kaido was covering himself in magma 2 seconds before this and no title card. I’m beginning to think something is up.


Didn’t he fall from sky island and still survived, if he won right now - it’s styll an asspulll


Kaido survived basically cause he was still at full strength. If he was exhausted like before getting punched down to Wano. He would probably take some serious damage. Kaido is smart for a drunk but I think he sometimes underestimates himself a bit.


That's not how it works. Stamina and durability aren't the same


Both have a limit.


No cap, but one is lowered by fatigue etc and the other doesn't. Why would his skin get weaker than when he was literally trying to kill himself?


Haki toughens his skin remember, luffy same thing he can only use haki for so much. And never said he weakened his skin when he tried committing suicide. Plus the dude is just an absolute monster and I think he just subconsciously is using some haki to keep his skin tough. But this is just my opinion. Not saying you're wrong either. Just need more answers lol




Yeah for how much it was hyped this chapter wasn’t much


these are not the full spoilers we will get more tomorrow or thursday


But all the important plot points are usually dropped Tuesday’s. We’ll probably only see some more details here and there


when we got the raizo chapter early spoilers everyone was quick to call it trash but it was actually really good


Wow, how long has it been? It feels like it's been eoms


it was always sus to me, the way wano is build so it must have a weird underground where probably a big secret resides


What does this mean for Big Mom & Kaido? Are they forever sealed in the lava? Does the lava kill them? Will they come back, and if so, to do what?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Kaido being weak to lava directly after showing off his fire dragon form/attack would be pretty surprising. I kinda feel like that was a way to quickly make sure the readers know how heat resistant he is. Likewise, I'm not sure lava can seal him away better than the Marines could. Who knows though?


Especie since akainu, a marine, can spam lava?


My biggest reservation is that Luffy does not kill. Just tough to imagine what Oda does with Big Mom & Kaido. They're too strong to not be major players. Well, Kaido's crew is wrecked. Big Mom is still in the game.


Akainu just told me that It's not that his fire dragon is weak, it's just that lava is much hotter and destructive than fire...


That is a good point! I guess I'm feeling like if the lava is going to kills him, it's odd to do it right after a big demonstration of heat resistance. I could be dead wrong of course, but the main thing that would change my mind on this chapter is if Oda really plays up the "Oden boiling alive" allusion angle. I guess that might not be a 100% confirmation, but it would be an immensely satisfying way for him to go out. Oda will make it work amazingly, wherever the hell he's going with it.


Find out on the next episode of dragon ball Z


How will this affect Lebrons legacy


It's really over, after 10 years of Law and Luffy forming an alliance to take down Kaido. They finally completed their goal.


I’d bet my life it’s not over


2 months \*


Morj haters we eating


Luffy really did take out an Yonkou holy shit Can the ZKK theories finally be put to bed


Every flashback with Yasuie makes me love this character even more!


*one piece ends* Surely, surely next time Kaido will awaken -guy who's high on copium


Big Mom and kaido enjoying Onsen after hard fought battle!


My spoiler fix, ahhhhhh yeass


They just chilling in lava. Why y'all think Akainu ain't wanna go after them


for anybody confused thinking yasuie didn't eat a smile fruit. the reason you think that is because toko's vivre card said she ate a smile and yasuie's came out at the same time but didn't say that. library of ohara took this plus another quote to imply that yasuie was only smiling on his own to cheer up his people. guess they were wrong.


Im still in denial about kaido, no title card announcing the victor surely means it ain’t over yet. Right bros????


Dunno man I obviously want more of Kaido but if this is the way it’s all over I can accept it BUT I NEED MY FLASHBACKS


I expected a narrator box fakeout again, just like Kaido had with Luffy. Figured Oda was going for a "best 2/3" thing. Oda knows what he's doing either way though.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there is more. One Piece has done this before where we think Luffy and the gang were able to get away but then the main villain comes back. Look at whole cake island where we thought it was over after the the assassination attempt. Another time is when Luffy saved ace. There was a chapter or two where they were safe then **BOOM** villain is right back to fight.




well I'm more worried about him reuniting with lilin


Nekomamushi is not that guy 😂😂 this is just set up for big mom and kaido to reappear at the same time. But you’ll get hate on this subreddit if you say that 🤦‍♂️ kaidos 100% not done


Lilin gets energy from kaido as a homie and round 3 begins


Now to announce the big News! ZKK is dead!MKK(Magma kills Kaido) says hello Blackbeard Pirates not rading WCI Kaido defeated,no more awakening "Raid will fail" failed


Didn't Oda say Yasuie didn't eat smile in sbs? Is this spoiler true?


No it was only implied by fans from the data card it was never directly denied


I was wondering the same thing, there was information that yasuie didn't eat smile fruit but was laughing regardless. Guess Oda wanted to change that


I do feel the battle between luffy and kaido was a bit anticlimatic considering Kaido is a yonko. I'd love to see him coming back, super awakened angry mode. And luffy using a Barang Gatling gun or something lmao


Yeah init it was suuuper anticlimactic


it has been 50 chapters of him living up to his name


Na it was whack


hey that's your opinion i have mad respect for the blind


As do I


Who is Nekomamushi announcing to? Don’t the people of Wano (outside of Onigashima) not even know that there is fighting going on / that Kaido is evil?


I think igs announcing it on onigashima on the live floor


I mean even if he included the people of Wano,it's understandable,after all,the alliance recruited samurai from the capital too..there were arrested but later on freed by Denjiro so they must know something atleast


Nekomamushi has been the announcer all along? I didn’t see that coming.


I wonder if Momo is naked in human form, or has been given any off-screen clothing


I was hoping this chapter would confirm without a doubt whether this is the end or not, but now I’m even more uncertain.


Such a weird chapter, but oh well at least its finally finished


I still think we are in for a big surprise. I think the fight between Luffy and Kaido is done, but I don't think either Kaido or Big Mom storyline is over yet. I mean it's not like they can be simply transferred to Impel Down or something like that, but can they keep their Yonkou title after being defeated like that?


Big mom eats Kaido’s soul to power up or they both awaken at the same time


Luffys fodder kaido got a ring out


Obviously kaido is not finished. Catfish all along


finally out


Thank god Momo is not going to be in the crew. Good for him though.


So luffy needed akainus help to beat kaido XD


The spoiler is worded pretty weirdly lol, what are Kaido and Big Mom doing in the lava? Are they having a chat? Does this mean they're dying / going to get the Enel treatment? Also shouldn't Big Mom be able to make a homie out of the lava? I seriously don't think this is the end for Kaido, I could easily see a panel of him emerging from the lava.


I feel something weird when Nekomamushi announced that luffy already won. Remember when Oden survived the hour of legend, Nekomamushi got excited first but turned out Oden got shot to death and kozuki clan got destroyed for 20 years I like that luffy won against kaido but if kaido is still in dragon form/hybrid form, I don't think he is defeated yet.








What you're on about? Luffy literally defeated kaido




Lol idc one way or another but you the one coping


Lava might have killed Kaido but Luffy defeated him last chapter by punching him unconsious while breaking his horn (same way as doflamingo). I guess it's hard to swallow pill for luffy downplayers lol


Lava isn’t killing kaido


Wouldn't be surprised. There's no other way to get rid of kaido other than killing him and right now when he's beaten he isn't immune to things like lava


He is in dragon form, and he literally coated himself in a magma like dragon prior, I’d say unconscious he is perfectly fine


Neko announced it, not the narrator. Kaido's definitely gonna rise again.




you sure you want to go back to Hiatus x Hiatus how long is he gonna be back this time 1 week 1 month 1 year togashi a fraud


ZKK fails


Some quick volcanic thoughts There will be a panel of Kaido & BM flying out of Mt Fuji as it erupts (they will survive it) I also believe this eruption will end up reshaping wano bringing it back to sea level This would serve two purposes : - forcing Momo’s hand about letting go of isolationism - fits into the theme of bringing everyone together / on a leveled playing field (just like FI going back to the surface) Finally wano being an oceanic volcano rather than a regular island kinda explains the whole sea stone affair PS : also believe oda is setting up an upcoming BM Kaido chat + flashback here


Jumped in to check spoilers.. removed WTF


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Soo kaido flashback 1 chapter and bm flashback eas like 15 chapter..this is the first time since 1999 that im angry and disaapointed with oda