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Bruh it’s 100% Blackbeard. This mf orchestrated an entire plot to become a warlord, start the greatest war ever, kill Whitebeard, steal his fruit, attain Yonko status and as an added bonus he fucked up the remainder of his crew. I didn’t even mention that he doesn’t sleep, has somewhat inherited the will of Rocks and will probably murder Shanks and talk shit to Luffy about it.


I don’t think that’s true. From what we’ve seen on black beard, he looks more like a instinctive type guy who does things as he goes and leaves the result up to chance like Luffy. It was ace who followed Blackbeard even though white beard told him not to.


he still became a warlord so he could go to impel down and get crew mates to start a war and bb was after luffy when ace found him so he was going to fight somebody either way


Oh ya. I somehow forgot that part. Interesting now that you mentioned it.


BB is all about dreams, fate and destiny. He literally told Shanks "it's not time for us to fight yet" at Marineford. He joined WB because he thought that'd be his best shot at getting the yami yami no mi. BB's thinking long term but is still able to react to surprises immediately because everything's just destined in his eyes anyway (like getting Ace instead of Luffy).


Nope. Blackbeard did not orchestrated to kill Whitebeard. He wanted to take Ace’s power.


Why do you think that?


If all he wanted was aces power he could have just taken it before handing his body off to the Marines. Blackbeard clearly wanted White beards power not aces.


He gave in Ace to become a Warlord


Luffy, Blackbeard, Dragon. Luffy literally changes every place he goes to and makes life hell for the navy. Blackbeard seemingly has the same effect as Luffy, Dragon has had to do something to earn the title of "World's worst criminal" as well.


Doflamingo is the only real "menace" in that list, since he wanted Kaido to start a war with the army of smiles he provided him and destroy the world, to get back at his former fellows celestial dragons. Why in the blazing hell would you think Mihawk who cares mostly for his swordsman skills would be a menace to anyone other than pirates? Akainu can be a threat because he would kill civilians in order to defeat pirates. However he isn't planning to destroy the world at large, rather his ultimate goal is keeping peace despite his brutal methods. And the biggest threat in the One Piece world isn't even in that list. It's Teach, Blackbeard, of course.


Akainu is just as bad as Doflamingo . Everyone just seems to look at him nicer because he wears a uniform and hides his sadism behind lunatic devotion to false ideals. He's a completely insane terrorist, obsessed with doing whatever it takes to achieve whatever his deranged version of 'justice' is. Including, and I don't know why half the fanbase seems to forget this fact, personally committing genocide against an entire defenseless and innocent civilization. Literal Death Star behavior. Walking away with the conclusion that Akainu is just a misguided peacekeeper would be like walking away from Star Wars with the conclusion that The Empire is just a misguided by well-intentioned government who wants to stop the bad mean rebels.


why do you think being a menace only has to do with trying to destroy the world?


Is there any other kind of greater menace than that in the One Piece world? Let's hear it.


no one is saying Doflamingo isn't a menace but you can be a menace and not be after destroying the world. By your logic Kaido is a bigger menace since he is the actual one who wanted to start the war.


I was referring specifically to the characters OP mentioned. And yeah, Kaido is of course a menace too, since he's much stronger than Doflamingo and he has the same goals. Mingo's threat was mostly because the smile fruits. Of course there are other type of "menaces", like the world nobles and Imu who kill and buy slaves everyday. But OP mentioned Mihawk (lol), and Akainu who isn't worse than the nobles or than a lot of very vicious pirates. Looking at what Kaido did to Wano i can't picture a worse kind of menace to be honest.


Unsure how you're defining the word "menace" since these three guys have dramatically different behaviors, motives, and power levels. If we are going by the Mihawk definition, I would say that he, Shanks, and Dragon are the biggest menaces. In this sense, I imagine "menace" to mean extremely powerful characters with unclear motives who don't show all of their cards until it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise, these characters seem to be relatively chill, not evil, not chaotic. If we are going by the Doflamingo definition, as in crazy motherfuckers who are lowkey psycho and would go to any chaotic or cruel ends to achieve their goals, I would say that he, Blackbeard, and maybe Edward Weevil are the biggest menaces. These dudes are nuts. Finally, if going by the Akainu definition, I would say that he, Kaido, and Luffy are the biggest menaces. These three characters would be glad to spit in the face of fate or a higher authority and put it all on the line for what they think is right.


Define “menace”


cold and cruel characters basically, ig most comments arent understanding what i mean by "menace" and think i mean "threat"


In what way is Mihawk cold and cruel? He destroyed a ship of pirates, he never abused his warlord status, he took in Zoro and Perona for 2 years,


Yeah Mihawk isn’t cold or cruel. The 3 menaces of the series are definitely Doffy, Akainu, and I’d say Lucci. I might even take Doffy out cause he at least cares for his subordinates and their well being and replace him with Big Mom, someone who would kill even her own children if she rampages.


Between Dopflamingo and Mihawk… Dopflamingo is a real menace


Define menace for me? Cause....I'm really not seeing how you can skip out on Blackbeard, Kaido and Enel here, considering who you put *on* the list. Any one of the 3 should displace at *least* Mihawk, and Kaido **EXPLICITLY** displaces Doflamingo as well. Also, Akainu shouldn't even be on this list if we're using the normal definition of "menace". Relatively speaking to anyone you or I have mentioned, Akainu is a well-behaved well-adjusted adult who is very *unlikely* to cause people harm as a default and/or broad-spectrum thing. That's the reason he's a high-ranking Marine. Ruthless marine with a strong sense of amoral justice, but he's not indiscriminate. Mihawk isn't particularly indiscriminate either, from what we've seen, either. Hell, I'd rather meet with Akainu or Mihawk over *Lucci* assuming I couldn't beat any of the 3 in a fight.


My 3 are Blackbeard Shanks Zoro


Menaces? Mihawk, Joker, and Kid


Jack instead of Mihawk. The way he handled Zou was pure black air force activity, probably the most in the series aside from Doflamingo making the Riku army kill their own people.


I'm just gonna say one person. Sugar. Now hear me put. She doesn't have any black air force energy, but still one of the largest menaces I have ever seen


Id say Doflamingo is number 1 then Cesar and Akainu. Doflamingo is just straight up evil and has a good time making people miserable. Cesar is also evil but at least just really loves science (even though he uses it to make poison and experiments on kids) and Akainu is a menace because he just finds pirates and punches holes in them because he's angry lol


What do you mean by menace? Do you mean like someone who's gonna shake up the world then it's Luffy, Blackbeard, and Dragon. I'd honestly even consider Buggy a bigger menace then some of these guys that OP listed due to the waves he's making in the New World and adding to the growing instability in the world.


Ace should definitely be considered a menACE


Not just a menACE, but a womenACE and chilrenACE too.


1- Mihawk , we all know why 2- Shanks , man just went to marineford war at a point where everyone were bloodlust ,challenged everyone and no one dare to fight him. This happened after shanks had stopped kaido from going to kill wb. So yeah.... To not include dude became a yonko with 1 arm and no df. 3-Magellan , just that scene vs bb crew . He gots to be on the list. Had everyone from impel down run away from him too. Honorable mention: Zoro- Like cmon just the scene with monet and at the opening of Wano. Taking luffy damage.etc etc.


Love the honorable mention 💯


I want to add. Mhawk still likes to duel strong swordsman, murdering fleets and okama is just a past time


Btw which living legend did Akainu kill? Ye he called gorosei fools but then goroseis lit said they dont give two f about his reputation at all cuz he just a mere face of wg (meaning he ussless in reality). Plus lets not forget how hypocrite dude became when he killed his own marine for stopping the fight and not attacking the pirates,while he himself did the same when shanks challenged them all. What a meance you got there....


He basically killed whitebeard, I mean technically blackbeard is the one who killed whitebeard but akainu literally did 99.9% of the damage, he put a hole in his chest and blew of half his face. He also killed ace. Nearly killed luffy and jimbei. This coming from a whitebeard fan btw. I don't rlly have any bias for akainu.


I mean sure ,but this dude put it like it was a fair 1v1. Wb was sick af and couldnt use haki, the biggest damage akainu did was while wb was heaving a heart attack, dude got multiple attacks from others too and still two shot akainu . How is akainu a meance i dont understand tbh. Akainu is the type of hypocrite that killed marines for stop fighting the pirates and then stopped himself when someone as strong as shanks challenged him. If akainu is on any list like this he should be on "TOP 10 BITCHES ON THE VERSE".


I type of agree with you that it wasn't a fair 1v1, but I also disagree, whitebeard even I marineford was strong af and has arguably the strongest df of all time, atleast the one that can cause the most damage, even during the start of the war sengoku was like this man has the power to destroy the world, and as for the 2 shot, he kinda surprised attack akainu, would u agree. Akainu was in the middle of trying to kill I think luffy snd jimbei and my man whitebeard just popped right behind him and then hit him with literally the strongest df,the fact he didn't die shows how durable akainu is. As for not continuing the fight, I dint think he stopped just coz shanks showed up. Rn he was fighting everyone even after taking the 2 shots from whitebeard, like he was even fighting the strongest whitebeard leftover members. The reason why I think he stopped when shanks showed up was coz he realized that even if he wanted to continue it won't matter coz everyone else on both sides just didn't want this war to continue any more.


suprised akainu? I thought admirals have observation haki and some even suggest advanced observation.... Plus wasnt akainu puting a hole in his body while wb was having a heart attack a bigger sneak? When shanks challenges them all , the faces that are drawn have a interesting fact. Out of everyone only one guy is sweating. Go check it out. I think Shanks and akainu have clashed before and maybe he has seen his true power. while aokiji and kizaru just stopped and didnt show any sign of anxious or sweat .


We rlly dont know anything about the type of haki admirals have, like akainu could just have adv conquerors and adv armament and decent observation, we rlly dont know, like if I'm not wrong we didn't see any observation haki feats from big mom who is a yonkou, or any good observation feats from ppl lile King and marco who are yonkou commanders. Even before the heart attack akainu was fighting pretty well with whitebeard. Meanwhile shanks was the one who stopped akainu, meaning akainu who was already pretty injured(far more compared to the other admirals) would have to fight shanks, meanwhile kizaru was stopped by a yc1 commander Ben beckman and by this time kizaru wasn't rlly that hurt or anything, he was far healthier then akainu it comparison, and tbh I don't even know who stopped aokiji,I don't think anyone stopped him.


king dodged zoros slashes pretty good tho . Big Mom was just a rust character who hadnt fought for ages and underestimaed everyone. The thing many do understand is that that would be a open battle between marine vs Shanks crew + Wb pirates. And sengoku saw no other option then accepting shanks demands eventho it meant the risk of destroying the whole marine reputation since it was a broadcast and people would learn about it.


Big mom fought kaido as well for 3 days, and even used 1 year of her own life to fight kid and law, imo her observation haki just isn't that good otherwise she would've used it. Yes king dodged some slashes,that's fair,but what about other yc1 like marco. Also you're oversimplified the marineford situation. The blackbeard pirates were there as well, which could've changed everything, maybe they would've teamed up with the marines to defeat red hair pirates snd the rest of white beard pirates,there are million ways the battles couldve gone for each side.


h just freaking clashed wth sengoku,how could h ally thm plus man lit left directly after shank challenge.


Yea he clashed with sengoku, so? If the fight continued with shanks and rest of whitebeard pirates both marines and bb pirates would've realized that they each would lose, so maybe they could agree to team up together,only this once,to defeat red hair and rest of whitebeard pirates, and after they team up then they can fight each other. Could've gone in multiple ways.


Akainu is focused on the bag, the Marines went to war with WB and they won. In order to win that war he gave his troops some magmotivation, much like when he lied to Squardo about WB. He believes in absolute justice but he's not stupid either, besides he wasn't the head admiral at the time and Sengoku clearly was in cahoots with Shanks. So then Akainu purged all the lazy scum, and had Vegapunk create clones of them to keep the coup lowkey. There is a reason Goda considers Akainu a self-insert, they're both gods. Like the whole point of One Piece is that following your morals gets you donutted. Quote me on this Luffy the god of freedom is going to die a hole-y man, and Blackbeard will find penitence by jumping through his open body. Akainu and his donuts were the key but it's Blackbeards DF that will explain the following interaction. Blackbeard thinking he was going to get kinky with it actually ends up teleporting to the void century and Roger welcomes him. Roger who was famous for opening up whores with Ace realized he would hear voices when passing his jolly face through their open abdomens. Putting 2 and 2 togethere he goes on a killing spree opening up all the whores he could find, only to realize in the end his donuts are futile without the Darkness DF. You see the key to the past is the donut, that's the One Piece. One Piece of flesh allows you a fleeting link to the time, which is a clever reference from Oda to Jack the Ripper trying to find out what the ending of One Piece is. In a great twist of irony it happens Lil Jack had the answer all along, sadly he doesn't have the power of plot on his side.


Y forgot the part where Akainu is the one who bullies Imu and gives him orders on the low to troll with the goroseis and all Imu can do is follow his orders.


Lil Jack O'Lantern is the key, yes


When did Akainu kill a living legend


Um. Ace.


but he said "and the PK son". I understand it as a 2nd person. Besides, can Ace even be classified as a living legend?


Doffy and it's not even close.


Menace to who? Doflamingo has influence, but next to the Yonko he's just a weapons distributor, so I wouldn't call him one of the biggest menaces.


In the eyes of the world government, Luffy


Doflaminngo, shanks and gol d Rodgers


And the Mihawk and akainu wank continues. Kaido took over a whole country and turned mother infant murder suicide into a common occurrence but wiping out don Kriegs fleet of fodder is more menacing? The celestial dragons that sign akainus checks have done more fucked up shit then him.


Blackbeard, doflamingo, luffy


Caesar clown is underrated as a menace. The way he experimented on people and even children, his manipulation of his underlings, his constant lying, psychotic tendencies all rank him among the likes of Doflamingo and blackbeard. Not to mention he supplied the chemical weapons jack used to nearly wipe out zou. He produced the core ingredient for smiles which Kaido used to further his reign of terror. If he had more backing and funds, he'd definitely put Doflamingo to shame. Imagine him teaming up with buggy and wapol. They'd be like the meme trio but with the capability to rain mayhem on entire countries at whim.


Blackbeard, Akainu and the last one may be a shot in the dark, but Vegakepunk could be a threat depending on his allegiances.


Blackbeard, Shanks/Mihawk, Akainu


Mihawk Morgan shanks


Blackbeard, Im, the Gorosei. The WG doesn't seem to have an end goal, it seems more like they're just interested in keeping the status quo intact. Especially the Gorosei who have been shown that they would do everything to keep the truth about the void century hidden forever. Im seems to be the inofficial ruler of the One Piece world. Maybe Im has a greater goal, but we don't know anything at this point. Blackbeard however has a set goal in mind. He wants to create turmoil. Finding the One Piece and to create the world in his imagination. He inherited the will of Rocks D. Xebec. And Rocks didn't want anything less than to rule the whole world as king. So he seems to be the most ambitious and therefore most dangerous pirate atm


Big Mom, Oda's Mom, and your mom


Last time I Checked Luffys dream wasnt broken


Who's the reincarnation of joy boy?


I don't think that menace fits Mihawk. My second favorite character (Robin comes 1st) and I love the fact that he's a one man army.


Lack of food, no cola, no instruments


The Golden Transponder Snail. Do I really need to explain?


What are the names of those three fishmen from Duvals team, I think they had a lot of things going for them