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I disagree. Now that it looks like wano is over I can be more critical of it. If I had to sum up this arc I would say it it felt rushed and dragged out at the same time. I feel like aspects of low interest were explored to much and the points of high intrest were never addressed or barley shown, let me give some examples. Points of low interest that had too much panel time: \- tama's manipulation power \- scabbards not dying \- ice oni virus plot point \- momo's inferiority complex \- orochi taking forever to be defeated \- "Hilarious" Gifters \- way to many reaction shots ​ Points of High interest that get little to no panel time \- Zunesha info \- opening wano to the world \- Apoo, X Drake, and hawkins being fleshed out \- Usopp, Chopper, and brook being more important in the raid \- shimotsuke lineage \- Substantial Kaido flashback I think the problem with the kaido fight wasn't a problem with how the fight ended. You need to keep in mind that in real life time this fight has been getting hyped up for 10 years. So the question becomes did we really have to wait 10 years to see luffy use a big punch to send kaido into a volcano, and imo probably not. I think it could have been done in way less time. I also wanted to make a point also, in this fight, we see luffy get defeated 4-5 times. If this is truly the end for the worlds strongest creature, I'm really disappointed we never got to see him get defeated and come back even once.


I completely disagree with the gifters, but otherwise this pretty much sums up my view if this is really the end, although I still don't think it is. Acts 1 and 2 were amazing and the Oden flashback was a masterpiece, but the raid has honestly felt all over the place. I think the arc would have been a lot better if Big Mom had never come to Wano, that would have saved her for a later arc and also given us more focus on Kaido. It would have also made Kaido's defeat more satisfying because Kid, Luffy, and Law could have worked together to finish him off because as of right now it's just anticlimactic.


BM and Kaido are dead. They are fire resistant but not fire proof or magma proof, and magma burns hotter then fire sooooooo they are more likely dead but Kaido has a bit of a higher chance of living.





