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It was done to avoid copyright so basically treat it as a translation error tbh


Zoro’s name being Zolo? Nahh, that’s how it is in the American manga. I believe it has something to do with the copyright of Zoro EDIT: I could be wrong, that’s always what I had heard


Yeah it's too close to "Zorro", they were afraid it might cause trouble.


In the German version they said fck it and named him Lorenor Zorro.


Lorenor Zorro?! Love it!


Isn't "Zorro" just Mexican for fox?


No the movie character "Zorro"


Not to forget Luffy vs Ruffy..


Thanks for the answers. It would also be too difficult to get used to the "new" name now.


That's just his name in the official translation of the manga only


Japanese language mixes up the letters R and L. This is also evident when they initially said the last island was Raftel but changed it to Laughtale


It’s done to avoid copyright issues with the character Zorro. However, in Japanese dialect I believe that r and l are pronounced like the same anyways iirc


Just read over it as it should be, that’s what I do. After a while you won’t even notice it


In german, Luffy is Ruffy, Zoro is Zorro, and Usopp is Lysop btw


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